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TOEFL Score Range Explained

Understanding the TOEFL score range is important to your success. In addition, you should learn what scores are commonly required based on your academic goals.

TOEFL score range

What is the TOEFL score range?

After you take the TOEFL exam, you will get reading, listening, speaking, and writing subtotal scores. Further, each of these sections has a subtotal range of 0 – 30 points. Therefore, your score will vary from 0 – 120 points.

How do I know what my English profiency level is after taking the TOEFL exam?

Eudcational Testing Service (ETS) uses approximately 4-5 competency levels: advanced, high-intermediate, low-intermediate, and below low-intermediate.  Moreoever, once you know each of your subtotal scores, you can find your reading, listening, speaking, and writing proficiency levels:

TOEFL Reading Skill

  • Advanced (24-30)
  • High-intermediate (18-23)
  • Low-intermediate (4-17)
  • Below low-Intermediate (0-3)

TOEFL Listening Skill

  • Advanced (22-30)
  • High-intermediate (17-21)
  • Low-intermediate (9-16)
  • Below low-Intermediate (0-8)

TOEFL Speaking Skill

  • Advanced (25-30)
  • High-intermediate (20-24)
  • Low-intermediate (9-16)
  • Basic (10-15)
  • Below basic (0-9)

TOEFL Writing Skill

  • Advanced (24-30)
  • High-intermediate (17-23)
  • Low-intermediate (13-16)
  • Basic (7-12)
  • Below basic (0-6)

How do I know if I passed the TOEFL exam?

Actually, there are no passing scores on the TOEFL exam. In fact, each university, institution, or agency sets its own standards. Therefore, you should contact the institution directly to see what their requirements are.

Generally speaking, many undergraduate schools require at least 60/120 before applicants are considered for admission. In addition, many graduate schools require at least a score of 80/120. Finally, if you set a goal to at least reach the threshold of advanced in each section of the exam, then you can caluate out your target score as follows:

Reading 24 + Listening 22 + Speaking 25 + Writing 24 = 95/120

As a result, if you have a minimum score of 95/120, with the following subtotals I just described, then you can say that you have advanced reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. For more information about TOEFL score percentages and how you might compare to other students who have taken the TOEFL exam, CLICK HERE.

How does ETS score the TOEFL exam?

The listening and reading sections can be scored quickly by computer. However, the speaking and writing sections are scored by artificial intetlligence and by highly and frequently trained human raters.

Good luck!

Michael Buckhoffmbuckhoff@aol.com

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