TOEFL Vocabulary Test

This TOEFL Vocabulary test is designed to assess your preparedness for the TOEFL Exam. By evaluating your knowledge and understanding of English vocabulary, this test helps determine whether you have the necessary language skills to excel in the TOEFL Exam, which measures proficiency in English for academic and professional purposes. Successful performance (20+ correct) on this vocabulary test can indicate that you are better equipped to tackle the TOEFL Exam and achieve your language learning goals.

TOEFL Vocabulary Test






Why is vocabulary important to the reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections of the TOEFL Exam?

Vocabulary is important in the TOEFL Exam for several reasons across its different sections:

  • Reading:
    • Enables comprehension of complex texts.
    • Helps in understanding nuanced meanings and context.
  • Listening:
    • Facilitates understanding spoken instructions and lectures.
    • Allows recognition of key details and ideas in conversations.
  • Speaking:
    • Enhances the ability to express ideas clearly and accurately.
    • Enables effective communication during the speaking tasks.
  • Writing:
    • Supports the use of varied and precise vocabulary in essays.
    • Contributes to the coherence and eloquence of written responses.

In essence, a strong vocabulary is a fundamental skill that underpins success in all aspects of the TOEFL Exam.

TOEFL Vocabulary Test

Here’s a 25-question multiple-choice vocabulary test with sentences and an answer key at the end. These words are college-level and suitable for TOEFL preparation. If you score 20+ correct answers, you are ready to take the TOEFL exam.

Vocabulary Test

Instructions: Choose the most appropriate word to complete each sentence.

  1. The professor’s ___________ lecture on quantum physics left the students feeling bewildered. a. elucidating b. inexplicable c. obfuscating d. succinct
  2. The government implemented strict ___________ to curb pollution levels in the city. a. regulations b. ambiguities c. anomalies d. enigmas
  3. The research paper presented a novel ___________ on the topic of artificial intelligence. a. conjecture b. paradigm c. anomaly d. dilemma
  4. Her _________ smile brightened the room, even on the gloomiest of days. a. inscrutable b. sycophantic c. effervescent d. ominous
  5. The professor encouraged students to engage in ___________ discussions to deepen their understanding of the subject. a. anecdotal b. desultory c. euphemistic d. laconic
  6. The discovery of a new species in the rainforest was a major ___________ in the field of biology. a. catalyst b. revelation c. quandary d. depletion
  7. The CEO’s decision to expand the company’s global operations was met with both ___________ and skepticism. a. acumen b. apathy c. accolades d. apprehension
  8. The historian’s book provided a ___________ analysis of ancient civilizations. a. superficial b. meticulous c. fortuitous d. capricious
  9. The government’s new policy had a profound ___________ on the economy, leading to increased growth. a. paradigm b. detriment c. efficacy d. phenomenon
  10. The diplomat’s ___________ negotiation skills helped resolve the international conflict peacefully. a. futile b. adroit c. perfunctory d. austere
  11. The laboratory conducted rigorous ___________ to confirm the accuracy of the experiment’s results. a. conjectures b. variances c. verifications d. placations
  12. The novel’s intricate plot and complex characters made it a challenging yet ___________ read. a. obscure b. redundant c. engaging d. fallacious
  13. The artist’s ___________ use of colors in his paintings evoked a sense of nostalgia. a. eclectic b. derivative c. myopic d. surreptitious
  14. The court’s decision set a ___________ precedent for future cases involving intellectual property rights. a. clandestine b. seminal c. superficial d. gratuitous
  15. The student’s ___________ efforts paid off when she received a scholarship to a prestigious university. a. diligent b. arbitrary c. cursory d. untenable
  16. The scientist’s groundbreaking research led to the ___________ of a previously unknown chemical element. a. ostracism b. rectification c. elucidation d. discovery
  17. The CEO’s ___________ leadership style inspired her team to achieve remarkable success. a. charismatic b. clandestine c. indifferent d. perfunctory
  18. The economist predicted that the new trade agreement would have a ___________ impact on the nation’s economy. a. deleterious b. incongruous c. pernicious d. ostentatious
  19. The author’s use of ___________ language in his novel made it accessible to a wide range of readers. a. esoteric b. monolithic c. gratuitous d. laconic
  20. The company’s commitment to ___________ practices earned it a reputation for ethical business conduct. a. unscrupulous b. benevolent c. eclectic d. ephemeral
  21. The chef’s ___________ creations delighted the diners with their unique flavors and presentation. a. mundane b. exquisite c. indiscriminate d. ostentatious
  22. The judge’s ___________ interpretation of the law raised concerns about fairness and justice. a. nebulous b. impartial c. clandestine d. sycophantic
  23. The conservationist worked tirelessly to protect the ___________ rainforests from deforestation. a. pristine b. enigmatic c. arbitrary d. fortuitous
  24. The team’s ___________ efforts to complete the project ahead of schedule were commendable. a. esoteric b. tenacious c. superfluous d. equivocal
  25. The company’s decision to downsize was met with ___________ protests from the employees. a. vociferous b. cursory c. idiosyncratic d. fallacious

Answer Key:

  1. c (obfuscating)
  2. a (regulations)
  3. b (paradigm)
  4. c (effervescent)
  5. b (desultory)
  6. b (revelation)
  7. d (apprehension)
  8. b (meticulous)
  9. a (paradigm)
  10. b (adroit)
  11. c (verifications)
  12. c (engaging)
  13. a (eclectic)
  14. b (seminal)
  15. a (diligent)
  16. d (discovery)
  17. a (charismatic)
  18. a (deleterious)
  19. a (esoteric)
  20. b (benevolent)
  21. b (exquisite)
  22. b (impartial)
  23. a (pristine)
  24. b (tenacious)
  25. a (vociferous)

Vocabulary Strategies

  1. Regular Reading: Learn to read extensively in English. This can include novels, newspapers, magazines, academic articles, and even online blogs. Reading exposes you to a wide range of vocabulary in context.
  2. Context Clues: Use context clues to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words while reading. This involves looking at the surrounding words and sentences to infer the word’s meaning.
  3. Vocabulary Journals: Keep a vocabulary journal or digital document. Whenever you come across a new word, you should write it down, its definition, and a sentence using it.
  4. Flashcards: Create flashcards with the word on one side and its definition and usage on the other. Review these flashcards regularly to reinforce vocabulary.
  5. Thematic Learning: Organize vocabulary learning around specific themes or topics. For example, focus on academic vocabulary, business English, or everyday conversation words.
  6. Online Resources: There are numerous online resources and apps designed to improve vocabulary. Platforms like Quizlet, Memrise, and Duolingo offer vocabulary-building exercises and quizzes.
  7. Word Games: Participate in word games like crossword puzzles, Scrabble, or word searches. These games are not only fun but also effective for vocabulary retention.
  8. Language Learning Apps: Recommend language learning apps like Anki, which use spaced repetition to help users remember words and phrases more effectively.
  9. Join a Vocabulary Club: If possible, join a vocabulary club or group where you can discuss and learn new words collectively.
  10. Use Vocabulary in Writing: Incorporate new words into your TOEFL writing or speaking practice. This reinforces your understanding and application of vocabulary.
  11. Practice Speaking: Engage in regular speaking activities or discussions where students can use newly learned words in conversation.
  12. Review and Testing: Periodically review previously learned words and test your knowledge through quizzes or self-assessments.
  13. Consult Dictionaries: Teach students how to use dictionaries effectively, both online and physical ones, to look up word meanings, pronunciations, and example sentences.
  14. Set Vocabulary Goals: Help students set achievable vocabulary learning goals. Whether it’s learning a certain number of words per week or mastering specific word lists, goals can motivate progress.
  15. Encourage Patience: Learning vocabulary takes time and persistence. Do not get discouraged by occasional setbacks and celebrate your progress.
  16. Seek Feedback: Seek feedback from teachers, peers, or language tutors to identify areas for improvement and receive guidance on vocabulary use.

By implementing these strategies and staying consistent in their vocabulary practice, you can gradually expand their word bank and improve your performance on vocabulary tests like the TOEFL.


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