TOEFL Listening Note-Taking Practice

This blog post offers TOEFL Listening Note-taking Practice. Writing down sentences that you hear prepares you for the listening, speaking, and writing sections of the exam.

TOEFL listening note-taking practice

TOEFL listening note-taking practice helps you with the listening, speaking, and writing sections of the TOEFL Exam.

During the listening section, you will listen to several lectures and academic discussions. In addition, you will be asked comprehension questions about these listening passages. Practicing listening note-taking helps you pay more attention to what is being said.

On the speaking section, in tasks 2 (Reading, Listening, Speaking: Campus-related), 2 (Reading, Listening, Speaking: Academic), and 4 (Listening, speaking: Academic), you will read and listen to segments of academic and campus-related listening and reading passages. Therefore, improving your listening dictation in these areas will help you to more accurately jot down the notes from these passages.

Lastly, the integrated writing section (task 1) requires that you read an academic reading passage and that you listen to a several minutes long listening passage. As a result, you will need to jot down the most important points of these passages and show how the two sources are related. Thus, impoving your listening dictation will help you in this area as well.

Extensive listening note-taking practice improves your integrated speaking and integrated writing practice.

Integrated Speaking and Writing Practice:  Maybe you are not ready to listen to long 3-5 minute lectures. Perhaps you need practice with shorter reading passages. In this lesson, you will read passages and lectures that gradually get longer as you get toward the end of the lesson. You will practice combining the two sources by writing/speaking paraphrases that accurately and completely explain the information.  After each question, you will see an example paraphrase with which you can compare your answer.

TOEFL Listening Dictation Practice:  Having trouble catching exactly what is being said in a lecture? Then this lesson is for you.  First, you will listen to sentences that are 5-10 words long.  Second, you will listen to 11-20 word sentences,. Finally, you will listen to 20-30 word setences. In every, case you will be give an opportunity to write/speak the sentences that you hear. Then, you can check the listening script for accuracy and completeness of content.

Another free web site gives you extensive listening dictation practice.

Spell Quiz: I rarely recommend any web sites outside of the lessons I have already written at this blog. However, Spell Quiz offers an incredible amount of spelling and listening dictation practice that will fit students of many English proficiency levels. For example, if you are intermediate level, you can begin at grade 1. In addition, start at grade 9 if you consider yourself advanced in your English proficiency.


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