Ty scores 27 on the speaking section of the TOEFL exam. Surprisingly his path was not too difficult. As you read this blog post, you will learn the steps Ty took in order to improve his score from 24 points to 27 on the speaking section of the TOEFL iBT. If you follow a similar path, you will have a great chance to reach your target TOEFL speaking score.
Table of Contents
TY scores speaking 27: Ty reaches out and discusses his scores with a mentor.
Frustrated with his current TOEFL speaking score, TY found Michael Buckhoff’s web site. Once Ty determined that he wanted to take Michael’s TOEFL Speaking Boot Camp course, he sent the following message:
Dear Mr. Buckhoff,
TY scores speaking 27: Ty joins a TOEFL Speaking Boot Camp course.
Therefore, Ty went through the recommended lessons to learn the most important integrated and independent writing strategies, and then joined Michael’s TOEFL Speaking Boot Camp course. Soon after joining, Ty completed a TPO integrated speaking practice test 44. Here is his recording and my delivery, language use, and topic development comments:
Audio Player
As you can see from my comments, Ty needed to make a few changes in his response in order to improve his score.
TY scores speaking 27: Ty completes a pronunciation pre-test and gets feedback.
After a couple more practice tests, Michael recommended that Ty complete a pronunciation pre-test focusing on vowel and consonant sounds.
Audio Player
After Ty completed the pronunciation pre-test, Ty began studying the lessons Michael recommended, especially those vowel and consonant sounds that affected his intelligibility. Little by little Ty began to speak more clearly as he practiced the lessons in the pronunciation section of his online TOEFL Course.
TY scores speaking 27: Ty completes some TPO independent and integrated speaking practice tests and gets more feedback.
After completing his pronunciation pre-test, Ty continued his TOEFL speaking practice. Below is another practice test that he completed. You will also hear feedback from his TOEFL speaking mentor Michael Buckhoff, who has more than 31 years of TOEFL teaching experience:
Audio Player
TY scores speaking 27: Ty completes a second pronunciation pre-test.
Having studied his vowel and consonant sound lessons, Ty completed his second pronunciation pre-test. This pre-test focused on the following: syllable division and grammatical word endings, word stress, sentence rhythm, intonation, and thought groups and blending. Here is his pretest along with comments from his accent reduction coach:
Audio Player
Ty completes five more speaking TPO practice tests and get feedback.
Just a few days before his test, Ty completes a few more TPO speaking practice tests. That way he could continue to get feedback on his delivery, topic development, and language use. Here is one more speaking practice test that he took. Similar to before, you will hear his TOEFL speaking mentor providing feedback and scoring his practice test.
Ty retakes the TOEFL exam: (110) R = 30, L = 29, S = 27, and W = 24
After taking the TOEFL three times and not reaching 26, Ty retook the TOEFL exam and scored 27:
How did he get this speaking score? Here is a quick recap:
1. First, Ty emailed Michael Buckhoff and learned about a TOEFL Speaking Boot Camp Course.
2. Second, Ty registered in this course by going here: https://onlinetoeflcourse.com/product/30-day-toefl-speaking-boot-camp-course/
3. Third, from Oct 24 to Nov 6, Ty began completing speaking and pronunciation practice tests. Each time he got feedback from a TOEFL Speaking Mentor and Accent Reduction Coach.
4. Fourth, Ty retook the TOEFL exam and reached his dream score.
Read Ty’s testimonial about how he felt about the feedback he got from his TOEFL speaking mentor.
Here is what Ty said after he saw the results from his fourth TOEFL exam:
Hi Michael,
Of course, Michael Buckhoff was happy to hear about Ty’s successful TOEFL speaking score of 27, so he put together this You Tube video and emailed the link to Ty:
Follow Ty’s Path to reach your dream TOEFL speaking score.
Now you know how you can reach your dream TOEFL speaking score. You will be able to get exactly the same kind of feedback that you listened to on this web page. Join the best TOEFL Speaking Boot Camp course for only $45 for one month: CLICK HERE
May the next TOEFL exam you take be your last,
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