Get TOEFL Help to Improve your Score!

Students who take the TOEFL may sometimes need to get TOEFL help so that they can reach their target score and reading, listening, speaking, and writing subtotal scores.   You will especially  want TOEFL help for some of the following reasons:

  • You want to score higher than 100.
  • You have limited experience with English.
  • You need a speaking score of 26.
  • Your TOEFL writing requirement is 24.

Get TOEFL Help

Get TOEFL Help

Get TOEFL Help: Do you need to score higher than 100?

You have about a 10% chance of reaching a score of 100 or more.  If you want to score higher than 110, your chances drop to 5%. Therefore, achieving this high score will definitely require some students to get TOEFL help before they are able to reach their target score. Furthermore, it is not always how hard you study.  Sometimes it is how smart you study.

To illustrate my point, let me tell you a story about two lumberjacks. Both men entered into a competition to see who could cut down more trees in one day.  One of the men worked very hard cutting down trees without taking any breaks all day.  About every 30 minutes, the other man would take a break for about 5 minutes. At the end of the day, at the award ceremony, the first man fully expected to win the grand prize for cutting down more than 13 trees.  However, at the award ceremony the judge announced that the second man had cut down more than 31 trees.  The first man was shocked.

After the second man won the award, the first man asked, “I don’t understand. How did you cut down so many trees? I saw you taking breaks about two times every hour?”

The second man replied, “I took breaks so I could re-sharpen my ax?”

smart way to study TOEFL
smart way to study TOEFL

The bottom line is this: TOEFL mentors like me can help you study smarter not harder so that you can reach your target score much sooner.

Get TOEFL Help: Do you have limited experience with English?

If you have not been using English for 10 or more years, you will have limited English skills.  As a result, if you do not get TOEFL help, it will make it more difficult to become on the top 5-10% of all test-takers to reach 100+.  Watch the following video of one of my TOEFL students. Her name is Teresa.  In the video she will tell you about the many years of using English in Europe. She used to read English newspapers when she took the train. She listened to American music. She spent many years speaking English with native and near-native speakers.  Her motivation and practice learning and using English helped her to get this high TOEFL score. Nonetheless, even in her case, she sought TOEFL help and studied in the English Language Program at California State University, San Bernardino for 10 weeks.

Get TOEFL Help: Do you need a speaking score of 26?

If you are in the healthcare industry, you may need to score 26 on the speaking section. Only about 12% of all test-takers seeking professional licenses score this high. Trying to diagnose your delivery problems without getting TOEFL help is almost impossible for many. To score 26, you will need to have good control of basic and advanced vocabulary and grammar.  Do you know what improvements you need to make in these areas?  What about your topic development?  What types of organizational and developmental changes do you need to make to improve?  If you get TOEFL help, you can learn from your TOEFL mentor what pronunciation, language-use, and topic development changes you will need to make in order to reach your target score.

Improve your TOEFL speaking skills
Improve your TOEFL speaking skills

Get TOEFL Help: Do you need a writing score of 24?

Scoring 24 points or higher will put you into the top 20% of test-takers.  Writing has to be explicitly learned, so some students get TOEFL help by getting feedback on their writing from TOEFL writing mentors.  Think about the following checklists for writing task 1 and 2.

Writing Task 1

  • Sharply-focused introduction connecting the main points of the reading and the listening passages
  • Sequencing compare and contrast organization in body paragraphs connecting reading and listening main points
  • Frequent use of voice markers through the response to acknowledge the author in the reading passage and the speaker in the lecture
  • A third person point of view with a variety of simple present tense reporting verbs
  • A complete and accurate integration of the reading and listening passages
  • Good control of punctuation, grammar, mechanics, sentence structure

Writing Task 2

  • 100 word introduction with a sharply-focused three point thesis
  • Clearly marked arguable topic sentences which restate the key points from the thesis
  • Three laser-focused 100 word body paragraphs with specific supporting details to illustrate main points
  • A conclusion with restates the key points of the response
  • A coherently organized response using at least four cohesive techniques to connect old and new information
  • A variety of simple, compound, complex, and compound/complex sentence styles in writing
  • Few sentence structure, word choice, verb tense, punctuation, and other types of grammatical errors

Do you know how your TOEFL writing tasks 1-2  perform in these areas? If you get TOEFL help, you will know exactly how you are doing. You will learn what types of changes you need to make in order to score 24+ on the writing section of the TOEFL iBT.

Improve TOEFL writing
Improve TOEFL writing

Get TOEFL help: How do you get TOEFL help?

For as little as $45 a month, you can get TOEFL help so you can reach your target score and subtotal scores. With this small payment, you will be able to

  • Complete speaking practice tests every day and get feedback from a TOEFL speaking specialist
  • Submit and get feedback on writing practice tests daily
  • Send pronunciation pre-tests and practice exercises to an accent reduction specialist
  • Have unlimited access to more than 700 vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking lessons

“How is all of this possible for only $45 a month?” you ask.

Well, Michael Buckhoff, the founder of STEALTH, already has a full-time teaching position at California State University, San Bernardino.  Hence, he offers all of these TOEFL services free to you. Your payment covers the operation costs of his web site and server. He makes little to no profit on his TOEFL courses. In addition, Buckhoff does not spend any money advertising his TOEFL services, so he teaches a very small number of students monthly.  This means he can offer all these services at a very low cost to you.  In addition, he can give you the attention that you need to improve your academic English.

Finally, if you are ready to get the TOEFL help you need to beat the TOEFL, swallow your pride and put yourself in Michael Buckhoff’s hands, TOEFL mentor, English professor, and placement and testing specialist with more than 25 years of teaching experience.

Click Here to join one of his courses today.

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