Michael Buckhoff is the co-founder and author of a TOEFL iBT Blog at http://bettertoeflscores.com (Helpful Insights to Pass the TOEFL iBT) and of TOEFL iBT products at http://onlinetoeflcourse.com (Pass the TOEFL iBT in 7 Easy Steps).
For more information, go here: http://onlinetoeflcourse.com
thanks for the tips
TOEFL Pro analyzes an ETS independent essay that scored 5! See what you think?
toeflpro blogspot.com
very helpful, thank you!
thank you
Thanks for your advice!
I have a question: is it a problem if I exceed the word limit(150-225) for the first integrated essay?
Thanks so much!
very useful advice. I hope to help me on my TOEFL exam…
Thank You very much!