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TOEFL Test Improvements 2020

On this web page, you can learn about the TOEFL Test Improvements for 2020.  Learning about these test improvements will make you more ready when your test day approaches.

TOEFL test 2020 improvements


TOEFL Test Improvements 2020: MyBest Scores

Educational Testing Service (ETS)  will display on your official score report your top scores in each section from multiple test dates. In addition, ETS will provide your scores on a single test date.

TOEFL Test Improvements 2020: Quicker Score Results

According to ETS, you can now get your TOEFL score in a few as 6 days after taking the test.

TOEFL Test Improvements 2020: More Testing Options

ETS offers more afternoon test slots with more seats available. Therefore, you will have a shorter wait time between tests should you need to take the TOEFL exam more than once.

Easier Test Registration

ETS has streamlined the web site for registration.  Moreover, ETS has developed the new TOEFL app to make registration simpler and faster.

Shorter test duration

ETS has reduced the testing time from 3.5 to 3 hours by including fewer reading, listening, and speaking sections.  A shorter test means that you will NOT be as mentally tired!

Scoring of Reading and Listening Sections at the Test Center

You can have the listening and reading sections instantly scored before you leave the test center. That way you can get instant, unofficial scores right after taking the test.

Extended Online Registration

Now you register online up to as few as 2 days before you take the test. As a result, you will no longer need to plan weeks ahead before taking the TOEFL exam.

Analysis of the TOEFL Test Improvements for 2020

Simply put, ETS is making it much easier for you to take and re-take the TOEFL test. However, do not be tempted to fall for this gimmick.  To illustrate, if you take the TOEFL and get a low score, do not believe that retaking the test a week later will help you reach your target scores. Instead, you must look at your score report to figure out what language problems you need to solve.  Then, you must practice in those areas BEFORE you register to take the TOEFL test.

Good luck!

Michael Buckhoff, mbuckhoff@aol.com

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