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Step 1 – Super-Size Your TOEFL Vocabulary

Lesson 3

Step 1 –Super-Size your Vocabulary

The first step to successfully pass the TOEFL7 iBT Exam is building vocabulary proficiency. Let’s face it.  How can you understand college level vocabulary without having basic vocabulary?  Moreover, how can you perform optimally when reading and listening to TOEFL7 iBT passages without a good vocabulary foundation?  Finally, how can you support your generalizations on the speaking and writing sections with details without having practiced vocabulary beforehand?  For example, if you are asked to summarize a lecture about mountain ranges in the United States, will you have sufficient vocabulary to accurately and intelligently complete the speaking or writing task?

“What is lesson 3 about?”

TOEFL Lesson 3 is a downloadable 150 page  PDF formatted file with listening links so you can hear the vocabulary words you are studying.  And, you take practice listening tests which test the mastery of the words you study.    Once you purchase this lesson, you go to a web page and download the pdf file and use the material for several weeks/months of vocabulary study.

“Cool.  Tell me more about this lesson.”

Let’s take a look at the following parts of this lesson: description, objectives, overview, quizzes, and exams.

Lesson Description

An overall purpose of this vocabulary lesson for students with intermediate to advanced English-speaking ability is to become acquainted with the vocabulary words that are likely to be found on the TOEFL iBT and TOEIC tests.  If you learn these basic words, you will not only score higher on the TOEFL iBT but also function better in academic situations.

Additionally, mastering the vocabulary words in this course will help workers who need business English to communicate more effectively in the workplace. For example, a Korean/English interpreter who wants to increase his job prospects can become more proficient in English. In another example, a dentist from Peru who is auditing classes in English at a Peruvian university can increase her overall listening skills, especially within the context of business-related conversations. Flight attendants, travel agents, international businesspeople–anyone who needs business English–can benefit from taking this course.

Lesson Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

1. Demonstrate mastery of up to 200 basic academic and business words that appear on the TOEFL iBT and TOEIC tests.

2. Recognize up to 1,600 synonyms of those words.

3. Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words by using the context of a sentence, a reading passage, or a talk.

4. Read more business- and academic-related material.

5. Understand more business- and academic-related talks.

6. Increase your score on both TOEFL iBT and TOEIC tests.

Lesson Overview

Aimed at improving your vocabulary, reading, and listening language skills, TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 3 consists of 20 chapters, 6 unit tests, and 2 Comprehensive Exams.

The Chapters

Each chapter in this lesson contains the following sections:

Part 1: The Words You Will Study–You’ll be presented with 10 vocabulary words. For each word, click to hear its proper pronunciation. Then read the possible parts of speech of the word, how the word appears in the different grammatical forms it can take, synonyms of the word, definitions of the word in the different parts of speech and grammatical forms, and sentences in which the word is used in the various parts of speech and grammatical forms.

Part 2: Vocabulary in Context–This part provides additional examples of how the 10 vocabulary words that were introduced in Part 1 might be used. Here, pay particular attention to how the words are used in the sentences.

Part 3: Matching Exercise–Match each vocabulary word to its definition.

Part 4: Sentence Completion–Complete each sentence by identifying the correct vocabulary word in its correct word form.

Part 5: Reading Passage–Use the context of the reading passage to determine the correct placement of each of the chapter’s vocabulary words.

Part 6: Listening Practice–Here, you’ll listen to two short “talks” that use the vocabulary words of the chapter. After each talk, answer the 2, 3, or 4 questions that will test your listening comprehension.

Right click the below hyperlink and “save link as” to download this lesson.  Try before you buy!!!

Chapter One Sample Lesson

Quizzes and Exams

After every three or four chapters, you can take a unit quiz to test what you’ve learned. Each of these multiple-choice quizzes contains three types of questions:

1. In the first group of questions, you’ll choose which answer is similar in meaning to a given word.

2. In the second group of questions, you’ll choose the vocabulary word that best completes a sentence.

3. In the last group of questions, you’ll choose the word in the form that correctly completes a sentence.

The quizzes are set up to permit multiple attempts. If you miss a question, return to the chapter and study the word carefully. Then take the quiz again if you wish.

Right click the below hyperlink and “save link as” to download a test.  Try before you buy!!!

Unit Test One Sample Test

In the two multiple-choice Comprehensive Exams, you’ll choose the definition that most closely applies to a given word. Some of the choices in a question may be quite similar, and you’ll need to think carefully about which choice is truly the best one.

The first Comprehensive Exam (which consists of 100 questions and follows the unit quiz for Chapters 7-10) covers all the words you studied in Chapters 1-10.

The second Comprehensive Exam (which also consists of 100 questions, and follows the unit quiz for Chapters 17-20) covers all the words you studied in Chapters 11-20.

“Whoa!!! Wait a minute. This does NOT sound like a lesson. This sounds like a course.”

Yes, you are correct.  It is actually a course with 20 chapters, 6 unit tests, and 2 Comprehensive Exams.

There are more than 1,120 exercises to help improve your vocabulary as it relates to reading, grammar, and listening.  And get this, there are more than 380 test questions to test your knowledge of these 200 important vocabulary words. You can be sure, after taking this course, that you will be ready to take a more advanced vocabulary lesson later on. Step by step, you will build a strong knowledge of vocabulary that will help you score much higher on the TOEFL iBT or TOEIC tests.

“Is there anything else I need to know before I buy TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 3?”

Eleven Free Videos!!!!!!!

Yes, for a limited time offer, I will include eleven highly popular Better TOEFL Scores videos so that you can learn 300 of the most important idioms in the English language. After you learn the idioms taught in these videos, you will gain an incredible fluency and idiomaticity to English that will help you to speak naturally just like a native speaker.  Chances are you have NOT seen all of these videos.

So, you can watch all eleven videos at no additional charge.

What are you waiting for? Get started at building your basic vocabulary skills today!

**Once you purchase this lesson, Pay Pal will redirect you to a web page in which you will get your lesson information. The entire buying process is automated.**

7 thoughts on “Step 1 – Super-Size Your TOEFL Vocabulary”

  1. Pingback: Purchase Individual TOEFL iBT Lessons for $4.99 - Better TOEFL Scores Blog

  2. Hi Mr. Micheal,
    Can I buy all of these lessons at one time? Can you tell me how much it is?
    Will I get a discount? and
    How do I pay you?

  3. I paid for lesson 1. I saw the price of lesson 2 in this website, but I coudn’t see the price for lesson 3. Would you like to tell me how much it is?

  4. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » Step 1 – Super-Size Your TOEFL Vocabulary

  5. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » S. T. E. A. L. T. H. – 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT

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