Free TOEFL 1700 Vocabularies

On this web page you can download free TOEFL 1700 vocabularies. This 265 page vocabulary book contains college-level vocabulary words, definitions, and paragraphs using the words.

Free TOEFL 1700 Vocabularies

Why are you offering this extensive vocabulary list for free?

Having learned Spanish many years ago, I know how important vocabulary words are.  I am offering you this list for free because I want to help you improve your overall TOEFL score. Also, I want to help you to improve your reading, listening, speaking, and writing subtotal scores. Learning these Free TOEFL 1700 vocabularies will give you enough proficiency to help you score higher than 100/120!

I am giving you this list unconditionally for free. In fact, I am not even asking for your email address in exchange for these TOEFL iBT vocabulary words. Download your list, and you never have to come back to this web site ever.


Can I post this PDF link in other locations of the Internet?

  • Yes, you may post the link to this PDF anywhere else on the Internet.
  • You may use this list in your ESL classes or at your ESL or TOEFL web sites.
  • However, you do not have permission to modify the list in any way.  You must NOT copy the document and paste it into another document.

How do I learn these free TOEFL 1700 vocabularies?

Having a list is important. However, it will not be easy for you to learn the words on this list.  Spending time at TOEFL Vocabulary Resources will help you to develop the strategies and study habits to help to master all these words.

Where is the download link for these free TOEFL 1700 vocabularies?

Since this list also gives you important strategies for understanding vocabulary in context, you will be able to improve your guessing strategies during the reading and listening section. In addition, these free TOEFL 1700 vocabularies will also teach you a simple study guide system to help you learn the words. As a result, you will be able to improve your speaking and writing score since you will have a broader range of vocabulary from which to draw.

Please share this list with anyone who needs to improve his/her academic English proficiency.







Michael Buckhoff,

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