1) Get a tailored TOEFL Study Guide to help you finish the TOEFL so you can move on with your life. 2) For free, talk to Michael Buckhoff, who has more than 35 years of teaching experience. 3) Connect with Michael at Zoom during his regularly scheduled office hours: Mon-TH 11:30 to 12:50 p.m in California (GMT-7)

S.T.E.A.L.T.H., Our 7-Step System TOEFL Course

  • Join the online TOEFL course everyone is talking about.
  • Get your pronunciation, TPO speaking, and TPO writing practice tests evaluated for one LOW monthly price.
  • Have access to more than 1,700 TOEFL lessons to help you improve your vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

Choose among the following services based on your budget, your current TOEFL level, and how much time you have to prepare for the TOEFL exam:

TOEFL Speaking and Writing Feedback Service

Online TOEFL Courses

TOEFL Private Lessons

Please contact Michael Buckhoff if you are unsure which TOEFL study plan will work best for you.

Michael Buckhoff, mbuckhoff@aol.com

View his 31 years of teaching experience, and you will see why you are in good hands when you use his Online TOEFL Course “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT


“Hi Michael,

I retook the TOEFL iBT on 12th May and got the desired score – 116 (R30, L30, S26, W30). I thank you for all the speaking practice tests and comments that helped me boost my speaking score.


“Hey Michael,
I just got my TOEFL score – 113 overall, and I’m thrilled about it. (Writing/Reading – 29, Listening – 28, Speaking – 27). I want to thank you for your great tutoring – you really helped me a lot. I used your service for about a month, and that made all the difference – your input and guidance really helped me do all the right things. I think your service can help anyone at any level, since you make sure your students focus on what they require the most. So, once again, Thank you!

1,040 thoughts on “S.T.E.A.L.T.H., Our 7-Step System TOEFL Course”

  1. Hi Michael
    i am Abdulraheem . i was one of your students in your course 7 steps to pass TOEFL. i got confused for several lessons because the internet here is awful ( in yemen ). So could you please give me another way for practicing speaking and listening ? i am looking forward to seeing your answer dear teacher sooner.


  2. Hi,
    I took my TOEFL IBT and got a low score of 58.
    Can you please suggest me some plans and strategies to follow to get 90+.
    I am going to retake it within a month as I have very ample time.
    Thanks in advance Michael.
    Please send me a mail regarding to my quiry.

  3. Hi Michael,

    I am glad to inform you that I got a score of 109/120; reading-28, listening-27, SPEAKING -28 and writing-26. And, I believe that its your course that has led me to this score in just two months of preparations. This was my second attempt. In the first attempt I got 106, 23 in speaking.

    I wanted a score of atleast 26 in speaking, to have a physical therapy licence in USA. Most of my friends, who have already been preparing for licence exam, told me that it usually takes 4-5 attempts to reach a score of 26 in speaking section of TOEFL. But, I was lucky enough to have come across your course while doing some online surfing. And, that was the best decision that I took.

    For some of the readers who are still searching for some good online toefl preparation course, I wouldn’t give a second thought to refer ‘the 7 step system to pass the TOEFL ibt’ by Michael Buckoff. It is the best and the most affordable course that I came across and after starting my preparations, I never regretted my decision. Trust me guys, this is one of the most brilliantly designed course and you can’t find the kind of feedback that Michael gives, anywhere else. Comparing this with other courses, the first point I would mention is its cost. In just $38 a month you won’t get any teacher evaluate your responses and point out to specific mistakes in your answers. Yes, Michael does that. He evaluated one speaking response each day for me and pointed out the mistakes in terms of grammer, intonation, language use, sentence structure and organization. This helped me a lot to groom my overall english speaking as well as correct my mistakes in each of the speaking task. None of the other online courses would do that for you, unless you spent hundreds of dollars in one to one sessions. Besides that, the lessons mentioned in the pronunciation and speaking section of his course are simply amazing. We, the non-native english speakers are often confused what our mistakes were at the previous TOEFL attempt, despite being able to speak good english. His course was like an eye-opener to me. So, I don’t have any hesitation in saying that instead of going through the pain of failures and spending so much at each attempt, please try this course and you will see the results.

    Coming back to you Michael, I just can’t thank you enough for helping me achieve my aim. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude. I apologize for such a lengthy testimonial, but I can’t stop myself from praising your brilliant course and a wonderful teacher like you.


  4. if i want to get high score on independent writing section, is it important to care for word limit? i can write up to 250words only

  5. i have toefl score total 34
    and these are subtotal below
    these are my score i just remembered

  6. Junsuk,

    Yes, you can do that. If you don’t mind answering a couple of questions so I can give you meaningfully help, I will recommend a TOEFL study plan best suited to your needs:

    1. What is your current TOEFL score, including subtotals?

    2. What is the target score you want to get, including subtotals?

    If you can answer these two questions, I will have a better picture of your overall academic English language skills.



  7. i’m adding to this question once more
    if i am not familliar with note-taking for listening, is it okay if i read a script aloud daily?

  8. i’m adding to this question once more
    if i am not familliar with note-taking for listening, is it okay if i read a script aloud daily.

  9. thank you for last feedback
    then, i also have question about listening for toefl ibt
    what do i need to take notes during lecture
    so the conjuction word you mean is good for integrated section(such as speaking writng)

  10. Hi my name is junsuk in south korea
    let me check your confirmation about my question here is that if conjunctive phrases (such as however,whether if ,although) is in my memory,does it help me if i use those word when i take notes from the listening in the test center

  11. Hi Michael again

    I am Paulina from Ecuador. I wrote you a couple of weeks ago but I can´t find your comments about my expectations. I took the toefl IBT last year in july but I just got 54 points. Reading was 10, Listening 8, Writing and Speaking 17. As you can see I have serious problems with listening and reading. So I’m interested in buying your course the next month because now I only have debit card and it does not allow me to purchase your course from here Ecuador. I´m getting a credit card to have access to your program but I need your recommedantions. It could be possible that I obtain 20 points in each skill in 5 months? because I need to have that score for master degree in US.


  12. Aristides Gonzalez

    Hi Michael, my name is Aristides from venezuela, I want to prepare me, in order to take the toefl test in 11 month, I took several courses like Loscher and Open English, I want to be one yours student, but I have a problem with the payment, beacuse I do not have Dollars I have Bolivares, exist any way that I can to pay to you in this money?

    Best Regards.


  13. Dear all,
    I plan on taking the TOEFL ibt in next 6 months. My goal is to obtain the score of about 80. Could you please tell me what should I do right now in the case of my English is so bad.

  14. Hi Michael,

    I received mail to confirm and follow the post ( about list with 1700 toefl words), but when I pushed the button “join”,it has given me an error on page.

    Please, help me!

    Thank You!

  15. Hello,

    I am Bulgarian girl and I want to take TOEFL ibt exam until december 2013. But i have a big problem with my english skills at all. I finished an english preparation course B2 level, but I don`t have good vocabulary skills and it`s my first weakness. I have different textbooks for TOEFL, but I am so confuse how to learn all of this. I read everyting on Your site- http://www.michaelbuckhoff.com/page14.html, but i stil don`t know what to do to prepare fot TOEFL. I need to get 90 scores minimum. Please for help!

    Thank You very much!

    Best regards,

    Irina D.

  16. Hi MIke,

    I have read your ad with interest. In a nutshell, here are my thoughts, subject to approval of management. I wonder if we could collaborate.

    I am in China kick-starting a TOEFL program for International high school, first year students 15/16 years old and have two years to do TOEFL score, must get 90 upwards. Its a mixed bag, MARKETING ALL WRONG TAKE ANYONE JUST TO START, of 16 kids, 3 no chances, 8 that can and 5 that MAY depending on Foundation Course I have instigated for all for 4 months, = total revision. The school needs structure, grid program of steps (STEALTH) and results as they need to roll this out much bigger once in place.
    My colleague has resigned after 3 weeks, disgust at mess, a serious great teacher…..

    So, I was thinking of looking for a Chinese TOEFL component to team, they are good at that, using the minimum 3, 6, 9 month FOUNDATION course for different groups to spark structure, grammar, reading comprehension and listening, holistic/language acquisition backdrop/introducing TOEFL and SAT skills.

    Another option would be to work with someone like you, provided we guarantee the connections, get some started as holistic rolls towards January/Feb (8), I work as back up here around you (they also want more depth), I would be interested in your opinion and advise for the 170 hours, roughly have about 800 hours, maybe more over the two years as TOEFL and SAT could share same hours in start.

    What are your thoughts, is it a viable option for continuing o study it, can you deal with it? Time zone wise?

    Just exploring another way and would love to have expert on board!



    Please answer via email private to; torredefullola@gmail.com

    More ongoing business behind this one !

  17. Dear Michael,
    I took TOEFL IBT 2 years ago my reading was 19 listening-25 writing-18 speaking-20. I think I ve got serious problems with concentration in reading section and writing section especially with integrated writing. Based on this what advice can you give me?

  18. Hi Michael,

    I undertook my TOEFL IBT on May 12th. Thanks for the course lessons, they were very helpful. However, I forgot to unsubscribe to your course and automatically the paypal deducted $35 from my credit account. Is it possible to revert back my money. I am sorry about this inconvenience. Thanks!


  19. Dear Michael Buckhoff,
    at the first, i would like to thank for your really great hints over TOEFL ibt.
    To tell you the truth, i have to take TOEFL ibt as an emergency ASAP so i am planning to take it on the first week of June.As a matter of fact i have to get 100 or more on it and to your knowledge i got 81 in my first exam May 2008.So, i am wondering can you help me in the short time that i have and how ?
    I need urgent responses please.
    Toumaj Kohandel Gargari

  20. Mas,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUFEi8-Y0Qs




    Hi Michel…How are you?
    I did the tofel once with a self study for a week. I got 24 in reading, 25 in listning, 23 in speaking, and 20 in writing. I need to get 24 in each section to get my acceptance in the medical program. They told me that I should get this marks in my exam in 26 May. Otherwise, they will cancel my acceptance. so basically, I will loose my dream if I don’t get that mark. so please..please help me to achieve my dream

  21. Hi Michel…How are you?
    I did the tofel once with a self study for a week. I got 24 in reading, 25 in listning, 23 in speaking, and 20 in writing. I need to get 24 in each section to get my acceptance in the medical program. They told me that I should get this marks in my exam in 26 May. Otherwise, they will cancel my acceptance. so basically, I will loose my dream if I don’t get that mark. so please..please help me to achieve my dream

  22. M.K.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFo9gkbxK6A

    All the best to your high-scoring success!



    Hello Mr. Buckhoff,

    I am a foreign pharmacist and I need to pass TOEFL with these following scores at the same time.

    Listening: 18

    I took TOEFL test several times and my scores are changing in these following ranges:


    I have noticed that the most of the time I can not make a high score at integrated writing and reading section.

    I would appreciate if you can help me to get all these scores at the same time to pass the test. I registered my name on June 8 and I need your help to fill my gap.

    Thank you in advance,

  23. Z.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/zahraa-is-looking-for-a-toefl-course-to-improve-her-reading-score/7548/




    my weakness is in reading section and i really need to improve my score. I got 10 in the reading section which is really bad score and it is really low. Is it possible for me to get more than 20 in the raeding section in a short period of time. My next exam will be in the first of june.

    Thank You….

  24. Hi,,
    my weakness is in reading section and i really need to improve my score. I got 10 in the reading section which is really bad score and it is really low. Is it possible for me to get more than 20 in the raeding section in a short period of time. My next exam will be in the first of june.

    Thank You….

  25. M,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu6BWyomlIo

    Here is a link to a video showing your how my new writing service works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QL1gH-SE9w




    Hello Michael,

    I am Mrunalini. I took your TOEFL course a couple of months ago. I am stuck with reading and writing on the toefl ibt. In reading I get only 19 and on writing 22. On reading I am good at vocabulary and pronouns. My problem is with summary question, insertion question and inference questions. I did give my TOEFL couple of times, I am not able to understand where I am going wrong. On the writing I am able to do the independent task well. I am able to get 4.0/5.0 whereas on integrated task I am able to score only 2.5 to 3.5. I have been studying English all through my life. What should I do to improve my score. When I took your course I completed all the modules. What should I do next? Can you tell me some strategies on how to ace this exam.


  26. San,

    Thank you for contacting me. Click on the following link to get my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzdV-jhIu_g

    Here is a link to a video that will show you how I will correct all of your independent and integrated essays should you decide to use my additional service after signing up to my TOEFL course: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QL1gH-SE9w

    All the best to your high-scoring success,




    I am looking for Writing mentorship for my TOEFL. I have exam scheduled on June 8th . I have already appeared in the TOEFL exam couple of times.Please let me know how can you help me.


  27. GG,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6kidq6b28E

    Thanks, Michael

    Hi Michael,

    I have taken the toefl ibt 5 times. my reading improved from 15 to 21 in the last test. my listening is always between 20 and 22 which is ok. I got 24 in the 1st speaking then 23 in the rest of the exams. I got 22 then 24, 24 and finally 22 in the writing.
    I need to get R:21, L:18, S:26, and Wr:24
    please, I need your help to get these scores
    thank you very much

  28. S.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://youtu.be/U67DLJ7aEMU



    Hello Micheal

    recently I took my toefl exam and my scores are as follows.
    Reading 27
    writing 27
    listening 22
    speaking 23
    I need to get at least 26 in both listening and speaking sections to appear for my licensing exams. I prepared from barrons, kaplan, and ETS official guide. As per as the listening section is considered I did very well from these materials, even my speaking section is not that bad.But, I did not get good toefl scores from actual toefl, as I expected. I felt little bit difficulty in answering the listening section. My next toefl test date is on may 27th. Do you think I have enough time to practice, to get the required scores. Do you have any thing like crash course which suits for my situation. If you have any, How much I need to pay. Please let me know.
    thank you

  29. Emerson,

    Welcome! I am glad to have you on board as one of my online students. Here are my comments to you: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/congrats-on-your-amazing-job-helping-students-from-all-over-the-world-i-just-became-one-of-your-students-in-your-online-toefl-course/7522/




    Hi Michael,

    Congrats on your amazing job helping students from all over the world.
    Just became one of them.


    Emerson Souto

  30. Hello Micheal

    recently I took my toefl exam and my scores are as follows.
    Reading 27
    writing 27
    listening 22
    speaking 23
    I need to get at least 26 in both listening and speaking sections to appear for my licensing exams. I prepared from barrons, kaplan, and ETS official guide. As per as the listening section is considered I did very well from these materials, even my speaking section is not that bad.But, I did not get good toefl scores from actual toefl, as I expected. I felt little bit difficulty in answering the listening section. My next toefl test date is on may 27th. Do you think I have enough time to practice, to get the required scores. Do you have any thing like crash course which suits for my situation. If you have any, How much I need to pay. Please let me know.
    thank you

  31. Patricia,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/patricia-joins-a-toefl-course-to-improve-her-speaking/7520/

    I look forward to “hearing” from you soon as you complete your pronunciation and speaking practice tests.


    Thank you Michael

    I enrolled to your course because I need 26 to pass the speaking section of the Toefl IBT and 24 in writing.I took the exam several times already.I even had 26 in speaking last year,but didn’t pass the writing.
    Last month, I got 24 in speaking and writing .I did the test 2 weeks after and I got my results yesterday 22 in speaking and 25 in writing .I want to retake the exam in 2 weeks.I feel like I don’t have enough time to follow your steps from the beginning.Please I need you to tell me how to improve mainly my speaking.I want to focus more on the speaking section this week.
    I need you help.


  32. Ergin,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3D_gGfJZQ0


    I am E. from Turkey . I would like to ask you some questions about the TOEFL .

    First of all , I was awarded a scholarship to do my master’s degree and as you know I need to take the TOEFL to get an acceptance from the USA universities. I have been attending a TOEFL course for 4 months but I think , it is not an effective course
    to improve some skills such as reading , listening.

    Second , I will be in the USA in August and before arriving there I should choose the best ELS language center to attend . After surfing your site
    I saw , you were teaching in California State University . That is why I would like to ask you that if I choose your University , may I take a class from you or
    are you still giving TOEFL lectures there?
    Thank you in advance.
    Sincerely ,

  33. Dear Michael,

    I got 69 (R=17, S= 19, L=19, W = 14)on April 28, I will go to take new test on JUNE 17, 2012 Could you have any suggestion for me.


  34. Hello,
    I need 26 in my listening section. Do you have practice exams for listening in your course.. Please do let me know thank you so much..

  35. L,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WW9YVkWn74

    Thank you for contacting me!

    I would like to examine the TOEFL exam in order to obtain admission to the doctoral program, but my level is very weak in English and especially I would like to get a high mark in this test. Can you help me because I am very afraid of the next stage. Do you have a particular way to deal with the students that their level is very weak?
    Thank you

  36. Allan,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G86ws-IhYPQ

    Thank you for contacting me!



    Hi Michael,

    I am Brazilian and have studied hard in order to achieve the score to start PhD in Computer Science in Canada. I took the Toefl test on January 28th and achieved a low score of 55 (R = 10 L = 11, S = 14 W = 20). After that I realized that I should improve and work hard in order to improve my academic English background. After two and a half months I retook the Toefl on April 19th and achieve score of 74 (R = 18, L=16, S=18, W=22). I think that I could have achieved more than 18 in the reading section if I could manage my time better. In addition, in the listening section through the three first passages I could pick up the main ideas and details, however after third passage I felt tired and the passages were becoming more unclear for me.
    My goal now is to achieve at least 90, I think that if I put this goal in my mind it is more easy to reach 80. I have watched your videos and I think that your system could help me. Based on the last score what advice could you give me? I would like to reach this score in a period of three months.

    Thank you,



  37. A,

    Here are my comments to you:



    I just took the TOEFL test on 20 of April 2012, and my score is 93.
    Thank you so much for all help and for the wonderful website.
    Have a great day!!

  38. Hi Michael,

    I am Brazilian and have studied hard in order to achieve the score to start PhD in Computer Science in Canada. I took the Toefl test on January 28th and achieved a low score of 55 (R = 10 L = 11, S = 14 W = 20). After that I realized that I should improve and work hard in order to improve my academic English background. After two and a half months I retook the Toefl on April 19th and achieve score of 74 (R = 18, L=16, S=18, W=22). I think that I could have achieved more than 18 in the reading section if I could manage my time better. In addition, in the listening section through the three first passages I could pick up the main ideas and details, however after third passage I felt tired and the passages were becoming more unclear for me.
    My goal now is to achieve at least 90, I think that if I put this goal in my mind it is more easy to reach 80. I have watched your videos and I think that your system could help me. Based on the last score what advice could you give me? I would like to reach this score in a period of three months.

    Thank you,



  39. N,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwjbUb0vCqg




    Unfortunately I couldn’t study so regularly as I thought I would, but I decided not to transpose my first TOEFL exam to any other date, because I wanted to test myself and see how the test works in reality.

    I took a few TOEFL examples at home before the test and I found out that some of them were quite easy, but others were not. Usually I didn’t have so many problems at reading and listening section but as you cannot score yourself on other two parts it’s difficult to say what your scores in reality would be. I had a feeling that my biggest problem would be speaking section as I practice speaking the least (once a month or less) and also because I’m still not confident in my English when I speak with native or fluent speaker. I was also a little bit concerned about the duration of the whole test, especially about the speaking section as the preparation time is very short.

    So after taking the test I had quite a good feeling, I completed all answers and tasks, all the topics were also quite familiar to me. I was a little bit nervous at the beginning and at the speaking section but otherwise not so much, as I decided to take the test more like a practice than a real exam.

    My expectations before test were that I would score maximum 80 in total. On reading section maximum 22 points, listening 22 points, speaking 18 points and writing maximum 18 points.

    Just today I get my results and I am very excited about results! 🙂 I needed 88 points (22 per each section), so according to my results only writing section is below.

    R= 26, L = 22, S = 22, and W = 21 Total = 91.

    I’m at the first of your steps now and will go to pronunciations step in next days as I think that I don’t have so many problems with the vocabulary. Do you have any special suggestions for me?



  40. D,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLTMblRJA_0




    Hi Michael,

    I need 100 points at the TOEFL Ibt to enter in a master course in Belgium. At my first test, in november last year, my scores were Reading 14, Listening 17, Speaking 20 and Writing 18, total 69. I keep on studying and I’m planning to do a second test next august. Do you believe will be enough time? I’ll appreciate if you could give some orientation.

    Kind regards,


  41. Ali,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woxOWWnm200




    hello professor, i need also your website that i can practice test or mini-test in reading and listening section because i did bad in these section in the official test. i am a graduate student and i need at least 79 over 120 in order to be admitted at any university in the united state. The main problem in the reading section is the questions that have specific details. Also, i always have a problem with time. i can not understand the main idea and complete all the questions (14) in 20 minutes. i need couple more minutes to get the main idea. in the listening section, i can not understand the main idea from one time. at home when i repeated the listening twice, i can answer most of the questions correctly. i don’t know if you can help me because believe me the test is so hard. I got like 69. Do i can get 79 three month later or no?. sometimes i feel that the TOEFL ibt test is for genius people and not for ordinary people.You know there are many difficulties in this test such
    as unfamiliar topics, complex structures, short time. Also, the person who are taken the test should have higher concentration in order to fill must of the question in the correct way. thank you for reading my letter and i hope that you can help me.

  42. Hi Michael,

    I need 100 points at the TOEFL Ibt to enter in a master course in Belgium. At my first test, in november last year, my scores were Reading 14, Listening 17, Speaking 20 and Writing 18, total 69. I keep on studying and I’m planning to do a second test next august. Do you believe will be enough time? I’ll appreciate if you could give some orientation.

    Kind regards,


  43. hello professor, i need also your website that i can practice test or mini-test in reading and listening section because i did bad in these section in the official test. i am a graduate student and i need at least 79 over 120 in order to be admitted at any university in the united state. The main problem in the reading section is the questions that have specific details. Also, i always have a problem with time. i can not understand the main idea and complete all the questions (14) in 20 minutes. i need couple more minutes to get the main idea. in the listening section, i can not understand the main idea from one time. at home when i repeated the listening twice, i can answer most of the questions correctly. i don’t know if you can help me because believe me the test is so hard. I got like 69. Do i can get 79 three month later or no?. sometimes i feel that the TOEFL ibt test is for genius people and not for ordinary people.You know there are many difficulties in this test such as unfamiliar topics, complex structures, short time. Also, the person who are taken the test should have higher concentration in order to fill must of the question in the correct way. thank you for reading my letter and i hope that you can help me.

  44. Sultan,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn5xNex_2LM




    Good day,

    I’m sultan from Saudi Arabia.
    I’m looking toward studying mechanical engineering at North Dakota University(NDU).

    And one of NDU’s requirement is high score in TOEFL at least 525/600.
    For your information, now I’m studying English language at EnglishTown Online School http://www.englishtown.com to improve my language and my level is elementary.:)

    My questions are:

    1/ one of englishtown’s teachers said to me no need to study toefl just learn English then do practice just to know how is it(questions method). Is that right?

    2/ Do you have plane for who is like my as mention above? What is it?

    The best regards,

  45. S,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JlQkSqgkNY




    Hi Micheal,

    Thanks for your response.

    I read your website, and felt very interesting…

    This test is very important to me and I am desprate to score more than 100. My challenge at present is reading and listening as you can see from my score…

    Couple of clarifications that I need to understand…

    1. Will I be able to improve my score upto 50 with reading and listening with your lessons?
    2. Do you provide any tips and tricks that will help me to improve my score.
    3. Do you charge as a whole for the entire package tutorial or there are separate fees for reading and listening only?
    4. How much do you think I can score with your lessons? any confidence level so that I’ll be on the edge of the preparation…

    Please advice.


  46. My toefl scores are Reading=13, Listening=14, Speaking=25, Writing=26.

    My toefl exam is on April 27th this month. Is it possible to get some lessons on only reading and listening. Please help.


  47. Anastasia,

    I can help you increase your writing score to 24 points, but it could take up to three months, and that is assuming that you are willing to work hard by completing all practice tests and studying all recommended lessons in my TOEFL course.

    Congratulations on your excellent speaking score. Almost every student in the world would love to have your speaking score.


    Good afternoon!
    I have TOEFL IBT in 16 days – 27th of April. I really need to improve my writing skills. Last time i had 26 in Speaking, 20 in writing, 13 in reading and 25 in listening.

    Is it possible in such a short period of time?


  48. Good afternoon!
    I have TOEFL IBT in 16 days – 27th of April. I really need to improve my writing skills. Last time i had 26 in Speaking, 20 in writing, 13 in reading and 25 in listening.

    Is it possible in such a short period of time?


  49. Hi Michael,

    I received my TOEFL score and I got 2 in reading and 7 listening. However, I got 17 in speaking and 20 in writing. So, what I have to do to improve my skills in reading and listening to pass the TOEFL test. My next TOEFL date is a month. I need your help please.URG.



  50. Hello Michael,

    I got 99 in toefl. Reading- 24 , listening -24
    Speaking – 26
    Writing – 25.
    Thank you very much for your great support. Your 7 step system is very helpful.
    I recommend it for everyone who is looking for genuine support for TOEFL test.
    Thanks again,

    Roshni Patel

  51. Jos,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FO0I4e3YX0




    Hi I need improve my score in toefl from 74 to 92 but I only have two months… do you think is that possible?
    this are my indepentient score: Reading 17, listening 18, Speaking 19, Writing 20.


  52. Hi I need improve my score in toefl from 74 to 92 but I only have two months… do you think is that possible?
    this are my indepentient score: Reading 17, listening 18, Speaking 19, Writing 20.


  53. Patel!

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuyGZC8vGZA

    Great score from a great student!



    Hello Michael,

    I got 99 in toefl: Reading/listening – 24, Speaking – 26, Writing – 25. Thank you very much for your great support. Your 7 step system is very helpful.

    Thanks again,


  54. Katia,

    You are welcome! Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKuFsQ_a0gI


    Hi Michael,

    I took the Toefl on march 23rd, and I got Reading:30, Listening: 29, Speaking: 24 and Writing: 29. I’m amazed by my results!! I needed 23 in speaking for a masters admission, and in 1 month I raised 2 points in the speaking section. I must admit that I couldn’t follow exactly the directions you gave me, but I’m sure that I would have got a 26 if I had. Your guidance have been invaluable!!

    Thank you very much for your help!! The results are really amazing!

  55. Hi Michael,

    I took the Toefl on march 23rd, and I got Reading:30, Listening: 29, Speaking: 24 and Writing: 29. I’m amazed by my results!! I needed 23 in speaking for a masters admission, and in 1 month I raised 2 points in the speaking section. I must admit that I couldn’t follow exactly the directions you gave me, but I’m sure that I would have got a 26 if I had. Your guidance have been invaluable!!

    Thank you very much for your help!! The results are really amazing!

  56. S.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfoK7CEAODI



    Hi Micheal,

    I’m working on the writing independent section.I didn’t find a link on how to create a shopping list for ideas i.e, the three main ideas for the essay.Can you suggest me how to create ideas for essays?


  57. G,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdnc4SP_wjQ



    HI Michael….hope you are doing well. I really have problems to catch up the main idea both from the listening and reading, especially in listening. My problem is that i can not buy this package because i do not have an account in here( kenya) and my credit card is not visa, it just work here and in my country. please help me, give me some tips or send me your skype. i beg, i really need your help. thanks

  58. R N,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtKRfo86i7A



    I have registered in your website yesterday and I’m going to take an IBT exam in April 20th. My English level is intermediate and I could get 470 score from PBT test 6 months ago.
    I would be appreciated if you help me to get scores of 16 and 13 for Speaking and Writing skills. I have not problem on the other skills.

    Many thanks for your helping.

  59. Dear Michael,

    I have registered in your website yesterday and I’m going to take an IBT exam in April 20th. My English level is intermediate and I could get 470 score from PBT test 6 months ago.
    I would be appreciated if you help me to get scores of 16 and 13 for Speaking and Writing skills. I have not problem on the other skills.

    Many thanks for your helping.

  60. A.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QXP1WEj3us




    Dear Michael

    Hope you well. Is it possible that i can get tutoring in only 2 sections reading and listening. How much do you charge for 4 sections? I am writing my toefl test in April 14, 2012.


  61. A.M.,

    Here are my video comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v-Y6K8iXXo

    Keep up the good work!


    hi michael,i need your help as i need to get 100 to apply dental schools.I have the current score of 84.At present i am doing some reading work by reading some novels onlineIs it possible to get 100 with in one month as i am planning to take the test on april 14.If it is please tell me how and where to start ,also please provide me a strategic preparation schedule for this month .I hope u will help me as deadlines for dental schools are approaching nearer .

  62. K,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hWyPrw3tug

    Also, click on this link to learn how to make a payment if you do not have Pay Pal: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/FAQs-about-the-7-Step-System-to-Pass-the-TOEFL-iBT.pdf

    Thank you for contacting me!



    Hi Michael,

    I have heard about your fantastic program for Toefl preparation (S.T.E.A.L.T). Really I need such training specially for Writing and Speaking. Actually I would like you to concentrate on my Writing and Speaking skills for Toefl exam.

    The first issue I have now that I am from Egypt and I have no PayPal account, also It is forbidden for my country as far as I know. so Please send me details how can I send you the payment to create account for me.

    The second thing I would like to know from you, How much writing speaking questions I can perform in a day inside your program?

    Also how long you will take to send me the corrections of the writing and speaking questions after I submit my answers?

    Thank you very much and I hope I can find value from your program in enhancing my speaking and writing skills for Toelf exam.

    Best Regards,

  63. Dear Michle,
    I hope this e-mail will find you in a good conditions, I would like to ask you some questions about TOEFL exam, I took TOEFL two times and I got the same score, the first time was in September, 2011, and I got 63 ( Reading:12, Listening:15,Speaking:18,writing:18), the second time was in February, 2012, and I got also 63! ( Reading:16, Listening:17,Speaking:15,writing:15), now I got a conditional admission from a University in Canada to complete PhD in Statistics, how much time I need to have 80 in TOEFL iBT?,
    waiting your response,


  64. N.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVhMVvH5Cak


    Dear Mr. Buckhoff.

    My name is N. and I just subscribed for your 7 steps system.

    I found your web page accidentally, when I was searching for TOEFL tips, literature, effective and not expensive online courses etc.

    I already reviewed your web page, some of your videos, learning tips and your 7 step system description to see how your course works. I also downloaded your free TOEFL vocabulary and get through.

    I decided to join your study guide because other courses were far too expensive for my budget and were not focusing on so many fields as your course (like pronunciation for example).

    I hope that you could help me to reach my goal, which is to get at least 88 points (22 per each section) on TOEFL ibt.

    I will have my first exam on 20th of April, which is quite soon, but I hope that if not achieving my magic 88 points I would come at least close to that and improve some of my weaknesses.

    I suppose that I can start as soon as my account will be activated. I payed from pay pal e-mail address.



  65. C.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xHIRTky3n0




    Hi sir,

    This is Chan from korea. I am supposed to appear for TOEFL exam on 14th of the next month. I am very upset because i already took the TOEFL exam and unfortunately got 60. I do not know what happened with my skill. I was very confident on test day but failed to secure the desired marks. This is my last chance to submit my result to the institution, on which i got conditional admission. Help me please, i need just 85 score. I am fulltime researcher and could not even afford high-priced tutorials. My previous score was like this.

    S=14 W=23 L,R=12

    I am anxiously waiting for your positive response.



  66. S.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHt9gmevCU4




    Hi Micheal,

    I’m glad that I came across your website and saw lot of students benefited by you.I also want to be one of them.Most of the universities require above 80.I’m really worried writing section and I think I can manage other sections.I gave one attempt and I got 72.I got 14 marks in that section.I want at least 20 marks.

    My toefl date is near by that is on April 20.Can I subscribe for only writing section for one month?


  67. Hi Micheal,

    I’m glad that I came across your website and saw lot of students benefited by you.I also want to be one of them.Most of the universities require above 80.I’m really worried writing section and I think I can manage other sections.I gave one attempt and I got 72.I got 14 marks in that section.I want at least 20 marks.

    My toefl date is near by that is on April 20.Can I subscribe for only writing section for one month?


  68. R.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd7yJEOPuQw




    I need a real high score on TOEFL iBT and here’s why:

    I want to get a Master in Finance Degree in the USA and of course I want to get the best from the US education so I have a kind of big plans.
    The application deadline is December, 1 so I have to pass TOEFL in, probably, the second decade of October because I want to make sure my test will have been scored and delivered to the University of my dream by the end of November 🙂
    Due to my big plans and a lack of tons of money to pay for one of the TOP University I want to get a scholarsip which will cover a part of the fee. Thus my goal is about 115 points on TOEFL. The feeling of having a very difficult aim motivates and inspires me because once I announced my goal, I want to make a creditable showing.
    I haven’t passed TOEFL before but I had an actual test from BARRON’S book by mysefl. I compared my R and L answer with the keys and here’ the split: R25, L25. I had no opportunity to score myself the Speaking and Writing but my ex-school teacher scored me: Wriring 3.0, Speaking 1.5. => my score is about 81 pts.

    I just needed a guide who could direct my energy and now I hope that you can help me. I am going to find a lot of time for the preparation and proceed faster than an average student, this is possible, isn’t it? Do you think, is it a real goal to get so high score? Can you say approximately how are we going to use almost 7 months to make me prepared for TOEFL iBT?

    Thank you for your time.

  69. Kenny,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co5q_wgmH3s



    Hi Michael,
    Im having my third toefl test in April 15th. I had 74 and 75 last year. I had English classes from march to june in 2011. And than, I started again now in March. I would like to have a great grade in this TOEFL that I am going to have, I would like to know how can you help me to improve my skills in all the 4 parts.

    Thank you

  70. Kenny Vasconcelos

    Hi Michael,
    Im having my third toefl test in April 15th. I had 74 and 75 last year. I had English classes from march to june in 2011. And than, I started again now in March. I would like to have a great grade in this TOEFL that I am going to have, I would like to know how can you help me to improve my skills in all the 4 parts.

    Thank you

  71. Maria,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIIFo40rzL0



    I like to know if your course will help me to read better and my pronunciation
    i have a stron accent Im mexican and every body makes fun of me, i like to improbe
    and have a better conversation with people, will this help me please let me knos

  72. Hi
    I like to know if your course will help me to read better and my pronunciation
    i have a stron accent Im mexican and every body makes fun of me, i like to improbe
    and have a better conversation with people, will this help me please let me knos

  73. S.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMQxlXjI0EY


    hey i am in india…..i want to get good scoring in gre to study my m.s at usa…but i am an average student im my studies and also poor in english but now i am preparing a lot in english by going to spoken english etc..,then how can i get good marks in gre?

  74. N.S.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxtZlVVffX0



    dear michael,

    I was searching the internet for improving my toefl score and I found your videos which made me really excited about your way of teaching. Up to now, I only took the toefl ibt test for once and my scores were 23, lis 20, spe 22 and wr 21 (total 86). I live in Turkey and I’m a military officer. I’m plannig to make my postgraduate education in US. In order to do that, I need to get at least 110 from toefl. I’m sure that I can get better scores but I need someone who is really professional to prepare me for the test in the shortest time. So,If I subscribe to your courses, will it be possible for me to get 110 from toefl ibt ?


  75. hi michael
    I’m from Thailand and I’m very week in english ,I’m afraid that if i apply for 7 step system that i can’t understand
    and can you suggest me to improve my english….pls thank you very much

  76. Tram,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvGifsytWbU




    Dear professor Michael,
    I am very impressed on your website with many students who passed TOEFL over 100. I have strugled with TOEFL for many years in order to apply for the graduate school in the U.S.

    How to improve my TOEFL scores?


  77. M.R.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZCZMrKY7bw



    hi michael
    I want to buy your STEALH program for 1 or 2 month ,because I am going to take the TOEFL exam on 20th 121` April.But when I go to pay ,it is 35$ each month.So my query is,can I buy it for a month?Please help me out.

  78. Vladmmir,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN5KGcghybk



    Hi Michael!

    I am going to have a TOEFL test in April 16

    So, i do not have much time to prepare.

    My weakest part is writing. According to this could you please give an instructions for preparing for this section. Sorry for taking your time and sorry for my grammar.

  79. hi
    I am sending you email for my first independing writing test and it says failure delivery as recipent do not accept you.
    I triend emailing you 8 times which took same time as writing one independent essay.
    please let me know if i am doing some thing wrong.I am emailing you at mbuckhoof@aol.com
    to let you know that you can evaluate my essay
    please reply soon.

  80. J.K.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWKrrr1WQBk


    Dear Michael,

    have seen some of your videos on youtube, good work I must say 🙂

    Michael, I am taking the TOEFL Ibt Test on Friday the 23rd. and have dedicated the next week to prepare myself for the this test. Full-time basis.

    Basically, before making a subscription on your programme, I would just like to know if I have time enough to get feedback from you on my performances?
    It is my plan to start right away, and to do a lot of excercises to send to you. Will I benefit from it, or is it too late?

    Looking forward hearing from you.

    Best from
    J. M.
    Copenhagen, Denmark

  81. Luis,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohPiVfa86SI




    Hi Micheal!

    Im glad I improved my score by 20 more points from 67 to 87 , I want to mention that when I had my first exam and I received my score I didnt know what to do, I was in shock and I thought what I am going to do? Then I joined your program and I heard everyone was saying that to do well in the ToeflIbt , we just have to follow your instructions and thats what I did and now I see the results after 4 months of intense work, another true thing is that you dont have to travel so far to get a training, you just have to joing the 7step system and thats it! Thanks Micheal! and as you always say: Ill keep on the good work! Probably my next target will be 100 points which I thought it was impossible before , but is not true , the truth is how far you can see and who is coaching you! Have a good one!


  82. hi
    i just did payment,so how do I login to acess the lessons.
    please reply soon.
    Is there a different username and password which you will provide.

  83. A,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkIhUA_LJ08




    Hello, Michael
    I just find out your website today and I have some questions for you.
    I want to improve my writing still because I only made 15/30 when I took TOEFL last year.
    I want to know how fast will you review my essay and give me the feedback on video?
    Since I only have 14 days left, I want to write about 3 essays a day so do you think I should be your student since I only have a little amount of time?
    Thank you for your time.
    Please get back with me if you can

  84. N,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Esj7qs08Uo


    Dear Michael;

    I fond the content of your course very interesting to pass the TOEFL ibt with good scores.
    I have passed it twice, one with 85 and the other with 86. I would like to improve this scores. I just have one month more for the test so I would like at least your advices and corrections in my writing and speaking sections. These two parts are the ones that I have more troubles with.

    I would like to know if there is not a problem to be with you just one month as I’ve seen you
    have settled automatic payments each month. Please let me know I already paid one month.

    Thank you very much=

  85. E.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siwHhIarqaw



    hi Michael;
    ı write from Turkey
    ı need your helping about listening section
    ı can completely understand individually words which is spoken by anyone
    but ı can not entegreted one another and so that’s why ı can not gathering cluase meaning in my brain and you know ı can understand %55-60 of cluase meaning but ı can not especially ensure the integrity of the meaning
    how can ı deal with my problem ?
    and what kind of solition does 7 Step System has ?

  86. hi Michael;
    ı write from Turkey
    ı need your helping about listening section
    ı can completely understand individually words which is spoken by anyone
    but ı can not entegreted one another and so that’s why ı can not gathering cluase meaning in my brain and you know ı can understand %55-60 of cluase meaning but ı can not especially ensure the integrity of the meaning
    how can ı deal with my problem ?
    and what kind of solition does 7 Step System has ?

  87. F. O.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_3s2UypTgQ




    Hi Mr Buckhoff,

    My name is F.O. I am from Benin (A french-speaking country in West Africa near Nigeria). I have visited your website bettertoeflscores.com and I am very interested in your 7 step system. I would like to be your student but I don’t have credit card. How can I do to subscribe to your 7 step system to pass TOEFL IBT? I look forward to your prompt reply.
    F. O.

  88. Narmina_z@live.ru

    Hello. Please help me I have toefl ibt exam next week. I need to score at least 100 on my exam. First time I scored 55 which is really low.

    Please help!!!!!

  89. hi Michael

    I just subscribed 3/6/12. Could you please send me password and login information.


  90. M.A.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR60mJAbb8o



    Dear sir,
    I am very grateful to send me email. I need PBT materials because I have PBT test. please if you do not mind give me the addresses that i can get PBT materials and i need listening materials more.

    Thank you,

  91. hı micheal…
    does 7 Step System TOEFL Study Guide only related writing and speaking section ?

  92. P,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9T0bwpdE54




    I am an Indian and living in US these days. Its been 6 months to be here.Recently in US, I gave my gre exam and scored only 143/200 in verbal section which is very low to get admission in the top us universities. Now i am planning to give a toefl. I recognize that I am so weak in each section of toefl. Indeed, I have only 2 months to prepare and i really wanna score high (atleast 105). Is it possible to get a good score, if i’ll work hard and join your 7 step system.


  93. Hey

    I am an Indian and living in US these days. Its been 6 months to be here.Recently in US, I gave my gre exam and scored only 143/200 in verbal section which is very low to get admission in the top us universities. Now i am planning to give a toefl. I recognize that I am so weak in each section of toefl. Indeed, I have only 2 months to prepare and i really wanna score high (atleast 105). Is it possible to get a good score, if i’ll work hard and join your 7 step system.


  94. L,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kANgQm_MEuc



    I really want help, actually feed up with toefl
    I gave toefl 4 times to get 26 in speaking and 24 in writting
    but I always got 24 in speaking and 20 in writing, even my reading scores keeps
    swinging that is I got 21 two times and 17 two times. so what should I do to improve
    and what do you think how long I should subscribe 7 steps to get done with it.
    Even I would like to say that I did one of the online classes for speaking and writing but did not helped me.please reply soon

  95. HI
    I really want help, actually feed up with toefl
    I gave toefl 4 times to get 26 in speaking and 24 in writting
    but I always got 24 in speaking and 20 in writing, even my reading scores keeps
    swinging that is I got 21 two times and 17 two times. so what should I do to improve
    and what do you think how long I should subscribe 7 steps to get done with it.
    Even I would like to say that I did one of the online classes for speaking and writing but did not helped me.please reply soon

  96. C.J.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRh4xHs0RBs




    Dear Michael.

    I am C. J. and I need to improve my english level I did the TOEFL iBT in Frebuary 12 in this year and I got this score
    reading 13
    listening 8
    writting 14
    speaking 17
    total 52

    But I really need to improve it and to get at least 80, do you think, if is it possible in a short time? and my second question… can i pay with my visa credit card even i don’t have pay pal??

    I hope good news
    and thank you for your time

  97. S.J.

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MXwgAynNZs




    Dear Michael,

    Thank you for this nice information. I have gone through your website and it is really very useful for taking preparation of TOEFL. But my situation is little bit different and tough also. Because without any pre-plan, suddenly I am going to face the test as I don’t have any other option to delay and I got only 10 days from registration to the day of test for preparation and this 4th is my test date. So within this short period of time it becomes very tough to prepare all the sections. Although I trying my best for it.



  98. **********,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7e2AbCMRdw



    In a message dated 2/27/2012 7:21:07 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, bajoolivia@yahoo.com writes:
    hi Sir, this is *******, i took the TOEFL last February 17, unluckily i did not got the score i need. R:19, L:13,W:21 & Speaking:24 = 77. I need 89 which is a prerequisite for my National PT Exam. It was a weak attempt though, but i am planning to still continue my review in your course because i found it very helpful. You are right, i really need to improve my intonation and up-size my vocabulary more. I also took the test last August last yr with a total of 66. I will do unrelenting struggle to study Sir because i really need to pass the exam soon. Thank u & more power! I will be very glad to hear from you about your insights and advice for me.

  99. S$@h,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-fRtlwIPNs



    Hi Mr Buckhoff

    I stay in Belgium and i have given the toefl test already one time i didn’t get as good as expected can you please tell me the best way.
    I atleast want around 100/120


  100. Ravi,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLOySf4DmEo



    Hi Michael

    Thanks for your response.

    Actually it is my first thought process to appear for the toefl ibt.

    I never had a previous score to assess my ability.

    What do you suggest? Do I enroll in your programme and start right away or do you need to know where I can fit in to your course.

  101. Hello Michael,

    I am the biggest fan of your blogs ………………….since many years i am following your blogs Michael. recently i joined a online course TOEFL vocabulary here you can say i need not have to spend lot of times in additions.I Test You is a revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Education System for adaptive learning. This web link is meant for all, whether one is already A+ student or just want to become, the best part f the deal would be practicing online with us is more fun than ever! They also cover certain courses MATH WORKSHEETS, SAT & TOEFL VOCABULARY, FOREIGN LANGUAGES.
    TOEFL vocabulary

  102. hey i discovered your link…… i liked your links and blogs of yours… Recently I discovered web link of itestyou.Com which really supported me allot for MATH WORKSHEETS, SAT & TOEFL VOCABULARY, FOREIGN LANGUAGES, they are holding with amazing services of the trainings and I am satisfied with their services. I future if I have any kind of doubts I would clear them online & take the help of itestyou.com without any hesitations. It produced the excellent answer. I would suggest all A to D grade students and professionals to have a check on it, its gone help you allot.
    TOEFL vocabulary

  103. K,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1bJbUuwDBA



    Hi Michael,

    I would like to join your classes. I just took TOEFL IBT and I got 106 overall score (29 listening, 28 writing, 27 reading and 22 speaking), but my problem is that I have a conditional offer from a master in Manchester, and I need at least 23 in speaking. This is the second time I take the TOEFL, and I raised 2 points the overall score, but I got 22 in speaking again!

    I hope you can help me and tell me how can I join the classes.

    Greetings from Mexico!

  104. V.S.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GienKkFEWLQ



    In a message dated 2/23/2012 7:39:45 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, vishal_sharda@yahoo.com writes:
    Hi Michael,

    I want some information about your S.T.E.A.L.T.H. 7-step guide. I appeared for the first time in the test on 11th Feb and scored 108 (R30, L29, S20, W29). I am a 29-year old MBA applicant from Bangalore, India, and this score is sub-par compared to the average scores of my peers at top US business schools that I am targeting. My main weakness has come out to be speaking section and hence I want to practice comprehensively for next 2 months. I am planning to retake the test in late April or early May.

    My target score is 115+ with at least 26 in Speaking (and other sections).

    Please inform me details about how this course can help me achieve the target. I would also like to know the average no. of hours to put in per day and whether the course can be tailor-made to suit my requirements e.g. special focus on speaking, etc.

    V. S.

  105. Hi again Michael,

    I already subscribed!! Forgot to tell that I’ll take the toefl again on march 23rd. I saw the videos and I really liked them…

    Thanks again!

  106. Hi Michael,

    I would like to join your classes. I just took TOEFL IBT and I got 106 overall score (29 listening, 28 writing, 27 reading and 22 speaking), but my problem is that I have a conditional offer from a master in Manchester, and I need at least 23 in speaking. This is the second time I take the TOEFL, and I raised 2 points the overall score, but I got 22 in speaking again!

    I hope you can help me and tell me how can I join the classes.

    Greetings from Mexico!

  107. Sushma,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjVqOAX6H2k



    Hello, Mr. Michael,

    Iam Sushma, I attempted TOEFL 4 times. I got good scores but I could nt get 24 in writing section. I got 22 in all 4 attempts, I am wondering how it can be the same number all the times. This time I subscribed 7 step. I am planning to give exam in 2 weeks. Hope it will help me in getting 24 in writing.

    Thank you,

  108. Anastacia,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq0yuDstz0s




    Dear Michael

    Hope you are well. I am Anastacia Makati of Maun, Botswana in Africa. I will be writing my toefl exam on the 9 March 2012. I need your help urgently. I came across your videos on you tube today and i realized that they are very useful especially for the writing section, which i have problems with especially the integrated part.

    Kindly find attached essays i wrote and send me feedback if you can find time.

    Hope to hear from you


  109. Yesenia,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otJ0cKw-zs4




    Well, this is my exam results:
    Reading 19
    Listening 17
    Speaking 23
    Writing 24

    However, I am supposed to get these passing scores:
    Reading 21
    Listening 18
    Speaking 26
    Writing 24
    The area that need more care is speaking because of my
    pronunciation, stress, intonation, and nervousness. With Reading
    and listening, I feel more confident to improve.



  110. Ravi,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV2Co_yNG8w

    Thank you for contacting me!



    Hi Micheal

    I visited your website and found interesting.
    I am planning to prepare Toefl Ibt to get a licesne to practice as a pharmacist in US.
    The score requirement is as follows:

    Reading: 21
    Listening: 18
    Writing: 24

    Please answer me to the following questions:

    1. Do you take any exam to know my ability to get above mentioned score?
    2. Howmany hours of study/practice is required to achieve the score?
    3. Can you send the course model as an attachment?

    Your immediate response is highly appreciated.

    Thanks and regards


    Thanks and regards


  111. Yesenio,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMD8NoHEetU

    I did TOEFL exam last Saturday. As soon as I
    get the results, I will let you know my score.
    I think I took advantage of all the sections in
    S.T.E.A.L.T.H. program except in speaking section
    I had trouble submitting my recording.

    Thank you

    Yesenia Pulido

  112. Francisco Largaespada

    Hello Michael! I have scored 105 (R27, L29, S24, W25). Do you think is a good outcome? Actually, this was the first time I took the test and I got prepared by myself, it was a bit hard; too bad I didn’t find your program before! But I am going to tell my friends about it, they are looking formward to take the test soon.

  113. Hi Michael,

    I took iBT TOEFL October 2011 and my scores were

    Reading 19
    Listening 19
    Speaking 17
    Writing 24
    Total 80

    As my purpose is to pursue a PhD in one of the top US schools, I need to improve my score to at least 100. Is this possible with your product? And how long and how hard I shall work in order to obtain such score improvement? I am in a little hurry, targeting next Fall 2012 as my PhD start date. I already applied to 9 schools and awaiting decisions; however, some of these schools did not accept my scores, and asked me to retake the exam.

    Your advice is very much appreciated. Thank you so much.


  114. Zoe,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DRV138IapA



    Dear Michael

    I visited your websit and some of your video lessons on youtube.They’re helpful.Thank you for them.
    I took the toefl-ibt on 3rd/Dec/2011 in Ontario-Canada. The total score was91( lis:26,read:25,writ:20,spe:22) . I need to improve my writing and speaking score. I would like to ask how i can start with your peogram? Is it possible to focus just on speaking and writing? If yes, please let me know how does the sessions work?

    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration

  115. Hadir,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR0Ocm-M0Ts



    heloo michael…this is Hadir , i purshesed your lessons few months ago but i did not use them and i’m starting to use them now. am i still to be one of your students and you would be able to correct my writing an speaking answers. i was wondering how would we work that out. tell me if there is an extra charge for grading assignments.



  116. Waltz,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veYGNPWdeGM



    Hello, Micheal


    I’m preparing for the toefl-ibt test but I have not much time left (about 1mouth). My problems are,I don’t know my current english’s level and I never have talked to someone in english, although I am always talking to myself like a mad guy. I need 80 point

    Would your english lesson be able to help me?


    Best regard

  117. Hello, Micheal

    I’m preparing for the toefl-ibt test but I have not much time left (about 1mouth). My problems are,I don’t know my current english’s level and I never have talked to someone in english, although I am always talking to myself like a mad guy. I need 80 point

    Would your english lesson be able to help me?


    Best regard

  118. Hey Michael,
    I just got my TOEFL score – 113 overall, and I’m thrilled about it. (Writing/Reading – 29, Listening – 28, Speaking – 27).
    I want to thank you for your great tutoring – you really helped me a lot.
    I used your service for about a month, and that made all the difference – your input and guidance really helped me do all the right things.
    I think your service can help anyone at any level, since you make sure your students focus on what they require the most.
    So, once again, Thank you!

  119. Tal,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5ohyL_Q84g



    I just got my TOEFL score (took it on Feb 3rd) – Overall 113 – Writing 29, Reading 29, Listening 28, Speaking 27. I am very pleased with it!
    First of all- I’d love to post a testimonial where it’s relevant. Your service helped me alot. So please point me in the right direction.
    Second of all – Just wanted to make sure i’m unsubscribed ( Paypal says I am, but I still have access to the website.)

  120. Bhavik,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ad_2QL4U8E


    I am ok in the writing but i need guidance in speaking i hit 24 in writing number of times but i need guidance in speaking and as u said what i will get by paying this ? Just brief explanation so I can tell me Fiance to subscribe thsi because she need it badly.

  121. Raya,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr8-AWYyVfg



    Hi Michael, I have watched your youtube recording many times and read all the comments. I need your help. Toefl ibt became my nightmare and I feel as I’m hopless. can you help, I need to pass the toefl before the end of 2012 or otherwise I’ll lose my pharmacy past exame, I need to get 26 in speaking which I got before 23, and 24 in writing, which I got 21 last time. Do you think that you can help?
    my next test is set already on the 9th of march.
    thank you Michael…

  122. Hi Michael, I have watched your youtube recording many times and read all the comments. I need your help. Toefl ibt became my nightmare and I feel as I’m hopless. can you help, I need to pass the toefl before the end of 2012 or otherwise I’ll lose my pharmacy past exame, I need to get 26 in speaking which I got before 23, and 24 in writing, which I got 21 last time. Do you think that you can help?
    my next test is set already on the 9th of march.
    thank you Michael…

  123. again, I tried a lot to subscribe with you by Paypal but I couldn’t, what I have to do?
    is there any way except paypal

  124. Yasmin,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmA03EUdoyw




    hi Mr. Micheal,
    i would like to join your on-line course. however, i have couple of questions. First, i have a problem at the writing section especially the integrated one. i got fair in it . My overaall writing score is 21 and i need 24. also i would you to grade my speaking section. would you please tell me how much time do i need? Is one month enough? or i will need more. i would like to know in order to register for the test.
    Second, do i have to go through the seven steps or can i skip a step. what do you recommend?
    Moreover, do you have an e-mail so i can send you messages if i need to ask more questions.
    thank you

  125. hi Mr. Micheal,
    i would like to join your on-line course. however, i have couple of questions. First, i have a problem at the writing section especially the integrated one. i got fair in it . My overaall writing score is 21 and i need 24. also i would you to grade my speaking section. would you please tell me how much time do i need? Is one month enough? or i will need more. i would like to know in order to register for the test.
    Second, do i have to go through the seven steps or can i skip a step. what do you recommend?
    Moreover, do you have an e-mail so i can send you messages if i need to ask more questions.
    thank you

  126. Seemo,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhPrtjx8D0M

    When you join my service, I do have one rule you should be aware of. You can not record more than one speaking practice test per day while using my service. Abiding by this rule will allow me ample time to evaluate speaking practice tests from all students.

    Thanks for contacting me!




  127. Mirjana,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dSxZWieInA

    Great TOEFL score!



    Hi Michael,
    I just got my toefl results today and I have 102 overall: R-27 L-30 S-24 and W-21.
    I am really happy about my speaking because I’ve never gotten more than 22. Although this results is still not good enough for me (my goal is S 26 and W 24), I am very satisfied that I have improved and the only reason is your 7 step system! Even more important is that I believe in myself again, and I am positive that with your service I can reach my goal; it is just a matter of time. I will ask toefl service to review my test because I had the max score in Independent essay and fair in Integrated so I do not know why is the overall result for W only 21.
    Here is the first question from my speaking test (I do not remember the second one):
    1. Your friend is moving to another city and he/she is concerned how to meet new friend. What advice would you give to your friend?
    Independent essay question: Do you think students should read only assignments that are given by their teachers, or should they read more than that? (something like that)

    Thank you!
    Mirjana Plavsic (mplavsic)

  128. Mrunalini,

    Here are my answers to your questions:




    Hello Michael,

    I am Mrunalini. I gave my TOEFL test in January and I want R21 L18 S26 and W24. My score was R20 L21 S27 and W22. I want to raise my reading and writing score. Does your STEALH course include all the 4 components of the TOEFL ibt. I also want to know the price.I also want to take the test in February. Is it possible that I can get the required score. Please do help me in this regard.



  130. Awad,

    I think I may have sent you a link to the wrong video. Here is yours: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK1NTtRjAhw





    I’m awad from saudi arabia

    how are mr.michal

    I would ask some questions :

    1-what is the level that qualifies me to begin with your lessons? “i’m probably might be low-intermediate”

    2-how long the period to take to get 80 score in ibt ?”actually I asked the institute ,which I going to In CA ,about that period and they told me it will be probably more than year 🙁

    3-what the skill I do start with to begin lessons from your site ? “I mean reading or speaking …etc”


    best regards

  131. Awad,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1O9pJGNKho





    I’m awad from saudi arabia

    how are mr.michal

    I would ask some questions :

    1-what is the level that qualifies me to begin with your lessons? “i’m probably might be low-intermediate”

    2-how long the period to take to get 80 score in ibt ?”actually I asked the institute ,which I going to In CA ,about that period and they told me it will be probably more than year 🙁

    3-what the skill I do start with to begin lessons from your site ? “I mean reading or speaking …etc”


    best regards

  132. Eun,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvts8n-dqns





    I am preparing IBT toefl for getting pharmacist license in the USA. I already passed the Equivalent test but the scores 26 in speaking and 24 in writing are required.
    I got 23 in speaking and 21 in writing on the test 23rd, March 2012. I think I have a long way to go, I am about to give up.
    Do you think your study program could help me? I work at the pharmacy as an assistant so I don’t have much time to study.


    Hopeless Eun

  133. Hi,

    I am preparing IBT toefl for getting pharmacist license in the USA. I already passed the Equivalent test but the scores 26 in speaking and 24 in writing are required.
    I got 23 in speaking and 21 in writing on the test 23rd, March 2012. I think I have a long way to go, I am about to give up.
    Do you think your study program could help me? I work at the pharmacy as an assistant so I don’t have much time to study.


    Hopeless Eun

  134. Zaid,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqYKmefxuzc




    Good evening Sir.

    My name is Zaid
    My toelf exam at Feb. 11th
    I need to get 26 in speaking and 24 in writing
    My last test in toelf, One month ago I got 22 in speaking and 20 in writing?
    Any help can you offer to me? I suggest to record my responds and send it to you, or any suggestion for me.
    I already have visited your website, but honestly I couldn’t register on any program
    please reply me. waiting your details

  135. Patel,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc5ThSliDp4





  136. Nyame,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8e-gNpECKs



    Hi Micheal

    I am a Physiotherapist and recently immigrated to Canada.

    I need a help to prepare for TOEFL to score 97 and speaking 26 to get
    license to practice as a Physiotherapist.

    I need to pass TOEFL. I have Cambridge book. However I feel difficulty
    in understanding of passages( ? Vocabulary & content). I am quite
    depressed and scared about toefl and sometimes It comes in my mind I
    can not do it…

    I was looking online and I watched your videos, which motivated me a
    lot. I am ready to be your student

    Now I was wondering if your 7 steps preparation course helps a
    candidate, whose level of english is at Intermediate level OR this
    toefl course helps a candidate whose english level is at college

    As my level of English is at Intermediate level…How would you advise
    me to pass the toefl.



  137. Hasina,

    Here is the link I told you about in the video: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/FAQs-about-the-7-Step-System-to-Pass-the-TOEFL-iBT.pdf

    Here is my video to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czp-WPNMXRc



    Dear Michael,

    I want to be a member of your toefl seven step program. But t he web of bettertoefl is not working. Could you please help me to register? I don’t have paypal. Can I use my debit or credit card instead.


  138. Sommro,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWNVD6EhCKA


    Hello Micheal

    This is Soomro from Toronto.

    I wanted to apply in Masters program in Engineering and for that I need Toefl with score of 100.

    I have decided to be your student. However I need some additional information.

    I went to library and got 04 books…… Kaplan IBT,



    Official guide to toefl by ETS

    Now I am double minded which book I should go for in addition to your preparation material…( Please advise me the book which one closely resemble to your material as well as real Toefl IBT test)

    I understand all books are better. However I have only 03 months to prepare very well and score 100 and do not want to confuse myself and go back and forth with so much material.. I would not be able to read all 04 books as well practice all practice tests of your teaching program in 03 months, as I have to work for my living as well.

    How do I pay for your program and what your program offers..practice tests in all sections…are there Video lectures for tips and strategies for all toefl sections


    Best regards


  139. Brohi,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu4FQTS2b6I



    Dear Buckhoff’s

    Good day

    This is Brohi, a Pharmacist from Saudi Arabia again

    Sorry, I forgot to ask you couples more question. After getting subscription would I be able to go through all sections of your program ( Toefl Grammer, Pronunciation, Vocabulary and R, L, S, L sections and this program is AudioVisual Lectures or some other way of learning.

    Thank you

    Kind regards


  140. Subbu,

    Thanks for letting me know about your score. I am delighted that you found my web site useful to help you reach your TOEFL goals.

    Now you can move on with your life to more important matters!



    Hi Michael

    How are you doing? This will be a short email. Actually, I had to take TOEFL suddenly and was left with just 1 week time. So I was searching for some online preparation tests. I randomly found about you and your website.I went with some magical confidence and took the test. I just checked my score and I got 94. I am happy and I wanted to let you know.

    You are doing good job.


  141. Tarek,

    Here are my You Tube comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-7XFNOarrM



    hello michael should i pay to get the 1700 words ?? i couldnt get it……. can you help??? and really i want to be your student
    my name is tarek im from algeria and im in us now to prepare for my toefel and im so confuse i took a toefel class at Kaplan in philladelphia but i dont like the way that they give you information . my target is 80pts to apply for an MBA at HULT university i dont know my exact level i mean i didnt passed the test yet……………

  142. Hi,

    I want to ask If I can raise my score from 51 to 80. in 3 weeks.
    I wanna improve my reading + listening skills.

    Do you have a special program for that ??


  143. Thiago,

    Hi there. Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyOxsg3y08U



    Hello Michael! how are you doing?

    I am from Brazil and i took the TOEFL Test for the first time and i got 61(r-15/l-10/s-18/w-18). I am sending this email to ask to you if you think that can be possible for me, studying hard, take a score of 80 or higher in 3 months using your system…

    Thank you


  144. thank you micheal for you respond.

    I need to ask you how you can teach me? is the course self study? is there lecture evrey day?

    I need to know this information to prepare my self and manege my time

    thank you again

  145. Tahani,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE4ZHm4KhW4




    Hi Michael,

    I’m so excited to join your 7 step TOEFL system. I want to do the test in March 14 , but i’m afraid i don’t have a long time to prepare it with your system .

    What are you thinking ??

    I believe that my level is very good in reading and listening , but not good enough in speaking and writing.

    Best Regards,


  146. Manar,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6zW4So9OMQ


    Hi Michael:

    my name is manar , I am pharmacist, lived in usa ( michigan). I must pass the toefl test to get my certificate, so I need to take your course 7th steps, but I am not good in english, but I can study hard to improve that.
    I need to ask you how many months do I need to finish this course, and when can I start it. yesterday i sent to you email at mbuckhoff@aol.com ;

    thank you

  147. Hi Michael:

    my name is manar , I am pharmacist, lived in usa ( michigan). I must pass the toefl test to get my certificate, so I need to take your course 7th steps, but I am not good in english, but I can study hard to improve that.
    I need to ask you how many months do I need to finish this course, and when can I start it.
    yesterday i sent to you email at mbuckhoff@aol.com ;

    thank you

  148. Ricardo,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkZc68mlOuk




    Hi there !

    i ahve two questions for ya

    Question N 1:
    hey Michael, i’m writing down here because i’m gonna take the TOEFL exam soon,
    i want you to say to me what is the the most important thing to focus on the studies ?

    Question N 2:
    I have ADHD, which means that i hardly concentrate on tasks and lectures, could you give an advise for those people who get distracted easily ?

    i would be appreaciated with your response

    Thanks !

  149. Arucha,

    Congratulations. Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWyzDvxx078




    Hi Michael,

    I would like to thank you for your great help. I finally did it!!! 101 (R29;L26;S22;W24). First of all, your speed test of reading section in this program extremely helped me improved my reading caliber. I was undoubtedly overcome with excitement as I was playing each task in every morning. Again, many thanks for your time to terminate my own deep despondency, to deliberate over my essays, and, most importantly, to create this pragmatic program for Toefl test takers.

    Thank you,

  150. Hi Michael,

    I would like to thank you for your great help. I finally did it!!! 101 (R29;L26;S22;W24). First of all, your speed test of reading section in this program extremely helped me improved my reading caliber. I was undoubtedly overcome with excitement as I was playing each task in every morning. Again, many thanks for your time to terminate my own deep despondency, to deliberate over my essays, and, most importantly, to create this pragmatic program for Toefl test takers.

    Thank you,

  151. Hi there !

    i ahve two questions for ya

    Question N 1:
    hey Michael, i’m writing down here because i’m gonna take the TOEFL exam soon,
    i want you to say to me what is the the most important thing to focus on the studies ?

    Question N 2:
    I have ADHD, which means that i hardly concentrate on tasks and lectures, could you give an advise for those people who get distracted easily ?

    i would be appreaciated with your response

    Thanks !

  152. .I am sending a sample essay on “if u have enough money will u purchase a house or a business”.please read this and tell me which areas i can improve.
    .pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee do reply me this is my humble request and that will be a lot of help for me.

    The options given either to purchase a house or to do a business is mainly based on the people and their way of thinking.If I were given the option by having the enough money and to choose between the two I would definitely prefer to buy a house.The reasons behind choosing this options are ,
    First of all to do the business one must need a good quantity of money and also to over come the hurdles that are faced in that field and although we over come the obstacles that are faced the outcome will be sometimes unexpected like it may be a success are a failure. If we face the success then we will be gained and show more interest to earn more. But if it is a failure then we lost every thing that has been invested and moreover we don’t have other option of what to do next because the whole some of money having is lost.

    But if we buy a house it will be our permanent assets and first of all we do have a place to live.Then we can search for the job for our livelihood and the house may also be a good property not only for present generation but also for the next generations.Here also there is a business in buying a house that is first with the money we have we can buy a house and after few months we can sell it if the price is high and again buy a house for that price.By doing this we can have a safe place to live and also the business can also be done.For the following reasons i Would prefer to buy a house.

    awaiting for an early reply

  153. Sarah,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTheG9-Tgf4

    Thank you for contacting me!



    Hello Mr.Michel
    my name is sarah
    I took the Toefl test 5 months ago .. these are my scores 🙁
    reading 16
    listening 26
    speaking 24
    writing 18
    I have problem with writing and reading….
    I have been working on my reading skills and I think that they have improved a little bit
    I can read a passage and answer 20 qs within 17 minutes
    so what should I so to improve more and how can you help me ??
    I really need your help to pass the toefl with high scores
    I have a couple of months to pass the toefl before my (FPGEE) score considered invalid
    plzzz help


  154. Noshad,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s333ezCcGzM

    Keep up the good work!


    Dear Michael

    Thanks for cooperation. I went into the website its very good information and material for the preparation of Tofel.
    I would request you kindly help me, where should i start, is there any instruction to follow and start preparation of tofel exam. Sorry, about that i still not friendly with the 7 steps of tofel. Hope you will guide me for my learning and development.



  155. Jenny,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAtWjlUE8MU

    Great job on your TOEFL exam!


    hi michael,
    I was your previous student in 7 steps to pass toefle last nov-dec 2011…. I got may result on my toefle ibt exam taken Dec 17 2011….I got high scores( 24 reading,listening 23 and speaking 29)however my writing was only 22…. I did well in my integrated this time ,which I never able to do it right and my independent writing was the one that pulled me down ..I actually was not able to defend well the thesis and missed out the conclusion. Since my visa will expire this jan 2012,my plan is to go back to my country and comeback to USA maybe march 2013 to take toefle again…I need to pass my toefle before dec 2013 so my foreign pharmacy score will not be dismissed …my concern is my chosen date (march 2013)safe to make sure I will pass my toefle before 2013 of dec..? or do I need to take it earlier so just to make sure that I will not lack time? I had taken Toefle ibt 4x this 6 months and writing was my weakness still , but before was
    integrated ,now independent..What should I do to improve my score in writing? Thank you and God Bless.


  156. Dear Michael,

    I want to thank you for the great support and help with the preparation for TOEFL iBT. I have passes with a score even higher than I could ever dare to dream: 105/120. The distribution is following:
    Reading: 25/30
    Listening: 29/30
    Speaking: 27/30
    Writing: 24/30 (and if the topic of the independent writing was not so odd, I believe I would have scored even higher)

    I am very happy that I have chosen your 7 Step System. It was very comprehensive and useful for my case – only 3 weeks to prepare for the exam, comparatively good command of English and no experience with the format. What helped me most was your personal touch and recommendations on the speaking and writing. I felt you more like a personal English coach, than a standardized exam preparation service provider. In addition to that, I had the ability to set my own pace and program and pick and choose to work in the areas I had the biggest gaps in. This is a great advantage for someone with very demanding job and busy schedule.

    I believe that the $35 are money very well spent. If I were to hire a private teacher, it would have cost at least three times the price! Moreover, I am determined to continue working with you on my English pronunciation and especially on the intonation using your Speak Clearly Module, which, unfortunately, I just didn’t have time to finish.

    Keep up the excellent work in coaching people from all over the world and huge THANK YOU for everything.

    Mariya Kutelova
    Sofia, Bulgaria

  157. My TOEFL ibt score is 95
    Reading: 23
    Listening: 26
    Speaking: 22
    Writing: 24

    Am I be able to apply for my Master Degree.

    P.S. Do I need a score of over 100 or just over the minimum requirement score of the university.

    Thank you.

  158. Shruti,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KZH-qslUDA




    Hey Michael,

    I wanted to let you know that I received a 99 on my TOEFL test (taken on 17th Dec 2011). The split up is 24-reading, 25-listening, 26-speaking and 24-writing. This was my first attempt at TOEFL. I was aiming at around a 100/120 and I am very satisfied with what I have achieved.

    I was initially nervous about speaking because first, I was talking to the computer and second, I felt the pressure of time. STEALTH has really helped me gain my confidence in the speaking section such that my highest score is in the speaking section.

    I would really like to thank you so much for your help. I would gladly recommend ” the 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” to all my friends who are going to take the test.

    Wishing you and loved ones a very happy and prosperous 2012!

    Shruti Kamath

  159. Musa,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDbEjOBeLMc



    I took some special classes with my private teacher.


    Hi Michael,

    I live in Turkey and i am a Turkish person. I took the IBT course but i couldn’t get the enough score to enter the university. My score is 68 ( Reading 15 Listening 16 Speaking 19 Writing 18) and i want to improve this score . I should get 74 minimum. Moreover, I will get the exam on 13 January. What should i do?
    I must get the enough score until 13th January. Please help me.

  160. Raed,

    Go here to listen to my audio comments about your questions: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/682d9ac8-2ac5-49b9-90f7-eca512ba1290



    another question if i take your course for only one month is it sufficient to achieve my score , i cant take more than month as there is a deadline for application in my prospective university.

  161. Thiago,

    Yes, Thiago my online TOEFL course will help you. One of my recent students Ivana, who used my TOEFL service for three months, increased her TOEFL score from 89 to 103 and scored 27/30 on the writing section. I helped another student whose score was 37/120 increase his score to 62/120 in a little more than two months.

    Thank you for contacting me!

    Micheal, founder, owner, and materials writer of The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL IBT

    Hello Mr.Buckhoff, I’m going to take the TOEFL on February, I need 79 points. Actually it will be my second time taking the test, my first attempt was in October, I was so nervous and I took just 72 (16 – 19 – 17 – 20), I’m sure I could have taken more than that. I’m a little bit more than a month from the test, so, do you think that your classes are really gonna help me to improve my english skills?

  162. Hello Mr.Buckhoff, I’m going to take the TOEFL on February, I need 79 points. Actually it will be my second time taking the test, my first attempt was in October, I was so nervous and I took just 72 (16 – 19 – 17 – 20), I’m sure I could have taken more than that. I’m a little bit more than a month from the test, so, do you think that your classes are really gonna help me to improve my english skills?

    Thank you

  163. Ivana,

    Very nice work on your part. You worked very hard to achieve your results. I am a better person for having known you, and you are a great example for everyone who is preparing to pass the TOEFL iBT.

    Hard work, determination, and regular practice make huge improvements in your advanced English proficiency.

    Thank your for all of your hard work!



    Hi Michael,

    I just got my TOEFL results: reading 25, listening 27, speaking 24 and writing 27 or 103 over all. Previously I scored 89 ( reading 23, listening 23, speaking 22 and writing 21). Using your service I improved all areas but especially writing and I am very happy about it.

    I want to say thank you very much for your help, motivation and excellent teaching. You are great teacher and your 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT is an excellent service for students who want to have better TOEFL score.

    Happy New Year and I wish you the best.


    Ivana Njegovan

  164. Hi Michael,

    Sadly, Egypt is not listed on Paypal, so I cannot have an account their, so I cannot pay for 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT. I do have a Mastercard e-visa.

    Do u have any suggestion what should i do ? I need help remarking my essay .

    Thanks a lot


  165. Kenan,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uranra6Lj_E

    May your next TOEFL score shoot to the moon!



    i m from Azerbaijan.and i wanna take the Toefl test but the last exam in our country ll available in February 24th.I just wanna mention that taking your course can i passed the Toefl IBT as i wish?namely within score of 100 or 108?i noted this score exatly because i want to continue my master degree in Copenhagen university and they want approximately this score.So briefly if you can just pls mail me all details that how can i apply to your course.This exam is very important not only in my life but in my family as well.In a nutshell i ll wait your response .Thx a lot

    Best Regar


  166. Hi Michael

    My name is Natalia, I took the Toefl test two weeks ago and I got a score of 81 (R18, L21, S22,W20)
    I need a minimum of 90 score for applying to a Master at Concordia University (Canada).

    the results were very disappointing but I won´t give up.

    so, I would like to know if your classes can help me, or do you think I need to improve my english?.. I can send you by email my results .

    Thank you so much. !!!

  167. Dwight,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/d5c8f58e-5a42-4599-adf2-d731bffd42eb



    Hi Michael! Like many others, I desperately need your help that is why I enrolled in your class, which is highly recommended and you’ve guided a lot of individuals struggling to pass the ibt toefl. I took the toefl thrice already and still short to get the high score in speaking and writing section.

    I’m a license PT from NY (my country of origin is Philippines) for 5 years and we moved here in Dallas 6 months ago to be closer with my family, since then I cannot get a license from the state because they need a high scores in toefl. I plan to take it again in a month because I need to get back to work and support my family.

    Do you think I’ll be ready by next month? I remember in speaking I had a lot of pauses and can’t think clearly because I’m so nervous looking at the time, and I ran out of time in independent writing. Thanks in advance and Happy Holidays!- Dwight

  168. Olga,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/ce37e0b0-4c96-4b30-9193-d818c2d4a18b



    Hi Michael, here you are, some things from my book.

    I also have a question: I only have a month + 10 days for studying my TOEFL exam…. so I can not directly follow your 7 steps the time they should require… How can I organize myself??

    I have already post the pre-test-speaking part… 3/4 days ago, and still no response. I should try harder, but how? (olga_spain)

    Thank you very much

  169. Tae Yoon,

    Here are my comments: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/a903a42a-d3bf-4dba-be2f-a3d92e16b6c7




    Hi Michael,

    i need your help most especially on the Reading section of the TOEFL test, i never scored more than 21 in my last 2 takes .. i need to score about 21 on the reading & listening as well .. but there’s no problem with my speaking section which is 27 & my writing is 24 ..

    Please help .. Do you offer an online course / review material for this one?


    Tae Yoon

  170. Letha,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/12eeb6bf-e5d7-4cc1-b53a-6c1bcf533035




    Hi Michael,

    I was one of your student but I couldn’t achieve my target.
    I need reading- 21, listening-18, speaking-26, and writing- 24
    But with your coaching I scored high in writing 25. But speaking I scored 24 and listening I always used to pass
    and reading 19,that is my weak area.Now I am going to try one more time and wish this should be my last try.

    In my weak section like reading I am trying to concentrate more by increasing the reading speed.Trying to finish the passage
    with 20 minutes and go directly to the lines where they specify the answers. Speaking is a luck part. If I score all the other part,
    I have seen many people do revaluation and passing in the speaking. But I try my best to speak fluently, coherently……. But with writing part I am
    in a confused state. With you I learned the organization in an Essay as 1) Intro paragraph- write something general about the topic
    at least 50 words and write my thesis or main points in the last paragraph of the introduction. Later 3 body paragraph by explaining
    more detailed about the thesis points with example and finally conclude by including all three thesis points and finally with a comment or a question
    or our opinion.So totally it is 5 paragraph Essay. l

    But I heard from some other source a four paragraph essay is fine. Here the difference is don’t state the 3 thesis statement in the last sentence of introductory paragraph, instead state it in the 2nd and 3rd paragraph beginning and give more detailed example

    So it is a total of 4 paragraph essay..But I agree to the point that when we go so deep in example we get time only to develop
    2 thesis. There is no time to include one more thesis with example. I tried both ways in my exam. With your advise I scored 25 and with other source I scored 22.
    But with the other source I made a little bit confusion in integrated writing. Most of the time integrated writing gives two different opinion in lecture and reading.
    But that time the lecture was convincing the reading passage if you do some things you can make it correct what is specified in the reading. May be I didn’t use the
    word convincing. I used as contradict the reading. So I am not sure where I lost the mark with the second trail in that point. My second question is in the integrated part
    do we need to specify only the important contradictory statement about the reading passage and all the other example and explanations should be from the lecture.

    So finally my question is in writing whether a 5 paragraph eassy or a 4 paagraph essay is good to score more than 24. In integrated writing should we specify only the major contradictory statement in the reading and should we concentrate more and each points in the listening.

    I know it is a long and confusing letter. Hope you would be able to help me. I am planning to join with you once I took a date for the exams. Practicing with you nearing the exam helps me to have more confidence.



  171. Noshad,

    Go here to get my comments: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/e8c3495e-af2f-4c2a-bded-1079a30433de




    Dear Sir

    My name is Noshad Azad and studying TOEFL ibt. I was watching your videos on you-tub quite often. I read about the 7 different areas of toefl ibt ( vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, reading, listening, writing and speaking). I am very much interested in this course of tofel which is about $35 for a month. I would request you help me for the preparation of tofel test. I would request you please give me discount on the purchase of this Toefl ibt course.
    Hope you will consider my request and give positive response.



  172. Jan,

    If you have taken English classes all your life and if you are only scoring 64-68 on the TOEFL iBT, I am afraid that your English language proficiency has fossilized, which means that your language errors have become a permanent irreversible feature and there is nothing I can do to help you. Fossilization occurs mostly due to attitude, motivation, and age.

    You have told yourself many times, and it is evident from your E-mail that you believe that you do NOT need to improve your English language proficiency. Therefore, no matter what you study or how you study, you will most likely not get any better than you are right now.

    I am sorry.

    Michael, founder and materials writer for The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT


    Hi Michael my name Jan, I’ve taken the toefl exam twice already and my scores are still low. My required score is 83 but here are my scores
    Reading Listening Speaking Writing
    1st 9 14 20 21 =64
    2nd 15 15 18 20 =68

    English is my second language and I’ve taken english classes all my life. I did self review and did sample exams whicn on an average, I score 18 for listening and 23 for reading. I took ESOL class too for 3 and 1/2 months and it did not even help. I even used Barron’s essential words. I’ve been working in the US as an Intake Coordinator, taking calls and talking to customers and I never had a problem with my english. I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m wondering if your classes are really gonna help me to improve and pass the toefl exam.

    Thank you,

  173. Swapna,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l36Q4UT9hA8

    Thank your for contacting me!



    Hi micheal,
    My name is swapna.I am a foreign pharmacist from india.I need to pass toefl ibt with L21R24S26W24.
    I took the exam couple of years back and scored 27,24,23,21.I do not know how is my english proficiency now.I did not take exam because of personal problem.now I have to pass this test in order to get my license.I think that I made a good decision,even though it’s late.please kindly help me to succeed.I need to improve vocabulary,writing and speaking.I have lot of problem in these sections.

  174. I’ve had a pretty good run at hubpages. I like the community and I like how the hubs are laid out and easy to publish. I look forward to making some bucks from the ads. We’ll see!

  175. hiii
    my name is navya am from India i am preparing for the TOEFL i have only one month time in my practice test i am scoring 67.please advice me how can i improve my self in speaking and writing am really in a confused state what to do it will me thankful if u suggest me some tips (mail me to my account).



    Dear Sir,

    I am from India of 42 years old. I started my career as a teacher from may 2010 onward only. Though I studied Physics as my subject (post graduate+bachelor of education) I am teaching Maths in my school. My knowledge in Mathematics is really good but my vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation are not too good. I am aiming to work for International school also Wish to do some certificate courses in Mathematics. If I prepare for TOEFL can I improve my knowledge in English and henceforth can i do any courses by online and at the end of the day will I get any job in USA as a teacher.

    pl advice me

    raja ananthakrishnan p.

  177. I really want to apply for the TOEFL IBT. This is the only thing I really need. I want to as if all of this will be good to have? How many days to make the email appear in my mail box? I really want to start this course. Seems really interesting and really effective based on the comments here. Hope I can start as soon as possible.

  178. HI Michael, I learned Toefl around 1 year, and recently got ibt 69(R:20;L:14;S:15;W:20). But I need 90 in Feb 2012. How can I do that. Can you give me some advices


    Bich Hang

  179. Vallary,

    Go here to get my comments to you: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/574c5931-7660-4875-8c64-80dc3e1c1844



    Hi Michel,

    I am a graduate student of Florida Tech. I was struggling with my TOEFL score in last 6 attempts. In first 4 attempts I was consistantly scoring between 88 and 89, but in last two attempt I scored 93 and 90.

    I want 100 in TOEFL in order to receive Graduate Asistantship from my university.
    I am retaking the test on December 17,2011. I am unable to understand my mistakes. I want to come out of this loop and want to score 100.

    I saw your online video and feel that you might help me to achieve my goal.

    My last 2 test distribution is:

    TOEFL Oct 8 : 93
    R 23 L 27 S 22 W 21

    TOEFL Nov 19 : 90
    R 22 L 26 S 22 W 20

    Please guide me for the same.

    Thanks & Regards,


  180. I’m ABBAS from SaudiArabia I took toefl one time but I did not get what I want
    I got overall 27 1 on reading part 15 on speaking part 3 on listening part and 8 on writing part . If you can help me within five monthes to get 85 I’ll be grateful for you.

  181. Hi Michael ,

    I need your help and guidance. Kindly do the needful.

    I got my toefl iBT scores yesterday. R-22,L-22.S-22 and W-27. total-93. I am disappointed with my score. I was expecting atleast a 100. I am applying for a ph.d program in life science in germany universities. Do you think this score will be of any help or should i retake the test ?

  182. Hi
    I have to get 26 on the speaking and 24 on the writing ,21 on the reading and 18 on the listening i am posting this in order to get a feed back on weather you can help achieve those scores, the last time i took the toefl i got 23 on the speaking 18 on the writing 18 on the reading and 25 on the listening so is their hope, help please
    by the way my total is 84

  183. HI
    I have to get 26 on the speaking and 24 on the writing ,21 on the reading and 18 on the listening i am posting this in order to get a feed back on weather you can help achieve those scores, the last time i took the toefl i got 23 on the speaking 18 on the writing 18 on the reading and 25 on the listening so is their hope, help please

  184. Hasmik,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBYgzPGJxw0



    Dear Michael,

    I’m Hasmik, a girl living in Armenia, who wants to study abroad.

    First of all let me thank you for all your efforts that you do to help students improve their IBT scores.

    I really need your help and support. Recently I passed IBT score and got very low score 89. I got reading-15, listening 21, speaking 28 and writing 25. As you see I really need to improve my reading section, which is really difficult for me. Which advises would you give me to improve my scores on the reading and listening part. I’m really good at listening section, I just was really upset after the reading section and it had its influence on the listening part. So I think, the only part that I really need an advice is reading section. Hope you can help me.

    Thanks in advance,

    Waiting for your reply,

    My best wishes,


  185. Mostasm,

    Her are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR07ec9BFlQ



    Hi micheal,
    i haven’t taken the TOEFL test before yet but i plan to take it soon. i have some difficulties in writting and speaking. i can’t think quickly to write or speak. Also, i want to apply for the university that requires 85 score on the TOEFL.

    can you help me please??

  186. Hi micheal,
    i haven’t taken the TOEFL test before yet but i plan to take it soon. i have some difficulties in writting and speaking. i can’t think quickly to write or speak. Also, i want to apply for the university that requires 85 score on the TOEFL.

    can you help me please??

  187. Nguyen,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qomc17DDzpY


    Hi, teacher.
    Im a student in Vietnam, and I need a TOEFL score 100+. I’m gonna take ur 7 step system, so let me call you teacher.

    I’ve finished your 1700 list on my own. My Reading and Listening are not bad; I can get 25 apiece. I want to join your system to improve my Speaking skill. But something are still not clear to me.

    When I join your system with 35$ each month, can I access the lessons in different parts randomly? Can I manage my time to finish the system. I mean, can I work hard and go faster on necessary parts to save time and money? Because, you know, I dont have much money.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you so much!

  188. Hi Michael,

    Your program is great and it has helped me to score over 100. Today, I have received my Toefl score, which is 106.

    On this occasion, I would like to thank you for your helpful advice and comments. You and your colleague are doing a great job and through this program, I have improved my Toefl taking skills significantly. In addition, the way you motivate your students is amazing – it gave me extra confidence.

    Your program 7 Step Stealth system to approach the Toefl ibt is unique of its kind and enormously effective in the outcome!

    Great program and thank you very much.

  189. Jaber,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDNcrGXde_4

    Thank you for contacting me.


    Hi Michael,

    Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
    18 22 23 22 85

    This is the second time I took the test. The first time was on September 2010, and I got 81. Then a year later I took the test again, and I got 85.

    In the reading section, I didn’t manage my time right. So I ended up leaving the last passage unanswered. That made me lose my focus in the other sections.

    My English skills are not that bad, I’ve been told that my English is almost perfect. The problem is I don’t know how to use formal English, neither in writing nor in speaking. In the listening section, I couldn’t keep up with the lectures while taking notes.

    I am going to apply for a university that requires a 100 score on the TOEFL.

    Can you help me ?


  190. Hi Michael,

    Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
    18 22 23 22 85

    This is the second time I took the test. The first time was on September 2010, and I got 81. Then a year later I took the test again, and I got 85.

    In the reading section, I didn’t manage my time right. So I ended up leaving the last passage unanswered. That made me lose my focus in the other sections.

    My English skills are not that bad, I’ve been told that my English is almost perfect. The problem is I don’t know how to use formal English, neither in writing nor in speaking. In the listening section, I couldn’t keep up with the lectures while taking notes.

    I am going to apply for a university that requires a 100 score on the TOEFL.

    Can you help me ?


  191. Masha,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL9T5WBYemI




    Hi Michael,

    I found your website and I was quite impressed by the amount of positive feedback. I guess many people address their TOEFL issues to you, so here is mine: I have a full time job and just found out that I need to sit for a TOEFL exam on 9th of December. I have a very limited time to prepare and on the top of that I need a score of 89 or higher.

    I work for an American company here in Bulgaria, so I don’t have any issues with the language, at least when it comes to reading and listening. My concern is rather the format of the test and the type of writing tasks required for the actual exam. Can you coach me in this short time?

    Thanks in advance,


  192. Maha,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzU9ZaKI8dk




    hi michael
    i heard ALOT ABOUT YOU AND I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP IN WRITING AND SPEAKING after two attempts i am getting 22 in speaking and 17 in writing i need to achive 26 in speaking and 26 in writing help me how i can enroll in yuor course online

  193. hi michael
    i heard ALOT ABOUT YOU AND I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP IN WRITING AND SPEAKING after two attempts i am getting 22 in speaking and 17 in writing i need to achive 26 in speaking and 26 in writing help me how i can enroll in yuor course online

  194. Aul,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3TJn6hL3UM




    Hi Michael,
    I am writing to you as I have a problem in my speaking test. I have done TOEFL twice and my scores are as followed:
    How long would you think I need to follow your program to improve my speaking scores to 25, which is the necessity for me.
    Thank You.

  195. Hi Michael,
    I am writing to you as I have a problem in my speaking test. I have done TOEFL twice and my scores are as followed:
    How long would you think I need to follow your program to improve my speaking scores to 25, which is the necessity for me.
    Thank You.

  196. Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkdxZip2edQ


    Hi Michael,
    I want to give my toefl in 20 days. The problem is that I’m not getting the confidence to attempt toefl again because of my previous scores which is very bad i.e, 78. I should submit my new scores to my university which I joined recently. If I try seriously can I reach the score of about 100?? Will you help me to reach that?? Also how your material can be helpful for me??

  197. Fadia,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4_C5NU_vtg




    Dear Michael,

    I am a french resident in medicine ,specializing in public health, currently struggling with the TOEFL. I need to pass this test to be admitted at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

    I took the test two weeks ago, and I had a 99; the school is demanding the following scores :
    TOEFL Internet Based Test Minimum overall score 100
    Minimum written component score 24
    Minimum listening component score 21
    Minimum reading component score 22
    Minimum speaking component score 23

    Attached is my report score.

    I took the test yesterday again, thinking that gaining one point could be easily reached…but actually I am afraid that is not the case, since I found the listening section this time far more difficult! Plus, I am not confident with my reading, and my speaking is not strong.I

    Now I am really happy to discover your website which seems very comprehensive. The problem is that I am pretty busy because I am studying a master degree in statistics along with my internship. Therefore, I wonder how I can organize myself to study your lessons and make progress.

    I am used to listen to CNN when I am at home and to poadcoasts when I go to work . Twice a week, I can speak English with colleagues , but they are not English native speakers….I try to read as well, however, I feel that this doesn’t make my speaking improve…

    The faster I can reach the score required, the better it is, since I should apply by February 2012; the MSc that I am targeting is very competitive…
    I am also planing to go to London for an internship in the same institution next May, and my advisor is encouraging to pass the TOEFL as soon as possible.

    So, based on what you now from my “baseline” level, requirements and timeline, what would you advice me to do now? How much time should I give myself studying your program to meet the challenge?
    I would be grateful for your help.

    Thanks for considering my email.

    Best regards,

  198. A.P.,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrCNH83bSok




    Dear Michael,

    Now I’m struck in Toefl, for now I have very seriously terrible TOEFL experiences from those three exams. I have 92, 91, and 92 scores, respectively while the school requires minimum at 100. Undoubtedly, I become desperate, so I really need someone’s help. Then, I tried to search various online mentors due to the limitation of my time. In contrast to others, you are a very energetic and inspired instructor as I watch many of your responses on Youtube.

    To be honest, I’m thinking about enrolling your programs, but I still have certain doubts. Do you think whether or not I have a chance to improve my scores (because I plan to have the next exam on Dec 13 )? Sorry if my question doesn’t make sense. Unavoidably, being fail many times makes me so depressive. To help you have better analysis of my ability, I show you my scores of each part as follows:

    1st: R:24,L:23,S:20,W:25
    2nd: R:24,L:27,S:19,W:21
    3rd: R:23,L:27,S:20,W:22

    I’m looking forward to hear your reply soon.

    All best,

  199. Hi Michael,

    This looks like a great program! Congrats on that!

    I need to ask you a few questions, but would prefer to do so via email. Would this be OK with you? If so, please send me an email to the above address so that I may be able to send you my questions.


    Hope to hear from your very soon.


  200. Dear Michael,

    I passed TOEDL last year with score 96 l(27 in reading and all the rest were not good, the worst are speaking and writing), but I need 107 in iBT for my University. I am not an English native speaker.
    How do you think, could your program help me to achieve better results?
    And if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask an additional question. Your course is based on the interaction with you, you give comments and listen to the audio recordings, etc. But you also mentioned that you are a busy person. Is it possible that you would not have time to check the answers, recordings, etc.? Because in this case there would not be any sufficient effect from the course…

    Thank you for your reply in advance!
    Kind regards,

  201. Hello Michael,
    I want to cancel my subscription, and I did not find this option. Please, let me know how I can do it.



  202. Bishoy,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbWREQT6mG4


    Michael, founder and materials writer for Better TOEFL Scores and the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT

    Hi Mike,
    I am a foreign pharmacy graduate and i need to get certian scores in toefl IBT to get my lincese as a pharmacist in USA. I took the exam for 5 time my best score was reading 26 listening 28 speaking 23 writing 22 and i am still waiting for the last exam result. To pass the toefl, i have to get reading 21 listening 18 speaking 26 and writing 24.
    Now, I am wondring if your course can help me. especially i wish to pass the toefl test by the end of this year.
    I am waiting for your reply

  203. Hi mike after only one month of your course I got 105 thanks
    and pl let me know how to cancel my subscription
    thanks and regards

  204. Hi michael,

    There was an automatic payment done on my account about $29.99 USD which was due Oct 24, 2011. However there was an automatic cancelation due to no enough amount because I believe It was charging me for $ 35 USD after that to be exact on Oct 29, 2011 the automatic payment of 29.99 USD came up. Now the problem is that I still have not received the log in info because I was unable to log in due to the cancelation. Reply ASAP please? As my upcoming toefl test on Nov 26, 2011.


  205. Hi Tony,

    This is Michael from the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT. Welcome and thank you for your payment! You are my newest online TOEFL student. I will see to it that you improve your TOEFL scores so you can pass the test.



  206. Hey, i need someone to evaluate my writing essays and make some corrections. Please tell me what adress should i send it to?

  207. Hello Micheal :
    I’m writing this comment to tell you that finally I passed Teofl Exam with a magic 26 on the speaking section and 29 on the writing section, and that would never happened without your help and hints . Actually , I want to tell other subscribers about something weird happened to me during my trials to pass the toefl exam . I started to take Toefl exam last year depending on my knowledge and without any help , everytime i scored 23 on the speaking section and 22 on the writing section , after the fourth time I decided to be one of Michael Buckhoff’s students , I signed up for his service for 3 months , and I did Improve my speaking and writing skills and I was sure enough I will do it this time.So, i decided to take the Toefl exam again , but the shocking news were that I scored 24 on the speaking section and 27 on the writing section( which means 5 points more due to Michael’s help) , I took the exam again and I scored AGAIN 24 on the speaking section and 29 on the writing section , and that was unbelievable , because due to the instructions and the way of scoring , i was sure that I am qualified to pass the speaking section , so I ordered a RESCORING service for the exam and the ETS center DID CHANGE my speaking score to 26 . SO , if you are sure that you did perfectly on your exam , and you did take these lessons with Michael for enough time to finish all the 7 steps , DON’T HESITATE to do rescoring for your exam , they are human rators and they did mistakes . And finally , wish every TOEFLer good luck .

  208. Ahad,

    Eat your favorite meal tonight, say your prayers, and get a good night’s sleep. Bring a power bar or power gel so that you can eat it during the test to keep you energized when you get to the speaking section. Do not study TOEFL tonight!

    Good luck!


    my test is tomorrow , what do u recommend me to do ..
    I feel bad because I didnt prepare well for it , even though I took it before and I took a course but I dont know why I`m not enthusiastic to study for this test 🙁

    I just want u to give me a piece of advice : )


  209. my test is tomorrow , what do u recommend me to do ..
    I feel bad because I didnt prepare well for it , even though I took it before and I took a course but I dont know why I`m not enthusiastic to study for this test 🙁

    I just want u to give me a piece of advice : )


  210. Letha,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7sot37zYLo



    Hi Michel,

    I am one of your previous student still struggle to pass the toefl. Recently I saw you are started with some reading strategies ie my weak section.

    I took a test on 14th october and my scores are Reading – 16, Listening- 22, Speaking -24 and writing-22. I always pass in listening. May be
    I need a fair score in listening. I need 21 for reading, 26 for speaking and 24 for writing. When I subscribed your service on March, you didn’t much materials for reading.
    I like to know your new service.



  211. Lamya,

    Here are my You Tube Comments:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBsyvvI2Z2M



    Hi Michael

    I hope you are doing well , it been 3 years since I apply for the TOEFL IBT and I get 460 , and the university ask me for 550 , then I felt frustrated cause I really thought at that point I did well , but I didn’t ; and what made me really so sad that I know many people they can’t even talk but they toke the master from here .. I am really disappointing and I don’t know what to do .. I send you this cause I know that you have the ability to help me we trust you deeply ..
    thank you for giving us a useful information ..

  212. Hi Michael

    I hope you are doing well , it been 3 years since I apply for the TOEFL IBT and I get 460 , and the university ask me for 550 , then I felt frustrated cause I really thought at that point I did well , but I didn’t ; and what made me really so sad that I know many people they can’t even talk but they toke the master from here .. I am really disappointing and I don’t know what to do .. I send you this cause I know that you have the ability to help me we trust you deeply ..
    thank you for giving us a useful information ..

  213. Hi,
    I need to improve my listening, cause it’s the worst that I have, how can a get more than 18? on listening the answers are always tricky

  214. Ploy,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xErhAC1nmGo

    Thank you for contacting me!



    Hi, Michael

    I’m Ploy Vanageatigul

    I have a TOEFL test next 3 weeks. Do you have any suggestion for me? This is my first time for the test, so I’m really nervous.


  215. Hi! I am looking for TOEFL test set, covering all 4 aspects of the language for holding trials for my students. Need exclusive, professional tests with answers and score count.
    Thanks in advance!

  216. Gada,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/9573c6fd-b1f8-4c99-8b07-a0b0954b32bc



    Pacific Daylight Time, wordpress@bettertoeflscores.com writes:
    HI MICHALE i want to pass toefl i never had give exam and i never had a toefl classes so pls could help me and i saw in many comments about 7 step pls could you explain me about that and pls help me in my toefl test and i need 100 in toefl for admission so i am waiting for your reply pls pls pls sir i need help pls pls and could i know the price of 7 step and how to use that please reply me as soon as possible because i am on computer till your reply pleas sir give me reply

  217. HI MICHALE i want to pass toefl i never had give exam and i never had a toefl classes so pls could help me and i saw in many comments about 7 step pls could you explain me about that and pls help me in my toefl test and i need 100 in toefl for admission so i am waiting for your reply pls pls pls sir i need help pls pls and could i know the price of 7 step and how to use that please reply me as soon as possible because i am on computer till your reply pleas sir give me reply

  218. hi michale i want to know about the 7 steps i saw many comments and i need to know how to register and how much coast? i need to pass toefl with 100 points please help me.Thanks

  219. Thu,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM-wqGAZRj4




    Good evening Sir !
    My name is Thu Hoa. I am Vietnamese.
    I have learnt English for six years, but My English skills is not good,
    especially listening skill and speaking skill.
    I happen to meet your website. I am glad about that.
    I hope you could help me to improve my English.
    Iam looking forward to hearing your message.

  220. Ahmed,

    Here are my You Tube comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rYMRgRxEBQ

    Thank you for contacting me!


    hi prof. I am allready studying the vocabulary 1,700 words but I want a condensed TOEFI ibt course , because Iam very busy in my work ,as well as I accepted in amaster scholarship ,so I must get abetter toefl score before the dead line of the scholarship,so I hope you help me . from Ahmed Mohamad tantawy,

  221. hi michael! im joanna form virginia. im originally from the philippines and our second language is english. i have studied english for years but i cannot pass my toefl test particularly the speaking section. i am required to achieve 26/30 in that section. i took toefl ibt twice and my scores were 22 and 23 respectively. and i am about to take the test again tomorrow. hopefully i will pass it this time.

    i have a question. how can i purchase the lesson for the speaking section only?

    it would be appreciated to hear your response as soon as possible.

    thank you

  222. Consult,

    I answered your question by E-mail.




    Hi Michael,

    I have been your student,hovewer,I do not know how to use the systme,after paying,I have download a file named STEALTH-Moodle-Syllabus3,but there are only xml files in that folder,therefore I have no idea how to start lessons ?

    Thank you

  223. Smitha,

    Thank you for your kind words. My real intent, as you have guessed, is not just to help you get a high TOEFL score but to help you develop proficient academic English skills.

    Keep up the good work!



    Hi Michael,
    I am using your courses for the past one and half month.I feel i have improved very much and all of your classes are very useful. The six exercises to improve writing video is quite amazing.Your presentation is lucid and apparently increased my interest towards english language apart from my Toefl ibt prepartion.The way you handle the language and the tips you give for the students are really impressive.Thankyou very much for making the hard things easy to understand.

  224. Sara,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvE2lR3U4uk




    Hi Michael,

    first, I want to thank you for your message. I am really happy that you have answered my email. Besides, I got really valuable advice from you.

    Actually, I do not read any magazine and newspaper because I work 6 days a week , and I have a 6 year old child. In addition, I work for russian people and talk to them only in russian. This is the big disadvantage. But, I want to start reading newspapers from tomorrow.

    I think my weakness is lacking of phrasal verbs and impressions .My vocabulary is not bad. But , I have to improve my writing , listening , and reading. So , which course do you suggest me to take? Maybe you have a section which I can learn some impressions and phrasal verbs .

    Thank you,

  225. i clicked the “order now” and tried to pay the fee but the paypal announced that my card couldn’t charge so i tried many times. i logged on to check my money account and saw processing to charge 4 times……..could you please help me to cancel them?

  226. Pingback: 厳選!TOEFL学習に役に立つサイト | くたびれホンカ~の独り言

  227. Dear Michael,

    I want to improve my speaking and writing to the Toefl, and I will contract your service for just one month.
    I’ve sent you two e-mails asking for some suggestions of how to use your website in my case and you didn’t reply. I’ll just contract your service if you send me some suggestions.

    Best Regards


  228. I find your website helpful in improving our toefl skills but I’m tired of receiving emails from you. Would you mind to unsubscribe my email address for notification? I appreciate the soonest response. Thanks.

  229. Hi
    Micheal I am unable to pay
    there is something wrong with my paypal so can i pay by phone or
    when i submit my card details it is taking me to paypal
    i have my test this friday
    kindly help me

  230. Hi,
    I don’t want to receive e-mails from this website anymore.
    I’ve had the grade I need, and I also used your help.
    SO, please unsubscribe my e-mail.
    Thank you,

  231. Hi Michael
    My name is Rana. I took the TOEFL test in September and I got the score of 87. I need overall score of 89 and the break up as follow:
    Section: I got in Sept. test: My Goal:
    Reading: 21 21
    Listening: 22 18
    Speaking: 23 26
    Writing: 21 24
    Overall score: 87/120 89/120

    As you see I passed the reading and the listening score within the minimum score requirement in the reading but my speaking and writing skills are below the requirements.
    My questions are:How many months do you think I need with your 7 steps program to achieve my goal?And which steps I should focus the most? Or any other advice.
    By the way, my next TOEFL exam is in Oct14th. Do you think I should cancel that test?
    Best Regards

  232. Dear Michael,

    I registered and pay yesterday but I have not got my password to sign up and use your programme online. I’m worry cause I will take this exam at the end of the month.


  233. Hi Michael,
    I am willing to pursue my master program next year and take ibt toefl in January next year too. So I still have 3 months left to prepare. I wish I could score minimum of 100. But since this will be my first time to take ibt, I need your suggestion about how I could score 100 through your program. I have taken ielts test before but I only scored 6.0. I read from many websites comparing between ielts and toefl and got conclusion comparison of 100 ibt are 600 for pbt and 7.0 for ielts. That means I have got to work harder to reach the 100 ibt. Please, I need your help and suggestion.
    Thank you very much for reading.

  234. Hi Michael,

    I am just wondering how many lessons does 1 month includes? Can I complite all 7 steps you said? Clearly, is 1 month enough to take a good score? I am planning to take an exam for next month. I have to take 80/120. Please help me!

  235. Somshart,

    You are welcome. I was delighted to have you as one of my students.



    Thank you very much for your great website and thoughtful reflection upon my information sent to you earlier. I have tried your excellent suggestion during the past month and achieved some progress and confidence. However, I am still waiting to receive the reports of the last three trials.

    Leaving TOEFL, I will now have to move on to my other professional exam in October which would still involve conversational skills. What I can confirm is I am happy that I found your website. I have benefited from your teaching experience, your endeavor and good attitude in teaching students. I will highly recommend any peoples who wish to learn English skills, no matter they are taking TOEFL or not, to learn various English skills from you.

    Yours sincerely,
    Somshart, MD

  236. Carla,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M33RXQF0VJk

    Thank you for contacting me!


    Hi michael!

    My name is karla, i really need your help due to the fact i got a 69 score ( 16 reading, 20listening, 21speaking, 12writing) at my toefl ibt and i need to get 85 to get into a nursing board….i saw your web page…and i thought it could help…can you explain what can i do to register…and to start using your program?
    i will be waiting your responses!!


  237. Ahad,

    I sent some comments for you by E-mail.




    Hi Michael,

    I`m preparing for the university
    but I`m wondering between studying for the toefl or IELTS test
    I`m undergraduate student ..
    I need 7 in IELTS
    or 83 in Toefl

    what do u recommend me to start preparing for ??


  238. Roland,

    Good to hear from you!

    Someone else just asked me that same question. Go here to get my answer: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/af53095a-6d02-43cf-9327-be303c7e7788

    Good luck to you!


    Hi Mich,
    I have been waiting for a rely from you about the payment issue.i told you i don’t have paypal and i want to send you moneygram from missouri .Is that not sufficient Sir? so let me know what to do eventually to have access to the site ,so i could start back practising.

  239. Abed,

    My audio comments to you can be found here: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/af53095a-6d02-43cf-9327-be303c7e7788



    how are you?
    i was trying to register on bettertoeflscores.com, but i had a little problem, and i hope we can solve it in a short amount of time since i have toefl test in less than a month.
    first of all, if i need to pay, i’ll have to use paypal, but i come from lebanon, and paypal is not supported here in lebanon, other than that, i use an online visa card registered from entropay.com of which i use for internet purchasing and payments.. and i need to register asap for your toefl lessons,
    tell me how can we solve issue.
    thanks in advance.
    best regards


  240. Hi Mich,
    I have been waiting for a rely from you about the payment issue.i told you i don’t have paypal and i want to send you moneygram from missouri .Is that not sufficient Sir? so let me know what to do eventually to have access to the site ,so i could start back practising.

  241. Manjot,

    Thank you for contacting me! I have some comments to you in this You Yube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vui_d0d91U



    I am Manjot and i recently took Toefl exam ans i scored 24 in speaking and 22 in writing but i need 26 in speaking and 24 in writing section. How many months of practice do you think it will take me to get the target score. Please help me with this Toefl exam.



  242. Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua3m-wk9iO0

    Thank you for contacting me!

    Michael, founder of the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT
    I am trying to find detailed information about your toefl documents,because I am not able to understand how it is work,you mentioned that the course takes 7 step,but I have 75 toefl score and I need 80 and 24 writing,Could you you send me more information please ?

  243. Maryham,

    Welcome to my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT! You are my newest student.

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn4RzoyMsUc




    Hi Micheal,

    Thanks for your useful videos on youtube. I just subscriped on your website through paypal.
    My name is Maryam and I have a Toefl exam on Oct 14th. I got score 86 on my last attempt and I want to improve it to 95 and above!

    My most weaknesses are on reading and writting sections although I want to improve my speaking and listening too.

    I really appreciate your help.

    Thanks in advance,

  244. Taleb,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax7B1IKJFNQ



    hi Michael
    i took the exam six months ago and i got 79
    But this score isn’t enough
    my worst part was the reading i scored 18,
    my speaking score was 19 which still way to far from my goal 26 in the exam report they told me that my weakness was the grammar, pronunciation
    now i scheduled for the exam another time i wish I’ll take it in 17-12-2011 so by experience what do you advise me to do, or what program should i take

  245. hi Michael
    i took the exam six months ago and i got 79
    But this score isn’t enough
    my worst part was the reading i scored 18,
    my speaking score was 19 which still way to far from my goal 26 in the exam report they told me that my weakness was the grammar, pronunciation
    now i scheduled for the exam another time i wish I’ll take it in 17-12-2011 so by experience what do you advise me to do, or what program should i take

  246. Oscar,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCFP_w0JdP8



    I want to take what you recommend, BUT what exactly do I have to do? I mean, what page do I have to visit in order to pay the $29.99 US Dollars.

    Because I visited bettertoelfscores.com but I didnt find what you are recommending me.

    Sorry about the time of answer you, 3 weeks after you wrote this email, You supposedly told me that in 3 weeks or 1 month I would be ready to take the TOELF IBT. But I got some problems with my internet´s supplier. Thanks god everything is going ok now.

    Anyway. I wait for your soon answer

    Regards and thanks again

    I already searched in Macquarie University and they are asking the next scores for the Postgraduate studies I want to take:

    TOEFL (internet based test): Minimum 92 overall, with 18 Listening, 17 Reading, 22 Writing, 22 Speaking

  247. Yao,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCxhgqfWVCg



    Hi Michael,

    This is Yao. I just took TOFEL test in Augest, and the score is as follows:
    Reading: 26/30

    I really want to improve my IBT score, especially in listening and speaking. And I will take ibt exam on October 14th. I wonder to know whether your 7 steps courses will be helpful for me within this short time. And could you give me any suggestion or plan if I join your learning system. I am looking forward for your reply. Thank you.

  248. Hi Michael,

    This is Yao. I just took TOFEL test in Augest, and the score is as follows:
    Reading: 26/30

    I really want to improve my IBT score, especially in listening and speaking. And I will take ibt exam on October 14th. I wonder to know whether your 7 steps courses will be helpful for me within this short time. And could you give me any suggestion or plan if I join your learning system. I am looking forward for your reply. Thank you.

  249. This particular is certainly one of the most impressive content I have read through in a really long time. The amount of related information in here is beautiful, like you pretty much has written the book on the subject. Your blog perfect for anyone who desires to be familiar with this unique content more. Awesome stuff; please continue the good work!

  250. Hello Michael,

    I made a payment for one month.Please create my login id an password.
    Please do the needful in effectively using your systems.

    Thank you.


  251. Ceva,

    Here are some audio comments answering your questions: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Comments-to-Ceva.wma

    Thanks for contacting me!

    Hello Michael,

    How are you doing these days?
    I would like to register into your program.I have exactly 30 days to give my TOEFL test.

    Please let me know, section wise(how many sections) and time required to prepare each section.
    As this information is not included in your audio.
    Thank you for your reply.


  252. Hello Michael,

    How are you doing these days?
    I would like to register into your program.I have exactly 30 days to give my TOEFL test.

    Please let me know, section wise(how many sections) and time required to prepare each section.
    As this information is not included in your audio.
    Thank you for your reply.


  253. Ahmad,

    I scored it.



    I just completed independent writing practice test 1 and Speak Clearly Pre-Test for Vowel and Consonant Sounds …Please evaluate it ASAP.


  254. Baker,

    My audio comments have been sent to your E-mail address.



    Hi Michael,

    This is Baker, from Philadelphia. It has been 3 months now, since I started to be prepared for the ibt Toefl. Recently, I found your website. I have been following and listening your iBT videos from the U-tube for almost 2 weeks now. To me, you look to be very experienced and nice teacher. Fortunately, some of the steps you have been recommeding I have already went through with them by my own prior watching your videos.

    I have very little time before I take my ibt toefl. I am very willing to register to your 7 steps course, but I am afraid to see I have very short time before I take my ibt Toefl, and most possible the time would not be enough to finish all of your steps. As of now, the only or specific thing that I miss from my knowledge is
    -How quickly to make or think about main ideas/main reasons and their supporting points that will impress the listner or reader.
    This is my critical problem. I believe this is very important point to go through in order to do well in questions 1 & 2 of speaking (independent tasks), as well as question 2 of writing (intergrated question)

    If you think that some kind of partial payment will be needed in order for you to be able to help me on this piece of information, then I would not hasistate to do so.

    Please Michael help me from the bottom of your heart to get this kind information.

    Thank you ver much.

    God bless you.


  255. I sent some audio comments to your E-mail address.




    I would like to express that you 7 steps program is helpfull. but I have problem that I can’t pay through paypal, cause paypal doesnot support the region of egypt. so I want you to help me how to start with you the 7 steps program, and how can I pay you the money.

  256. Ahmad,

    I sent some audio comments to your E-mail address.



    hi michael..this ahmad……I couldn’t login into voxopop webpage.I’m trying to use the same us3rname and password that you gave me but It doesn’t work……help

  257. NR,

    I sent some audio comments to your E-mail address.



    I am so upset that I got the toefl-ibt twice but i could not reach the score required. I need to have at least 90 overall. i could get only 73/120.please help me.

  258. hi michael..this ahmad……I couldn’t login into voxopop webpage.I’m trying to use the same us3rname and password that you gave me but It doesn’t work……help

  259. Abdoul,

    Beginning with vocabulary, you can finish 7 Step System one step at a time. Three months will give you plenty of time to finish my 7 Step System, including taking my pronunciation, speaking, and writing practice tests. In all, I have more than 200 TOEFL lessons in my 7 Step System.



    P.S. I like your attitude that “you will pass the TOEFL in January 2012.”


    I visited your nice web site. Congretulations! You are right I’am preparing the TOEFL Test and I’ll pass it in January 2012. I want to pay for taking yours cours but I don’t know if I can finish all yours cours in three months. Can you advise me?



  260. I am so upset that I got the toefl-ibt twice but i could not reach the score required. I need to have at least 90 overall. i could get only 73/120.please help me.
    Please reply to my e-mail.

  261. Anita,

    I answered your questions by E-mail.


    Dear Michael,,

    Fascinated to learn how much TOEFL preparation tools have evolved within the last few years.

    As I am quite often traveling around the world due to my work, I will most likely be taking TOEFL test in different countries depending on my duty station in coming months.

    My question may sound somehow silly, – does the result of TOEFL test vary depending on the country we take the test? Is the test scoring centralized at one center or decentralized at country office? Would there be any tendency that score is over/under rated considering the average proficiency of the test takers in each country (evaluators tend to give higher score where national level is relatively lower…)? It would be particularly the question for speaking and writing part, as these are not scored based on multiple choices.

    Thank you Michel for your advices.

  262. Dunya,

    I answered your questions by E-mail.



    1st of all i would like to thank you for this nice website and answering our questions its a big help.I want to have my master degree abroad and for this i have to pass TOEFL test i really really want to have a great score and im ready to do everything fort hat. I live in a small city there is no TOEFL teacher for me.I really need to know some strategies about each sections especially reading section my weakest part is reading part i cant do the reading part it makes me so sad and upset my listening is ok and about speaking is ok unless i have good ideas and writing its always hard to me to write the 1st sentence if I have 1st sentence i can write the rest i dont know how to write the 1st sentence as well as in speaking i dont know how to start..It would make me very happy if you answer my questions
    Thank you so much,Dunya(Azerbaijan)

  263. David,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkkRI-BJJ-M



    hi Michael im David from Bogota Colombia, i would like to know if can you help me because i need to get 70 in my toefl score because im gonna start my university in January because i got a scolarship in soccer, i have taken the toefl exam 2 times, and my best score was 54, i got 8 Reading, 9 listening, 19 speaking, 18 writing…..

    My problem is that i think a dont have good concentration in reading part.. and i dont have very good listening…i have travelled many times to USA, and the people in colombia who speak english tell me that i have a very good english level..i dont know what could be your advices for me..and id really be happy with anything you tell me..

    thanks for your time and i hope an answer soon.

  264. Ahmed,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pu4l8HGMzE



    OK professor
    I see and I am mailing you to let you know that i have register to the TOEFL ibt in 29 October 2011and i want to improve my speaking and writing skills. so if i buy the material now do you think it got help me to improve my score?

  265. hi Michael im David Preciado from Bogota Colombia, i would like to know if can you help me because i need to get 70 in my toefl score because im gonna start my university in January because i got a scolarship in soccer, i have taken the toefl exam 2 times, and my best score was 54, i got 8 Reading, 9 listening, 19 speaking, 18 writing…..

    My problem is that i think a dont have good concentration in reading part.. and i dont have very good listening…i have travelled many times to USA, and the people in colombia who speak english tell me that i have a very good english level..i dont know what could be your advices for me..and id really be happy with anything you tell me..

    thanks for your time and i hope an answer soon.

  266. Murali,

    Thank you for contacting me! Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPqa5EtLjmk


    Hello sir,

    Iam sry sir,iam not your student,In my search i saw your video 7 steps to pass the exam.Iam very excited to see that video and simply ask you one of my doubt.And it is one of the sample indepedent question which is in Toefl Ibt.Sir how to register in one of STEALTH student.

    Thank you,

  267. Ceva,

    Wow! You’ve got great academic English skills. Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1Xx5ZzF9UE



    Hi Michael,

    I gave TOEFL exam on Aug 14th and had a score of 90
    Reading – 20
    Listening – 23
    Speaking – 22
    Writing -25

    This was first time I am attended test.I would like to get more and planning to give test again in a month because I don’t have ample time.

    Here are my comments on my previous test performance( identified by myself )

    Reading – 5 passages, so not able to concentrate on 4th and 5th passage. I guess most of the wrong answers are from these passages.
    Listening – concentration diverted in two passage, so eventually paid for that
    Speaking – Voice is shivering, pace is high and some pronunciation problems,intonations problem and not able to convey idea clearly
    Writing – Independent – Idea not generated well and simple vocabulary used
    Integrated – Repeated same kind of phrases of lecture

    I would like to ask you how can I prepare for a month effectively to get a score of 100 or more.

    thank you very much in advance


  268. Hi Michael,

    I gave TOEFL exam on Aug 14th and had a score of 90
    Reading – 20
    Listening – 23
    Speaking – 22
    Writing -25

    This was first time I am attended test.I would like to get more and planning to give test again in a month because I don’t have ample time.

    Here are my comments on my previous test performance( identified by myself )

    Reading – 5 passages, so not able to concentrate on 4th and 5th passage. I guess most of the wrong answers are from these passages.
    Listening – concentration diverted in two passage, so eventually paid for that
    Speaking – Voice is shivering, pace is high and some pronunciation problems,intonations problem and not able to convey idea clearly
    Writing – Independent – Idea not generated well and simple vocabulary used
    Integrated – Repeated same kind of phrases of lecture

    I would like to ask you how can I prepare for a month effectively to get a score of 100 or more.

    thank you very much in advance


  269. Ahmad,

    Hang in there. You can get unstuck from your current TOEFL situation. Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CF3i5Q6cHw



    P.S. I have 38 different speed reading lessons to help you gradually increase your reading speed, which will help you to concentrate better while you read TOEFL passages.

    Hi Michael
    This is Ahmad…..I a pharmacist and I’m working on my license with the national board of pharmacy and one of the requirement is toefl Reading: 21,Listening: 18,Speaking: 26, Writing: 24..I tried 3 times before and that was epic fail reading :17,listening:27,speaking:22,writing:18…I don’t have too much time.I have to get it done by the end of november .please I need serious HELP …I’m upset and stuck ..I don’t know what to do ….PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE

  270. Hi Michael
    This is Ahmad…..I a pharmacist and I’m working on my license with the national board of pharmacy and one of the requirement is toefl Reading: 21,Listening: 18,Speaking: 26, Writing: 24..I tried 3 times before and that was epic fail reading :17,listening:27,speaking:22,writing:18…I don’t have too much time.I have to get it done by the end of november .please I need serious HELP …I’m upset and stuck ..I don’t know what to do ….PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE

  271. Silver,

    Thanks for contacting me! Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMUxsDlJsDY



    I got my TOEFL result and i’m very disappointed ,
    i got 72.
    reading 14
    listening 17
    speaking 23
    writing 20
    will i be able to get accept in any univ? as i got a good GPA 3.0
    or should i retake?
    pls help

  272. hi michael,

    I got my TOEFL result and i’m very disappointed ,
    i got 72.
    reading 14
    listening 17
    speaking 23
    writing 20
    will i be able to get accept in any univ? as i got a good GPA 3.0
    or should i retake?
    pls help

  273. Hi
    I got my toefl ibt test result ,96
    reading 21, listening 27 writing 24 speaking 24 . i need your help with reading and writing aiming for 110. please give suggestions

  274. Hi Michael,
    i am really upset about my IBT score … I scored 77 and my main problem was in reading I got 13 and speaking 19.. and i have less than a month to retake the test… how could get a minimum of 22 in reading and 25 in speaking…

  275. Darylm,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQsr1D4qo1s




    Hi Micheal,

    I was so upset today because I just received my TOEFL-iBT result and did not reach the score required for writing and speaking. I need to have 25 on writing and at least 26 on speaking. Here are my scores;
    Reading 22
    Listening 27
    Writing 22
    Speaking 23
    I would like to enroll in your 7 steps for a month only because I’m in a tight schedule. Thanks.

  276. Hi Micheal,

    I was so upset today because I just received my TOEFL-iBT result and did not reach the score required for writing and speaking. I need to have 25 on writing and at least 26 on speaking. Here are my scores;
    Reading 22
    Listening 27
    Writing 22
    Speaking 23
    I would like to enroll in your 7 steps for a month only because I’m in a tight schedule. Thanks.
    Please reply to my e-mail.

  277. Afaf,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr3JtdVB2JI

    Good luck to you!


    hi Michael
    i got my toefl scores recently which its 79 i need to pump up my speaking and writing from(s 22,w 17)to s 26 and w 24 please tell me if there is anyway to solve this disaster

  278. hi Michael
    i got my toefl scores recently which its 79 i need to pump up my speaking and writing from(s 22,w 17)to s 26 and w 24 please tell me if there is anyway to solve this disaster

  279. Ramesh,

    I just sent you your username, password, and enrollment key for the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.

    Welcome! You are my newest online student.



    Hi Michael,
    Just now I have sent your subscription for the Toefl preparation course. Could you confirm and start the course asap.

    I have appeared for the Toefl several times but missing just by a few marks. I shall be taking the first test on Sept 9, 2011. I know cutting very short. I need your active help mainly in the Reading and Speaking sections.

    Waiting for your reply,

  280. Hey Michael,

    I want to know in reading section, should we complete reading whole passage and than start answering the question or after reading one paragraph we should start answering and follow the same.

    And, in listening i am not able to jot all the information sometime i miss key ideas so what to do for that. Please reply 🙂

    Ruchika k

  281. Hi Michael ?

    How are you ? Fine?

    I’m fine friend.

    I did my order and I’m anxious to start my 7 steps !


  282. Muhammad,

    Subscribe for one month to start and see how quickly you can learn my system. Also, take some speaking and writing practice tests so I can score them. When you are consistently scoring higher than 3.5/4.0 on the speaking practice tests or 4.0-4.5/5.0 on the writing practice tests, you should be ready to get a high score on the speaking and writing sections.

    Many of my students subscribe to my service from 1-4 months.


    Michael, founder and materials writer for the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT

    Just a quick question for how many months should I subscribe in your course? Is a month enough for me?

  283. Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPTsLynPPGg



    Hi Michael,
    I’ve just registered to get the 1700 words.
    I did the IBT test in may and got 72.
    I need to improve my score. I plan to take a another test in October 2011.
    Is it possible ? what do I have to do to get better score?


  284. Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgcF9lk83GE


    Michael, founder and materials writer for the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT

    I have found you through youtube.I am interested to join your classes online.My exam is on september 18th.So can you tell me clearly about your package as well as the cost.Will you start the course as soon as I register for your classes?I am mainly worried about the first two sections i.e reading and listening.Please reply ASAP!!!

  285. Norah,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8unpfxvdm7E




    How can I get your lessons
    the website does not have any registration to get an account

    and there is no enough information about what kaind of lessons just buy it now !!!!

    I really need it, I want to pass the Toefl test before January


  286. Hi. My name is James and I’m 16 year old boy who talked to you a few months ago, remember me?

    Sorry for not stopping by since then. I was too busy with my school work.

    I noticed that your online course changed overall. I hope everythig goes alright for you.

    Actually I’d like to ask you if you could look over my speech script. Of course I would make payment first. I’m participating in a speech competition held at World language high school next month. I have to submit the speech script firt to get selected one of ten students who actually get the chance to participate in the competition.

    Please e-mail me your account number and the amount of money I’m required to pay for this particular service. If possible, I would like to get back the paper until Monday(Sorry to tell you this but the deadline is Monday).
    The speech script is two-page paper.

  287. Vijay,

    Thank you for contacting me. Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aehethf6Vhk

    Good luck to you!


    Hi Michael,
    I am vijay from india recently I took TOEFL i scored 85 speaking 21 listening 16 speaking 24 writing 24, I would like to improve my score upto 100 how long it would take? what should i need to do for that?

  288. Hi Michael,
    I am vijay from india recently I took TOEFL i scored 85 speaking 21 listening 16 speaking 24 writing 24, I would like to improve my score upto 100 how long it would take? what should i need to do for that?

  289. Hey! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with SEO? I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I’m not seeing very good success. If you know of any please share. Cheers!

  290. HI:

    I was pleased to see what are you doing in this web site to learning how to score in toefl, so I want to subscribe into your website, but i found that you are using paypal, and it does not supported her in cairo , Egypt.

    please tell me how can I subscribe

  291. Samah,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTenKHtNht4



    Do you beleive that rescoring may give me extra 2 points in the speaking section ?? I’ve heard that many students pay 60 dollar to rescore their test , Do you think this may change any thing ? speacially that i felt that i did so bad in question 1 and 5 , Question 1 score is fair (2.5-3.0) while question 5 score is good(3.5-4)!!!

    Hello Michael ,
    I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
    I have received my Toefl score just right now and I think you are interested to know it . I got 101120 , yet not passing the speaking section . I got 25 points in each of the reading and the listening sections , 24 in the speaking section , and 27 in the writing section . Yet I need 2 points in the speaking section because of the first 2 parts , but thanks god I passed the writing section this time with a high score . Hope I will pass next time . Thanks for your help

    Have a nice day .

  292. Daniel,

    I answered your question by E-mail.




    Hi Michael :

    I need to take the TOEFL iBT exam ,if I want to study in a college in Michigan (NMC -Northwestern Michigan College )I need to get 79 or above , . I’d love to take your course and I was wondering If you can answer me some questions .

    I don’t have a credit card but my girlfriend does .. what if she pays it for me?? can that be possible???

    I’m in Peru until I pass the TOEFL exam . How long do you think it will take me to get it? I tell you this because I feel like I need to improve my Writting and Speaking ( Techniques ) a lot.

    I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

    Have a Wonderful day

    Daniel Flores

  293. Amin,

    Welcome to my TOEFL service. Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_jyDmQxJRo



    Hi Michael,

    I have an acceptance to BYU that will be automatically canceled if I cannot meet the university requirement on the TOEFL test until Septembet 12, 2011. I took my TOEFL test on July 23rd and got 92. My scores in all sections except speaking one, which is 20 instead of 22, are higher than the university requirements for them. My scores on reading, listening, speaking, and writting are 25, 25, 20, 22, respectively. My speaking score is 2 scores below the university requirement on this section. My last chance to be admitted to BYU is taking the test on August 27th with high score.
    My scores on reading, listening, speaking, and writting are 25, 25, 20, 22, respectively. I greatly appreciate your help on speaking section.


  294. Lee,

    Thank you for contacting me. Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce_NvjPTCPc




    Hello, found your service in the net and I have no enough time to prepare myself for the iBT,
    therefore defenetly need your help in writing essays. Also I found myself difficult to retell whatever I just have read, the problem is that I can’t weave the words together in a short time.
    Although my apprehension is fine it appears to be difficult for me to find the right word and make sense in expression especially in the intergrated tasks at speaking and writing sections.
    Could you, please, estimate my chances to the time limit of one month?

    thank you

  295. Hi michael I have submitted two of the assignment in the step six of your seven steps how and when are you going to take a look at it and when will you let me know about my mistakes?

  296. Hi Michael,

    I can pay only through money exchange, could you please send me your contact number and address.



  297. Gulli,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF5Uk6450nI




    Hi Michael

    This is Gulli, and I am planning to take TOEFL iBT test in September. I saw your video on the youtube and I would like to be one of your online students. right now I estimate my level probably is 80, and I need to get 100 in the final, so would you give me some tips about how to use your lessones to help me make it?

    Looking forward your answer!

    Best regards!

  298. Hanna,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZn-gE0oyt4

    Thanks for contacting me!



    I studied for Toefl for like one or two months and I received 105.
    But I have to get over 110 and I feel like I don’t have the right skills
    for speaking and writing section.

    My score is Reading:29 Listening:28 Speaking:23 Writing: 25

    I thought I did really well on writing because I wrote my thoughts clearly(I guess)
    and I had the right reasons for the support. I got both good good but I still received 25.

    And for speaking…. I don’t know. I was cut off two times and for one question
    I paused for about 2 seconds because I didn’t know what to say.

    What should I do ? 🙁

  299. Alaa,

    No, there is no free version. Teaching TOEFL online helps me to pay my bills and earn a living so that I can support my family.



    hello how are you? I hope you are doing fine. I want to get at least a 90 in my toefl score, because i have got a 71. Is there any way that there is a full FREE version of your skills? I really need your help 🙁

    I hope to hear from you soon!


  300. I studied for Toefl for like one or two months and I received 105.
    But I have to get over 110 and I feel like I don’t have the right skills
    for speaking and writing section.

    My score is Reading:29 Listening:28 Speaking:23 Writing: 25

    I thought I did really well on writing because I wrote my thoughts clearly(I guess)
    and I had the right reasons for the support. I got both good good but I still received 25.

    And for speaking…. I don’t know. I was cut off two times and for one question
    I paused for about 2 seconds because I didn’t know what to say.

    What should I do ? 🙁

  301. Sebin,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_-J7D2Efdc

    Thank you for contacting me!


    Hello sir,
    here i have a lot of problems with my writings for toefl ibt; i feels the writing section to very hard. and i have to score more than 100 marks in toefl ibt.
    Here I have a request you to examin how I did this jeneal essay.

    From the questian it is clear that there is to type of families extended and nuclear families.In extended families there grandparants and many other relatives are included. In my view the extended familys are preferable than nuclear families.
    Being alone is not possible for man; man is a social animal. That’s why man forms families and living together. When a child (or a man) belongs to a family he feels that as the most safe place, I have such kind of mentality. If we are in a big family we feel more safeness, that’s the first reason for my opinion. In second,many of morals can achive from a big family such as sharing, mercy etcetera.
    Nowadays the nuclear family is the trend in my locality every one belives that is more comfortable; in fact I too belons to a nuclear family. I think that is the main reason for many social problems. For an example the eviles in society, nowadays that is incrasing very quickely i think the reason is,the main reason is the change in the family set up. For is the past people sed to live together in big families, during that time this kind of social evils were very less. Because there were many sisters, brothers, friends everything was many so the people knew how to be to society, the families were the teachers for them. because the problems in that society was very less than that of our’s.
    For this change i think the main reason is the change in the family set up. In past the children grew up in a extended family therefore they can consider others, and their feelings; they couldn’t hurt others. but today, children grewing up in nuclear families, they haven’t more attachment with their relatives. While grew up, they won’t consider others as I mention before,they couldint do so.
    I strongly prefer extended families for the reasons i have mention above.

  302. Yeloumar,

    Great job!!!!! I am glad that you met your goal. It was a pleasure having you as a student.




    I am writing you to inform you that my TOEFL score this time (July 23) was not bad.
    My goal was 80, and I asked you before I subscribed to Better TOEFL score if I
    can achieve this goal within 2 weeks. You said to me, it was possible.

    Well, the score I got after the test I took on July 23 is 79 ( 19 in reading, 16 in listening, 20 in speaking, and 24 in writing). On the paper based test, 79-80 corresponds to 550.

    If I had known your webside early, I am pretty sure I would have done better. Anyway, I think I have achieved my goal.

    Thanks a lot.

  303. Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U5vI7t-qL8




    hello sir, I have scored 86 on toefl…………i scored well on speaking 24 and writing 22 but my listening and reading i scored only 21 and 19.i had cleared my national dental board exams in u.s.a but could not attain toefl score over 100.please help me out in any possible way.the thing is i find these art land music related passages very uninterestin.please reply me as soon as possible.thanks

  304. Tural,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbi9w8fgwlw

    Thanks for contacting me!


    Hello Michael,

    My name is Tural. My TOEFL exam is very soon , and i would like to take your classes early as possible as i can. I just want to review my TOEFL skills and i have just 15 days to do that.I am sorry but i have never heard about you before. If it is possible please keep in touch with me as soon as you get this.

  305. Ok, so here are some suggestions for those of you trying to get a good score at the TOEFL iBT. This might be quite long so i would like to apologize in advance.

    I’m 23 years old, i’m from Brazil and i currently live in its capital city, Brasília. I’ve just graduated in International Relations (International Studies in some countries) and i’m aiming for an MBA in International Business and/or Foreign Trade.

    The most important thing in my opinion is to be in contact with the English language on a daily basis, especially through newspapers and magazines. I’ve been studying English for quite a while now but nothing helped me as much as reading books, articles, news and texts by myself. Get a good dictionary to improve your vocabulary. If you manage to do that on a daily basis, 6 months prior to your TOEFL test should be enough. So, let’s move to the test itself:

    In the first half of the test you’ll have to report a bunch of information and specific details. So even if you’re able to understand everything you also need to memorize lots of stuff. So make good use of your notes, especially for the Listening Section.

    READING SECTION: Use your notes and try to summarize each paragraph of the passage in 4 or 5 words at most. That will be important for you to remember the main ideas of each paragraph and it should make it easier if you want to find any specific information. You’ll lose too much time trying to read everything again, so try to create some sort of “map” or reference. Again, here the notes will have to be brief because the clock will be ticking for you. Here’s an example; if the passage is about, say Leonardo daVinci, do something like this:
    Paragraph 1 > Leonardo, birthplace, childhood
    Paragraph 2 > First paintings, influences
    Paragraph 3 > Most famous painting Mona Lisa
    Paragraph 4 > Final years, legacy

    LISTENING SECTION: The key here is to make good use of you notes. Try writing down as much information as you can while the conversation is going on, but be careful. Try to pick the overall ideas from what you’re hearing. Also, some parts are a dead giveaway of what the questions will be like. So don’t forget to note things like:
    1 > The person’s own opinion about a certain topic
    2 > The order in which events unfold (sometimes it could be scrambled)
    3 > Detailed information or description of a certain program or object
    4 > Comparing or contrasting two or more things
    Remember, these small details are contained within the most important questions, the ones worth 2 or 3 points!

    10 minute brake (Take a chocolate bar with you, it helps a lot lol)

    There’s something very important about the following sections: Be aware that in some cases you’re asked to deliver your own opinion and sometimes you’ll have to report what you’ve heard or read. So read the instructions carefully and do as requested. Also, avoid at all costs repeating “like this… like that”, “things”, “stuff”. Get a good understanding of transitions and improve your vocabulary. You must realize that sometimes it is better to get organized and have some sort of plan than speak with a perfect accent or write every word correctly. Practice here is fundamental. Remember, in the second half of the test you’ll be asked to deliver and to create content rather than simply “understand” what is presented to you.

    SPEAKING SECTION: To improve your pronunciation and accent try watching american movies or news channels (those helped me a lot) and pay attention to the way americans (or british, whatever) speak. A great and funny example is “Internet”. While most people will say ‘inTERnet’ most americans will say ‘inNERnet’. Things like that. But the most important thing for me here is; try to come up with a “stock”, basic answer. Something pre-conceived or previously rehearsed. If you’re asked what is your favorite book try something like this:
    Introduction > My favorite book is _______ for 3 main reasons.
    1st reason > It was the first book i ever read and it got me interested in literature.
    2nd reason > I did a school project about it and i got a good score out of it.
    3rd reason > I personally met the author and he was very polite.
    Closure > For those reasons i would say that ______ is my favorite book.
    Use your notes to plan and try to structure your response. Practice a few times before the test and memorize some transitions such as “although”, “therefore”, “however”, “moreover” and use some uncommon words for vocabulary.

    WRITING SECTION: Basically the same thing as the previous section. Try to organize your responses in a certain pattern, separating very clearly introduction, main point 1,2 and 3 and wrap up with a conclusion. Try to do each part within a single paragraph so it becomes even clearer. In the first part of the Writing, you will you have to compare a reading passage with a lecture. Try to take notes into 2 columns (one for the text and another for the lecture) and 5 lines (intro, point 1, 2 and 3 and conclusion). If you do that it will be easier to compare both the reading and the lecture and your paragraphs will be very organized, in order and easy to understand. Once again, divide each section in one or two paragraphs at most and make use of transitions and some different words. For the second writing task you can use your personal beliefs, preferences and opinions, but the structure should be similar.

    So that’s it. I hope it was helpful. Good luck everyone and thanks again Michael for the opportunity.

  306. Hello again Michael.

    First of all, thank you so much for you response. I feel pretty confident now and i’ll take your advice and focus on other things other than my TOEFL.

    Second, you asked if i’m willing to leave some comments and suggestions for other students to improve their English and also talk about my background and i certainly am. Should i email you personally or should i post everything right here in this section?

    Thank you.

  307. Nada,

    Congratulations on reaching your goal of 90 on the TOEFL iBT. Using your Pay Pal account, you will need to unsubscribe. In the search box at your Pay Pal account, type in the words “how to cancel a subscription” so that you can get details on how to cancel this TOEFL service.

    How does it feel to not have to worry about the TOEFL iBT anymore?




    Hi Michael

    this is nada from yemen. I was contacting you seeking your help in emproving my toelf result to get 90. I got the result and now I’m trying to subscribed from your websit but I’m not able to do
    so what should I do

  308. Tadeu,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hRKkZ4Qh-Q



    Hi Michael. I replied to your last youtube video entitled: “i only have 3 weeks left to study for the second Toefl test” with a question. Here’s the internet link:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu3krIz-wHY (i’m user tpferraz88)

    So i’m going to reply that same question here for you, just in case:

    Hi Michael. I just received my TOEFL iBT scores and i got 109 out of 120. Reading 25 / Listening 26 / Speaking 29 / Writing 29. I know 100+ is enough for most american universities so my question for you is:

    Should i spend even more time trying to get an even better score or should i be confortable with 109 and focus on other parts of my application?

    I know this question seems kind of silly but i was told that places like Wharton and Berkeley for example require an average of 112.

    Your S.T.E.A.L.T.H. program rocks. By the way, are you a fan of aviation and stealth aircraft? I love such things so i guess we have that in common. Your image references to the B2 spirit are very nice. Gotta love that bird!!!

    Anyway, hope you answer me.

  309. Hi Michael. I replied to your last youtube video entitled: “i only have 3 weeks left to study for the second Toefl test” with a question. Here’s the internet link:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu3krIz-wHY (i’m user tpferraz88)

    So i’m going to reply that same question here for you, just in case:

    Hi Michael. I just received my TOEFL iBT scores and i got 109 out of 120. Reading 25 / Listening 26 / Speaking 29 / Writing 29. I know 100+ is enough for most american universities so my question for you is:
    Should i spend even more time trying to get an even better score or should i be confortable with 109 and focus on other parts of my application?
    I know this question seems kind of silly but i was told that places like Wharton and Berkeley for example require an average of 112.

    Your S.T.E.A.L.T.H. program rocks. By the way, are you a fan of aviation and stealth aircraft? I love such things so i guess we have that in common. Your image references to the B2 spirit are very nice. Gotta love that bird!!!

    Anyway, hope you answer me.

  310. Lucy,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu3krIz-wHY




    i just got Toefl Score today. it is 68. this is the first time i took Toefl and i have studied in US for 1 year. i know it is a bad score and i don’t know how to improve it. i have a lot of stuffs to do for next school year because i will be a senior. i only have 3 weeks left to study for the second Toefl test. i dont know what i should do. please help me!!!

  311. Hi Mr. Michael,
    i just got Toefl Score today. it is 68. this is the first time i took Toefl and i have studied in US for 1 year. i know it is a bad score and i don’t know how to improve it. i have a lot of stuffs to do for next school year because i will be a senior. i only have 3 weeks left to study for the second Toefl test. i dont know what i should do. please help me!!!

  312. Hi Mickael!

    I just received my Toefl scores: Reading 25; Listening 22; Speaking 24 and Writing 25. So my overall score is 96.

    Now I have the chance to study at the university of my dream and I want to thank you for all the help you provided me. I made great progress in 10 days thanks to your feedbacks and pieces of advice. You are an amazing teacher! I would recommend your system to any person who wants to score high at the Toefl iBT.

    Thank you very much!

  313. Krishna,

    I answered your question by E-mail.




    hello michael

    on aug 28th my toefl exam and can u help me sir i need to get minimum score 90 and how to improve myself as to get a good score in toefl. will you plz help me how to get a good score in toefl please email me as soon as possible !
    I ‘m very bad especially at reading ( very slow reader)and writing.And its challenging for me to get a good score,and as i want to know 1 month preparation is enough to get a good score and i was tensed sir plz help me.

  314. Murali,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1StpvQpDjkk




    Hello Michael,

    last time i got 78 in toefl(reading-24,listening-25,speaking-18,writing-11)and i want to retake my exam on aug28th ,will you plz help me how to get a good score in toefl.please email me as soon as possible !
    I need to get 90 minimum and I ‘m very bad especially at reading ( very slow reader)and writing I got also low score because I need to improve my rephrasing( integrating task) and punctuation skills.

    plz help me .



  315. Murali,

    I answered your question by E-mail.




    hello Michael,

    last time i got 78 in toefl(reading-24,listening-25,speaking-18,writing-11)and i want to retake my exam on aug28th ,will you plz help me how to get a good score in toefl.please email me as soon as possible !
    I need to get 90 minimum and I ‘m very bad especially at reading ( very slow reader)and writing I got also low score because I need to improve my rephrasing( integrating task) and punctuation skills.

    plz help me .


  316. Pradeep,

    I answered your question by E-mail,




    Hi Michael,

    After reading many online review comments, I am pretty much convinced about your Stealth program and determined to subscribe it.

    However, I am concerned about time period I should invest to get 100+ score. I understand that Toefl score and preparation time is a relative figure and varies from individual to individual. But, can you please provide me an average figure for Indian students? This information, I will consider as a benchmark and then plan my study.

    As of now, I plan to stay subscribed for two months time. During the subscription period,I can invest 2-3 hours daily. Will it be adequate to achieve desired score?

    Best Regards,

  317. Leo,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7vB5IShKCo




    How is it going?

    I’ve already started your program for 2 days. For this moment, I’m mainly focusing on reading and vocabulary building.

    For reading practice, I’m using the network called “Engaging English”, which is recommended by ETS. I’m wondering if I need to do some extra practice like Barron or Cambridge programs for TOEFL iBT preparation.

    In addition, can you give me some advice on how to follow your 7 steps? Is it necessary to strictly follow your 7 steps from one to another? Or I can do some of them at the same time?


  318. Rakesh,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcbxD1n4Tyo






    I GOT 70 AND 68.

  319. Ramesh,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiW33igZUlE



    hello michael

    I took my toefl last month and got reading 10 speaking 18 writing 21 listening 20 . Now i need your help to get a good score suggest me what to read and book to follow and how can u improve my scoring in all sections.

    I am also retaking the test on august 13th are may be next.please help me in this

    please give me some advice.thank you


  320. hello michael

    I took my toefl last month and got reading 10 speaking 18 writing 21 listening 20 . Now i need your help to get a good score suggest me what to read and book to follow and how can u improve my scoring in all sections.

    I am also retaking the test on august 13th are may be next.please help me in this

    please give me some advice.thank you

    Ramesh kumar

  321. Leo,

    I answered your question by e-mail.



    Hi, Michael.
    This is Leo.
    I’m very interested in your class and I’ve already purchased it actually.
    However, I don’t really understand why I can only get the access to the vocabulary words instead of the entire course.
    Could you tell me what’s going on here?
    Thanks a lot!

  322. Sabah,

    I answered your question by e-mail.




    I want get 81 in the tofel test ,however, i already get 63 for 15 in the writing .17 in the speaking, 16 in the listening,and 15 in the reading .If i registar in your websit how long you seggest i well arived to mu goal .

  323. Rovshan,

    I answered your question by E-mail.




    Hi Michael,

    My sister is preparing for TOEFL test and she planning to take it in coming month. I liked your method of preparing for the test and I would like my sister to use it. She doesn’t have PayPal account, but I do. Is it possible for you to open an account for her if I pay for it?

    Thank you,

  324. Hi!! Please would you tell me how is our writing essay graded on TOEFL. I know that they rate it out of 5 in each writing part but how do they convert it into a scaled score?? please do reply to me as I am quiet worried about my writing score, I received my TOEFL score yesterday I need 24 in writing but unfortunately my score is 22. I have applied for re scoring the writing section. Do you think I will be able to get 24 ?? I have good remark in the integrated task and a fair in independent essay writing.

  325. Dear Michael,

    My name is Carlos Serrano. I need to take the TOEFL iBT in two months, and I need to get 90 minimum. My actual English level is around B2 CEF (Common European Framework). I have scheduled 20hours a week during this eight weeks to study the TOEFL iBT. My questions are:

    Is this time enough to get 90?

    Are your lessons enough to get it, or need I other material (i.e. Books, ohter lessons, CDs, teacher…)?

    What do you recomend me?

    I need your answer as soon as possible, because the eight weeks have just begun.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Kind regards,

    Carlos Serrano

  326. Aarohi,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctyvhWSsC34




    Hello Sir,

    I have given toefl but I could not score 26 in speaking which is the requirement. I got my overall score 105,but speaking score is 23. I need the information of speaking courses of yours because I just want to concentrate in speaking section. My next toefl exam is on 5th august. So, I have very less time. Please, give me some advice.

    Thank you

  327. Keisuke,

    Here are some video comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0jR1AfCbDI



    In a message dated 7/17/2011 8:47:33 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, hooting17@hotmail.com writes:

    Hi, Micheal,

    how are you?

    I am Keisuke, one of your students who joined 7 Step System to pass the TOEFL iBT + speak clearly yesterday.

    My goal is 100 till this September. Last month, i took one and got 93 (R 25 L 23 S 22 W 23). I hope your course will improve my English !

    Could you please join me in your Voxopop discussion list ?

    Thank you

  328. Tamta,

    I answered your question by E-mail.


    Michael, Better TOEFL Scores founder


    Hi Michael. I want to register for your 7 step program for the TOEFL but I have problems with the registering on Paypal, because my country, Georgia is not included in the list of countries. What should I do? Is there some other way to register for your courses?
    Thank you in advance for your help

  329. hi michael,
    I hope it’s not too late to ask you about my problem with my subscription with jason renshaw. I subscribed to him last july 10,2011 but until now i haven’t received any confirmation from him.i emailed him many times and even called him but he did not responds. I don’t know what to do, i wanted to refund my money so that i could enroll in your services. If from the start i knew about your site i opted to subscribe to you because i know that your a genuine person. I do hope that Mr renshaw could resurface and answer all the allegations against him. Pls michael if u know mr renshaw could you voice out this concern. I know a lot of students are on the same plight with me. I’ll be giving my exam this august but because of what happened i am bothered & my momentum to study was disrupted.

  330. Hafsa,

    I answered your question by E-mail.


    Michael, Better TOEFL Scores founder


    i want to unsubscirbe ? plz tell me the method… i am searching for unsubscription but could’nt fint that ..so i am waiing for your respose.

  331. Marcelo,

    I answered your question by E-mail.


    Michael, Better TOEFL Scores founder


    Hi, I´ve been seeing your youtube videos and checking your website, so I´m really interested in buying the material but I do not know how to get it. I mean I live in La Paz – Bolivia (South America) and I am not sure if I can have your material in my country and if it is possible does it have an extra cost? please let me know it. Thanks for all your tips on the internet and keep on doing well bye.


  332. Amitha,

    Here are my answers to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_wMsDVPn7o



    In a message dated 7/12/2011 8:02:12 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, amitha writes:

    Hello sir,
    my name is amitha. now i am searching for toefl online course.I see u r website. It’s great. but i had one doubt if i take one month or two months then i will see complete tests in ur web.that means i touch all the seven caterogies or not .I already written toefl i got score 70.. if u had time please give me reply.
    Thank u sir.

  333. Ryan,

    Here are some comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iEz0kCmWTg

    Thank you for contacting me!


    In a message dated 7/11/2011 11:32:34 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, hashemi writes:

    Dear Michael,

    I want to start your program.
    But I want to finish it in two months.
    How could you help me?
    I want to have a tutor that guarantee the 100 score on Toefl test.
    Please give me advise and the cost of your tutoring?
    Also please tell me what do you do in this program for me and when I have an access to you during the program?

    Best regards,


  334. Maria,

    Very nicely done indeed! Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVP-6fTWGZE



    In a message dated 7/11/2011 8:51:22 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, maria writes:

    Hi Michael: I want to share very good news with you. I just got the TOEFL scores and here they are: Reading: 21; Listening: 23; Speaking: 24; Writing: 27. Total: 95.
    The university was asking me for 93 and minimum 22 for speaking and writing. So, I got it! Even though reading was not great; I was extremely nervous and it was the first one. I spent more time than I should and could not work properly in the last reading.

    I want to thank you for all your feedback and information provided in your course. I was able to get this score based on your guidance and feedback. I studied just for two weeks. I could not believe that I was going to be able to get the score in the first attempt. You are a wonderful teacher and your system is awasome.

    My monthly registration finishes today but I would like to study with you for a while, specially in speaking and writing. Should I stay with the 7 Steps System or would you suggest a different course to improve my speaking and writing. I am a psychoterapist, so I am really interested on doing it the best I can.

    Thanks again,


  335. Hi Michael,
    I did TOEFl test on June,25th and I got 94.However, as a pharmacist I need to get 24 in the writing section.Unfortunately,I got 21. I’m going to take it again On July,23 .So I don’t have much time till the next exam.I’m interested in the course,but all I need to focus on written. As you see the time is too critical for me.Is there any available intensified course in writing?

  336. Hi , I’m areej
    how are you Michael!? are you okay? I hope so
    7 days left on my TOEFL exam..
    I just wanna you to give me some advices.

    waiting (:

  337. Hello,
    I’m interested in getting your course. My last IBT TOEFL score was 93 (reading 26, listening 27, writting 21 and speaking 19). I would like to improve my score in the speaking section since I need to get 23 (The Total score I need is 92). However, before buying your course I would like to take the free speaking test you mentioned in one of your videos, how could I do that?
    Thanks in advance


  338. Hello! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Anyways, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be book-marking and checking back often!

  339. Hello Mr. Buckhoff,

    My name is Sul Ki Kim who is Korean and currently staying in the U.S.
    I’ve been here almost 5 years. I have no experience of taking the iBT before.
    However, I have taken the SATs four times. My highest Critical Reading score was 510 and Writing was 650.
    The SATs were the my first standardized test I have taken in the US.
    So after listening to your lessons and searching ways to do well on the iBT, I decided to leave a comment here.
    I got my prep book which is from ETS and two vocab books.
    I thought getting books would guide me as a indicator to success but I am so lost.
    Would you give me some advices for me not to spend too much money and waste time?
    Thank yoy

  340. Anna,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Comments-to-no-happy-ending.wma




    Dear Micheal My Teacher,

    First of all I’d like to apologize from you because in the previous email I forgot to mention my name ….

    And before couple days i sent you the same email but unfortunately you didn’t answer so I recompose the same email to make sure you’ll receive it.

    I am Ahmed Khoswan and I want to ask you some questions about your program .

    1- How long does it takes to complete all of your lessons…??

    2- how can I access your lessons after I purchase the program in other words for i have to put user-name and password and the enrollment key is it on a place on your website or on the pay pal storage although i told you that i would transfer money through the western digital that it’s like fastest money transfer method over the world and it has no storage just it’s a method to transfer money…

    3- plz I want to know your account number and the fullest name of the bank and the full address of it ??

    4-What about the vocabulary section will i learn vocabulary subconsciously in other words do i have to memorize them or only all i have to do is to listen and it’ll stuck on my brain effortlessly ?

    5- in speaking system what is the magic methods that help users to get 25 even 27 on TOEFL speaking section?

    6- on the reading section what’s new is it like reading passage and analyze it or there is different ways that helped user to earn 26 on reading section ??

    7- could I pass an Academic IELTS exam (international English language test system) or it’s just for TOEFL .

    I hope I am not bothering you by asking tons of questions.

    Please answer me as soon as possible because time flies and I don’t have enough time to enroll in which program I’d planned.

    Thanks A lot
    Best regards

  341. Joseph,

    I answered your question by E-mail.




    Hello Michael!
    I need to take the computer based TOEFL test and i need to score a 220 to be accepted in France. I’ll be needing a book to prepare,which book do you recommend?
    Thank you!

  342. Zainia,

    I answered your question by E-mail.




    dear steve would you express how can you help me get a better score? please email me as soon as possible !I need to get 100 minimum and I have been watching your online youtubes and 7 steps of better toefl score, but I ‘m still way behind that score I ‘m very bad especially at reading ( very slow reader)and writing I got also low score because I need to improve my rephrasing( integrating task) and punctuation skills.

  343. Ebru,

    I answered your question by E-mail.



    Hello Michael;
    My mother tongue is Turkish, and I will take Toefl IBT exam 5.August.2011…Can I catch your lessons until this time? And Can I really improve my english skills even if it is not my mother tongue.
    Best Regards.

  344. Hello
    I saw your page on youtube link and i am very excited to find your page helpful for me as it will help me improve my overall score of TOEFL iBT Exam.Well I am preparing for my test these days and have planned to take the test after 2 months of preparation as i am advancing i am getting ssigns it is indicating me my weaknesses section wise.So far what i have found to be my weakness is listening module of TOEFL i am unable to understand and what is being important said in the conversation overall :(.I want to request you can you please give me some instructions on how can i further improve my listening skills for TOEFL exam?.Please i ‘ll be highly grateful to you 🙂

    Zohaib Bilal

  345. Phuong,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbCtuifT0Eg




    In a message dated 6/22/2011 8:24:38 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, wordpress@bettertoeflscores.com writes:
    Hello Michael,
    I took SAT last year and I got 85 in total. Specificially, I got 25 on writing, 22 on Listening, 20 on Reading, and 18 on Speaking. Now I want to improve my score to at least 100. I have about 2 months before the next exam but I can only spend 1-2 hours per day for studying. What is the probability that I can achieve my goal if I follow your program?
    Please give me some advice. Thank you!

    Hello Michael,
    I took SAT last year and I got 85 in total. Specificially, I got 25 on writing, 22 on Listening, 20 on Reading, and 18 on Speaking. Now I want to improve my score to at least 100. I have about 2 months before the next exam but I can only spend 1-2 hours per day for studying. What is the probability that I can achieve my goal if I follow your program?
    Please give me some advice. Thank you!

  346. Hello

    Dear Michael My toefl Ibt score was 59 Reading 1 Listening 12 Speaking 22 Writing 24. I thought that ı would pass it but i did not.I need to improve my Reading and Listening parts but. Before ı join your class what you can offer to me improve both section. ı am going to take Toefl December and ı need to take 95 for my Master. Thank you


  347. Leo,

    Great job! Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jafCxY9mImw

    You are finished with the TOEFL iBT!



    hello michael this is leonardo ramirez the baseball player !

    I want to let you know my toefl score!

    I got 67 and my best section was writing (20) speaking (19)

    thanks for all your advices!

    my goal was 61, I got 43 in my first one, them I took the 7 lessons and just in 2 months I improved my score to 67.

    again thanks michael ! And good look for everyone who take your lessons. take care you michael!

  348. Mi Mich,
    I am Roland from Missouri.I left a mail on your skype account regarding my payment.I already told you i don’t have paypal and i want to make a new payment or the service .please try to reach me with my skype account,so we can look for a different method of payment.

  349. Hadas,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gAhnVzjXMQ



    Hi Michael,

    I want to be your student.
    I want to allocate 5 to 6 hours of study on my TOEFL exam preparation every day. Not sure where to start, please advice.

    My score is terrible. Examining my English skills in general puts me in an intermediate level. I need to be in a good or high level.

    Your didactic way of preparing for the TOEFL gives sense. I guess, I have a high shortage of vocabularies. I started working on it. Here is the website I am working on right now. http://www.toeflvocabulary.com/

    Also, if I dedicate so much hours on study and follow your advices, how long will take me to sit for the exam to score ” high” scores?

    Your help is appreciated and hope to hear from you soon.

  350. Cristian Vidal


    I answered your question by E-mail.

    Good luck to you!



    Hiu Michael.

    I need to improve my TOEFL score in July when I’ll take the test again. My last score was 79 points, and I need 80 to continue my Ph.D. studies… Can you give me details about the classes to arrange my schedule, please?



  351. Hiba,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65xpmoO31fE

    Good luck to you!



    Dear Michael,

    My Toefl test is scheduled on 25th of June, and I need to score at least 24 in each section;a total of 100, and at leat 5 in independent writing.
    I have been able to score 27 in reading and listening in the free internet exams, however I am not able to know my score in any of the other sections i.e speaking and writing. Moreover I know I am very weak in speaking, especially in organizing my speech.

    Kindly advise if by joined your lesson would I be able to acheive much in 2 weeks



  352. Nada,

    I configured the payment page so you will only need to enter your name and E-mail address.



    Hi Michael
    Thanks lots for your quick response
    from my side, I’m gonna subscribe next Saturday but i want to ask about the service which you provide. As i understand it is online guidance, isn’t it ? So if this is true, no material will be sent to us to our address. I will be having only 14 days and I think online service is all what I need. My problem is when clicking order for completing payment, I found some information such as state, zip or postal code which we It can be filled. so can i skipped this step or what should i do and even for the street address it is not that details ( we have only streat name ) Yemen address system is weak somehow. But if there is nothing to be sent to us why should I fill it. If it is a necessity can POBox be a replacement
    please advise as I need to ensure my subscription by Saturday
    Good night my teacher

  353. Priyanka,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP8RJhbjBcA




    Hello Michael
    I am Goidelic in reading and listening and I am weak in speaking and writing. I cannot elaborate my ideas. For example, while starting the essay I can only think of a little bit of introduction and one example for body paragraph. I cannot write details.
    Can you please advice me of what can be done

  354. Amr,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4GguH7N35A




    I did a TOFEL test but my score is 69 and i need 80 my reading was 10 listeninig 22 speaking 23 writing 14 So I need youe advice as soon as because I need to be ready before september or i ll need to wait for the next january .

  355. Nada ALaghbari


    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Uxr6QJhNqE

    Good luck to you!



    Hi Michael
    Hope you are fine. I’m very pleased to know about your service trying to help the students anywhere to get the required mark. let me tell you about myself. I’m an ambitious girl despite the difficulties which can be faced in my community. With the hard working I got a scholarship offer from the British council to study international development in UK. I had an exam at 9th of April and I got 70 and I retake the exam at 14th of May and I got 81(reading 18, listening 20, speaking 23, and writing 20)
    The mark I need is 90 and in some of the universities is 100. I have been communicating with the universities to see if can they provide me with unconditional offer provided I enroll with one of the presessional courses but the problem is because of a new law issued last month so i can’t even apply for a visa to study the presessional courses unless I got 22 in each section.
    I’m supposed to retake the exam as soon as possible but because of the current security situation in Yemen which i think you are aware of It has been delayed to the end of the month. I’m not sure if I’m still having time but I will fight for the last second. I had explained my circumstance to all universities given me conditional offers.
    I need your help in getting the required mark. i know that the time is not in enough but I have strong ability to study and practice without stopping.
    I got to this website and I do not how can i start it
    Please advise

  356. Ketkeo,

    Most of my lessons are delivered by videos or pdf files. In the same manner, I give you comments on your writing and speaking practice tests usually by video or by audio.

    I look forward to having you as an online student.



    Hi Michael,
    I’m going to be your subscriber soon, maybe within this week or next week, i would like to ask you about my internet connection that for example whether i can access the internet just only checking, not open web cam like a real conversation, is it ok ? or your program provide only talking through face to face conversation ?
    i’ve watched your video in YouTube and i understand even though you explain via YouTube device or other video devices. As I have mentioned that i still have only 4 moths more for my thesis defense, but before that i think around middle of Aug i will take a exam because i already wrote the application form for examination. By the way, it means i still have almost 2 and half months for preparation. Do you think i can make it ? i’m sure that i can spent the time one to two hours per day, and my schedule is only night time(after 9pm) Philippines’s time.
    thanks Michael

  357. Karina,

    I just sent you another E-mail inviting you to join my talk group. Check your spam folder if you didn’t receive the e-mail.




    Hi Michael

    How can I join to the Voxopop Discussion Group? I am one of your online S.T.E.A.L.T.H. students.

    Have a nice day


  358. Oumar,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3F4GeXVbQY



    Thank you Michael,

    I have read about many of your materials on the
    the TOEFL iBT, and I may say there are very interesting.
    I have taken the test for three times, but my best score is
    still 67. 16 on the reading, 16 on the listening, 17 on the speaking
    and 18 on the writing section. I always prepare intensively for
    the it, using about 90% of my time. I have already gotten an
    admission in a graduate program, but I still need to get a good
    score on the test before next Fall. Actually, I have been placed
    in an Intensive English Program since January within an University here
    in the US. In addition to that, I have enrolled a TOEFL class, and up to now
    I have not still scored well on the test.
    My next test is scheduled for June 10, 2011. WHAT KIND OF ADVICE

    I will be happy to read your reaction to my concern.

  359. Akram,

    You have just been sent an invitation to join my talk group. Check your spam folder if you do not get the message.




    hi Michael
    I am one of your students , but i try to open VOXOPOP DISCUSSION GROUP and every time I find a message that you need invitation , so can u help me to solve this problem

  360. Yosef,

    Thank you for contacting me. I have made some comments to you in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgiik3qDrow



    Also, check out the following article I wrote last week about reading: http://ezinearticles.com/?TOEFL-IBT-Reading-Score-Improvement-in-Three-Simple-Steps&id=6308212


    Hi I took the toefl got really bad score even though I prepared for it my reading is only 10!!!! speed 115 w/min and comprehention is 65% I couldn’t even read all the passages I only solved 3 i guess if not less I have to take the test as soon as possible any advice on how to improve my speed and comprehension thanks

  361. hi Michael
    I am one of your students , but i try to open VOXOPOP DISCUSSION GROUP and every time I find a message that you need invitation , so can u help me to solve this problem

  362. Hello Mr.Michael. I have got a question to you. I want to know that which is easy: TOEFL IBT or PBT? Thanks for you.

  363. Dear Michael,
    I have studied seven months for Toefl.
    The best score that I get was 76.
    I took five times and I have scheduled test on June 10th.
    I am going to go to MBA program, and I want at least 100 for it, and the deadline of this program is on August 1th.
    I know grammar, many words, but I cannot improve my reading section.
    How can you help me?
    Best Regard

  364. zekarias wakuma

    i’m going to apply regular education program for the sake of interested in the field of study which listed above. i saw and will to confirm certain requerments that i need to obtain.

  365. Saed,

    My comments are in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56rqC7V0Kzo

    Keep up the good work!



    HI michael,

    I just want to let you know that I have already subscribed at your website which is a very good website. My English is getting better after joining your website therefor, I am planning to take the TOEFL test just to see how good I am, what do you think is it good Idea to take the test after 1 month as preparation? if so what are your tips and recommendation in order to do well in the exam.


  366. Sahiba,

    You can subscribe to my services, which will give you access to a TOEFL membership site containing 162+ Lessons and practice tests. You study most of the lessons online. And, during steps 2, 6, and 7, the pronunciation, writing, and speaking lessons, you will take practice tests, all of which are evaluated and scored by me.

    Therefore, typically a user will use my services anywhere from 1-4 months before he/she reaches his/her TOEFL goals.

    Join now so you can get started with your lessons!


  367. Hello Mr.Michael Buckhoff My name is Sahiba, I am from Azerbaijan. I sent you message on May 8 and you wrote me answer as well. However I can not understant what should I do? How can you help me? please help me, I need your advice? should I buy 7step lessons, or you put them into internet? If I should buy, how I can buy immediately?

  368. Michael,
    I am from Bangladesh, I want your help for getting my toefl score. I have admission in CA now they ask for TOEFL score 80 above. can you please help me. my email:anwar405z@yahoo.com

  369. these are very useful for everyone specially for those who study English as the second language (ESL)

  370. Michael,
    Thanks for all your guidance. I passed my Toefl with a magic score of 26 in speaking. I was subscribed to better toefl scores.com for three months. It helped me to improve my reading and writing skills. I scored 28 in writing,with the help of your comments.

    Although, your suggestions on organization and unity helped me to improve my speaking skills,but from my experience I can say that we need to give a specific example for atleast one point from our organization in the speaking. The example should impress the listeners.
    Moreover, the integrated writing, should follow the same organization like independent task.

    Thanks for your valuable suggestions and goodluck for your students.


  371. Saed,

    Thank you for contacting me. Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeQEpA2umtk

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL success!



    Hi michael,

    I think I have found the right place finally. I am really struggling in the reading and the listening skills, I have already taken the toefl test 5 times now and my scores in the reading and the listening are always 11-14 however, the writing and the speaking skills are not as bad as reading and listening 17-19. I really need your help to get at least 80 to get my scholarship. I am waiting for your response.


  372. EG:

    Hi, this I Michael. Thank you for contacting me. Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=060Cimko-KA

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL success!



    Hi Michael,

    I am E.G., a physical therapist from the Philippines. I have seen some of your videos from Youtube and I’m really interested to be one of your students. You see, I have taken the toefl before and I had problems with the speaking and writing sections. I need 26 for the speaking and at least 24 for the writing. I really need to pass this for my state board exam. My expected employer in the US is already rushing me to take it again in one month time but I told them that I’m not yet ready. I emailed you to ask if you can get me ready for the toefl in a month? Or should I need more time? Please advise me on this so that I will know what to say to my employer. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you and God bless.


  373. Hi,

    I forgot to include some information in the previous comment. My TOEFL exam will be in to months Jul 09, 2011. So, I need your help ASAP to score 80 points, I am still insisting on how to get high score in reading and listening because I can not concentrate and get the main Idea, also the speaking and writing skills need to be improved. My English is good but I find it difficul to score high without help from an expert. I want to take what ever necessary to get a better score in the Toefl.


  374. Hi michael,

    I think I have found the right place finally. I am really struggling in the reading and the listening skills, I have already taken the toefl test 5 times now and my scores in the reading and the listening are always 11-14 however, the writing and the speaking skills are not as bad as reading and listening 17-19. I really need your help to get at least 80 to get my scholarship. I am waiting for your response.


  375. Congrats suni.I am glad that sunitha got such a great score for speaking.
    Yes, I know she is a very hard working girl. I used to see her postings on the
    web site. I even used to read her essay. Hope I also can achieve like her.

  376. Suni,

    Congrats on getting 26/30 pts on TOEFL iBT speaking! And, I am giving you all the credit. You have got to be without a doubt the hardest working online student I have ever had.

    With all of your speaking and writing practice tests that you took at Better TOEFL Scores, you sure made me a very busy man, but I am proud to have been able to cross online paths with you. A teacher is only as good as his students. And you are a great student.

    Good luck with your professional life!



    How are you doing? I passed TOEFL with speaking 26. Thanks for all your support and motivation.


  377. Hi,

    I need to pass the paper toefl, do you have some important material or course for the paper toefl test?


  378. hi i want to improve my score in TOEFL. now i have 49 the bast test i take
    do you think in 3 months i can meet my goal and take up than 70-80 it is important to me.
    i need you to tall my about your experiences with any students have same situation.
    pleas answer my question.

  379. Hello,

    My TOEFL IBT score is 61 and I have to improve it in 16 days to 80. It’s very important to get admission. I have problem in reading and listening sections. My Speaking score is 19 and writing is 17. I need your help.


  380. Hi there. This is Michael from Better TOEFL Scores. Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LaKpKNqQoQ

    Dear, Mr. Michael John Buckoff. My name is Kenan. I am from Azerbaijan (Baku). I studied in a faculty of Economics and Management at Khazar University. My education was in English.

    After, my BBA degree, I want to study my MBA degree in foreign countries. For that, I want to get the certification of TOEFL. Therefore, I want to ask some questions from you.

    Please, tell me:

    1. Can you help me to get the certification of TOEFL ?

    2. Can you show me the way how to get the certification of TOEFL?

  381. Alvaro,

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcZJfY60fG8

    Thanks for your questions!



    Hi Michael,

    I took toefl the past 15th April. I got 81 point, reading 25, listening 17, speaking 18 and writing 21.

    I have to get 100 points and my next exam is 17th June.

    Dou you think that if I register with your method, I could obtain 100 points at least?. I am full-time for this goal.

    I am from Spain, and I haven’t had long experience abroad. My worst skills are, like you have read, listening and speaking. I think that in writing I could improve my score if I understand better the lecture (integrate task), since my essay was high.

    Thanks in advance

  382. Hafsa,

    I have answered you in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg5EmTL9POI

    Thanks for you comments!




    I am reading your 7 steps, but I am wondering how can I take your pre test and post test?

    please reply me as soon as possible. i am waiting. i want to do practice with you.


  383. Shahiba

    Here are my comments to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hayAnQYHgJc




    Hello. I am very happy because I have found a perfect teacher as you. After 3 months I am going to give TOEFL exam. But I afraid a lot. Because my reading and pronunciation are so bad. Can you help me? I have a little time and I need your advice.

  384. Hello. I am very happy because I have found a perfect teacher as you. After 3 months I am going to give TOEFL exam. But I afraid a lot. Because my reading and pronunciation are so bad. Can you help me? I have a little time and I need your advice.

  385. HI
    I have my toefl ibt on 14th may , but as time passes i am so confused and i feel that i can not get a higher score.now i start worrying about every section , i practiced alot but when i thought i want higher score it seems to be impossible.
    i am doing practice on longman toefl ibt software, when i took complete test in this software the scores are too bad.when i think if i got the same score that i got in software then ….. i am so worried about .. every section.
    i need your help and tips also.
    kind regards

  386. F. E.,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SdHj6P9dNQ




    Hi Mr Micheal I would like to say that my scor is around 45-60. I still have some problems all my sections. I prepear 4 hours every day and honestly I am already tired.i

    I know that I have to prepare more than that because I will take toefl exam about 2 months later.I need 75-85toefl scor. Can you give some explanation please. What do you think what I have to most?


    F. E.

  387. Mohammed,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Ok2EbWMgE

    Thanks for contacting me!



    Dear Michael

    I would like to subscribe in your 7 steps for TOEFL iBT preparation. Could you please tell who much it will cost & how long ( in terms of hours or days ) does it take to finish the full preparation.

    Thank You


  388. Junaid,

    Have you thought about subscribing to my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT? To start, (after you subscribe) I recommend that you study my listening and reading lessons so that

    1. You can develop an effective system to organize your notes.

    2. Understand all the TOEFL iBT reading question types so you know how to identify and answer them quickly.

    3. Take a pronunciation, speaking, and writing practice test and get back feedback from me.

    With a little practice and guidance, you should be able to eliminate the problems that you are having.

    Good luck to you!




    My teofl IBT score is 73 and I want to improve that in just 14 days to 94 (Atleast). I am very troubled with what to choose in reading and learning section as I get very confused with the lines and cannot make up my mind especially while reading, I have lost hope but still I am emailing you to provide me tips and good assistance.

    I had score of 22 each in speaking and writing, at those parts I normally don’t get confused.

    Please provide me useful solution or I’ll lose my conditional admission.

    I am very worried.



  389. Hi Mona,

    This is Michael, the founder and materials writer for Better TOEFL Scores. I will be more than happy to have you as a student.

    If you work hard to complete my 7 Step System, you should be able to improve your academic English proficiency in time for the TOEFL iBT in July.

    Consider the following saying, “If you prepare, you will not fear.” There is no reason for you to fear the TOEFL iBT so long as you prepare well for the test.

    Join my TOEFL iBT services so you can begin your quest to conquer the TOEFL iBT!



    Hi Micheal,
    This is Mona. I am so scared of this exam. i took twicw, now i am so nervous. i m planing to take this exam 17 july, so pls help me. i get confused in reading & listening part. i want to signed up for your online class. please, please help me out for iBT TOEFL.


  390. HI Michael,

    I am so glad to have joined your talkgroup. Your 7 step system has a very comprehensive review for the Toefl ibt exam. I went straight ahead to the speaking skills because I know that it is my weakness in the teofl ibt secton but I believe that the other 3 sections:reading, writing and listening will teach me more strategiies that will be beneficial for passing my toefl-ibt.I am impressed on how you touch base to every student and follow up on each one of them.Your personal interaction encourage us more and make us persevere to achieve our goal and pass the toefl ibt test.I will definitely recommend your 7 step system to my colleagues and friends.

    More power,


  391. Khaled,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH3FykCQfg0




    Hi Mr. Buckhoff

    First of all, I would like to thank you for what you are presenting on
    your youtube channel. I am interested in your lessons and hope to be
    your student. Before I subscribe to your blog, I want to know what are
    the activities and programes will I have after the subscribtion?

    Also, I would like to inform you that I have took TOEFL IBT twice and
    my scores were almost the same ( 41 and 38). For the two times, I
    prepered well. However, I found that I am a limited student. I will
    try TOEFL for the third time at the end of May. I hope to improve my
    limit with you.

    Please, reply to me as soon as possible. Thank you for your time
    reading my email.

    Saudi Arabia

  392. Mel,

    HI there. I made some comments to you by video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8sY2m5QQIg




    Dear Michael;
    I found your website and I am interested to be your student.
    I am scheduled to take the TOEFL IBT by the end of May 2011. I would like to
    know if it is still possible to catch up with your classes since my exam is
    near. I have read two books for the past month.
    My waterloo is the speaking and writing sections.
    Please give me your comments.
    Thank you.
    Respectfully yours,

  393. Sukanya,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC65iT44K_k

    Thank you for contacting me!



    Hi Michael

    I come from Thailand. I want to take the TOEFL to take the state bord of nursing. I graduated bachelors degree of nursing and worked as a nurse in Thailand for14 years.I have been in the USA. for 3years. I have prepared for the TOEFL by myself since then.Acually I intended to take test on the end of May but I think I’m not ready yet. ( I never take this test before). I have problem about speaking and writing especialy integrate task because sometime I have problem when I have to read and listen in limited time Sometime I do not understand unfamiliar words or it is not my field(nurse or health). After I found your website, I want someone to help me to overcome with it. I hope you can help me.

  394. Mary,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv_vOW7BSnw




    Hi There Michael,

    The reason I’m taking these reviewer is for me to pass the TOEFL. I’d took for two times already, after I got the result, I decided to find other way to pass it, so I search on google and i found your website. The purpose of me taking the TOEFL is to for me to take the state board. It’s kinda weird and annoying, because i had my bachelors degree in nursing for 4 years, of course i also took English courses, I may not be that good on it, but I can speak and understand English very well. I just do not know why they wanted me to take TOEFL, it pretty disturbing for me. It seems like their under estimating my English proficiency. Anyway, I’m just knowing you could help me, so that I can pass TOEFL and to get over it.

    Have a great day!


  395. Kristina,

    Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGlfjNchvvk

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL iBT success!



    Hi Michael ,

    I took TOEFL Ibt several times and the maximum score was 90. My main problems are my Speaking ( score of 24 out of 30 , but I need at leats 26 ) ) and Reading ( score of 18 out of 30, but I need at least 21 ). How much does you course cost and when can I start to study with you ?


    Kristina 🙂

  396. Walaa,

    Here are my comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ok8Nc2dtxE

    Here is a link to the video I refer to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpMov3GcN04

    Good luck on your upcoming TOEFL iBT test!


    Hello Michael,

    Hope this message finds well, it was a last minute decesion,I will take my ibt exam after 3 days and I am just trying my luck, as I didn’t have enough time to prepere for this exam, I need to get a score of 80, so what tips can I use to get this score. My level of english is intermediate level.

    your reply is highly appreciated

  397. Mahoud,

    I will be more than happy to teach you. Would you like to subscribe to my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT? As a student, you can ask questions, take lessons, and complete my speaking and writing practice tests, and I help you in every way I can.

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL iBT success!


    hi i hop learn about TOFEL

  398. Melycel,

    Hi there! Here are my answers to your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXtE2XM2_zQ

    Thank you for contacting me,



    Hi Michael,

    I’m preparing for my toefl exam on June 17. I only have atleast 1 month and half to prepare. Do you think I can cover all your lessons with this time frame? I need help with the speaking skill most especially. Pls. advise how you can help me with this.

    Thank you,


  399. Rokaya,

    Usually, two months is sufficient for me to get you where you need to be.

    All the best to you high-scoring TOEFL success!




    This is Rokaya from Lebanon. I read about your 7 step system and I like it.

    I need to prepare the Toefl IBT within two months to get a scholarship, is it enough to complete your 7 step system during this period to pass the exam with high score or it needs more time?

  400. Konul,

    Hi there! I have answered your questions in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvEM2QQ9wC8

    All the best to your TOEFL success on May 14th, 2011,



    Dear Micheal,hi.I am from Azerbaijan.I have Toefl exam on 14th of May,2011.I need your advices.
    Best wishes Konul.

  401. Ashok,

    I specialize in helping students to improve their speaking, fluency, and pronunciation of American English and also to improve their academic English proficiency for the TOEFL iBT. Unfortunately, I do not specialize in coaching students for the IELTS.

    Nevertheless, you still may want to subscribe to my service if you think you have pronunciation problems with which you may need me to help you.

    Good luck!


    i want to coching ielts

  402. Juan,

    Thank you for contacting me! I have answered your questions in three parts:

    Part 1

    No problem. You can use my 7 Step System however you want. If you want, you can go directly to the writing and speaking lessons/practice tests.

    Part 2

    Once you subscribe, you pay $29.95 for every 30 days that you use my service/lessons. Your 30 day payment cycle begins on the day you subscribe. Therefore, if you subscribe today, you will not have another payment due until May 24th. This means you will NOT have a payment due on May 1st.

    Part 3

    Sounds like you are well on your way to getting a high TOEFL score. If you like, you can take a writing or speaking practice test once you subscribe, and I will score them and make some recommendations so you can see what you need to do to improve.

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL iBT success!


    Dear Michael,

    I write you in order to ask about your method to be prepare for the TOEFL IBT test.
    I´m thinking to take the test on May 13th, I have good knowledge of english language (I have 865 in the TOEIC listening and reading test), the problems are the speaking and writing part of the TOEFL. I don´t feel secure about these tests and I don´t know if I have enough time to follow your 7 steps. What would you recommend me?
    Also I want to ask you if the subscription of your study method is monthly, I mean that if I subscribe today I have to pay the whole April month and then pay again on the 1st of May?
    I read your steps and I think are great, I can read and listen understanding almost everything without problem, maybe I have a vocabulary and grammar problem but as I said before I don´t think have the necessary time to follow the steps. Any help or advice you can give me will be great to succed in the writing and speaking parts.
    The things I am doing now is reading your 1700words document, also watching your videos and practicing for the test.

    Thank you in advance.



  403. Anu,

    Hi there. This is Michael, founder and materials writer of the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT. Thank you for posting your practice writing test, but you will

    1) Need to subscribe to my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT

    2) Need to complete the TOEFL iBT independent writing practice test on a password-protected page of my web site.

    Gotta get back to scoring my STEALTH students’ independent and integrated writing and speaking practice tests!


    This is Anu. I’ve seen ur youtube videos. Its amazing! Can u please score my essay? I’ve my test next week. Kindly send me ur comments asap.

    Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Others like to cook and eat at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    People’s opinion about eating habits differ based on their culinary interests. Thus, some people like to eat out and others like to prepare their food in the kitchen. Basically, I’m not an outgoing person and I prefer to cook my food at home rather than going for restaurants. Eating in this way is both cost effective and keeps healthier; I support these views and explain them in the following essay.

    At first, eating food at restaurants is very expensive than preparing food using store bought groceries. For example, I go to Costco or Sam’s club to buy food products in bulk and spend $75, which is sufficient to make meals for the whole week. On the other hand, if I go to a restaurant I have to spend the same amount for my whole family just for a single meal. Further, if I go with my kids, then I end up in buying some desserts which would increase my spending altogether. Hence, going to restaurants to eat is not a good option for me and my family either. That’s why I always prefer eating at home to restaurants.

    Secondly, food prepared at restaurants is not healthier. If I consistently consume food outside, it increases my body weight and even sometimes it leads to indigestion and other intestinal problems. Generally, food prepared in the restaurants do not have good ingredients; it may have more oil, salt, spice and so on, which is definitely not healthy to my body. For example, think about the amount of fat in a pizza; it is one of the dangerous food in the world. I always think about the nutritional facts even when I cook at home and therefore, I do not consider restaurants as a best place to eat wholesome food.

    I conclude that eating food at home is better than restaurants; it reduces my cost of living and keeps me healthy. I enjoy cooking and even my family likes the taste of my food. Thus, mostly I make my food and try to avoid eating at restaurants. I also advice people to explore my recipe which is cheaper, healthier and even tastier than a diner and follow it everyday.

  404. Claude,

    I have answered your questions in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IriPQEQkJbg

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL iBT success!



    Hi Michael,
    Thank you for giving this opportunity to thousands of people, who need to take the TOEFL test to get chance to be admitted at international studies.
    I am a native african french-speaker. I had never had opportunity to live in a country, where English is the main tongue. I learned English at secondary school only. And you know what means to be taught English language by french-speakers who never lived in English speaking country (pronunciations, speaking…)! After secondary school I continued self studies in English. Actually I need a satisfy TOEFL iBT score to be admitted in a Master’s program abroad. The university requires 90 score to be admitted definitely. I took a first TOEFL test on April 2, 2011 and totaled only 70. The main problems I met are:
    -time was very limited for me (since I am not a quick reader) in the reading section.
    -I am not fast in note taking.
    -I was nervous and had panic.
    -pronunciations problems.
    I have to retake the test.
    So what can you advise me in particular case to make score on the next test.
    Thank you,

  405. Rahmeh Abushweimeh


    I have answered your question in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbM_dMU_0bA




    Dear Mr Buckhoff,
    I am an IGCSE student. As a foreign student English is my second language, so I have to sit for the English as a Second Language(ESL) exam this May. I am very good at writing and I already got grade one(the highest possible mark) in the oral section, but I still face one problem which is the listening part. I am used to the American English or the American accent but not to the British one I really face a lot of difficulties understanding it. My good sir I really hope that you might help me. I really need to get an A in my test.
    Many thanks in advance.

  406. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: How to Use Whose, Practice Exercises :Better TOEFL® Scores

  407. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Reading: Five Simple Steps :Better TOEFL® Scores

  408. Pingback: TOEFL Essay Types & Essay Patterns :Better TOEFL® Scores

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  414. Pingback: Creating Transitions: TOEFL iBT Writing and Speaking Tasks :Better TOEFL® Scores

  415. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Reading: “I’m studing this TOEFL words and I’m almost reading two hours.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  416. Pingback: How to Improve your TOEFL iBT Writing Skills by M Buckhoff :Better TOEFL® Scores

  417. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Listening: Afraid of Negative Expresssions? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  418. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: “T” and “D” Consonant Sounds :Better TOEFL® Scores

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  421. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: “Can” Versus “Can’t” Among Others :Better TOEFL® Scores

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  438. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Vocabulary: Twenty Idioms :Better TOEFL® Scores

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  464. Pingback: “Michael, I need some suggestions about to get good score in toefl exam.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  465. Pingback: Michael, “Can you please say if my TOEFL essay is good?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  466. Pingback: TOEFL IBT Writing: “People attend school for many different reasons.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  467. Pingback: “Michael, I want to write a toefl ibt in one month.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  468. Pingback: “It is VERY IMPORTANT for me to pass the TOEFL iBT because I am planning to go to L.A to college.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  469. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing: “Coaches are the best teachers.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  470. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing: “Pets should be treated like family members.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  471. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing: “Would you support opening a restaurant in your neighborhood?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  472. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing: “What are some important characteristics of a co-worker?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  473. Pingback: TOEFL iBT: “My next test is April 15. I need a score of 80.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  474. Pingback: TOEFL iBT: “How long should I take to restudy my IBT after taking the first one?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  475. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing: “Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoor.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  476. hi michael.
    How are you ? Its nds your stealth student.I took my pronunciation test 2 about grammar and others, but could not get any reply from you..could you pls check that?..tk cr

  477. Thanks Susan for your kind comments. A teacher is only as good as his students, and you are a good student. I admire all the hard work and dedication that you are putting into your TOEFL studies.

  478. Howdy I am so thrilled I found your web site, I really found you by accident, while I was researching on Digg for something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like to say thanks for a incredible post and a all round entertaining blog (I also love the theme/design), I don? have time to look over it all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read more, Please do keep up the fantastic work.

  479. Hi Michael!
    I’m really improving my vocabulary from the list you sent me..
    thank you very much for that,and I need to know one thing that is very crucial for me. Actually I’ll leave for Australia for master’s degree as soon as possible. I applied some of the universities there, but they all want me to take ielts test with at least 6 band.Can you please guide me what should I do?

  480. Hi Micheal

    This is Naziheh from Iran,I lost my password and cannt go to the lessons anymore,still 5 days remaining
    could u please help me


  481. Hi Micheal,

    I lost my password and i cant go to the lessons,still 5 days remaining.
    could u plz help me?

  482. As14ds,

    Cool. And that is exactly how I get new students: by word of mouth.

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL iBT success!

    Michael, founder of the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT


    Your blog was recommended to me by a friend:)

  483. Hi I bougth your 24 lessons for toefl and I can not see the lessons , could you help me ??? thank you.

  484. Hi Michael,I bought your STEALTH lesson last October. Now, i’m ready to study TOEFL Ibt again.

    I’m a a registered pharmacist in the Philippines and a perpetual student of TOEFL IBT, I need help to obtain specific high scores required by the NABP. I’ve been studying extensively with a personal English Tutors(retired& Volunteer) for several years.I took the TOEFL Ibt since Dec 08,2008 until June 26 , 2010 for 12 times but I get the same score in Speaking 23 0r 24.I scored almost perfect in other section of the test. How would I teach myself to relax during the speaking section? I joined the Toastmaster’s International Last July 2010 until November 2010 and was once picked to be the “Best Speaker”. I stopped attending this club because to me, I should concentrate on Toefl Prep and my self-confidence is always there. To me, that’s because in Speaking at Toastmasters Club, I was given 7 minutes to give my topic speech. But not in Toefl Ibt which is impromptu and given only maximum of 1 minute. I went to see a therapist about this “anxiety” but nothibg has worked. How would I ever relax ? I can feel my hands are sweaty, my heart pounds faster before the first question comes.I keep correcting myself just after I gave my short answer and sometimes, my thoughts wander because of overwhelming information I’ve just heard. although I took notes, I ended up reading the same words as I’ve heard and have no time to use other synonyms. I wound up short of time organizing my thoughts and missing details when I give my speech because of lack of time . I almost gave up taking TOEFL but my fiance keep on encouraging me to take the test again and warned me that the wedding on May 29th is off.

    I appreciate your help.

  485. Hi Michael. This is James (remember me on your free intelligibility free test? I appreciate your encourgements. I’ve never heared such good words).

    And I just purchased your 7 step system to pass the toefl test, which made me one of your stealth students.

    I thought when I looked at the price of your services that you’ve been doing your customers a big favor, considering your hourly pay at your workplace(more than 70$).
    I thank you for that and I sooner than later will post some speaking and writing responses to some speaking and writing tasks.

    I’m a little worried about the organization of my writing by the way.

    And also, when I get a new microphone probably tommorrow, I’ll post a recording in your Voxopop to tell you what I’ve been doing to reach my current level of pronunciation that you said you’d be interested to know.

  486. hi..michael…
    I messaged you but no reply.I think you must be bussy.I am waiting for your reply and one more question.”do we need to buy 24 lessons separately even after joining the speking lessons for 2 months.. thnxx

  487. Hi Michael,

    Your blog is really cool. I just purchased the 24 TOEFL lessons, and I’m gonna take the exam after two month.
    I would like to ask your suggestion.
    I believe my weak points are lake of academic vocabulary and weak spelling.
    Could you please tell me how do I plan a schedule to follow your lessons and develop my vocabulary, so that I can reach my required scores which are 23 for speaking, 19 for writing, 20 for reading and 18 for listening.



  488. I have already written TOEFLiBT two times. But I could get required marks to pass only on listening. I need a score of 21 for reading, 24 for writing and 26 for speaking. I got 17 for reading, 21 for writing and 24 for speaking. So let me know how you can help me. Iam planning to register for a test date – if I start preparing now with you how much time should I give before I give the next test. please let me know. thanks

  489. nds…..hi michael..h r u ?
    I am a foreign trained dentist in usa ..at present preparing for toefl….my past with toefl is not good at all.I got 83 with reading 24,listrening 14,speaking 22,and writing 23 in 2008 and I know I m not gonna get any university until I have arnd 100 score….I am giving Toefl exam on 15th april 2011..do u think I have sufficient amount of time for getting 100 ???? so please guide me from where I should start and I know my weaknesses and want to work on that…can u guide me ..thnx in adnvance …waiting for ur reply and keen to join u as a tutor…tkcr ..nds

  490. Please let me know about my mistakes in the following essay.

    Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Other believe that going to classes should be optional. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer

    University life is the most memorable moments of ones life. Going to university is a coveted goal for students all over the world. Attending university life is a great experience where we left beautiful memories and make new friends. In my point of view attending classes should be mandatory for all students. I explain my view on the bases of academic, social and economic reasons.

    Academically it is very important to attend classes because they help the student to learn more. In classes students attend live lectures where the professor narrates many life experiences, research and extra knowledge along with the topic. Reading a text book cannot benefit a student in such a ways. Secondly attending classes makes a student punctual and responsible not only in studies but also in other matters of life. He learns discipline too. During lecture students idealize some professors which become role model for them. This helps him to build their personally. From academic point of view, attending classes gives much more benefits to the student.

    From the social point of view, university life offers the student to change his behavior of spending life. It is a chance to make friends, partners and connections which last for life time. Here individual social circle increases in its volume. Students learn different modes of spending life from each other. Students can discuss social, economic and religious issues which add diversity to their knowledge.

    The most important thing, while working together on assignments and projects student learns how to work in team which is being practiced in all patterns of professional life. By working together they learn a lot from each other’s capabilities and skills. They can share skills with each other. For instance if one is not computer expert the other can guide him. But if one does not attend classes he is not able to get these tremendous benefits. Students make it more enjoyable when they celebrate their birthdays and other parties together. So it is all a practice for later life. Students coming from different cultures also share their experiences.

    Some students who are not attending classes can engage in notorious activities due to their free time. So attending university builds our social behavior too.

    Economically, not attending classes is a loss both for parents and students too. Students who do not seem to attend classes show low progress that is why they appear two or three for the same subject. It is loss of time and money both. So to show good performance in exams and save money one should be very punctual for his classes.

    In conclusion, attending university classes gives benefits in myriad ways which are countless. It is the right place to makes ones dreams comes true. So I think it is very important to attend classes and it should be mandatory for the students.

  491. Hi Michael!

    Thank you very much for your help, your course for Speaking Clearly was a great help.
    I received my scores and I wanted to share this with you:
    Reading 29
    Writing 28
    Listening 28
    Speaking 24

    It will be enough for my certification purposes, thanks for all your support and advices!

    Jaime Teran

  492. michael, I purchased your STEALTH program through paypal couple of hours ago, and I haven’t received the password to access your lessons.
    I am looking forward to learn it. Please, would check it for me? I appreciate it!

    Thank you


  493. Hello Micheal,
    i got to know about you last night on Youtue.com.i am going to appear in TOEFL ibt third time.first time i scored 65 and then 75.i took test 3 years back.Now i will take test in the end of this month.I feel difficulty specially in speaking,i speak very good at my presentations etc.but when the time comes for the toefl i start getting confused,and while speaking during the test i take several pauses like “ummm” etc.I m so worried about the test because this time i have to score 100+ as i am applying for UBC this time.
    My second problem is related to vocabulary.I am reading a lot of English newspapers now a days.At the time of reading i remember different words but later on nothing persists in the memory.
    Please help me out so that i can score 100+ in my test.

  494. sorry i made a lot of mistakes in the previous Comment, here it is
    i’m trying to get the master degree in nursing in of the usa universities, so what exam shold i take (IBT, CBT,or PBT), and what score is required?
    one more Q. is it so hard to have a hieghr scoure?
    i’ve asked million of people these Q and no one answered me, and i think your the one to help me, thanks for answering my Q..

  495. Pretty insightful post. I never thought it was this straightforward in the end. I had spent a lot of my time looking for someone to explain this topic clearly and you’re alone that ever did that. Kudos to you! Keep it up

  496. Hello sir
    I am sabera daqiq an exchange student from afghanistan i have mounth to study for teofl from now. when I see that you are the one who really care about every one. I would like to ask you if you could help me get a complete (or near to complete) score i will read, write, …. etc. I can try my best to do and to learn what you tell me. can you please help me? just becouse I came from afghanistan my freinds think that I can not score a good grade in toefl. but I am sure I can. If people like you help me. thanks

  497. Interactive Whiteboards

    “,; I am very thankful to this topic because it really gives useful information ~,”

  498. Hello Michael,

    My course which is speak clearly with the 24 toefl lessons will be ending up soon. I am wondering if I continue the course, can I get the 24 lessons free again. Please let me know. Thank you.


  499. hi Sir, i am going to give my toefl test again on feb 12 and mayb if i didnt got my desire scores then i will give it on 26th feb again. my first score was 88
    reading :19
    listening: 18
    speaking and writing were 25 + (dont remember the ecaxt digits.)

    i want to improve my scores in listening and reading and want my total scores in 100+ am i able to get this score? i bought the first reading lesson i have its paswrd but how to enter the lesson agn ? plz reply me..

  500. I took a test on toeflibt . I got a score of 17 on reading,18 on listening,23 on speaking and 22 on writing.But I need a score 21 for reading,18 for listening,26 for speaking and 24 for writing.I am planning to write one more on feb 24th. I am on my own
    preparation for the second time.If I fail to get the required score this time,I want to join with you.I need to pass it.I think I need help in all areas except listening.I have a strong desire to get it. But I feel, I need some one to correct my mistakes.What is the procedure to join with you.Most important thing is I want to know whether I can afford to join with you.So I need to know the fees structure.Are you taking online class.


    Letha Santhamma

  501. Pingback: “Michael, Can You Score my TOEFL Essay: Why do students attend class?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  502. Hi Michael,
    Iam submitting an essay.please evaluate it whenever u have time.

    Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
    I believe that university students should be required to attend classes. However, classes are conducted through online, which make the students to learn the lessons from home at their own pace. Attending regular classes will help in maintaining a better relationship with the teacher, motivation, and effective learning of the subjects. Therefore, in my opinion, I think it is better to attend classes.

    First, for better relationship with teacher, there should be regular contact between a teacher and a student. If we do not attend classes regularly, we lose the contact with a teacher. If the student has doubts in the subjects, teachers prefer to spend time after the class with the student. Therefore, that will definitely improve the relationship between teacher and a student. For example, my friends study through online and they are not able to communicate with the teacher. Because of lack of communication, the students lack proper guidance. This makes them difficulty in understanding of the subjects and scoring fewer grades.

    Second, students need motivation to achieve their goals. Teachers and parents motivate them to be successful. Attending classes regularly motivate them by competing with other students in the class. If we attend classes once in awhile, we are not aware of the ability of other students. For example, there are about 60 students in my class. About 40 of them compete for an All India Examination for doing our post graduation with scholarship. Our teachers motivated us by conducting classes and tests on weekends which helped us to approach the exam in an easy way. We all diligently prepared for the exam. When I came to know one of my classmates was sleeping only for 2hrs in a day, I was motivated to work even harder. This motivation made me an All India Rank Holder and to pursue my post graduation in a reputed University.

    Third, effective learning of the subjects helps us to settle in a good career. For effective learning, it is better to attend classes regularly. By attending classes regularly, not only we learn effectively, but also we learn to be punctual. For maintaining good attendance, we need to be punctual. Since, attendance also helps us to maintain good grades in the universities. For example, if attending classes are optional, we do not learn punctuality. To learn effectively, we need to be punctual to the classes. If we are late to a class, we lose the continuity in the subjects. This gives us a vague understanding of the subject.

    In conclusion, though people prefer to attend classes optionally, it is better to attend classes regularly for good rapport with the teacher, be motivated and for settling in a good career.


  503. Pingback: “Michael, I have serious problems with the TOEFL Reading and Speaking sections.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  504. Pingback: “Michael, what is the highest TOEFL score you have ever seen?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  505. hi
    first i wanna thank u about ur efforts ( this website, and the other products especially the free ones, Hhhhhh….)
    2nd i know it might be a very silly question, maybe to u, but for me it means a lot
    what is the bigest toefl score have u ever seen, or lets say is 100/120 is a miraculous?
    plz if u’v read comment my plz send me an answer.
    once again i wanna thank u ( i realy mean it especially for 1700 words thing)

  506. Pingback: “Nadeem, You Scored 4.5/5.0 (25-26 points) on your TOEFL iBT independent essay task practice test.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  507. Pingback: “Michael, Can You Score My TOEFL Essay: Do You Take Risks?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  508. Pingback: “Hi, Your TOEFL Independent Essay Score Is 3.0/5.0.” (Why do people decide to work?) :Better TOEFL® Scores

  509. Pingback: “Hey Michael. This is Elchin. I Scored 102/120 on the TOEFL iBT.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  510. Sam:

    Each TOEFL lesson has speaking tasks that you can practice. And, on each password-protected page, there is a link to my Voxopop Discussion Group where you can practice your responses. I will listen to, evaluate, and score each response you submit.

    Good luck!


  511. Hi. this is sam, stealth student. i wonder where could i get some practice topics for toefl independent and integrated speaking task. thanks

  512. Pingback: Your TOEFL Essay Score Is 3.5 or 22/30 points :Better TOEFL® Scores

  513. Pingback: “I’m confident in myself on three section except the TOEFL reading one.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  514. Pingback: “i gave my toefl n scored 107! ur links and tips were really helpful thanx!” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  515. Pingback: “I’d like to pass TOEFL exam and I need 79 points.What can u recommend for me?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  516. Hello MrBuckhff.I’m taking toefl test on january 15 2011.I’m confident in myself on three section except the reading one.Its very hard to make a good score on this section because it has many difficult words which is hard to understand.Every day I’m learning 10 words from your 1700 toefl words,but i did not end it still.For me there is only one week left to taking the toefl test.What you can suggest me to do?Should I keep learn this words before toefl test or should I just read books and prepare for reading section.And if its not hard tell me the secrets of getting good scores on reading section.Thank you.

  517. Hi
    Iam a stealth student. Iam sending my Toefl essay . please evaluate it.


    Q :Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

    I think face to face communication is better than other types like letters, email or telephone. In olden days people relied on letters for communication. Then telephone and emails made the communication easier and faster. Although there are new methods of communication, I agree face to face has advantages over other. I am going to support this by the following. It brings better understanding, reliability and affection.

    First, understanding is essential in choosing a life partner. Though nowadays people prefer to choose their partners by emails and talking through phone, I believe face to face communication is a must for both of them. My friend got engaged with a guy from United States. She was in India and they had good contacts through phone and emails. Their marriage was fixed and unfortunately that guy did not show up. She has seen only the picture of the guy and they have not met in person. She was so depressed and decided not to marry anyone. So , when another proposal came they had face to face communication, which helped her to settle peacefully.

    Second, reliability also comes from face to face talk. Now in job market, people conduct interview through online by using webcam and messenger services. However, it will help the interviewer to see the person, but it not always satisfactory. For reliability, interviews should be walk in at their office. I got an online job and it was going well. After a while, I decided to quit the job because the company was asking me to pay some money. It was disappointing and after that I prefer to go for interviews in my town for better opportunity.

    Third, for showing affection we need to talk in person. I live in United States. My parents from India came for my delivery. They are happy to see their grandson. They are able to stay here for only six months. After going back to India, they come online to see their grandson. But always they are worried and were longing to see my son in person. Although, they are able to see him, they are not able to hug, touch or carry him. They have lot of affection but they are not able to show it.

    In conclusion, face to face communication helps in binding people and maintains good relationship. The other method of communication is faster and easier but there are more negative aspects than the other side.

  518. Hi Michael,

    I got the password for speak clearly. I don’t know how to get in the website for 50 lessons. However, I am taking other Toefl lessons(24) which is very useful. Please let me know.


  519. Pingback: “Michael, i am stealth student and this my TOEFL assay please evaluate it thanks.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  520. Pingback: Happy New Year from Better TOEFL Scores! It is 2011. :Better TOEFL® Scores

  521. Hello Michael,

    Thanks for the tips. I was wondering how long I can use the free 24 lessons? Can I use those lessons only for a month? Please let me know.


  522. If you are looking to get started making rap beats there is the perfect solution for beginners and professionals alike. It is a software package called Dub Turbo and basically this is the equivalent of a DAW (digital audio WorkStation) on your computer. Read more…

  523. Hello Michael,

    I gave Toefl more than four times and I did not get the passing score which is reading-21, speaking-26, and writing-24. However, I got only reading- 16, speaking-24, writing-22. I need to improve reading, speaking and writing. Please help me to pass the toefl. What kind of pack do I need to buy? Please let me know. I look forward to taking classes with you.



    Can you help me improve my TOEFL score? I only got 81 out of 120 for Toefl IBT. The minimum score that I need to get is 92 (20 for writing , 26 for listening, 26 for speaking and 20 for reading) for me to be accepted from the university im applying at. My score is only 20 for speaking, 21 for listening, 20 for reading and 20 for writing.

    I am planning to retake it on the 15th of January 2011.

    Thank You,


  525. Pingback: “Michael, I got the Toefl score of 84 but I have to get the score of 100.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  526. Pingback: “Liliane, your TOEFL iBT integrated practice essay score is 22/30.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  527. Hi, Michael. Thank you for your feedback to my essay on Youtube. I am so grateful to you for your advice. Your tips are really working. I wish I knew about your lessons before, since, I have few days to my official exam. But still, I learned a lot of things from your lessons within a few days, and recommend your STEALTH lessons to all students.

  528. Pingback: “Congrats Elchin, your TOEFL iBT integrated writing practice test score is 28/30!” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  529. Dear, Michael:

    I’m a STHEALT participant. My question at this time is what the appropriate format of the integrated writing thesis statement is.


  530. Hello, Michael:

    I am one of Stealth students.
    Do you have more video lectures about Speaking Tasks 5-6?


  531. Hi, Michael, I am a Toefl learner from Azerbaijan, and I want to buy your Toefl lessons, but, I do not know how the shipment will be. I mean I’ve registered for offical exam on December 19th, and I have only two weeks. If shipment takes several days, I won’t be able to buy your lessons due to the time limit for my preparation. I cannot find anything about how I’ll get your product after payment. Couldn’t you explain me processes that succed the payment, please.

  532. Pingback: “I am Dewi from Indonesia.Last month I took iBT test and the result is 69/120.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  533. Hi Micheal

    My name is Winaldbert, I first of all want to congratulate you, you are doing such great work. I am looking forward get enrolled on your courses, they sound really interesting to me. Actually I am going to pass the toefl test by the end of december, so I don’t think I have much time left. My main concerns are my speaking and writing skills, I really need to work hard on them. I went to the TAKE A FREE TOEFL SPEAKING TEST section, and I left something in there. So, could you please evaluate them and give me some advices? I would appreciate it!! My user name is rolphlove.

  534. Hi Micheal,

    I congratulate you, you are doing such a good job. I really like you website, and I am actually thinking on taking some of your courses. I will have to take the toefl exam on december, I have not choosed a date yet but I think i will probably pass it by the end. My main concerns are my speaking and writing skills. I really need to work hard on them. I went to the TAKE A FREE TOFEL SPEAKING TEST section and I left something on there so you could please evaluate and give me some advices please. I would really apprecialte that. My account is rolphlove.

  535. Hi Michael,

    FYI, my husband was the one who purchased it for me and you emailed the passwords on his email address. If you need some information about our purchase, could you just send me an email and from there I’ll email you my husband’s email address.
    Thank you.

  536. Hi Michael,

    I subscribed STEALTH 24 TOEFL last May 2010 and I took the exam a month after, unfortunately I didn’t meet the minimum score requirement on TOEFL ibt Speaking and Writing. I’m planning to take the exam again sometime on Dec. but the problem is that our old computer crushed down and I’m not able to retrieve the passwords you sent me before. Could I retrieve it back from you or do I need to pay again to have a new passwords?
    I really find your techniques and strategies useful but I don’t know what went wrong why I didn’t made it the first time I took the exam. My total score was 90/120 but the individual score in Speaking and Writing were 23 & 20 respectively, which is not good enough to meet the requirements of PT Board.
    Please guide me on how to get a new password for your lessons.

  537. Hi Michael,

    I am Dewi from Indonesia.Last month I took iBT test and the result is 69/120. They are reading 15, listening 12, speaking 22, writing 20. Now I have to prepare my second test on 18 Desember. I really want to improve my score at minimum 75/120 even though I should get 80/120 as requirement to get LoA from US University. So I need your suggest in order to face on the test. I realize that my lowest ability is listening and beginning from a couple weeks ago I used to listen to cable TV and trying to understand more.
    However I still have a bit worry on the next test.

    I am looking forward receiving your email as soon as you can.

    Many thanks,…

  538. Chor:

    Here is a good plan:

    1. Study and learn the vocabulary lessons first. They are the most difficult to learn, but they will give you the vocabulary needed to complete the rest of the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.

    2. Since there are no expiration dates on your lessons, you have all the time you need to learn the material. Therefore, I recommend that you study the lessons in the order that you see them on the web page.

    Your speak clearly subscription is valid for as long as you want to use the service….forever if you like. But you do have to pay $19.99 each month. For example, if you only want to use the service for one month, you may cancel the service using your Paypal account. Cancel the service before your next payment is due, and PayPal will notify you when your next payment is due.


  539. Hi Michael
    I has brought 24 Toefl lessons and finished vocab lesson 2. Do you think I could study step by step from Vocab lesson, pronunciation. . . and go on to last step is speaking lesson? or I can pick any step to study , but I know that you told me to study vocab first and now, I am. If I finish vocab lesson, what step I could do next? And when 24 lessons expire?or how long I can access? I am very like your Tefl lessons, It’s really good! I wast time and money for two years and my english is not improve yet. hope this is the last thing that help me. thank you very much Michael, you are the best.

    oh..the last quetion..I would like to subcriebe speak clearly, but how long I can use it?, if I subscribe today.(Will you give me for 30 days to use this course?)

  540. Pingback: “I am very intested to buy you TOEFL course. But can you suggest me which TOEFL course I could buy.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  541. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Choosing an Appropriate Point of View :Better TOEFL® Scores

  542. Nucharee:

    I sent you your lesson information by E-mail.



    P.S. Do not forget to post your practice speaking and writing responses on the same password-protected pages as your lessons. Then, using the TOEFL iBT rubrics, I will evaluate and score them.

  543. Hi Michael
    First of all, Thank you very much for feedback and recommendation. now, I am very intested to buy you course. But can you suggest me which course I could buy?
    This is my information plus question
    1.I took Toefl exam two years ago(Is was a first time that I came USA) , and my score was 48 from Reading:14, Listening:5, Speaking:15 and writing:14 Two years ago, I knew that I could not understand in the listening part at all and my English was very awful. So far, I think my listen improve much better than before, but I accept that I am not understand 100% when I watch TV or news. I think I understand around 60-70% from watching TV and news.

    my question is how I can do to get Toefl score 90 up from 120? I am going to test Toefl exam on Dec,18 next month. But actully, I need to use Tofel score befor Feb 25,2011. So that, I have a chance to test Tofel exam agian before Feb 21,2011, if my score that I will take in next month is not enouhg.

    I really want to improve my speacking. If I subscribe to speak clearly, do you think how long I can speak clearly and fluently.

    Thank you very much

  544. Pingback: “My name is chor from Thailand. Could you comment my pronunciation,please?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  545. Hi Michael,

    I have bought TOEFL 24 lessons. I would like to download my lessons. Could you please tell me how I access the lessons?

  546. Pingback: “Hi Michael, could you please give me feedback on my TOEFL Integrated essay.thanks.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  547. Sofi:

    I sent you some information by E-mail, so you can improve your independent writing skills and your reading proficiency.

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL success!


  548. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Speaking: Do You Regularly Record Your Voice? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  549. Hello!!!

    I am a deaf girl who took TOEFL iBT test twice – only two sections – Reading and Writing. The first TOEFL i got 12 (reading) and 21 (writing). The second one i got 15 (reading) and 24 (writing). I really need 100pts so i can be accepted at the University College Dublin or at the University of Nottingham. I will have TOEFL test one month later – Dec 18th. I really want finally improve the score and be happy studying Law – my dream since childhood! I am really nervous because i do not want fail again! 🙁 As i am deaf, which one of your lessons would suit best to me cos of my deafness. I am looking forward to receive your response as soon as possible on my e-mail!


  550. Pingback: “Should I read TOEFL iBT passages first and then answer the questions, or…?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  551. Pingback: “Do you have any extra suggestions to help me to perform better in the TOEFL iBT Reading Section?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  552. Hello Michael

    I am glad to see you here Michael. This is Jeff from Tokyo Japan.I will take a TOEFL test a month later. Honestly, I am very nervous now because I really do not want to flunk out. You really help me a lot to gain some confidence to take the exam. I want to say Thank you to Michael.I have purchased your lessons a couple days ago. I think your strategies are very helpful for me. I have been preparing Toefl for 2 months. I think I can performance well in TOEFL listening, speaking and writing section now.However, I think I need more improvements of reading section.

    Here is my question for you
    My reading result is 18. I am really worried about the reading section. I read the newspapers and articles for at least one hour everyday. Do you have any extra suggestions to help me to perform better in the exam Micheal?

    I am doing the following studies now

    1)Read the articles and newspaper for at least one hour everyday
    2)Watch your videos
    3)Listen to NPR radio everyday
    4)Practice speaking with my native English friends
    5)Practice TOEFL exercises everyday

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  553. Pingback: “Michael, I Need Someone to Practice TOEFL Speaking With.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  554. Pingback: “Can you help me increase my TOEFL iBT score from 63 to 80 in one week?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  555. Pingback: “Michael, can you please give me advice how to improve my TOEFL iBT score?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  556. Dear Michael,

    I had toefl score 80/120 but I need 88 points. Reading:18, Listening:21, Speaking:23, Writing:18
    Can you please give me advice how to improve my score?


  557. hi michael, i had toefl score 63/120 reading ; 17, listening : 14, speaking : 11 and writing : 21, my goal is to get 90/120, how can i do that ? could you give me a suggestion, i just have a week for preparation, please help me.. thanks

  558. Pingback: “I’m learning your speak clearly online lessons now. I have a question.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  559. Pingback: “I am interested in your Speak Clearly TOEFL Subscription Service…” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  560. Pingback: “Great Score on your Independent TOEFL Writing Task!” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  561. Pingback: “My weakest areas are TOEFL speaking and writing, so how I can improve it using your services?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  562. Pingback: “Michael, I am exhausted. How should I pass this TOEFL iBT exam?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  563. HI Michael.
    I just purchased all your lessons but non of your passwords works. What should I do? My test is in ten days. Please help.

  564. Pingback: “Hi, Michael, my TOEFL iBT score is 69/120 but I NEED 90/120.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  565. Pingback: Learn about S.T..E.A.L.T.H., the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT :Better TOEFL® Scores

  566. actually i need ur help…i have decided to study abroad and first i need to take TOEFL test..u know,,,i think i need more knowledge or something like that…i mean i need a profssional person like u….u know..:D can u give me some advices?

  567. Pingback: “Michael, I want improve my vocabulary to better to TOEFL score.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  568. Pingback: “Michael, do u think i can achieve TOEFL iBT fluency in 2 weeks?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  569. Pingback: “Hi Michael, I decided to ask for your TOEFL iBT help.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  570. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Take my Pronunciation Challenge; Improve your Pronunciation Today :Better TOEFL® Scores

  571. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Vocabulary: Building your Vocabulary Fluency. Don’t forget common words! :Better TOEFL® Scores

  572. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Reading: How to Avoid a Common TOEFL Reading Trap :Better TOEFL® Scores

  573. It really helps in passing TOEFL. TOEFL is very hard to pass coz it evaluates the ability of an individual to use and understand English in an academic setting.

  574. Hi mich .
    this is my third time i am leaving a message on your site. i tried to make a payment using my US debit card but it won’t allow me because it only accept payment made through paypal.i had a paypal account when i was in europe and that account is attached to my old european debit card, actually it won’t allow me to create a new account since i already got one. Is there another method i could pay your money sir?

  575. Pingback: “Michael, I am unable to get the cut-off mark for the TOEFL iBT speaking and writing sections. Can you help me?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  576. Pingback: “Yes, Fernandes. I Have Online TOEFL iBT Lessons to Help You!” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  577. Hi Mich,
    I left a comment on your site a day ago but i haven’t got any feedback from you. i was trying to know for how long i am going to get access to the website once i subscript.
    thanks .
    have a nice one

  578. Pingback: “Michael, Can You Help Me Score 26/30 points on TOEFL iBT Speaking?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  579. Pingback: “Michael, Can You Tell Me About TOEFL iBT Scoring?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  580. Pingback: “Michael, What is the Best Way to Study TOEFL?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  581. Pingback: “If i buy your 24 toefl lesson ($29.99), do i receive a handouts and cd-rom? thanx!” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  582. Hi Rahmat:

    I have made some comments to you at You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h0vYDMFe8Y

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL success!

    Michael Buckhoff, founder of Better TOEFL Scores

    Hello Mr.Buckhoff
    Rahmat Ullah,a student from Pakistan.
    I watched some of your online tutoring videos on youtube
    that was all great and awesome and completely guidening
    afterall, I and band of friends request you to share new tutoring
    videos regarding the TOEFL grades,forexample the least possible
    marks Intermediates, highest marks.
    Thanks for all your help.

  583. Rfernandes:

    I have made some comments to you at You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LN5-kN0uxw

    All the best to your high-scoring TOEFL success!

    Michael Buckhoff, founder of Better TOEFL Scores

    Hello Mr. Michael

    I have been watching your movies in the Youtube, and I would like to tank you for the classes and free-support that you are offering for students in all this world. I need to do the TOEFL exam soon, however my english skills are not good enough. Anyway, thanks a lot and you are doing an excelent job!!!

  584. Pingback: TOEFL iBT: “Michael, can you help me score 100/120?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  585. Pingback: Comments on TOEFLer’s Independent Practice Essay :Better TOEFL® Scores

  586. Pingback: Comments on TOEFLer’s Independent Essay Task :Better TOEFL® Scores

  587. Pingback: “Help! My TOEFL Writing and Speaking Scores Need Improvement.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  588. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing: The First Step toward Writing a Perfect Independent Essay :Better TOEFL® Scores

  589. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Parallellism and Speaking and Writing Tasks :Better TOEFL® Scores

  590. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Listening: Understanding Transitions :Better TOEFL® Scores

  591. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Do You Know How to Structure your Sentences with the Right Emphasis? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  592. Pingback: “Help!!!! My TOEFL iBT reading score is only 10/30! I am in misery!” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  593. Pingback: TOEFL Integrated Speaking and Writing: Simple Present or Present Progressive? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  594. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Participial Phrases :Better TOEFL® Scores

  595. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Appositives :Better TOEFL® Scores

  596. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Compound Sentences :Better TOEFL® Scores

  597. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Adjective Clauses :Better TOEFL® Scores

  598. Hi, this an astonishing read dude. Thanks for sharing! However I’m having trouble with ur rss feed. Unable to subscribe to it. Does anyone else experiencing the same RSS problem?

  599. Gunka:

    My recommendation is my Speak Clearly subscription service: http://www.buckhoff.topcities.com/speak_clearly.htm

    Remember that having a non-native speaker accent is not necessarily a bad thing so long as it does not interfere in your ability to be understood by others.

    Of course, that is what I will do if you subscribe to my Speak Clearly service. I will diagnose whatever speaking and pronunciation problems you may have that interfere in your ability to be understood.


  600. Pingback: How do you solve your TOEFL speaking and writing difficulities so that you can score higher? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  601. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Sentences with One Subject and One Verb :Better TOEFL® Scores

  602. Pingback: A Conversation with a TOEFLer Who Wants to Improve his TOEFL iBT Reading Score :Better TOEFL® Scores

  603. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores

  604. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Tips from Michael, founder of Better TOEFL Scores, and his Students :Better TOEFL® Scores

  605. Pingback: Three Problems My TOEFL Integrated Writing Students Have :Better TOEFL® Scores

  606. Pingback: An Important Aspect of Your TOEFL Speaking That You May Be Overlooking :Better TOEFL® Scores

  607. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Pausing, Phrasing, and Grouping :Better TOEFL® Scores

  608. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Vocabulary: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes :Better TOEFL® Scores

  609. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: “Can” versus “Can’t” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  610. Hi Michael,

    I have just purchased one of your video course, would you pls send me the password for access and feedback me free speaking testing copmment ?


  611. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Several Tips on How You Can Reduce Your Non-Native Speaker Accent :Better TOEFL® Scores

  612. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Vocabulary: A Proven System for Learning TOEFL Vocabulary Words :Better TOEFL® Scores

  613. Pingback: How to Score Higher on TOEFL iBT Reading :Better TOEFL® Scores

  614. Pingback: Become an Effective TOEFL iBT Reader in Five Steps :Better TOEFL® Scores

  615. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Reading: Understand the Organization :Better TOEFL® Scores

  616. Pingback: FREE!!!!! Take Michael’s Speaking, Intelligibility, and Pronunciation Test :Better TOEFL® Scores

  617. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing: Be Careful of These Three Problems :Better TOEFL® Scores

  618. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronuncation: Do You Have Any Trouble With Word Stress When You Speak English? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  619. Pingback: My TOEFL iBT Preparation Class: The Shyest Student Is the Best Speaker! :Better TOEFL® Scores

  620. Pingback: How to Get a Higher TOEFL Integrated Writing Score! :Better TOEFL® Scores

  621. Pingback: How to Get a High Score on TOEFL Integrated Speaking Task 6! :Better TOEFL® Scores

  622. Pingback: One Tool to Help You Write and Speak Well on the TOEFL iBT :Better TOEFL® Scores

  623. Hi Michael
    This is Hassan reza Rezaei,an Afghant student from Kabul
    I just wanted to thank you very very much for everything
    The 1700 Toefl vocab list would be a very great help


  624. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Example 800 Word Reading Passage: Learn How to Read It. :Better TOEFL® Scores

  625. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation–[e] and [ɛ] vowel sounds: Do You Know the Difference? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  626. Pingback: “I Have Taken the TOEFL iBT Several Times, but My Score Is Still Low.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  627. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar Video: Who versus Whom :Better TOEFL® Scores

  628. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Reading: How to Infer Rhetorical Purpose :Better TOEFL® Scores

  629. Pingback: Qualities of an Ideal TOEFL iBT Student :Better TOEFL® Scores

  630. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Hypothetical Statements + Speaking + Writing = Big Trouble for Many Test-Takers! :Better TOEFL® Scores

  631. Pingback: TOEFLer Asks Michael: “How Do I Score Above 100/120 on the TOEFL iBT?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  632. Pingback: Successful TOEFL iBT Students Give a Similar Tip :Better TOEFL® Scores

  633. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Avoiding Word Stress Shifts with Compound Nouns, Two-Noun Compounds, Reflexive Pronouns, and Ten and Teen Numbers :Better TOEFL® Scores

  634. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Vocabulary: How Confident Are You? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  635. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Avoiding Irregular Word Stress Shifts with Compound Adverbs, Two Word Verbs, Two-Syllable Nouns and Verbs, Verbs with Prefixes, and Abbreviations and Symbols :Better TOEFL® Scores

  636. Pingback: TOEFL Integrated Speaking: Things Are Looking Up in my Class! :Better TOEFL® Scores

  637. Hi, Michael,

    I took TOEFL first time on 23rd of January. My score was 87. The on 2nd April i decided to take exam on 11 April once again and bought your writing and speaking lessons. You advised me to work on these parts of toefl because one week is not enough to improve my reading and listening.

    Thank you for your help. Really your lessons work. My writting is 27, speaking 23. My result is 88, because my reading is not so good. However I am really gratefull for your help. I am going to take the exam once again but later and buy all your lessons and work hard on my reading. Your lessons helped me to improve my writting and speaking.

    Best regards,

    Thank you once again.

    Best regards,

  638. Pingback: Interview with a TOEFLer Who Scored 109/120 Points :Better TOEFL® Scores

  639. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Vocabulary: Do not Be Suprised When You Take the Test :Better TOEFL® Scores

  640. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Independent Writing: Analyses of Four Thesis Statements :Better TOEFL® Scores

  641. Pingback: TOEFL iBT: Will You Be Able to Make the Necessary Adjustments? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  642. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Listening and “You Know” Natural Speech: There Is “Uh” Something You Need to Know :Better TOEFL® Scores

  643. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Reading: How to Improve your Concentration :Better TOEFL® Scores

  644. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing Tip: Use this tip so you can stay more organized! :Better TOEFL® Scores

  645. Hi Michael,
    It’s mandi again 😀
    I registrated the vocabulary lesson but unfortunately I couldn’t download the step 2 and I just save the link. Today when I wanted to see the video and practise it, the web page reg to enter the password and I didn’t save it before.
    Would you please help me to have the password?
    This is the email address that I paid by paypall:


  646. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing: Several Tips on How to Be More Concise :Better TOEFL® Scores

  647. Hi Michael,

    Thank you for all the help with the Toefl ibt, I have some problems with managing my subscriptions (blocking notifications) from bettertoeflscores.com to my e-mail, I always get this message: “You may not access this page without a valid key.” when I use the URL given on the website or in the notification e-mail, could you please unsubscribe me or provide the applicable information needed to control this.

    Thanks and kind regards,

  648. Thank you so much Prof. Buckoff for the encouragement! I am very happy to be student of your online course. I am looking forward to working hard towards better TOEFL score. I completed my first pre-test and waiting for your evaluation.

  649. Pingback: Several Weapons to Help You Destroy the TOEFL iBT :Better TOEFL® Scores

  650. Omkar,

    The problems that “I am unable to decide where to pause, I cannot decide which word should be stressed” are exactly the reason I designed the Speak Clearly subscription service: to help you improve in those and all other areas related to the speaking of academic English. I am very happy to have you as a student.

    1. Immediately, complete the first intelligibility pre-test so that I can give you feedback on your speaking and pronunciation of American English.

    2. Then, I will recommend which vowel and consonant sound lessons (I have a lesson for every vowel and consonant sound of American English!) will help you to improve your speaking and pronunciation the most.

    3. Once you complete the first half of the course, complete the second intelligibility pre-test, which will evaluate your use of syllable division, grammatical word endings, word stress, sentence rhythm, intonation, thought groups (pausing), and blending.

    4. Of course, based on the results from that pre-test, I will make recommendations for which lessons in the second half of the course will help you the most.

    Working together, we solve your speaking and pronunciation problems and help you score higher on your TOEFL speaking.

    Good luck to you!


  651. Hello Micheal!
    I have read all comments above, and I realized that you are an expert, a proffesional teacher in toefl. My score is poor so
    could you tell me the email address so I could contact with you easily?
    Futhermore, could you tell me the email address of Hai Van(15th march), because I and she are in the same country- loved Vietnam
    (chi Van cho em dia chi email, em co the trao doi dc ko?)

  652. Dear Prof. Michael B,

    In my first attempt, I got 23 points on TOEFL ibt speaking section. I really want to score 26 or more for qualifying for assistantships at my graduate school. Some problems with my speaking style are – I am unable to decide where to pause, I cannot decide which word should be stressed. Hence I tend to speak at pace and fumble on words which are difficult to pronounce. I did subscribe to your Speak Clearly program and looking forward to learning from the lessons 🙂

  653. Pingback: How to Make an Audio or Video Comment at Better TOEFL Scores :Better TOEFL® Scores

  654. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Comparing Vowel Sounds “Rook,” “Rule,” and “Rut”–[U], [u], and [ʌ] :Better TOEFL® Scores

  655. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Vocabulary: Using the Right Word (Three Important Tips) :Better TOEFL® Scores

  656. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing: Three Students’ Approaches to an Independent Writing Task :Better TOEFL® Scores

  657. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Writing: Two Important Tips for Paraphrasing :Better TOEFL® Scores

  658. Mohsen,

    When listening to TOEFL iBT campus-related conversations, academic discussions, and academic lectures, you can miss some parts as long as they are minor, unimportant details. You have to learn how to distinguish important from unimportant information. You need to develop an organized and logical system of taking notes so that it is not so time-consuming when you try to locate certain pieces of information. TOEFL Listening Lesson 1 will help you do this.

    When it comes to TOEFL integrated speaking and writing, you will have to kill two birds with one stone. What I mean to say is you must create a template for integrated speaking and writing tasks before you begin to take notes. Then, as you listen, you fill in the templates with the most important information from the reading and the listening passage. Finally, you use your templates and their filled-in notes to answer the integrated speaking and writing tasks. I have NOT developed lessons for this yet. After I finish my TOEFL grammar lesson on punctuation, I will complete a series of integrated speaking and writing lessons to help TOEFLers accomplish this.

    For now, because time is of the essence for you, you can get your TOEFL speaking and writing templates from a TOEFL book if you already have one. Find some sample integrated speaking and writing responses from your book, and (if the book doesn’t do it) make an outline of each sample integrated speaking and writing task. You can use those outlines for your templates.

    Good luck!


  659. Dear Michael

    Thank you very much for your advices. It is great that a professional person like you spend his time for me. I think you analyzed my scores perfectly. About listening I think my problem is that I try take note from all the speeches and conversations, so some times I miss some parts and also when I want to answer the questions, I refer to the paper notes that is very time consuming. I hope your package can help me to improve this weakness.

    Yours Sincerely

  660. Hi Mohsen Foroughi,

    Did you make the payment from Iran?! Would u please inform me how did you do that?!
    I am waiting to hear from you!

  661. Dear Michael,

    I had a TOEFL exam in 17 Janury 2010 and I got 68 (writing 22, Speaking 19, Reading 17, Listening 10). I toke another exam in 21 Feb 2010. and I got 64!!( writing 20, Speaking 18, Reading, 14 Listening 12).

    As you see my score decreased.

    Tonight for first time I found your web site. Please let me know how much does it take time to increase my score to 80 by your method.
    Also, I paid for one of lessons but for downloading it needs password. I would be very thankful if you tell me what this password is?


  662. Dear Michael Buckhoff,

    My TOEFL score is 87 (writting 21, reading 23, speaking 22, listening 21).

    I’ll have an exam on 11th of April.

    I have bought lessons for step 6 and 7. But I haven’t looked through all of them. Do you think that buying all other lessons will help me to get higher score than 87.

    I took my first exam on 23 January 2010. But today I have decided to retake it.

    Please give me some advice.

    Best regards,

  663. Dear Mr. Michael Buckhoff,

    My Toefl ibt is 87. (reading 21, listening 21, speaking 22, writing 23). I amg going to retake the exam in a week (on 11th of April). I have already bought all the step 6 and step 7). But I haven’t looked through all of them. I have two questions:
    1. Do you think that other lessons will help me to get higher score in a week. My writting is not so good. Don’t you also have lesson on integrated writting.
    2. I bought step 7 lesson 2. But I can’t download it. I don’t know why. The procees is too long.

    I’ll be most grateful if you can give me some advices or strategy and some kind of motivation if it is real possible to get 100 just in a week.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards,

  664. Pingback: Subject-Verb Agreement and TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing :Better TOEFL® Scores

  665. Nurlan,

    Maybe my lessons will help, but I need more information. Using your TOEFL iBT score report, please go over each section. Pay particular attention to the speaking and writing sections. For example, what were your individual scores on each speaking and writing task.

    I will need a complete result report before I can make the best recommendations for you.


  666. Hi Michael
    A week ago i got my IBT score. It was 75. And now after a week I m going to take it again. What do you think will ur lessons help me? please be frank…

  667. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Listening: Take Control by Doing Three Homework Exercises :Better TOEFL® Scores

  668. Pingback: Music and TOEFL iBT Listening: Have Fun While You Listen :Better TOEFL® Scores

  669. Barbara,

    It might be possible. It depends on what your current TOEFL iBT score (or English proficiency level) and how high you want to go. Also, it depends on how hard your work and how motivated you are.

    Check out this article I wrote a while back. It will answer your question in much more depth than what I can write here: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/michael-how-long-will-it-take-for-me-to-pass-the-toefl-ibt/3738/

    All the best to your TOEFL success!


    P.S. Suggestions? Depending on what you weak points are, why don’t you try one of my TOEFL lessons? Or, you can get the whole package for $29.99. If you need to improve your speaking and pronunciation, learn about Speak Clearly, my premium subscription service.

  670. Hi Michael,
    I have 4 weeks to study for the test, do you think is it possible? I just have book and the internet to study, what dou you suggest for me?

  671. Pingback: American Idol Encore 2 and TOEFL iBT Speaking: Improve your Pronunciation and Have Fun Doing It :Better TOEFL® Scores

  672. Mandi,

    I hope surprised means something positive, right? Normally, I do not try to surprise visitors to my site. I try to answer their questions as best I can.


  673. Lucien,

    $29.99 means that you can buy 20 TOEFL iBT lessons (except for TOEFL Pronunciation Lesson 3, which is a 50 lesson speaking and pronunciation course). 2-3 months means that it will take you 2-3 months to learn all the information taught in my lessons. This is especially true with TOEFL Vocabulary Lessons 3-4. However, you can finish all the other lessons in much faster time, probably in about 2-3 weeks.

    Good luck when you take the TOEFL iBT!


  674. HI Michael,
    Thank you very much. Your voice message suprised me alot. I’m working on my paypal account and then ready to get all of those lessons.


  675. lucien Y ABOUYA

    Dear Sir,
    What do 29,99 dollars, 20 lessons, and 2-3 months mean, should one lesson be paid 5 dollars? My concern is about the overall fee and the frame of time. Because I’d like to take another ibt Toefl exam on April 24,2010, it is essential that you clarify the questions raised please.

  676. Pingback: Welcome to my TOEFL iBT Blog :Better TOEFL® Scores

  677. Pingback: How TOEFLers Score Above 100/120 :Better TOEFL® Scores

  678. Pingback: A TOEFL Writing Tip for Independent and Integrated Writing Tasks :Better TOEFL® Scores

  679. Pingback: How You Can Get a high TOEFL iBT Score: One of the Tips May Surprise You! :Better TOEFL® Scores

  680. Pingback: The TOEFL iBT Vocabulary List of 1,700 Words: “What do I do with the list now?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  681. Hi Michael
    I’m interested in your 7-steps learning skills but I really need your advisement to tell me which kind of your product helps me to improve my score.
    My TOEFL IBT score is 52/120
    Reading: 10/30
    Listening: 7/ 30
    Speaking: 23/30
    writing: 12/30

    I know it’s horrible! But I’m ready to work hard and more.

    Thank you so much in advance.

  682. Pingback: More Information about the TOEFL iBT Vocabulary List :Better TOEFL® Scores

  683. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Grammar: Using Transitions, Coordinators, and Subordinators :Better TOEFL® Scores

  684. Pingback: Interview with a TOEFLer who scored 101/120 :Better TOEFL® Scores

  685. Pingback: Effective Approaches to a Higher TOEFL iBT Score :Better TOEFL® Scores

  686. Thanks so much Michael,

    I am waiting for my credit card to purchase your lesssons. In this waiting period, I am reviewing my basic vocabulary. I will a hard student. So, I may bother you so much. 😉

    Thanks again. 🙂

  687. Dear Michael,

    I’m a third-year student from Vietnam. The first year in my university, I learned English for TOEFL PBT. At that time, my level reached about 500 points. However, I haven’t practiced English for over 1 year due to my learning Japanese.

    Now, I need to the TOEFL certification with about 100 points or more to prepare to apply Master Courses. It’s really a challenge to me because I have forgotten almost vocabulary which I learned and lost almost my skills which I practiced.

    According to my plan, I am going to graduate in the next April. So, I think this October to December is the suitable time for get a TOEFL Certification to me. Do you think whether it is possible?

    Another my problem is English materials and courses. So many to choose makes me lost the way to learn. I’d like to purchase your lessons but I so confuse whether beside .pdf files and videos, you could support my learning with helpful directions and comments? Could you help me correct my pronunciation and essays though e-mail?

  688. Nav,

    Why are you confused? Can you be more specific so I can help you? Remember that when you write me, you can also practice your TOEFL writing skills. Therefore, you should support your generalizations with specific details. That way I can better understand your question.



  689. Pingback: A TOEFL iBT Test-Taker’s Experience: Hear his story and learn how to take the test :Better TOEFL® Scores

  690. Natalia,

    Recently, I interviewed a Russian student who took the TOEFL iBT. I recommend that you watch his video so that you know what will happen when you take the TOEFL:

    To help you improve your Speaking, I recommend the following:

    Speaking Lesson 1

    Speaking Lesson 2

    Speaking Lesson 3

    Pronunciation Lesson 3

    For writing, I recommend these lessons:

    Writing Lesson 1

    Writing Lesson 2

    Writing Lesson 3

    With a little work, you will be able to score high on the TOEFL!


  691. Hi!
    My name is Natalia, Im from Russia. Im trying to pass the TOEFL like rest of the guys here. Im really nervous because I never took the test befofore ,so I have no clue how it is, but everybody says it is difficult.
    Im going to leave my voice comment,so you can see how is my speaking abilities ( but here I had a little time to think before I spoke), on the TOEFL you have only 15 seconds to prepare. For short, how to improve my speaking and writing skills?
    Thank you.

  692. Dear Mr. Buckhoff, I took the TOEFL iBT last January and got the score of 88 (reading 20, listening 20, speaking 23, writing 25) and I needed the score of 89 (with specific 26points on speaking, and 63 on reading, listening, writing) to pass, so I retake the exam last February with the score of 88 (R-17,L-17,S-29,W-25). My question is, Can I use the score on my First take (reading, listening, writing) and my second take result (speaking) as one to be use in my application.

  693. Irene,

    Yes, I see your payment in my Pay Pal account. Therefore, I am going to send you your username and password so that you can begin my speaking and pronunciation course.

    Check your E-mail immediately!


  694. Pingback: Comments to English 103 Students 2:40-3:50 PM :Better TOEFL® Scores

  695. Pingback: Comments to Eng 106 Students :Better TOEFL® Scores

  696. Anahid:

    How about a trade off? You give me something other than money, and I will give you all the lessons for free.

    Create 29 (1 dollar for each link you create) http://www.bettertoeflscores.com links at social networking sites (MySpace, YouTube, or Facebook) or any other relevant site, and I will give you all 17 lessons for free. Also, make a brief statement about what kind of information students can find when they go to Better TOEFL Scores.

    E-mail me a list of the 29 web pages where you have posted http://www.bettertoeflscores.com and your comments. Then I will send you all the lessons for free.

    You help me by giving Better TOEFL Scores more exposure, and I help you by giving you all the lessons for free.

    Let me know what you think.


  697. Dear Michael,

    I have taken the TOEFL test twice. Both of the results was 80!

    First time : Reading 14/Listening 27/Speaking 19/Writing 20

    Second time :Reading 18/Listening 23/Speaking 19/Writing 20

    I plan to take the test in march and I really need to get 90 or higher,Otherwise, I can not get admission from the universities.

    I got your 1700 word vocabulary list but I can not buy the lessons because I am from Iran and my country is not at the list when I want to order, so it’s impossible for me to use my credit card.

    I really need your help! do u have any idea what should I do to improve my TOEFL skills?

    I am waiting to hear your kind response.



  698. Hi Michael,

    Today, I received my TOEFL score. My overall score is 100/120. The break up is as follows:

    Reading: 22/30

    Listening: 25/30

    Speaking: 26/30

    Writing : 27/30

    I want to thank you for helping me. I liked your STEALTH series. I liked your passion about teaching and you want everyone to succeed. I did not have much time to prepare. I was nervous but after watching your lectures, I was confident that I would do fine. Following are suggestions and critique about my performance:
    A. I am not happy with my reading section but I had lot of distraction in the room I was taking test. But I think that this an excuse. I could have done better if I would have more time to prepare. I always avoided reading but after this test I decided that I must focus on my reading skills. I have a problem that I repeat every word I read in my mind and that slows me down. I am also not good in using peripheral vision.
    B. Although I got 25 scores in listening section but I noticed that I had problem with understanding the intonation of speech. This is very important while learning English. I think I should learn more from native English speakers that what are the implications of intonation in speech.
    C. I was very comfortable with my speaking abilities. I would suggest that Mariam Webster dictionary have pronunciation of every word. Everyone should practice the word pronunciation from that website. It is free and easily accessible.
    D. Your samples essays gave me the format which I needed to follow. The way I practiced the essay writing that I wrote my own essays on the same topics(that you have written yours essays)and compared my essays with yours.
    E. I read following book beside your lecture notes: BARRON’S TOEFL IBT WITH CD-ROM, Internet-Based Test,12th Edition by Pamela Sharpe, Ph.D.
    F. Last but not least, I listened to NPR and On Point with Tom Ashbrook on internet. In latter show, you can write your opinion and read others people’s opinions about different topics. I also watched Charlie Rose Show, Aljazeera News (for British English), Link TV, PBS channels, CNN,C-SPAN and National Geographic Channel. I used to take notes while watching and summarized them in my own words after the program ended. I used following websites (apart from you mentioned in your lectures) for reference:

    In the end, I want to tell you that you should be proud of yourself that what an incredible teacher you are. I am also a teacher but I teach Microsurgery which is little bit different from English and I commend the efforts you put in your students(including me) with continuous guidance through your newsletters and videos.
    Please feel free to contact me for any questions and correct this letter.
    Take care,
    Syed Gillani, MD

  699. i want to lear English very much. i would like lear by other ways which are effect. thaks for every body

  700. Pingback: How to Avoid a Common TOEFL iBT Reading Trap :Better TOEFL® Scores

  701. Hi Michael,

    I have just received my TOEFL results. You know what? I didn’t do excellent, BUT I have acheived by goal. My Score is 80/120, which means 20 pts improvement. Thank very much!!!
    Here are my partials:

    Reading 19/30

    Listening 20/30

    Speaking 19/30

    Writing 22/30

    I’m quite a nervous person so during I’ve decided to treat 1st 2 parts as an introduction. Made my prime focus on Speaking and writing. Stay focused- that’s what i’ve been telling myself const.
    It is not over. I intend to strenghten my skills.
    But I really owe u a lot!!!
    Thanks for guidence, coaching and excellent preparation help.

    All the best!!!

  702. Hello, my name is Alireza. I have found your lessons to be really useful. I was wondering, if you have all of your lessons on a single package ?
    I am really interested in to purchase them.
    thank you.

  703. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Listening and Speaking Tips: Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Dave’s ESL Cafe :Better TOEFL® Scores

  704. Pingback: How your Grammar Will Be Evaluated on TOEFL iBT Speaking: Do You Have What it Takes to Pass? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  705. Pingback: A Pronunciation Profile of a Better TOEFL Scores Subscriber :Better TOEFL® Scores

  706. Pingback: Advanced TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: How Proficient Are You with English Rhythm Patterns? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  707. sheakespeare i. reyes

    I’d like to pass the toeflibt test specially in the reading,speaking and writing section.this i will use for my certification in the US.

  708. Pingback: Answer to Sermin’s question: “How do I improve my TOEFL Reading, Listening, and Speaking Scores?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  709. To Mr. Michael B.

    Hallo Mr. Michael Thanks for the videos, I studied by my self and your tips were really useful.

    Thanks so much! GBU

    Sehati Laoli

  710. Pingback: Commments to BG: “How to improve your TOEFL reading score.” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  711. Pingback: Question from Zamora, “How I Use Better TOEFL Scores to Study TOEFL?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  712. Hi Michael,

    First of all thank you for all the effort you have put in to help people improve their Toefl skills. I noticed that many people have left you a comment regarding which of the S.T.E.A.L.T.H program would suit them, given their previous Toefl scores and I liked your quick and accurate respond. I just received my scores:
    Reading: 14
    Listening: 21
    Speaking: 23
    Writing: 22
    Total: 80

    Obviously is the reading part my primary problem but I do not consider myself a bad reader and I understand English quit well (just finished my undergraduate in engineering where all of the textbooks were in English)….However, the time limit in the test (reading-part) kills me ;). My strategy in the reading part was to skip to read the whole passage when it first appear and instead go straight to the questions and answer them one by one, otherwise I could never answer them all…I would appreciate your comment on that strategy… and what do you recommend?

    As mentioned above, then it seems that you have a good feeling which of the STEALTH program suits given the scores. I will go to the test again at the end of this month and I have to score at least 92! so I have to work hard. I would appreciate if you could reply to me which steps of the S.T.E.A.L.T.H program I should study in order to (hopefully) receive this score.

    Thank you and kind regards,


  713. Pingback: Get all of Michael Buckhoff’s TOEFL Lessons for $29.99! :Better TOEFL® Scores

  714. Pingback: Comments to Leonardo: “How do I score 100 on the TOEFL?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  715. Pingback: Michael Buckhoff’s comments to Guido: “How do I improve my TOEFL iBT score?” :Better TOEFL® Scores

  716. Hi Michael,
    My name is Guido a STEALTH student, I need to score at least 80/120 on the TOEFL iBT to enter in a Flight School located in the USA.
    I tried to study online on the official web site taking reading sections and practice exams, in addition I bought two books about TOEFL, one is “the official guide to the TOEFL test third edition” and one is “ESL English as a second language, grammar intermediate & advanced”.
    After I spoke to the admission officer of the school I was encouraged to take the test as soon as possible because seemed like my speaking English was ok.
    I toke the test for the first time studying only two weeks scoring R9 L16 S19 W18 total 62/120.
    I studied two more months and I did so many practice test till the reading and listening section seemed to be stabilized on R21 L23 and I tried again scoring R17 L16 S22 W17 total 72/120.
    After I realized that I regressed from my skills on the writing section and I scored the same on the listening section studying really hard I was disappointed.
    My conclusion is that probably the day of the test I become nervous and I score less than my average.
    Now I bought all of your 7 steps to improve enough and go ahead with my studies but I still have some questinos for you:

    – What can I do to overcome my nervous attitude on the day of the exam?

    I spent a year and a half working in USA, two months studying English in USA and I have a girlfriend from USA with that I used to chat at least 45 min every day:

    -How can I struggle so hard with an English exam after I spent so much time in an English speaking Country?

    The day of my last exam I had the feeling that it was exceptionally hard because in the listening section there was often a guy speaking fast and without emphasis. In the reading section there was one or more totally strange passages about zoology, topic really difficult considering my aviation background, so the question is :

    – Should I just try again and again untill I can find a more “friendly” exam or should I just study as much as I can to reach a more confident and stronger level of English?

    Best Regards and Happy Holidays!

    Guido Chenetti

  717. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Video Comment from one of Michael’s S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Students: “I just took the TOEFL iBT last Friday.”

  718. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » “Michael, how long will it take for me to pass the TOEFL iBT?”

  719. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Where Does the Stress Fall on Multi-Syllabic Words? :Better TOEFL® Scores

  720. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL Writing and Speaking Is a lot like Doing laundry

  721. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » How to Use Better TOEFL Scores to Help You Pass the TOEFL iBT

  722. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » How Prepared Are You to Enter an English-Speaking University?

  723. Firstly: Strange, how the world turns. That is a suprise brothren!!!
    Yes, I am a member of LDS Church for about 11 years. But the mission here in Poland is much, much older. My branch- in Lodz- (by the way u should come to visit) counts around 50-60 members, and for now has meeting house.

    Again, That was veerrry comforting.
    This year was very special for me, mostly because along with my mom i have taken a trip to US, with Salt Lake city just along the path. I met with some of my friends who were on mission just like u was. Lots of hugs and fun conversation.

    2nd: What type of pics u want to be transfered? I guess fun ones, vacation, family, about me?
    I’ll send some.

    In conclusion, what was the place you spent your mission in?
    I will be very glad to know.

  724. Wojtek:

    Many have tried, but you are the first successful video comment Better TOEFL Scores. It was good to hear your experience, particularly your reflection on taking the integrated writing task.

    I would like to produce your comment as a youtube video (with your permission), and, if you kindly send me 3 or 4 pictures, I will integrate them into the video.

    By the way, are you LDS? I found a comment on another blog which suggests you might be a member. Having served a mission and being a graduate of BYU, I have been LDS most of my life.

    Thanks again for sharing your test-taking experience!


  725. Seehee Kim:
    Welcome to STEALTH, my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT. The vocabulary steps are the most difficult to learn and will take you about 3 months to learn all the content.  But once you learn them, your TOEFL score will increase dramatically.
    Anyway, I want to let you know that you are now one of my STEALTH students. Make sure, when you post video comments (the preferred way of contacting me), that you tell me you are a STEALTH student.  That way I give you top priority.  You can also contact me by posting a written message.  Most TOEFLers communicate far better when they speak to me by way of video.  You will need to webcam of course when you make video comments.
    Please ask questions whenever you feel the need, and I will answer your questions. Do not be shy!

    Happy Holidays!


  726. Ali:

    There are no magic phrase collections for the speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT. What you need is to practice answering the speaking and writing tasks, after which you get feedback from a TOEFL iBT specialist. You can get that in TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Mentor lessons 4.

    The point is not to memorize phrases to help you speak and write English. Rather you want to gain academic speaking and writing fluency so that you can succeed should you decide to attend an English-speaking university. I just failed an international student this quarter who had passed the TOEFL iBT test but was entirely unprepared to handle university level coursework. He had no other choice than to plagiarize his writing assignments because he could not do them on this own. Of course, his plagiarizing, a form of cheating, caused him to fail my English 102 class at California State University, San Bernardino.

    Now let’s go on to the reading and listening sections, both of which you are having considerable difficulty. First of all, reading takes months and months and months of study to improve so unfortunately there is not a lot you can do in 3 weeks to improve. Maybe a good start for you with reading is this video: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/three-ways-to-increase-your-toefl-ibt-reading-score-above-2130-points/2564

    The same is true with listening: You can not make a lot of improvements in only 3 weeks. However, a good start for you to improve your listening is to learn how to listen and how to take notes; you can learn these in TOEFL Listening Lessons 1 and 2.

    All the best to your TOEFL success!


  727. I got 70 points in my last TOEFL. I studied too much for that but I didn’t understand what should I do!
    My lowest grade in the listenning and reading section, normally I got 19 & 20 in speaking and writing sections, now what should I do for my next TOEFL exam? (17th Jan)
    It is possible for me to find the fast way for reading and listening?
    Is some important phrase collection exist for the speaking and writing sections? I didn’t find anything!
    please help me, because we haven’t enough resource about TOEFL in our country.

  728. I get a sample TOEFL® iBT test and my score just in reading section 15 and listening 16 while Speaking and Writing in the Sample Test are not scored.

    so if you give to me any sugesstion or notes to get 61 in real TOEFL® iBT test in three weeks

  729. Pingback: TOEFL iBT Pronunciation Survey :Better TOEFL® Scores

  730. DEAR SIR ,



  731. Irfan:

    Let me know if you have any questions about your vocabulary lesson.

    I want to help you every step of the way. Don’t be shy! Make a blog comment or video post at Better TOEFL Scores when you have questions about my lessons. I will do my best to help you as much as I can.

    Together, we can beat the TOEFL iBT!

    Once you get your desired score (and if you feel I deserve some credit for your performance), I encourage you to post your score at Better TOEFL Scores to share your success story.

    Happy Holidays!


  732. Naheda:

    I saw that you took an i-System reading practice test. Here is an article I wrote a while back about improving academic reading:


    And here is some good information about improving your vocabulary:


    All the best to your TOEFL success!


  733. Rogerio:

    As you begin my lessons, you will have questions. And I want to help you every step of the way. Don’t be shy! Make a blog comment or video post at Better TOEFL Scores when you have questions about my lessons. I will do my best to help you as much as I can.

    Together, we can beat the TOEFL iBT!

    Once you get your desired score (and if you feel I deserve some credit for your performance), I encourage you to post your score at Better TOEFL Scores to share your success story.

    Happy Holidays!


  734. Majd:

    You had better take a practice test before you take the real thing or you are going to get killed.
    Before I can answer your question, you should take a full length or mini TOEFL iBT practice test.

    After taking the test, let me know how you scored and then I can better guide you toward getting a 61/120.

    To take a practice test, go here:


    Good luck!

    Michael Buckhoff

  735. Hello Mr Michael,

    I am from Jordan, I want to ask you how I can get 61 in 3 weeks, Knowing i am in level 4 from 7


  736. Hello Michael,
    Help me please ,
    I live in Iran and im 18 , i need some information so please help me to pass the exam,i dont know how can i be ready for toefl IBT exam…!!!I just start to learn english professionally for 4 month and i have a tuter but he can’t lead me so well ,i just have 40 days left to prepare myself for the exam.I must pass this exam it’s so important to me . :((
    Please tell me how can i make myself ready in 40 days to get a good grade in 4 area :reading, speaking writing and listening 🙂
    thank you .

  737. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Reading, Speaking, and Writing: A Case Study of a Student from Better TOEFL Scores

  738. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Integrated Speaking and Integrated Writing: How to Accurately Summarize, Paraphrase, and Quote

  739. Thanks very much for useful tips on reading through, making quick notes in reading section of the exam.
    In stead of concentratrating on everything i started pulling some methology into use and i’m doin pretty well so far (scoring aprox. 27-29 Avg.).
    Now I’m constantly improving speaking, writing sectotrials.
    I still can’t get a solid grip on 45 sec speaking tasks; planning here is eessential + vocabulary as i understand?
    Writing getting slow also. Cant seem to combine Good descriptive vocabulary and complex phrasing with – well …. all GOOD examples seem to have a relatively simply thesis and line of reason.?

  740. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Reading: Recognizing Paraphrases

  741. Fane:

    Wow! Sounds like you are very busy juggling between your teaching duties and improving your English proficiency. Your life right now reminds me of how busy I was years ago (the early 1990’s) as a graduate student and an ESL teacher. I was teaching ESL/TOEFL during the day and going to graduate school at night. Then, I would spend 10-12 hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday writing research papers. One day when I was unusually busy, I reminded myself that I would not have such a hectic schedule my entire life. I reminded myself that I was doing this so that I could reach a better quality of life. And guess what? Things did get better and now I have a great quality of life and I have a heck of a lot more free time.

    Like I was, you are extremely busy but, as you said, it is about reaching your dreams, and like me, I believe that you will also be able to improve your quality of life through your enduring to the end and working hard. So, your very very busy life right now will NOT last forever. There are sunny skies behind the rain clouds : )


    Michael Buckhoff

    P.S. You have great writing skills!

  742. Hi, I read your last message on my email, and want to tell you that I appreciate it. as you say life have its up and down, I ‘ve just found a new job like teacher ( french, history and geography) my pupils are very difficult and I tired, despite all I still want to success in Toefl but can’t find the time to study my english. I agree that life it’s about reaching our dream and I know you can help me to ameliorate my english and I’ll change job and life…so once again I appreciate you’r so cool and don’t pressure me. thanks.

  743. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Reading: Answering Pronoun Referent Questions

  744. I will sure do, you are a really good professional. Thank you so much for your dedication and for helping so many people. God Bless u.

  745. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Note-taking: The Key to Scoring High on the TOEFL iBT

  746. Thank you soooo much Michael, I really apreciate your help. There are 2 things I didnt mention, I already have been here in USA for 5 years ( in college), also I have been studying for the NPTE since past august for 6 hours a day and here is my question. Do u think the Physical Therapy books that I have been readying does not really help me with my reading skills? Should I start reading novels? I got 21 points on my writting test. I know my situation is kind of different, specially because of my background. Anyway I am not sure what to do, I will follow the steps that you told me. Thank you so much once again.

  747. This video is a response to Tatiana’s comment: “Hi, I am a foreign student and I already went to colllege and got a bachelor degree in Exercise Science here in USA. Now I need to take the toefl to be able to take a Board Test in Physical Therapy ( because PT is my first degree from my country). I had one year of ESl class when I fisrt got here and I took the toefl test twice already and I got the scores that I need for Speaking 27 and Listening 22. But for me to be qualify to take the NPTE I need to score 89 points and so far what I got in both test was 77 points. On reading part I scored 13 points on both test. I would like to know what advice would you give me to study.”

    [kaltura-widget wid=”ch13ewuzok” size=”comments” /]

  748. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Be Careful about Grammatical Word Endings

  749. Hi, I am a foreign student and I already went to colllege and got a bachelor degree in Exercise Science here in USA. Now I need to take the toefl to be able to take a Board Test in Physical Therapy ( because PT is my first degree from my country). I had one year of ESl class when I fisrt got here and I took the toefl test twice already and I got the scores that I need for Speaking 27 and Listening 22. But for me to be qualify to take the NPTE I need to score 89 points and so far what I got in both test was 77 points. On reading part I scored 13 points on both test. I would like to know what advice would you give me to study.

  750. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » How to Improve your Concentration during TOEFL iBT Speaking Tasks

  751. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Three Secrets to Dramatically Increase Your TOEFL iBT Reading Abilities

  752. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Increase Your Vocabulary Fluency

  753. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Punctuation and the TOEFL iBT

  754. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Getting the Gist of TOEFL iBT Academic Listening Passages: It may be harder than you think!

  755. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Improving Your TOEFL iBT Vocabulary: A Helpful Tip

  756. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Blending, Thought Groups, and TOEFL iBT Pronunciation

  757. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Reading, Rhetoric, and the TOEFL iBT: Analyzing Style

  758. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Reading: Answering Vocabulary Questions

  759. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Reading Strategies: Watch this video the day before you take the official TOEFL iBT

  760. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Pragmatics and TOEFL iBT Listening: Understanding Purpose and Function

  761. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » A Question from TOEFLer, “What pronunciation lessons do you have?”

  762. This video is a response to Lynxas’ comment: “I’ve been reading this long thread. And I was wondering if I could get a chance to succeed at the next TOEFL iBT session on saturday 19th december. I’m looking to apply for few schools in the UK and it will be cheaper for me if I can pass the TOEFL with your help 😉 . I need a least 79.

    I’m French and I used to work for two years in Ireland but in a French and English IT environment.

    My dream is to get an English BSc Software engineering certificate in IT.

    Could you give me some advices ? ? Which lesson do I have to start with ?

    Thank you.


    [kaltura-widget wid=”t6qkqhxvh4″ size=”comments” /]

  763. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Reading, Rhetoric, and the TOEFL iBT: Analyzing Structure

  764. Hello Michael,

    I’ve been reading this long thread. And I was wondering if I could get a chance to succeed
    at the next TOEFL iBT session on saturday 19th december. I’m looking to apply for few
    schools in the UK and it will be cheaper for me if I can pass the TOEFL with your help ;). I need a least 79.

    I’m French and I used to work for two years in Ireland but in a French and English IT environment.

    My dream is to get an English BSc Software engineering certificate in IT.

    Could you give me some advices ? ? Which lesson do I have to start with ?

    Thank you.


  765. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Grammar: Non-Restrictive versus Restrictive Adjective Clauses – To Use or Not Use Commas

  766. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Affixes, Vocabulary, and the TOEFL iBT

  767. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Subordination, Writing, and the TOEFL iBT: Creating the Right Emphasis

  768. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Discerning Transitions from Main Ideas: TOEFL iBT Listening

  769. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Modal Auxiliaries, Helping Verbs, and TOEFL iBT Pronunciation

  770. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Get the Most Out of Your TOEFL iBT Reading: A Helpful Pre-reading Activity

  771. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Are You Having Trouble Remembering the TOEFL iBT Vocabulary Words You Are Memorizing?

  772. Miss K:

    Better TOEFL Scores has authorized me to give you all the lessons at 50% discount. It is ALWAYS better to buy in bulk. Go to this web page http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/“top-tips-to-pronouncing-“bit”-versus-“beat”-toefl-ibt-pronunciation/640 and make a $108.75 paypal donation after which I will send you lesson information to all 7 Steps!

    Speaking Lesson 4 and Writing Lesson 4 are offered by my affiliate partner Jason Renshaw, so I can not include those two membership subscriptions as part of the discount. Sorry.


  773. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Comma Splices, Run-ons, and Fragments: Three TOEFL iBT Grammar Errors You Do Not Want to Make

  774. michael, i want to take lessons in all the 7 steps. what do i have to do, what is e cost involved. thank u

  775. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Afraid of Negative Expressions on TOEFL iBT Listening? Follow these Simple Steps to Increase your Listening Comprehension

  776. Tooran:

    I feel your pain. It is hard to be so close to your goal yet so far away.

    Look at the positive side of your situation for a minute. I get a lot of E-mails from TOEFLers whose TOEFL score is below 40, and you are above 80! You have advanced English skills, and I know just what it will take to help you meet your goal. Obviously you will NOT need to take all my lessons, but there are three lessons which I think will take you above 100 based on your current English skills and TOEFL results.

    TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 4

    Speaking Lesson 4

    Writing Lesson 4

    You have a little over a month to improve your English skills so I would recommend that you start practicing these lessons as soon as possible. Regarding TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 4, I recommend that you download audio files of all 1,500 vocabulary words and put them on a CD or portable music device so you can listen to these new words on a daily basis. This is the key to help boost your reading score.

    Regarding Speaking and Writing Lessons 4, make sure that you complete practice tests weekly so that you can have them scored by a TOEFL specialist. Keep practicing them until you score over 26 points. If the TOEFL specialists comment that you have pronunciation problems, then I suggest that you take both of the pronunciation lessons.

    Believe in yourself Tooran. You WILL pass the TOEFL with your desired score, and a little hard work on your behalf will go a long way.

    You can do it. I believe in you!

    All the best to you TOEFL success!


  777. Hi,
    I am so frustrated .I have taken TOEFL test couple of times and the highest score has been 89 ( Listening 28, specking 20 ,writing 21and reading 20).I need 100 score.I have registered for this test on Des.19th . Would you please help me ?

  778. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » New TOEFL Speaking Service Begins Today: You can have your speaking practice tests scored each week!

  779. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » “Top Pronunciation Tips for vowel sounds “beat” versus “bit:” TOEFL iBT Pronunciation

  780. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Become an Effective TOEFL iBT Reader in Five Simple Steps

  781. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » What You Need to Know about TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking Task One

  782. This video is a response to Salman’s comments: “Thank you sir, people like you are great asset to the students like us on this planet.There are very few DEDICATED people like you on this mother planet.Sir, i am looking to pursue my education in the States, and i find your articles very helpful.Thank you for your dedication ….Thank you very much :-)”
    [kaltura-widget wid=”6q806cumr4″ size=”comments” /]

  783. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » What TOEFL iBT Question or Comment Do You Have?

  784. Thank you sir, people like you are great asset to the students like us on this planet.There are very few DEDICATED people like you on this mother planet.Sir, i am looking to pursue my education in the States, and i find your articles very helpful.Thank you for your dedication ….Thank you very much 🙂

  785. Serif:

    I just sent you your lesson information!!! Check out speaking and writing lesson 4! I think you will be delighted to see my newest additions to S.T.E.A.L.T.H.

    Happy TOEFLing!


  786. Title: Please send url and password for TOEFL Listening Lesson 1.

    Dear Michael,

    I just purchased TOEFL Listening Lesson 1. Please send me the url and password so I can begin improving my TOEFL iBT listening skills immediately.


    Serif Esendemir

  787. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » How your Grammar Will Be Evaluated on the TOEFL iBT: Part One

  788. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » How your Grammar Will be Evaluated on the TOEFL iBT: Part Two

  789. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » How Do You Cite Sources on the TOEFL iBT?

  790. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking Task One: People and Places

  791. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking Task One: Objects and Events

  792. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Three Tips for Better Listening on the TOEFL iBT

  793. This video is a response to comments by Wojtek: “Hi, I got a chance to do a Phd course in the States. The information from my supervisor states that I MUST PASS teofl test.
    However, i do not know what the PASS word for Teofl means. Could you please answer my question? Is there a grade/percentage border?
    Last time i taken a test i received an overall scorre of 61 rating limited-fair with 1 low rating for reading section. Is that a PASS?”

    [kaltura-widget wid=”d0vct8zy6g” size=”comments” /]

  794. Hi, I got a chance to do a Phd course in the States. The information from my supervisor states that I MUST PASS teofl test.
    However, i do not know what the PASS word for Teofl means. Could you please answer my question? Is there a grade/percentage border?
    Last time i taken a test i received an overall scorre of 61 rating limited-fair with 1 low rating for reading section. Is that a PASS?

  795. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » What Pronunciation Goals Should You Set Before Taking the TOEFL iBT?

  796. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Beware of Monosyllabic Words

  797. Shel:

    I just e-mailed the lesson information to you. Time your time as you go through this lesson. There is a lot of information for you to learn but, step by step, you will master all the vocabulary words.

    Happy TOEFLing!


  798. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT or the TOEIC: Which Test Should You Take?

  799. Dear Michael,

    I just purchased TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 3 and I sent mails to you, but I didn’t receive your response. Please send me the url and password so I can begin improving my TOEFL iBT vocabulary skills immediately.


  800. Hi Michael

    Thanks for your answer. I am very interested in taking all the lessons, however I don’t know clearly if you have intensive course in Toefl Ibt because I need improvement my scores in few time.

    Also, I know now that each lesson is individually priced, because I believed that If I have subscribed to TOEFL iBT Newsletter I can do all exercises, but you explain me that I need two consecutive months. However, I need right now your practice materials that seems in STEALTH program that are NOT offered in TOEFL iBT Newsletter subscription.

    I read that it is possible give for 50% off the market price if taking all the lessons.

    Let me know for specially discounted price, because I have only 75 but I need 100.

  801. Hi Michael,

    I am one of the directors of a company of computer consulting and software development in Markham, Ontario, Canada. We are expanding our business to China to help schools, teachers and students to manage and do online tests. One of the key functions of the system we developed is to simulate the flow for Speaking Section of TOEFL iBT, which will help the candidates to practise more tests. We are co-operating with local training schools to provide local platform and system support to ensure the good performance of the online test for practice purpose. The platform and system have been developed and tested and can be used in production right away. Now we are looking for the contents provider. We would like to invite your team/institute to share the profit of this business with us. Basically we need your team to provide questions (including text, image and audio files) for Speaking Section of TOEFL(r) iBT. In the first year, 10 sets of questions (6 questions for a set) should be enough, which can be provided in three phases.

    We’ve already developed a website http://www.tihai18.com (for English version use url http://test.tihai18.com/tihai18/en/jsp/home.jsp) for demonstrating the system functions. If you are interested in a demo of our system, we can setup an online demo. Please let me know what time is good for you.

    I am looking forward your response to discuss more details of the co-operation.


  802. David:

    The best way to learn about a lesson is to click on the “lesson” link and begin reading. For example, if you click on TOEFL Writing Lesson 3, you can learn about its cost, duration, and sample material.

    As far as what I teach, I teach from a combination of several TOEFL books and from my own experience of having taught more than 2,000 hours of TOEFL classroom instruction. My goal is not only to help you score high on the TOEFL iBT but to also prepare you for rigorous academic study at the undergraduate and graduate level. By the way, in addition to teaching TOEFL iBT classes at California State University, San Bernardino, I am also an English professor for the English Department at the same campus. My specialty is teaching lower and upper division writing courses. And, from time to time, I teach a linguistics course. You can be sure that, if you take my lessons, you will get high-quality instruction from an experienced TOEFL iBT instructor.

    I have six speaking and writing lessons right now.

    Try a lesson today!


  803. Hi,
    I want to know about your lesson for speaking and writing .
    1.How much ?
    2.How many lessons exist per speaking and writing?
    3.What is the duration of each lesson ?
    4.Could you give me some samples to see them in order to buy ?
    5.Do you teach any special book or your own methods?

  804. Santosh:

    Asking me if I have tips for reading, speaking, and listening is like asking a bird if it can fly. Yes, I have dozens and dozens of tips in those and every area related to TOEFL. Simply click on one of the “TOEFL” categories of my blog and begin reading.

    I also have some great lessons to help you in reading, speaking, and listening, so, if you place some faith in my TOEFL teaching abilities, I suggest that you buy a lesson. You will NOT be disappointed.

    Happy TOEFLing!


  805. Shel:

    If you have subscribed to my TOEFL iBT Newsletter for two consecutive months, you will not need the first two lessons of S.T.E.A.L.T.H., my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT. However, there are bonus videos and other practice materials in my STEALTH program that are NOT offered in my TOEFL iBT Newsletter subscription. These extra materials are contained in my TOEFL lessons 1-2.

    For sure, you will want to take lesson 3 in my STEALTH program because the TOEFL iBT Newsletter does not offer that material.

    To learn how to enter my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT, watch this video.

    Good luck to you! And most importantly, I sincerely hope that you pass the TOEFL iBT as soon as possible.


  806. Hiii…Michael…first of all congrats for putting so much efforts in giving replies to each and every person on TOEFL..that gr8 work.

    Well i appeared TOEFL twice in which i got 64 and 72 respectively…now i m trying for third time..so can u give me any tips on reading, speaking and listening…bye cya and keep on doing such wonderful work.

  807. hallo micheal

    my name is mohamed 27 years old I would like to be your student, I am from morocco ,the second language is french people in my countty do not gives care of english I love english so much,I want to improve it to be good english speaker but I cannot because I am poor student.I wish to get helps from you M r michael thank you. I am honnored to be your pupil.

  808. Hi Michael,

    Can you explain me, how I should enter to 7 Step System to Pass in order to do exercises in correct way, because I had your subscription Newsletter however I didn’t see. I need to know how working and enter in the system/

  809. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Passing the TOEFL iBT: How Bad Do You Want it?

  810. David:

    Thanks for you comments. There are some specific things you can do to improve your academic English skills, which will improve your TOEFL iBT score.

    “How do I prepare for the reading section?”

    To score high, you need to improve your ability to understand university-level texts and reading passages. Therefore, frequently reading academic texts in natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and business provides excellent preparation. The Internet is a great resource for these materials; also, in libraries, you can check out books, magazines, and journals that are academic in style. Consequently, the more academic the reading material is, the more it will prepare you.

    “How do I prepare for the listening section?”

    To score high, you need to improve your overall listening comprehension proficiency. Like the reading section, you need listening practice in a variety of academic areas from natural sciences to business. Using the Internet or CD’s as resources, concentrate on taking notes as you listen to the main ideas and critical supporting points.

    “How do I prepare for the speaking section?”

    To score high on the speaking section on familiar topics, create a list of topics and practice speaking about them: “Describe your favorite vacation destination,” and “Describe an important person who has influenced you” are representative of familiar speaking topics. Practice giving 1 minute voice-recorded responses to these types of speaking tasks.

    To score high on the speaking section on topics based on reading passages and lectures, find a college textbook that includes discussion questions at the end of the chapter. Read the chapter, take notes, and practice orally answering the discussion questions. Also, read short 100-200 word articles. You can find such articles on the Internet, in the library, or in a TOEFL E-book. After reading the article, make a brief outline which includes its major points Then use the outline to orally summarize the information, after which you can add detail to the outline and orally summarize again. With a focus on listening, using the Internet, the library, or a TOEFL E-book, find listening and reading materials on similar topics. The material can provide similar or opposing points of view. After taking notes on the listening and the reading materials, you should do orally summarize and synthesize the information. Practice giving 1 minute voice-recorded responses.

    “How do I prepare for the writing section?”

    To score high on the writing section on familiar topics, create a list of familiar topics and practice writing about them: “Describe your favorite vacation destination,” and “Describe an important person who has influenced you” are representative of familiar Independent Writing topics for the iBT. You could also practice by stating an opinion or a preference and then by presenting reasons clearly and in detail. “Which do you think is better: living on campus in dorms or off campus in apartments?” is representative of an opinion-preference writing topic. Practice planning, writing, and revising each essay within the 30 minute time limit.

    To score high on the writing section on on topics based on reading passages and lectures, find a college textbook that includes discussion questions at the end of the chapter. Read the chapter, take notes, and practice writing answers to these questions. Additionally, read a 300 to 400 word article and then create an outline of the major points and important details. Using the outline, write a summary of the information and ideas of the article. Finally, be able to distinguish among the following methods of citation: quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Practice planning, writing, and revising each response within the 20 minute time limit.

    I also recommend that you take my speaking and writing lessons since you need to increase your score in those areas. If you have some pronunciation problems, you may want to consider taking my pronunciation lessons as well.

    Good luck to you,


  811. My wife and I have taken iBT two weeks ago.and in the speaking section ,it seems, we have some problems.

    My score is :Reading=20,Listening=25,Speaking=19,Writing=20, total:84

    My wife score is :Reading=21,Listening=19,Speaking=20,Writing=22 total:82

    We need the score above 100.what should we do?our time is so limited.please help us

  812. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Answer to TOEFLer’s Question + Suggested Study Plan, Including Useful Web Sites

  813. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Grammar and Baseball: They Are More Similar Than You Think

  814. Helen:

    Let’s compare the Newsletter and my TOEFL lessons in terms of content, price, and accessibility.

    Content: My TOEFL Newsletter and my TOEFL lessons are the same in content, except that the Newsletter does NOT contain more content than two lessons or two months of TOEFL learning materials. Therefore, if you subscribe to my TOEFL Newsletter for two months, you will not need to buy the first two lessons of each of my 7 steps to pass the TOEFL.

    Price: My TOEFL iBT Newsletter costs $9.99 a month, whereas my TOEFL lessons rang in cost from $4.99 – $29.99.

    Accessibility: Over a 60 day period, you get access to TOEFL learning materials (And it is a lot!), and, with my TOEFL lessons, you get immediate access to all lessons.

    I hope this explanation helps!


  815. Dilshod:

    It will be my pleasure to help.

    1. Beginning reading my blog posts in all seven skill areas: vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

    2. Take every lesson I have, beginning with vocabulary. Inexpensively priced, my lessons are specifically designed to help you improve your TOEFL language skills quickly.

    Doing these two things will help you to understand how to prepare for the TOEFL and will teach you some important TOEFL iBT test-taking strategies. Florida State is a well-respected university, so I hope that you reach your goal soon.

    You should also take some TOEFL iBT practice tests, especially since you do not know your TOEFL score. Go to this link: http://i-courses.org.

    Good luck to you!


  816. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Writing: A Case Study of Three Students

  817. Hello Mr Michael. B
    My name is Dilshod. I am from Uzbekistan. I am really excited that i found your web page. There are a lot impressive conversations. Looks like you are very helpful person, and i am wishing your help, and i need your help. I know my English is not perfect as my native language. My Native language is Uzbek, our second language is Russian and third one is English. A few Months ago i moved to the United States with my family. I had a dream to come here and i did it, now i have one more left. I want to go to school in Florida state and graduate here, probably i will go to school from January 2010. When i was talking to the assistant from Students Union one of the Universities in Florida he requested my TOEFL and SAT scores. So i have never take a TOEFL exam (test), so I dont really know what is my score now. And also i dont know how to begin from what to begin. I would really appriciate your help if you guide me to the TOEFL world. Thank you very much.
    Respectfull: Dilshod. M. A

  818. Hi Michael,

    I would like to know the difference between your newsletters and S. T. E. A. L. T. H. – 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT classes?

    Thank you in advance,

  819. Vrushali:

    1. When speaking about a person, you have to think of ways to describe

    What this person looks like

    Why this person is important to you

    How this person has helped you to solve a problem

    What this person has taught you

    The following is an example of this type of speaking task:

    Who has had the most influence in your life? Giving specific examples, explain why.

    You will listen to and read the speaking prompt.

    Here is a sample recording of how you could answer this question:

    The person who has influenced me the most is my grandfather. He taught me the value of hard work and the importance of an education.
    First, my grandfather taught me the value of hard work. When I visited his house, he taught me how to garden, and during the summer I worked in his garden several hours a week. It was hard work, but I was rewarded at the end of the summer when he would let me choose which watermelons I could take home to my family. It was difficult working in his garden in the hot sun, but I learned the important lesson of hard work.
    Finally, my grandfather has taught me that it is important to get an education. Often when he visited my house, he would help me with my math, science, and English homework. Also, during this time, he would always make me promise that I would get a college degree. And he told me that by getting a college degree I would be able to get a good job. Because of his encouragement, I decided to go to college.
    Therefore, my grandfather has influenced me in that he taught me to be hard worker and to get a good education.

    This talk is effective because

    The student has addressed the topic clearly and has responded effectively to all aspects of the task.

    By giving some examples (i.e., “the garden,” “help with math, science, and English homework”) , the student has explored the issue thoughtfully and in depth.

    The student has a barely detectable accent; his pronunciation is almost like that of a native speaker. Although there are rare isolated mispronunciations, there are no evident patterns of error.

    Without stumbling or stuttering, the student exhibits superior fluency in speaking skills.

    By including a thesis statement (i.e., “He taught me the value of hard work and the importance of an education.”) and by including topic sentences in the developmental paragraphs of the talk which restate the key points mentioned in the thesis, the speaker has coherently and logically organized. his ideas.

    2. When speaking about a place, you have to think of ways to describe

    What this place looks like, where it is located

    Why this place is important to you

    What activities you like to do at this place

    What makes the place unique from other places you have visited

    The following is an example of this type of speaking task:

    Giving some specific examples to support your ideas, describe a place you visited when you were a child. What is your favorite memory while visiting this place?

    You will listen to and read the speaking prompt.

    Here is a sample recording of how you could answer this question:

    I remember distinctly when I went to visit the beautiful island of Hawaii when I was a child. It was the first time I ever attempted to surf.
    When my family and I arrived in Hawaii, I noticed the beautiful palm trees and the white sand. The ocean was as blue as the sky. Everything was so picturesque that I thought I was inside of a painting. There were many white fluffy clouds in the sky, and the air was warm and moist. Almost every afternoon a breeze blew which helped to make the humid climate comfortable.
    My favorite memory while my family and I were in Hawaii was when my father taught me how to surf. First, he rented a very tall surf board and showed me how to lie on it. Then, he showed me how to paddle out into the ocean. He also taught me about different kinds of ocean waves and which ones were best for surfing. Finally, he helped me ride a wave while I was lying on the surf board. During the week that we were in Hawaii, I got to where I could surf standing up on some of the smaller waves in the ocean.
    This childhood trip to Hawaii was unforgettable. Even today when I get to the ocean I surf, but now I am no longer a beginner thanks to my father having taught me how to surf when we went to Hawaii.

    This talk is effective because

    By giving some physical description of Hawaii and by focusing around the specific experience of learning how to surf, the student has addressed the topic clearly and has responded effectively to all aspects of the task.

    The speaker gives some specific descriptive examples (i.e., “Palm Trees,” “white sand,” “blue ocean,” and “warm moist air”) so that the listener can picture a little bit of what Hawaii looks like. Additionally, the speaker lists in chronological order how he learned how to surf. Thus, the student has explored the issue thoughtfully and in depth.

    The student has a barely detectable accent; his pronunciation is almost like that of a native speaker. Although there are rare isolated mispronunciations, there are no evident patterns of error.

    Without stumbling or stuttering, the student exhibits superior fluency in speaking skills.

    By including a thesis statement (i.e., “I remember distinctly when I went to visit the beautiful island of Hawaii when I was a child. It was the first time I ever attempted to surf.”) and by including topic sentences in the developmental paragraphs of the talk which restate the key points mentioned in the thesis, the speaker has coherently and logically organized. his ideas. Particularly useful is how the speaker uses time markers “first,” “then,” “also,” and “finally” as a way to chronological organize the steps in which his father taught him to surf.

    3. When speaking about a object, you have to think of ways to describe

    What this object looks like

    Why this object is important to you

    What memories are connected to the object

    What values the object represents

    What makes the object unique from other objects you own

    The following is an example of this type of speaking task:

    When a person dies, family members often inherit the material possessions of the deceased loved one. Upon your death, what valuable object or material possession do you have that you would consider giving to a family member or friend. Why would you want the family member or friend to inherit this object?

    You will listen to and read the speaking prompt.

    Here is a sample recording of how you could answer this question:

    When I die, I will give my oak hope chest to my oldest son, Kentaro, so that he will remember my father’s love and devotion that he had towards his family.
    When I married my wife Hiroko, my father showed his love toward us by hand crafting a solid oak hope chest. He lined the interior of the chest with sheets of cedar so that our blankets would not be consumed by insects. It took my father hundreds of hours to build that chest, and I would want my son Kentaro to have it as an inheritance to remember that his grandfather loved his family very much.
    I would also want my son to have the oak chest because it represents the devotion my father showed toward his family. My father was so closely tied to his family that he presented all four of his sons a carefully crafted hope chest according to the tastes of his new daughters-in-law. When Kentaro receives my hope chest, he will remember that it represents the deep and ardent affection that his grandfather had toward his family.
    Therefore, because of the love and devotion from my father that the hope chest represents, I would want Kentaro to have this family heirloom, which I hope he might pass onto to one of his children as well.
    This talk is effective because

    By focusing on a hope chest and explaining why he would give it to his son Kentaro, the speaker has addressed the topic clearly and has responded effectively to all aspects of the task.

    The speaker gives adequate support for his generalizations in the developmental paragraphs of the speech. Thus, the student has explored the issue thoughtfully and in depth.

    The student has a barely detectable accent; his pronunciation is almost like that of a native speaker. Although there are rare isolated mispronunciations, there are no evident patterns of error.

    Without stumbling or stuttering, the student exhibits superior fluency in speaking skills.

    By including a thesis statement (i.e., “When I die, I will give my Oak Hope Chest to my oldest son, Kentaro, so that he will remember my father’s love and devotion that he had towards his family.”) and by including topic sentences in the developmental paragraphs of the talk which restate the key points mentioned in the thesis, the speaker has coherently and logically organized. his ideas.

    4. When speaking about an event, you have to think of ways to describe

    What one or two important scenes look like (consider using some descriptive detail from these scenes)

    How it has changed you

    Who the important people are (consider using one or two memorable quotes from the event)

    What this event taught you

    The following is an example of this type of speaking task:

    Many people have had important events such as getting married, graduating from high school or college, or getting hired for a prestigious company. Choose an event that has meaning for you and explain how it has changed you.

    You will listen to and read the speaking prompt.

    Here is a sample recording of how you could answer this question:

    An event which changed me was winning first place in a cross-country meet in High School. Because of this event, I decided to major in Physical Education with a special emphasis in coaching cross-country running.
    Before this race, I had not won any big races in High School. A few weeks before the race, my coach had me do some specialized workouts which would improve my leg speed. Additionally, he had me run some longer runs on the weekend to give me strength. So when the day of the race came, I felt strong and was able to run faster than the rest of the runners.
    Since that race, I began to win many more, which helped me to develop an interest in coaching. As a result, when I went to college I decided to major in Physical Education so that I could be a coach. Currently, I am a cross-country coach at a high school in my country.
    In conclusion, winning that race was the beginning of my avid interest in coaching. I guess you could say I am a coach today because of that event.
    This talk is effective because

    By choosing a meaningful event and explaining how it changed the speaker (i.e., it caused the speaker to develop an interest in coaching), the speaker has addressed the topic clearly and has responded effectively to all aspects of the task.

    The speaker gives adequate support for his generalizations in the developmental paragraphs of the speech. Thus, the student has explored the issue thoughtfully and in depth.

    The student has a barely detectable accent; his pronunciation is almost like that of a native speaker. Although there are rare isolated mispronunciations, there are no evident patterns of error.

    Without stumbling or stuttering, the student exhibits superior fluency in speaking skills.

    By including a thesis statement (i.e., “Because of this event, I decided to major in Physical Education with a special emphasis in coaching cross-country running..”) and by including topic sentences in the developmental paragraphs of the talk which restate the key points mentioned in the thesis, the speaker has coherently and logically organized. his ideas.

    1. When speaking about a personal preference, you should

    Choose which position you want to support

    Think about believable evidence that you can use to support your opinion

    Be able to give some examples and details to support your opinion

    Use a logical organization to express your opinion

    The following is an example of this type of speaking task:

    Most people agree that it is important to exercise. Some of them run, whereas other prefer to bicycle. Which of the two do you prefer: running or riding a bicycle when exercising? Be sure to use details and examples to support your point of view.

    You will listen to and read the speaking prompt.

    Here is a sample recording of how you could answer this question:

    If I had to choose between the two forms of exercise I would choose running. It is cheaper and safer for me.
    Running is better in my case because it is cheaper. For example, if I run I will buy some shorts, a t-shirt, and some shoes which will cost me a little more than $100. However, if I buy a bicycle and all of the gear associated with it (helmets, bike repair kits, shirt, sunglasses), maybe I will have to pay more than a $1000.
    The second reason I prefer running over bicycling is because it is safer. In my hometown, streets are narrow and many people walk on the sidewalks, which would force me to share my bike with the traffic. I think I might get hit by a car if I rode a bike too much. However, to avoid traffic, I could run on the sidewalk or I could run on the trails by my house.
    Because the affordability and the safeness of running, I think I would prefer it over bicycling.

    This talk is effective because

    The speaker takes a logical position on the issue and is able to support his opinion with plausible evidence.

    The speaker explores the issues thoughtfully and in depth.

    The speaker has barely detectable accent; pronunciation is almost like that of a native speaker; rare isolated mispronunciations, but no evident patterns of error.

    The speaker exhibits superior fluency in speaking skills and does not stumble or stutter as if he is trying to find the right word to say.

    The speaker use ideas supported by apt reasons and well-chosen examples, speaker has coherently and logically organized.

  820. How to provide good examples for speaking section questions 1 and 2. I really can’t think of any examples.

  821. Hi Michael,
    I am very distressed with the speaking section, I usually get good score on the other sections but speaking section is not improving. I took this test 10 times, earlier I used to get 24 and now my score is lowering as I practice. I need 26 in speaking section, please give me some suggestions.


  822. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT and ESL Listening Materials: Are They Too Perfect?

  823. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Example Responses to Independent Speaking Task One

  824. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing: How to link your old idea to a new one

  825. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Listening and Pronunciation Practice Exercise: Listen to the song and fill in the missing words

  826. Ege:

    To see how much a lesson costs, click on a lesson that you want to buy. Read about what the lesson covers, and then click on the “buy now” button; then you will see how much the lesson costs. Currently, the cheapest lesson I have is $4.99 plus tax, and the most expensive lesson is $29.99 plus tax. My $29.99 lessons are actually courses with enough content to keep you busy for a week or more.


  827. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL Practice Test: Vampire Bats!!

  828. Hey Michael,

    There has to be a misunderstanding that i just couldn’t see a notice of prices , your video was benefit for me to understand about it anyway.If it is foundation year that you were talking about such as tips , i would like to take toefl so i can keep my money also i can keep 1 year of mine , but i would love to listen some advices of feature of my education from a real professor ( you ) i m appreciate of it.Before get started to study for the toefl again could you tell me untill what time that i have to bring up the toefl for get started to a university for next year ?

    Thank you for giving usefull advices again. .)

  829. This video is a response to Age’s comments: “I need 80 points out of 120 of toefl ibt for to apply a one of state universties in california, i already took toefl once last year and i got 45 points folowing 8 reading 8 listening 17 speaking 8 writing so i need a miracle to get 80 points just in few moths don t you think .) one more thing that is it free to get lessons from your web side ?

    Thank you so much for at least giving me hope by introduction of this web side”

    [kaltura-widget wid=”lewqqquqso” size=”comments” /]

  830. This video is a response to Claudia’s comments: “Thank you very much for your videos!!.I studied by myself and your tips were really useful.Actually, I passed TOEFL and now I will go to study in Europe!”

    [kaltura-widget wid=”mrakyr55wg” size=”comments” /]

  831. Hey Michael ,

    I need about 80 points of toefl ibt to apply one of state universties in california. I already got once last year i got 45 points so i need a miracle to get 80points just in few moths don t yo think .) If you can give me advice ill be glad of it .. one more thing that is it free to take lessons from this web side ?

    Thank you so much at least giving hope whit introdustion of this web side ..

  832. Hey Michael ,

    I need 80 points out of 120 of toefl ibt for to apply a one of state universties in california, i already took toefl once last year and i got 45 points folowing 8 reading 8 listening 17 speaking 8 writing so i need a miracle to get 80 points just in few moths don t you think .) one more thing that is it free to get lessons from your web side ?

    Thank you so much for at least giving me hope by introduction of this web side

  833. Hello Michael,

    Thank you very much for your videos!!.I studied by myself and your tips were really useful.Actually, I passed TOEFL and now I will go to study in Europe!

    Thanks a lot!

  834. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Subjects, Verbs, and TOEFL iBT Grammar

  835. Srikanth:

    1. To learn basic preparation exercises to score higher on all sections of the TOEFL iBT, read this blog post: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/how-to-beat-the-toefl-ibt

    2. To jumpstart your speaking and writing skills, I recommend that you take

    Speaking Lesson 1

    Speaking Lesson 2

    Speaking Lesson 3

    Writing Lesson 1

    Writing Lesson 2

    Writing Lesson 3

    After taking those lessons, you should take some sample TOEFL iBT practice tests from Educational Testing Service. Taking these practice tests will serve as diagnostic tools to measure your progress.

    Sounds like you have set some very high goals for yourself, so it will take some serious study if you want to score 26 pts. or higher on all sections of the TOEFL iBT. However, you seem to be very motivated, and having motivation is a key ingredient toward TOEFL iBT success.

    All the best to your TOEFL success!


  836. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Is the New Culture Giving You a “Depressed” TOEFL iBT Score?

  837. Hi Michael,
    I am planning to write toefl exam in november, 2009 . I need your advice in improving speaking and all other sections of toefl exam. I am doubtful that i can score 26 in speaking and better in all other sections. So , please i need your help for improving my scores in toefl.

  838. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » A Tip for the TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Sections: Be Concise!

  839. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Afraid of Taking the TOEFL iBT? How to Take It With a Smile

  840. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Before beginning a TOEFL iBT Writing Task, You’d Better Read This!

  841. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » How to Beat the TOEFL iBT

  842. Tariq:

    There is no quick response or quick solution to your problem. You got slow ears and you want to make them faster, right? It is brilliant that you recognize the need to take notes while listening, for being a good note-taker is the only way you will score high on integrated speaking and writing. So what do you do?

    I recommend the following steps to help you improve your ability to concentrate better when listening.

    1. Take TOEFL Listening Lesson 1 (This lesson teaches you how to take notes.)

    2. Take TOEFL Lesson 2

    3. Watch this video on how to improve your TOEFL iBT Score.

    4. Practice listening at http://www.npr.org. Practice 30 minutes of listening a day. Take notes as you listen to the lectures and then (whenever possible) compare your notes to the transcript.

    6. Practice listening at http://www.esl-lab.com/. Start with easy, then practice medium, and finally complete difficult listening exercises.

    These are my suggestions for now, all of which should keep your ears busy for a few weeks.

    Good luck and may your ears become faster when listening to English.


  843. Hi Michael,
    I am waiting for your response.
    If you can guide me, Its definitely wonderful.

  844. At the begining, thank you for your usual support and effective methodes for toeflers.

    Second, I face difficulty with listining, can not understand words, can not write notes while listining, and can not catch information.

    So you are kindly requested to give me effective way to solve this problem, provide me keys to concentrate on during listining.

    I am waiting your quick response.

    With my best wishes.

  845. This is a response to Mackeran’s comments: “Are you a professional journalist? You write very well?”

    No, I am an ESL instructor and English professor at California State University, San Bernardino.

    Thank you for your kind comments, but my writing skills are always a work in progress.

  846. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » When you need to get 26/30 points on TOEFL iBT Speaking…

  847. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Using the Right Word: Three TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tips

  848. Hi Michael,

    According to your prompt response , I am sending you my speaking answer for above mention question.

    I am not getting good score in my reading , so I need assistance in that too.

    I am getting only 15 or 16 in my reading so Can you please suggest me in taht also.

    To get 26 is very mandatory for me , for my visa screen certificate, so I need proper guidance for this.

    I am sending you my answer in your email bec some how I am not able to attach you a file.

  849. Jalpa:

    Make a video comment answering this speaking prompt:

    Preparation time: 15 seconds
    Response time: 45 seconds

    Do you think it is better to study in a group or study alone? Give specific reasons to support your point of view.

    Let me take a look at your video, and I will make my recommendations.

    Good luck!!!


  850. Hi I need to get 80 out of120 and I need to get 26 in my speaking section. right now I am getting 75 and 24 in speaking section. Can you please help me to reach this level. I have anexam in next 2 weeks and I am waitig for your prompt response.

  851. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Example Lecture-with Questions and Answer Key!

  852. Hi Michael,don’t send me newsletters form september because i am moving to different country

  853. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Speaking: Technology and Multi-Tasking

  854. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Integrated Writing: A Case Study of Three Introductions

  855. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT: Five Test-Taking Strategies (Watch this video the day before you take the official TOEFL iBT)

  856. This video is a response to comments made by Agus: “I have 3 iBT toefl preparation classes. My students are on their 5 to 7 semester and they have to achieve minimum 47/120. I am going to introduce your great websites to my students. The university I am teaching is Universitas Pelita Harapan (http://www.uph.ac.id). It is in Karawaci, about 50 kilometers from Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Please help them when they get to see you and become members of your inspiring and motivating website. I hope they will also be willing to your lessons. Thank you.”

    [kaltura-widget wid=”y6xneu4l80″ size=”comments” /]

  857. Pak Michael (Pak is for father or Bapak in Indonesian),

    I have 3 iBT toefl preparation classes. My students are on their 5 to 7 semester and they have to achieve minimum 47/120. I am going to introduce your great websites to my students. The university I am teaching is Universitas Pelita Harapan (http://www.uph.ac.id). It is in Karawaci, about 50 kilometers from Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Please help them when they get to see you and become members of your inspiring and motivating website. I hope they will also be willing to your lessons. Thank you.


    Agus Satoto

  858. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Recognizing Common Errors in TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing

  859. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Grammar: Verbs Followed by Gerunds

  860. This video is a response to Crebio’s comments: “I intend go to United States in 2011 to do my post-docter course, so I need to pass the toefl test achieving the score of 65. Can you help me?”

    [kaltura-widget wid=”e7j5nul4x4″ size=”comments” /]

  861. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » TOEFL iBT Grammar: Verbs + Pronouns + Infinitives


    I intend go to United States in 2011 to do my post-docter course, so I need to pass the toefl test achieving the score of 65. Can you help me?


  863. Anwesha:

    You may want to work on organizing your speaking tasks a bit better, perhaps by learning to use templates during TOEFL iBT speaking. Therefore, I recommend that you try two of my products: TOEFL Speaking Lessons 1-2, both of which will help you to organize your topic statements so that you get directly to the point. Gaining this knowledge will help to reduce the stress and nervousness that you feel during the test.



  864. Hello Professor Michael Buckhoff ,

    You are a great dedicated and praiseworthy professor . I’ve loved all of your inspiring suggestions and marvelous helpful tasks . I’m good at Speaking , Listening and Writing Tasks but I’m good at Reading also but it needs more labour . I’m good at Speaking tasks but whenever I try to take the Speaking tasks I feel so worried and nervous i dont know why because whenever I talk to my American friends on microphone,I dont feel scared at all like its really easy as pie but I gotta take the TOEFL iBT Test and I wanna have 100 and more in the final because its crucial for me and for my future .

    Can you please give me some suggestions about it . 🙂

    Thank You

    Regards from Anwesha Biswas

  865. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » 33 minute answer to a TOEFLer’s question: “How do I improve my TOEFL iBT score from 35/120 to 70/120?”

  866. Thank you for this website.
    Really I face defficult to pass the toefl test which I have to get at least 70 out of 120.
    I have taken a test and my score is 35 as following:-
    reading 5 + listing 5 + speaking 15 + writing 10.

    I subscribed in the newsletter (already paid $9.99) but I do not know how I can get it.

    my quistion
    How can I get at least 70 out of 120?
    I have a toefl test after two weeks so please i need full support to pass it, can you give me keys for the test in reading, listing and so.

    I am waiting for your help and smart advise.

  867. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Idiomaticity of Language and the TOEFL iBT: How Naturally Do You Speak and Write Academic English?

  868. Michael Buckhoff

    This video is a response to Kutlon comments: “You are a very dedicated instructor. I thank you very much for that. I will learn hard to get a high score. I think you will be glad to know that. Once again, thank you.:)”

    [kaltura-widget wid=”pb788skmy0″ size=”comments” /]

  869. You are a very dedicated instructor. I thank you very much for that. I will learn hard to get a high score. I think you will be glad to know that. Once again, thank you.:)

  870. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » If you want to take the TOEFL iBT, then you should read this explanation.

  871. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Improve your TOEFL iBT Speaking and Pronunciation Today!

  872. This video is a response to Sabastian Diaz’s comments: “Hi,
    I have to take TOEFL in November (2009). My English level is intermediate (approx. 70 IBT, I took it in March). I have to get a final score of 100 or more (IBT). I think that’s too hard!!! My “best sections” are Reading and Listening, but I have problems with Speaking and Writing. Do you think it’s possible that I’ll manage to do it? What do you think taking into account your experience? I’m really worried about it.

    Since August I’m going to study TOEFL and GRE full-time. I’m following your advice about reading 45 minutes every day. I’m reading a novel, 50 pages every day, but there are a lot of words that I don’t know. Slowly, I’ve been able to get and enjoy the story, even though I haven’t known many words.

    Do you have any other advice for my situation? Thanks in advance.

    Regards from Chile.”

    [kaltura-widget wid=”neggewnzpw” size=”comments” /]

  873. Sebastián Daza

    Thank you for your answer and best wishes!!! I’m going to behind my goal…

  874. Sebastián Daza

    I have to take TOEFL in November (2009). My English level is intermediate (approx. 70 IBT, I took it in March). I have to get a final score of 100 or more (IBT). I think that’s too hard!!! My “best sections” are Reading and Listening, but I have problems with Speaking and Writing. Do you think it’s possible that I’ll manage to do it? What do you think taking into account your experience? I’m really worried about it.

    Since August I’m going to study TOEFL and GRE full-time. I’m following your advice about reading 45 minutes every day. I’m reading a novel, 50 pages every day, but there are a lot of words that I don’t know. Slowly, I’ve been able to get and enjoy the story, even though I haven’t known many words.

    Do you have any other advice for my situation? Thanks in advance.

    Regards from Chile.

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