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TOEFL iBT Reading, Speaking, and Writing: A Case Study of a Student from Better TOEFL Scores

Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT

Exam!” “Give me a power-packed TOEFL lesson!”

Watch Videos: Pumpkin Patches and TOEFL iBT, Corn Mazes and TOEFL iBT


For more information, go here:

Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT

Exam!” “I want my lesson now!”

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4 thoughts on “TOEFL iBT Reading, Speaking, and Writing: A Case Study of a Student from Better TOEFL Scores”

  1. Munir:

    You can speak well but fail TOEFL iBT speaking. Heck, a lot of native speakers would not pass the TOEFL iBT speaking section. In addition to being a fluent speaker, you need to be organized and make sure that you directly address the speaking tasks. You need a plan! Specifically, you need to practice using templates for all six speaking tasks BEFORE you take the TOEFL. You need

    TOEFL Speaking Lesson 1

    TOEFL Speaking Lesson 2

    TOEFL Speaking Lesson 3

    TOEFL Speaking Lesson 4

    To help you learn advanced vocabulary, you need TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 4. Please note that it will take about 90 days to learn these words so you should begin this lesson before all others since it will take the longest for you to complete.

    To help you with verb tenses, here are some important links:



    Remember that learning grammar is only as good as being able to use it to speak and write English. You may want to practice telling someone a story in the past, the present, and the future. Be sure to record yourself as you speak so you can analyze your grammar after you are finished. Also, remember that for TOEFL speaking it is important not only to use correct grammar but also to use advanced grammar.

    Therefore, if you are organized and use accurate advanced grammar, you are likely to score high on the writing and speaking sections of the TOEFL iBT.

    Good luck! Believe that you can do it and you WILL do it.

    Michael Buckhoff

  2. Edlira:

    To take all the lessons (check out my special holiday pricing), you will need to spend about 2-3 hours a day for 2-3 months. Since the lessons are discounted right now, buy ’em all!

    The most time consuming part of my lessons are my vocabulary ones which will require you to memorize 1,700 TOEFL words while completing countless practice exercises and tests. In addition to taking my lessons, I would recommend that spend 45 minutes a day reading novels for pleasure. Be sure to take notes while you read, and, from time to time, using your note, orally summarize what you have read. You can also practice writing a summary of what you have read.

    All the best to your TOEFL success!


  3. Hi
    I am Munir from sudan ,I took the TOEFL ibt for my first time and I got 55 out of 120 .
    my problem is that I feeling that I very week in tenses and using advanced vocabulary and sometimes I fell stack while speaking
    I have friends from us and canada they always telling me that my English is really good so how can you help me in this case prof MIKE
    yrs MUNIR

  4. hello
    I like to say-Dear Proffesor !
    Now I am ready to begin to buy your lessons ,but I want to help me with some question
    1.The best way to organize for me
    2.How log does it take if i study 3-4 hour every day
    3.Is better to by lessons one by one or all in the same time -and you can give me a discount..
    4.I need to bye a dictionary english -english too.Please can you propose sth ,,for example oxford dictionary 2008-2009?
    Thank you-hope to have your answer as soon as possible !

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