TOEFL Words that Connect: TOEFL Connecting Words

TOEFL Words that Connect help you organize your TOEFL speaking and writing tasks effectively.

TOEFL Words that Connect

TOEFL Words that Connect: Due to

“Due to” is a prepositional phrase used to indicate the cause or reason behind something. It’s often used to show the source of an action or event.

The event was canceled due to heavy rain, causing disappointment among the attendees who had been eagerly looking forward to the outdoor gathering.

Prepositions + Sample Sentences

  1. In: The book is in the bag.
  2. On: The cat is sitting on the table.
  3. Under: The keys are under the mat.
  4. Between: The sandwich is between the two slices of bread.
  5. Beside: The tree is beside the river.
  6. Above: The plane is flying above the clouds.
  7. Behind: The car is parked behind the building.
  8. Across: She walked across the street to reach the park.
  9. Through: The rabbit ran through the tunnel.
  10. Among: There’s a hidden treasure among the rocks.

These prepositions help provide information about the relationships between different objects or elements in a sentence.


“So” is a conjunction that can be used to show cause and effect. It connects two clauses, where the first clause presents a cause or reason, and the second clause presents the result or consequence.

She studied diligently for weeks, so her performance on the final exam was exceptional, impressing both her classmates and her instructor with her thorough understanding of the material.

  1. For: She went to the store, for she needed some groceries.
  2. And: I like both chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
  3. Nor: He neither likes coffee nor tea.
  4. But: She wanted to go to the party, but she had to finish her work.
  5. Or: You can choose either the blue shirt or the red one.
  6. Yet: It was raining, yet they decided to go for a walk.
  7. So: The bakery had run out of bread, so I had to buy from another store.

Coordinating conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, or independent clauses within a sentence.


“Because” is a subordinating conjunction used to introduce a reason or cause for an action or event. It connects a dependent clause (the reason) to an independent clause (the main idea).

The hiking trail was closed for maintenance because heavy storms had caused significant damage to the paths and made them unsafe.

  1. Because: She decided to stay indoors because the weather forecast predicted heavy rain, and she didn’t want to get wet while going out.
  2. Although: Although the clock showed that it was already late at night, he was determined to finish his assignment before going to bed.
  3. If: If you dedicate enough time to studying and consistently review the material, you’ll increase your chances of performing exceptionally well on the final exam.
  4. When: She couldn’t help but smile when she opened the door and saw her close friends standing there with a surprise birthday cake in their hands.
  5. Since: They’ve maintained a strong friendship since they met in elementary school, and their bond has only grown stronger with each passing year.
  6. While: Listening to his favorite playlist on his headphones, he covered quite a distance while jogging along the picturesque trail that wound through the forest.
  7. Before: It’s important to finish your balanced and nutritious dinner before you indulge in dessert, ensuring you maintain a healthy eating routine.
  8. After: After she meticulously completed her work tasks for the day, she rewarded herself by going to the nearby park for a relaxing evening walk.
  9. Unless: Success won’t come your way unless you consistently put in diligent effort, set clear goals, and stay determined to overcome any obstacles that arise.
  10. Where: He eagerly led me to the beautiful park, where he often spends quality time with his energetic dog, enjoying the lush greenery and open spaces.

Subordinating conjunctions are used to introduce dependent clauses, which cannot stand alone as complete sentences, and they show the relationship between the dependent clause and the rest of the sentence.


“Consequently” is an adverb that shows a cause-and-effect relationship. It’s used to introduce a result or consequence that follows from a previous action or situation.

She missed her flight because of the traffic jam, causing her to reschedule her entire trip. Consequently, she had to adjust her hotel reservations and tour plans.

  1. Furthermore: She not only excels in academics, but furthermore, she actively participates in various extracurricular activities.
  2. However: The weather was ideal for hiking; however, unexpected rain forced us to postpone our outdoor adventure.
  3. Moreover: The restaurant received rave reviews for its food, and moreover, the attentive service made the dining experience truly exceptional.
  4. On the other hand: The first candidate had impressive qualifications; on the other hand, the second candidate demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills.
  5. In addition: In addition to his responsibilities at work, he also volunteers at a local animal shelter in his spare time.
  6. Nevertheless: The movie received mixed reviews; nevertheless, it managed to capture the attention of a wide audience and become a box office success.
  7. Similarly: Just as his brother loves painting, he similarly finds solace and creativity in playing the piano.
  8. Conversely: While some people thrive in a fast-paced environment, others, conversely, prefer a more relaxed and contemplative atmosphere.
  9. In contrast: The bustling city life offers excitement and convenience; in contrast, the countryside provides tranquility and a stronger connection to nature.
  10. Therefore: The experiment yielded consistent results; therefore, the research team concluded that their hypothesis was correct and required further exploration.

Transition words help guide the flow of ideas and improve the coherence of writing by indicating relationships between sentences and paragraphs.

TOEFL Mastery Test: Prepositions, Coordinators, Subordinators, and Transition Words

Instructions: Choose the best option for each sentence. Select the letter corresponding to your chosen answer. At the end of the test, you’ll find the correct answers for each question. TOEFL Words that Connect

  1. Her dedication to her studies is evident; ____, she consistently achieves top grades. a) consequently b) meanwhile c) inasmuch as d) on the other hand
  2. He is proficient in both French and German, ____ he can effortlessly navigate through various European cultures. a) thus b) however c) so d) likewise
  3. The research paper explores the intricate relationship between climate change and biodiversity, ____ offering potential solutions. a) since b) nonetheless c) meanwhile d) when
  4. ____ the challenging questions posed by the professor, the student demonstrated a profound understanding of the subject matter. a) As a result b) Despite c) Likewise d) Unlike
  5. The architect skillfully integrated modern aesthetics ____ maintaining the historical charm of the building. a) whereas b) by contrast c) in addition to d) nevertheless
  6. He is passionate about painting; ____, his brother finds solace in playing musical instruments. a) conversely b) correspondingly c) furthermore d) consequently
  7. The lecture highlighted the significance of renewable energy sources, ____ discussing potential economic implications. a) although b) while c) notwithstanding d) similarly
  8. The documentary captured the raw beauty of wildlife;  ____,  the show portrayed the challenges animals face due to habitat loss. a) although b) whereas c) in contrast d) simultaneously
  9. ____ his busy schedule, he manages to dedicate time to community service. a) Consequently b) On the other hand c) Despite d) Therefore
  10. The company expanded its operations to new markets, ____ bolstering its global presence. a) furthermore b) so c) however d) whereas

TOEFL Words that Connect


  1. a) consequently
  2. c) so
  3. c) meanwhile
  4. a) despite
  5. c) in addition to
  6. a) conversely
  7. b) while
  8. c) in contrast
  9. c) Despite
  10. a) furthermore


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