1) Get a tailored TOEFL Study Guide to help you finish the TOEFL so you can move on with your life. 2) For free, talk to Michael Buckhoff, who has more than 35 years of teaching experience. 3) Connect with Michael at Zoom during his regularly scheduled office hours: Mon-TH 11:30 to 12:50 p.m in California (GMT-7)

TOEFL Writing Boot Camp Student Scores 3.25/5.0 or 21/30 points on Practice Test

JA, one of my Online TOEFL Course students in “The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT, is following my TOEFL Writing Boot Camp Outline: http://onlinetoeflcourse.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/30-Day-7-Step-Study-Guide-for-Writing-and-Grammar-2.pdf

As a result, he completed an independent writing practice test, after which he sent the essay to me by e-mail for evaluation. Here are my comments about his writing practice test:

Based on my suggestions in the video, JA will now review specific grammar and writing lessons and continue to complete more writing practice tests for evaluation. My goal is to help him score 24/30 points higher on the writing section of the TOEFL iBT exam.

If you are interested in enrolling in my TOEFL Writing Boot Camp course like he did, e-mail me at mbuckhoff@aol.com with your first and last name. Then I will send you a PayPal invoice allowing you to join my cohort of students this month and in upcoming months.

Good luck!

Michael Buckhoff, mbuckhoff@aol.com


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