This is Michael Buckhoff, founder and materials writer for Better TOEFL Scores. Below I have posted a TOEFL or ESL related video to help you to improve your English proficiency. Enjoy!
Michael Buckhoff is the co-founder and author of a TOEFL iBT Blog at www.bettertoeflscores.com (Helpful Insights to Pass the TOEFL iBT) and of TOEFL iBT products at http (Pass the TOEFL iBT in 7 Easy Steps).
Did you like the video? Do you want more lessons to help you pass the TOEFL iBT? Do you want a TOEFL iBT specialist to listen to, read, and correct your speaking and writing practice tests? If you have answered “yes,” I would like to invite you to join my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT. Joining is as easy as 1…2….3.
1. Watch my video to learn about my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT: CLICK HERE
2. Read the following PDF file to learn how to use my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT: CLICK HERE
3. Join my service today! After taking my video lessons, you can post your pronunciation, speaking, and writing practice tests, I will evaluate, correct, and score them according to the TOEFL iBT rubrics ETS uses. I will not give up until you pass the TOEFL iBT! That is my promise to you.
Begin improving your TOEFL iBT score.
My name is Mariana. I took a TOEFL test last year and I got the score 78. I needed 79 to apply for MBA.
Thank you so much for you help! Your lessons were really helpful for me!
Hi Michael,
Today, I received my TOEFL score. My overall score is 100/120. The break up is as follows:
Reading: 22/30
Listening: 25/30
Speaking: 26/30
Writing : 27/30
I want to thank you for helping me. I liked your STEALTH series. I liked your passion about teaching and you want everyone to succeed. I did not have much time to prepare. I was nervous but after watching your lectures, I was confident that I would do fine.
In the end, I want to tell you that you should be proud of yourself that what an incredible teacher you are. I am also a teacher but I teach Microsurgery which is little bit different from English and I commend the efforts you put in your students(including me) with continuous guidance through your newsletters and videos.
Please feel free to contact me for any questions and correct this letter.
Take care,
Syed Gillani, MD
I can say that it’s very important to organize your time efficiently to reach your target score.
my first toefl was 72 and after 3 months I was able to score 84.
Therefore I think it’s important to have strategy in your study, by the way I want to thank you Mr Michael your tips were very helpful to me especially in speaking section because I scored 23.
Hi Michael,
I receieved my scores at TOEFL. My overall score is 106/120. The break up is as follows:
Reading: 26/30
Listening: 26/30
Speaking: 26/30
Writing : 28/30
That was funny!
Thanks for the tips. Although it’s hard to summarize and provide facts and details within time limit : (
good job
from what I see, TOEFL is not about english, is about havaing good memory…..