1) Get a tailored TOEFL Study Guide to help you finish the TOEFL so you can move on with your life. 2) For free, talk to Michael Buckhoff, who has more than 35 years of teaching experience. 3) Connect with Michael at Zoom during his regularly scheduled office hours: Mon-TH 11:30 to 12:50 p.m in California (GMT-7)

TOEFL Essay Topics to Help You Score High

Understanding TOEFL essay topics BEFORE you take the exam prepares you.  In other words, you can practice writing responses to these topics so that you can easily score high. Furthermore, you should expect at least three types of TOEFL essay topics: Agree or disagree, explain both sides, and make argument from multiple sides.

TOEFL Writing Topics

“Agree or Disagree” TOEFL Essay Topics

This common type of writing prompt asks you to agree or disagree with a statement.

“Cell phones should not be allowed in college classrooms.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

“Explain Both Sides” TOEFL Essay Topic

In addition, the TOEFL may ask you to explain both sides of an issue. In this case, you may have to explain the advantages and disadvantages of something.

You are preparing for a biology examination. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying alone or studying with a group? Be sure to use specific examples and reasons as supporting details.

“Make an Argument from Multiple Sides” TOEFL Essay Topic

Lastly, this writing prompt asks you to frame an argument from multiple sides. More of an open-ended question, your response needs to focus around some specific idea.

What is your dream job? Explain why you want to work in this career. Use specific examples and reasons to support your choice.

Model Essays and TOEFL Writing Strategies

Now you know the types of writing prompts that will appear on the TOEFL exam.  Furthermore, you should also see some model responses.  Reading these models will help you understand how to organize and develop each type of writing prompt. In addition, you should learn the following objectives:

  • Prewriting activities
  • Writing a three-point thesis
  • Writing the introduction
  • Creating arguable topic sentences
  • Providing details
  • Using advanced and simple grammar
  • Cohesively typing ideas together for paragraph and essay unity
  • Ending with a conclusion

Learn how to write the perfect 30/30 essay, as you can read about here.

100 TOEFL Writing Topics

To improve your writing score 1 point could require more than 45 hours of writing practice. As a result, you may need to practice writing dozens and dozens of responses to make meaningful improvement.  Follow the next link to get 100 example writing prompts that you can use as you practice: CLICK HERE

Free TOEFL Writing Evaluation

A disabled ship without an anchor will drift aimlessly in whatever direction the wind blows.  In your case, for example, even though you may be completing many writing practice tests, if you have no qualified feedback from a TOEFL mentor, you will not know whether or not you are improving. Therefore, it is a good idea to submit a practice writing test to a TOEFL writing mentor. Your writing mentor will read, evaluate, score, and tell you specific areas of improvement that you may need to make in order to score higher. Get your free writing evaluation today!

Free TOEFL Writing Resources

After you get your essay scored for free by a qualified TOEFL writing mentor, you may need some additional resources to help you make the improvements you need, especially if you want to score higher than 24 points, right?  The next link will take you to some of the most extensive TOEFL writing resources ever assembled on the Internet:

  • Learn how to use more specific details .
  • Write with more clearly framed thesis statements.
  • Read example 30/30 point model responses.
  • Learn how to write with better cohesion and coherence.

TOEFL Writing Resources are posted here.

TOEFL Writing Boot Camp Course Information

Did you know that only 10-12% of all TOEFL test-takers score 24+ on the writing section? If you need a high writing score, it might be a good idea to complete a TOEFL writing course.  In fact, your TOEFL writing mentor will video correct and score the essays that you complete. In addition, you will have access to the most powerful TOEFL learning management system created by Michael Buckhoff: The 7-Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.

To see if this inexpensive TOEFL writing course is a good fit for you, go here.

Good luck!

Michael Buckhoff, mbuckhoff@aol.com


1 thought on “TOEFL Essay Topics to Help You Score High”

  1. Pingback: TOEFL Writing Sample - Better TOEFL Scores Blog

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