Are you looking for TOEFL speaking questions? This blog post will help you understand everything that you need to know about this topic.
The New Speaking Section
In August 2019, the TOEFL speaking section changed. Instead of six tasks, now there are four. Moreover, as you can read here, understanding the new and revised TOEFL speaking questions will prepare you for your upcoming TOEFL exam.
Example Speaking Questions
Before you take the TOEFL exam, you should practice answering some speaking tasks. For example, make sure that you record yourself answering a TOEFL speaking question. As you listen to your recording, use these TOEFL speaking rubrics to score your response. Find ways to improve your delivery, language use, and topic development.
- 100 speaking topics: Get a list of 100 TOEFL speaking questions that you can begin practicing right now. In addition, learn the test-taking strategies for the reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT.
- TOEFL sample responses: Get more sample speaking topics. Moreover, listen to actual recordings from students who answered those topics. To illustrate, these students are scored from 1-6 so that you can see student will varying degrees of speaking proficiency. Finally, you will even get practice using the official iBT rubrics to score some sample responses.
TOEFL Independent Speaking Strategies
As you practice your TOEFL speaking questions, you should set goals to do the following:
- Analyze the speaking rubric. Therefore, you will learn exactly how you will be scored during the actual TOEFL exam.
- Become familiar with the five most common independent speaking topics appearing on the TOEFL exam.
- Learn how to decode the most common independent speaking topics. Be very careful about the advantage/disadvantage question type.
- Know how to deliver a highly intelligible response with good control over your vocabulary and grammar.
- Make sure you know how to deliver a well-organized response with depth and progression of thought.
Learn how to do all these things and much more: TOEFL independent speaking strategies
Integrated Speaking Strategies
The integrated speaking tasks 2-4 are complex. Without strategies, you will not be able to deliver and organize your tasks logically. In fact, here is what you need to know during the integrated speaking section of the TOEFL iBT:
- Understand how the iBT human raters are trained before grading your speaking tasks.
- Familiarize yourself with the integrated speaking rubrics.
- Improve your delivery, language use, and topic development.
- Learn how to use 50 of the most confusing words in the English language.
Take mock tests, see model responses, and learn the most important integrated test-taking strategies to help you score high.
All these TOEFL integrated speaking strategies can be learned here: TOEFL integrated speaking strategies
Free TOEFL Speaking Evaluation
- Do you want to find your TOEFL speaking level right now?
- Are you ready to get some qualified speaking feedback?
- Do you want to know specific delivery, language use, and topic development issues that you need to improve?
Take your free speaking practice test today: CLICK HERE
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