On this web page, you will read a welcome E-mail about the TOEFL service you to which you just subscribed, you will complete a brief marketing survey, and you will read three articles: how to use “The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT,” how to unsubscribe from this TOEFL service when you no longer need it, and what the structure of the TOEFL exam is like and how to prepare for it.
Table of Contents
Dear TOEFLer,
I am Michael Buckhoff, the founder and materials writer for the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT. Thank you for becoming one of my online TOEFL iBT students. Your account will become active in about 24 hours. Please bookmark or print this page for reference purposes.
My teaching assistant or I will send you your username, your password, and your enrollment key so that you can have access to my Online TOEFL Course
Michael Buckhoff, founder and materials writer for the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT
Create your own user feedback survey
Read the following three documents BEFORE you begin the 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.
1. Learn how to use my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT (Two hour reading time): CLICK HERE.
2. Information about your Subscription Service with Michael Buckhoff Publishing
It is YOUR responsibility to cancel this TOEFL service at your Pay Pal account when you no longer need to use it. Once you cancel your subscription, you will no longer have access to “The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.”
Welcome to my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT. You are a subscriber to my TOEFL iBT service, which means you will be charged a minimal fee of $38.00 per month until YOU cancel the service. Most users (depending on their English proficiency and TOEFL goals) use my service for 1-4 months. While a subscriber, you can take ONE speaking and ONE writing practice test per day, all the while getting feedback from a TOEFL iBT specialist.
Of course, you will not need to use my service forever, so it is YOUR responsibility to cancel the service before the next payment cycle starts. You will notice that, when you are logged on, your name is displayed along with a date. For example, if you see the name Michael Buckhoff (Payment billing cycle starts on Dec 3, 2011 and continues monthly until YOU cancel.), it means that my first payment of $45.00 for using this TOEFL service starts on Dec 3, 2014. It also means that, to avoid being billed for the next month, I will need to cancel this service by January 3, 2015. If you wish to use the service for the month of January, do nothing. You will be automatically billed.
When you are ready to cancel this TOEFL service, do the following:
Log in to your PayPal account, click “Profile” at the top of the page, click “My Preapproved Payments” in the Financial Information column, click “View the Agreement” next to the merchant agreement you want to cancel, click “Cancel” or “Cancel automatic billing” and follow the instructions.
Or, while logged in to your Pay Pal account, type “How do I cancel a recurring payment?” in the search box to get more detailed instructions on how to cancel your service with Michael Buckhoff Publishing.
Once you cancel the service, your log in, E-mail, and user name at http://www.stealth.bettertoeflscores.com will be automatically deleted, and you will no longer have access. At a later date, you can rejoin this TOEFL service, and I will create a new user name and password for you.
If you subscribed to the “Speaking and Pronunciation” tips in my pronunciation lessons, you will also need to unsubscribe from that database should you know longer want any more of those E-mails.
3. TOEFL Tips from Educational Testing Service (Five hour reading time): CLICK HERE
P.S. Please don’t call me about your subscription. E-mail me at mbuckhoff@aol.com, and I will answer your questions as quickly as I can.
Great question! I recommend that you take a full-length TOEFL speaking practice test. Then you can discuss your results with me by email, and I can recommend a course that best fits your needs.
Here is the link to take one of those practice tests: http://scorenexus.com?afmc=1f
Happy New Year 2021!
Michael Buckhoff (mbuckhoff@aol.com)
Hi, Michael
My name is Melissa. I want to apply for a Phd in a canadian university.
I have never taken the toefl ibt before, so I want to prepare myself in order to get a score around of 98-100. What would you recommend? and How can I know my current score in this test without taking the real test?
hi, dear
I am a pharmacist, I got 66 in toeflibt score reading 14, listening 16, speaking 19, and writing 17 what is the best plane for me to get 93( reading 22, listening 21, speaking 26, and writing 24)
Here are my video comments to you: https://youtu.be/UemVt8d7HFM
I’m pursuing to get a Alternative Teacher Certification, so I must score 26 in the Speaking part.
I took the test about a month ago. (19-Reading, 20 points – Speaking, 20- Listening, 15-Writing).
I have to mention that It was difficult to make the test when others testers were speaking. Well…it’s the first time I took a test like this.
I will take the test again by July.
There is no need to complete all of the steps in my Online TOEFL Course. Focus mostly on the writing section by completing independent and integrated writing practice tests. In fact, send the first writing practice test by e-mail so I can give you an overall assessment of your writing. Copy this message I am writing you now to remind me that I will assess your first writing practice test. You may also need to study the grammar part of my course, but first let’s see what kinds of problems you are having, and then I can tell you where to spend most of your time.
In addition, start completing some independent and integrated speaking practice tests as well by sending me 2-3 speaking responses weekly. I will give you some more direction after I can see what your problems are with speaking so that you know which pronunciation, language use, and topic development issues you are having.
Congratulations on already having achieved excellent academic English language proficiency, and I will help you improve your speaking and writing more.
Hello Michael,
I just enrolled in your program. I already took the Toefl exam in January and I got 105 with 30 in listening, 30 in reading, 24 in speaking and 21 in writing without preparation. The fact is that the University I want to integrate requires me to get 25 in writing and 109 overall.
I must take the Toefl before the end of June.
Should I complete every steps of your program or should I concentrate myself on my writing weaknesses ?
Best regards,
Here are my video comments to you: https://youtu.be/jbQWWlH2fmw
Thank you for joining my course!
I got 76 on August 1, 2015 (R: 22, L: 18, S: 15, W: 21). Moreover, to avoid a decrease in my level I was continuing reviewing TOEFL reading and listening exercises, so I believe I have the same level as before (in reading and listening, at least). Nevertheless, I need to make an improvement because I will require 88 on August/September.
Could you give me some suggestions or a plan to achieve 88?
I listened to your pronunciation pre-test and commented on that. I also listened to one of your practice tests. Practice, practice, and practice! E-mail me when you have questions about my course.
Happy Holidays!
Hi Michael I hope you are good.
I just enrolled into your program, so I hope to receive the information for logging in and posting at the voxopod group. Thank you
Here are my video comments to you: https://youtu.be/BxC12WDe11A
Hi pro. Michael
My name is Susan, i am nurse who graduated out side of united states. i never take TOEFL exam and now i am trying to do it as soon as possible. The state which i live in asked me to take TOEFL exam and bring the certificate within 6 months!!! after that i might be continue my profession. I really don’t know what to do, where i go and where should i start first?!! as we know learning a second language is not easy but i want to overcome it as soon as possible. After hunting websites and blogs i saw your page and some of your videos which really inspired me to contact you and became one of your online students if it`s possible, so i want your advice please, is it possible to finish TOEFL course/exam within 6 months and pass it with a good score?!
What are the requirements to pass a TOEFL exam?
What are tips and rules if I follow them I would get rid of all these obstacles and frustrations around me?! Really I would appreciate it if you could reply my questions thanks your time.
Happy Thanks Giving day.
To learn about the speaking section of my Online TOEFL Course, go here: http://onlinetoeflcourse.com/sample-page/speaking-section/
To join my course, go here: http://onlinetoeflcourse.com/join/
Once you join my course, you will be able to start sending me independent and integrated speaking practice tests by either e-mail or at my Voxopop Discussion Group.
Hello sir,
I want materials for the speaking section and i need to score around 27 for speaking. so if there is any material i need to purchase please guide me through the process. thanks
It’s good.
It is good.
Go to http://stealth.bettertoeflscores.com/login/index.php and type in your username and password to get access to all 700 of my vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking lessons.
Happy Holidays!
i just started this course how can i use it …..thanks
Here are my video comments to you:
Dear Mr Buckhoff,
My name is J and I am a therapist who graduated from a foreign country. I passed toefl ibt year 2005 after my nth take. Some three years ago, I tested my English proficiency through retaking the exam and scored very low. It was a frustrating experience. One of the many reasons why I decided to enroll in your course is because I wanted to improve my grammar, sentence construction, articulation, pronunciation, and everything else. At work, whenever I talk and wanted to explain therapy goals to my clients, I couldn’t explain whatever I had in my mind since it takes time for me to think the exact words to say, thus, I feel I’m not so very effective therapist to clients and that doesn’t help my confidence. Besides that, I wanted to move to another state for a better opportunity and one requirement is to pass the toefl ibt. I need 24 for writing, 26 for speaking, 18 for listening, and 21 for reading. Please help. Thanks.
Welcome to my Online TOEFL Course. Here are my video comments to you: http://youtu.be/z0DDK1SVHDY
Follow the link to the 30-Day TOEFL Study Guide I recommend for you: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/30-Day-7-Step-Study-Guide.pdf
I want to know my best package and strategy of learning because I took the PBT and get 583 points and I want to get 100 on the the Toefl IBT I will take on July 11.
Here are my comments to you: http://youtu.be/DL5CUmfQkk8
Follow the link to the 30-Day TOEFL Speaking Guide I recommend for you: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/30-Day-Lesson-Plan-for-TOEFL-Speaking.pdf
Dear Michael,
I subscribed to your on-line course today and it really seems very interesting and, above all, useful to reach the goal I intend to. I have to enroll in a PhD program and I am required to reach at least a score of 100, which has to be perfectly “balanced” (25 for each section). I took the TOEFL test one time and I scored 25 Reading, 27 Listening, 22 Speaking and 28 Writing. So, as you can see I would like mainly to improve my speaking abilities and, while doing this, I wish to take this occasion to strenghten other aspects of my English for both Academic (I’m writing some peer-reviewed papers from time to time) and everyday use. So, for all these reasons I am really looking forward to begin and to get your useful feedbacks.
All the best wishes for now.
Here are my comments to you: http://youtu.be/XQKei8EaA74
Follow the link to the 90-Day TOEFL Study Guide I recommend for you: http://toeflonlinecourse.michaelbuckhoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/90-Day-7-Step-Study-Guide.pdf
Dear Micheal,
I’ve just subscribed your website and registered in voxopop. It seams I could handle the voxopop system easily for my speaking practice. Therefore, I need to work with my vocabulary and listening skills more, because I got the poorest scores on these.
I read that I will do some vocabulary practice, grammar practice and writing practice on the day #2. However, I don’t understand that where I will get these practice materials.
Can you please give me some detailed instructions?
Anyhow, I’m very happy for joining voxopop, as I could speak as many as I want. That is great.
Thank again and best regards,
Here are my video comments to you: http://youtu.be/jCFi7ovRXds
Follow the link to the 90-Day TOEFL Study Guide I recommend for you: http://toeflonlinecourse.michaelbuckhoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/90-Day-7-Step-Study-Guide.pdf
My name is wei, and I am new here. Unfortunately, I saw your online class after I ordered my toefl test on Mar 29th 2014. I have 17 days left. I took my last test 2 weeks ago, and my score: R:15 L:16 S:15 W:15 total: 61 . My school require me to get 71 points at least.Can you give me some recommendations, and how many hours you suggest that I put on the 7 step lesson each day? I have only 1 class on Monday. I will work as hard as I can.Thanks.
Here are my comments:
I just enrolled into your program, I need to get 80 in my toefl.
I did the test in september and I scored R 15 L 16 S 20 W 17.
I supposed that you will recommend me the 60 days program so I went ahead a little bit.
I want to apply for a master degree and I have until the first days of april that’s when the death line is.
Please help me!
Here are my comments:
Follow the link to the 60-Day TOEFL Study Guide I recommend for you: http://toeflonlinecourse.michaelbuckhoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/60-Day-7-Step-Study-Guide.pdf
Hi, this is Takuya.
Recently, I took TOEFL Test for the first time, then marked 68 Point which was R15 L15 S19 W19. However, I should meet university requirements which is R17 L16 S16 W17. The next time I gonna take toefl will be on march 15th. By that time, I want to push up my score over 80, meeting university requirements. Please help me.
And remember, as you study my lessons, do not be afraid to e-mail me when you have questions.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
You are welcome. I am delighted to have helped you.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
Hi Michael i am really enthusiastic about your course my goal it’s to get more than 80 points i will get it.
Hello Mr.Michael,
Thank you very much for your course! It helped me a lot to improve my English skills. While I am studying at an English school in campus, I noticed that I already knew most of the classes because of your course.
You are welcome. Thank you for being one of my Online TOEFL Course students.
Happy Holidays!
Thank you for your respond and clarify.
Here are my comments:
Hello Mr.Michael,
Thank you a lot for your courses, there are a lot of benefits i got from them. I have few questions regarding essay writing for TOEFL and IELTS since they are have similar Task 2 questions. Please whenever you get free time, I would love to hear your opinion.
1- an English instructor says that restating the question or copying words from the question would make the essay weaker therefore it would reduce the marks. For example, if the 2nd sentence in the introduction paragraph of a roommate characteristics question goes like this: But what are the characteristics we should consider when we choose a roommate?
2- Also he said that don’t obviously state your opinion the thesis statement–the reader should know your opinion indirectly. For example: I agree that …. (he said it will make my essay weaker).
3- He also said that don’t restate your thesis statement in the conclusion. Since it is a short essay (circa 250 words) the reader is not going to forget your thesis statement as it used mostly in the elementary school. Instead, you should write your insights.
I’m a bit confused about these points, perhaps you may clarify. Thank you!
Here are my comments to you:
Dear Michael,
I took the TOEFL the last September 13, and I got 84 on my total score. One of my teachers said it is a good grade, but it is not enough for the University that I am applying for my master degree. The University demands at least a TOEFL score of 90. Furthermore, they demand a minimum writing score of 21. My grades were:
Reading: 21
Listening: 22
Speaking: 22
Writing: 19.
So I really need to enhance my skills a little bit more to reach my goal.
I have subscribed for your TOEFL Course, and I hope you could help me with my writing. I am taking my second TOEFL next October 25. I have been studying by myself, but as you said in one of your videos always is important to get a feed back from an specialist of what we are doing as a students.
I really hope to hear soon about you.
Hi Michael,
I just now subscribed to your online course. I did not attempt any TOEFL iBT test before, this is the first time i am taking this test. My test date is 24-nov-2013, i believe that you will help me out in getting good TOEFL score in my first attempt itself. I first thought of studying by myself but its not as easy as it appears to be, so when i came across your website i immediately subscribed for this online course.
My target scores in each sections are mentioned below:
Reading: 29
writing: >25
I hope you would give me proper guidance to reach my target scores.
thank you.
Here are my comments to you:
Hi Michael,
Thank you so much for your help and time. To be honest, you deserve much more than 38$/mo for your excellent courses and time, i will definitely recommend your courses for my international friends who want to pass TOEFL iBT.
Here are my answers to your questions:
Hello Mr.Michael,
I have learned a lot today, I’m currently in Day 2 and i got some questions regarding the writing section. I would like to know what is the best way to think of a strong thesis statement within a short time to begin my essay with. and why is giving more examples is better than giving more main ideas?
Thanks a lot.
– Alkherb
Here are my comments:
Follow the link to the 90-Day TOEFL Study Guide I recommend for you: http://toeflonlinecourse.michaelbuckhoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/90-Day-7-Step-Study-Guide.pdf
Hello Michael,
I’m a new student, i’ve just joined your online courses. Although i’m still taking in-campus ESL courses at United States, I needed an online teacher to help me more in order to reach my goal much faster. I didn’t take TOEFL test before, however, i’ve took IELTS test 2 months ago and my score was 5.5 which is probably equal to 65 in TOEFL scale. My goal is 80 to continue my graduate studies at United States, i hope that i can get this score within 2-3 months using your online courses. Thank you so much.
i sent you your password and username about an hour ago. Let me know if you have any problems logging in.
Dear Michael ,
I just subscribed to your online course , I am determined to get the score , I want (107) .
I thought the same as other guys have mentioned above that, I could study by myself, But it seemed it was not that easy .
By the way, My exam date is on 2 November , 2013 .
Getting excited to start .
Thanks .
Here are my comments to you:
Follow the link to the 30-Day TOEFL Speaking and Pronunciation Study Guide I recommend for you: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/30-Day-Lesson-Plan-for-TOEFL-Speaking.pdf
Hi Michael,
Finally I subscribed your course. I really hope you can help me. I want to get my teacher certification to teach Spanish. I need 26 points in the speaking task and I keep getting 22 ;(
These are my scores:
12/18/2010: R:24 L:25 S:22 W:15 : 86
03/19/2011: R:24 L:28 S:22 W: 17 : 91
12?14/2012: R:26 L:28 S:22 W:22 : 98
Thank you,
Hi Michael,
I just subscribed your website because I really really need your help to achieve more than 80 in the Toefl test. I got 55 in my first test because it was my first time taking the test, I have scored in R,7 L,7 W,13 and S,13, that’s why I came here! And while practicing for the Toefl I work hard but I get no more than 50% correct on my practice test. Please help me to run over this obstacle !!
Here are my comments:
Follow the link to your 30-Day TOEFL Study Guide I recommend for you: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/30-Day-7-Step-Study-Guide.pdf
Hello Michael, I have just subscribed to your course and I will take the test in 20 days (June 22th). I have never taken this exam before so I have no idea what my current scores are. What I do know is that I need to score 94 overall to be admitted to a Helicopter Flight Training in the USA. I am waiting my account activation to perform the pre-test, so you can evaluate my pronunciation and give me some directions on what I should focus most. Thank you.
I have my TOEFL exam in May11 I need help with the TOEFL writing especially the integrated task and also with the speaking
Would really like some practice on integrated writing task and for you to evaluate my speaking and writing.
Yes, I recommend my 30-Day TOEFL Speaking Guide. Here are my comments:
This is the link to the study guide: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/30-Day-Lesson-Plan-for-TOEFL-Speaking.pdf
Hi Michael,
I’ve just joined your course. I need 26 in speaking. I took TOEFL on April 6th and got 103: R-30, L-27, S-22, W-24. I don’t have any problems with reading or listening, but obviously need some help with speaking. I scored 3.5-4 for 2 first speaking questions, but for other 4 – only 2.5-3.0 I think I have the biggest problem with questions 4 and 6. I’ve problem with summarizing everything in 60 seconds …
I’m taking the next test on May 11. Do you think I should do 30-days speaking course?
Thank you,
Here are my comments to you:
Hi Michael,
I have subscribed for your TOEFL Course, I have taken toefl before and I have got a score of 90. I would like to get a better score as I need to have an overall score of 90+ and also above 20 in each section. I have 18 in listening and I have booked my exam date on may 11th. I have around 45 days to prepare and I hope I will succeed in getting a qualifying score required for my M.S.
Hi Micheal,
I’ve just subscribed to your online course and i think i need to take your advice how to get prepared immediately for my TOEFL test in April, the 27th. At first, i thought it might be easy to start studying on my own, but then, realized that i have difficulties in organization and scheduling.
looking forward to log in your lessons.
Many thanks,
Hi Michael,
I am registered for the April 6th Toefl session test. It is the first time I sit this test and I am completely lost in the organization to prepare it. By chance I found you so I registered and now I am waiting to log in to your first lesson .
I need to pass the Toefl to register to the FPGEC (foreign pharmacy graduate examination committee). My score should be
reading 21/30 listening 18/30, writing 24/30 and speaking 26/30.
Do you think it is possible to be ready in one month and half?
Thank you for your help.
Here are my comments to you:
Here is the link to the 30-Day TOEFL Speaking Plan I told you about in the video: http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/30-Day-Lesson-Plan-for-TOEFL-Speaking.pdf
Hello Michael, I took my TOEFL in January 12, and I got 94 total. I need to improve my speaking from 23 to 26. What lessons would you recommend me to concentrate on. In addition, my reading was 20, but I needed 21. By the way, my next TOEFL is in February 2nd.
Thank you
Here are my comments to you:
Hi Michael,
I must say that you are good on what you are doing. A month ago I decided to browse for toefil materials and that is how I landed to you.I appreciate your teaching style. Anyway, I just registered for the course and hopefully it will be a help during my preparation.I will soon be taking TOEFIL for the undergrad program and an overall score of 85 will determine my admission.
Iam looking foward to learn alot that will help me to get the desired scores.
Thank you.
Thank you
Hi Michael,
I just subscribed to your online course, am waiting for my account to be activated.
I took toefl last year and my score was 70, i need 83 to get admission. Am planning to retake the exam by March, i believe if i put more effort my score will be better.
Am waiting for my account to be activated.
Hello Michael,
I’m Darwin and I going to be your new online student, I already did my subscription. I just are waiting that my account is going to be activated.
I really need your help, I’m suffering to much with this topic of toefl, and I feeling frustrated about it. Now, I’m grad student at Purdue University, but I got a conditional admit ion, because I got just 1 point below to the minimal requirement of the school. it is unbelievable!!. The graduated school is give time to try to improve my toefl score, that mean, that I should have a satisfactory score before to end of the spring semester (beginning of MAY). If I do not get a satisfactory score I could not continuous as student at the school.
The minimal requirement of the school are R: 19; L: 13; S: 18; W: 18, Total Score: 77. I took the toefl 3 times in the last 2 year. The following are my score results:
JUN 10, 2011 R: 21; L: 19; S: 19; W: 17, Total Score: 76.
AUG 04, 2012 R: 18; L: 15; S: 22; W: 20, Total Score: 75.
NOV 16, 2012 R: 19; L: 16; S: 19; W: 21, Total Score: 75.
I’m going to take the toefl the next FEB 2, 2013. could you please give me specific suggestion for improve my toefl score? I have just one month for improve my score!!
Thanks for your help,
Online TOEFL Course
Make sure you really concentrate on the speaking and writing sections of my 7-Step Online TOEFL Course. Post 1 independent/integrated speaking practice test each day that you use my course, and you also should post 2-4 independent and integrated writing practice tests each week.
This type of practice will help you continue to solve the speaking and writing language issues that you are having, which will help you to improve.
Happy New Year!
Online TOEFL Course
Being a pharmacist you may know the requirements.Please help me with the prep.
Dear Buckhoff
I am writing this message from turkey I have just subscribed to TOEFL training program. I must hit the book, for that reason I need your help to increase my TOEFL score , for example 100
Best regards
Thank you for joining my Online TOEFL Course. Here is my advice based on your score.
Immediately take the pronunciation pre-test so that my TOEFL iBT speaking specialist can diagnose your pronunciation issues. Then you can review the recommended pronunciation lessons and complete the second pre-test after which you will repeat the same process.
You also need to begin completing independent and integrated speaking practice tests. On a daily basis, complete 3 independent speaking tasks at my Better TOEFL Scores Voxopop Discussion Group: http://www.voxopop.com/group/807a60e6-01ab-498f-88a9-ee3f09915037
These will not be graded by anyone, but it is good to get in the habit of practicing your TOEFL speaking on a day to day basis. I have 300 topics at this web page for you to practice: http://stealth.bettertoeflscores.com/mod/page/view.php?id=470 You will need to join this group before you can make posts.
Equally important is that you get immediate feedback from a TOEFL iBT specialist when you complete some of your independent and integrated speaking practice tests. Keep in mind that you can only post ONE independent or integrated speaking practice test per day at my 7-Step System Voxopop Talk Group, so you will want to begin posting practice tests immediately. Go here to join this Voxopop Discussion Group: http://www.voxopop.com/group/9ab94679-8dc8-4498-81b0-1cf35000d9be
You are in good hands with the writing section of my Online TOEFL Course as well. I have 40 independent and 10 integrated writing practice tests, but, like the speaking practice tests, you can only complete ONE writing practice test per day while you are one of Online TOEFL students. The more writing practice tests you complete, the more feedback you will get. Of course, more feedback helps you to make adjustments in your organization, development, word choice, and grammar usage.
Remember that, in order to help you, we will have to break you down a bit, meaning we will tell you everything you are doing wrong when it comes to your pronunciation, speaking, and writing. However, we do this to help you improve so please do not take our comments as a personal criticism.
Welcome to my Online TOEFL Course! You are fighting perhaps one of the biggest battles of your life right now as you work hard to conquer the speaking and writing portions of the exam.
Stay the course and keep the fight!
Dear Prof. Buckhoff, i am Eyas . i am an foreign pharmacy students . i am sure you know that i need a 26 for speaking and 24 for writing . already did the TOEFL twice with the last result i got today : reading 26 , listening 26 , speaking 22 , writing 21
i think i need this course to make it ! hope this will work ,am planning to register for the next month exam .
Thank you very much
Here are my comments to you:
Hello professor,
I have just subscribed to your TOEFL program. I hope my TOEFL score will change after taking your online course :).
Best regards,
Nghia Huynh
I just signed you up to my Online TOEFL Course. Check your e-mail for your username and password.
Hi Mr.Buckhoff,
I have just subscribed to your Toefl program. I hope that your step-by-step Toefl program can help me improve my TOEFL score, i am studying hard to get the score >100.
BR// Andy
I just subscribed you to my Online TOEFL Course. Check your e-mail, especially your spam folder, to get your username and password to start the lessons in my Online TOEFL Course.
Hi, I have just registered to the 7 step program, and I hope that I will get the TOEFL score.
I appreciate this program.
Hello Michael!
I can’t wait to take your lessons!, please send me the info to begin to practice
Thank you!,!
Hello Michael,
I have taken toefl test one month before and I got 70. I expected to get above 90; however, I failed to take the exam very well du to stress. Now, I lost my admission for winter, but the only chnace that I have to keep this admission, for fall, is submiting a high toefl score as soon as possible.
I just sent you your log in information to your e-mail. Check your spam folder if you did not get it.
Thank you for joining my Online TOEFL Course!
Hi Michael,
I´ve just enrolled to your programm, I hope you will send me the required information as soon as possible so as to start to practice. I´ll be looking forward to your response.
Hi Michael ,
I just paid fees for 1 month . I want to know every month 35usd will be charged ? I can cancel the fees anytime . I’m thinking to take class for 1 month , if it’s good then proceed further.
I did not receive my pay pal username and password.
Hi Mic,
I just finished my exam and I need to evaluate it
Hi Michael,
I just became one of your students today 05/14/12, waiting for the account to be activated so I can start
thank you very much
Hi Michael,
Congrats on your amazing job helping students from all over the world.
Just became one of them.
Emerson Souto
Hi Michael,
From searching your website and your channel on Youtube, clicking on numerous pages to watch comments and videos, I decide to choose you as my TOEFL teacher. You are a great teacher and really dedicated to help students. I have been studying Undergraduate Cooperation Program in Vietnam (2+2) which helps students to be able to transfer to the next 2 years in the US. I hope you can help me to achieve my goal with TOEFL score 110. My TOEFL score now is 87 (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing/24,23,20,20 respectively), taken on November 2010. I have only three months to go and review all materials and skills, planning to spend above 5 hours a day cramming for TOEFL. I am really committed myself to overcome my comfort zone now. Thank you very much for your service.
Kenny Vo.
Hi Micheal,
I just enrolled in your program and I was given username and password but I’m not able to log in your website.I’ll wait for 24 hrs and then I’ll mail you.
Eagerly waiting for your service.I want to really improve my score.My last test score was as follows:Reading-21,Listening-15,speaking-22,writing-14.I want to improve my listening and writing score.
Hi Michael,
I made the payment now I’d like to know what step I have to take to start my classes.
Best Regards,
Dear Michael,
looking forward using your services for my TOEFL preparation and just made the payment a minute ago. I am also waiting for my course activation.
Could you please send me an email to activate the account!
Best from,
Hi Michael,
I decided to use your services for my TOEFL preparation and made a payment just a minute ago. Waiting for my course activation.
Could you please send me an email when my account is activated.
Best Regards,
Hi Michael
I just subscribed to your site and I am waiting for the user and password.
Best Regards
Hi Michael,
I just summit my subscription on Friday01/03/2012 please inform me via email address that I provided.
Best Regard
Hey Michael
I am Natalia, the Colombian girl, I write to you last year. I just subscribed your program.!!!
Thanks a lot.
I am interested in getting lessons from you. How many months I will take to get my score in 85+.
hi Michael, i am waiting for my password to start the TOEFL course. I just opened a paypal account. Thanks!
Hi,I am just check in.I took toefl ibt twice and my third will be next Feb 3,2012.I am hoping your site will help me.
Hi,I am just check in.I took toefl ibt twice and my third will be next Feb 3,2012.I am hoping your site will help me.
Hi Michel..
I got subscribed at your program, and i have a toefl test at Dec. 9th. I really so enthusiastic to get a benefits as much as possible from you as well as I believe that you gonna helpful. So please send the log in information as soon as you can . Thank you and looking forward to get the log in information.
Best regards,
HI Prof. Buckhoff,
I am impatient to start.
Thank you for helping us
Hi Michael,
Shortly after I listened your response on Youtube, I enroll your program. Your reply implicitly shouts to my heart..Just do it!
Please help me.
I have just subscripted for your training and I am impatiently waiting for your confirmation e-mail.
Hi Michael,
I’ve just subscribed to your program, could you please send me the log in info.?
Mr. Michael, i have just payed for the training program. On the 18th of December i will have an exam and i need your help. Please send me my entrance password. Thank you in advance.
Dear Mr.Micheal Buckhoff,
I subscribed to your training program.
I had the toefl once and I got 85 (Reading:24, listening:17, speaking:22, writing:22)
What should i do next? Can you give me my access to the program?
I subscribed to the “7 Step System” and I am waiting for your e-mail to start.
Best regards
Pedro Garcia
Dear Michal
I made a payment and my profile ID is “I-7M8DF04AN2AM” so please send my password and username.
Hi, Michael.
Hope all is well with you. Well, like everyone else here, I too need your help to get high scores in toefl ibt, especially in the speaking and writing sections. i am very much willing to learn more from you. i am scheduled to take my toefl again sometime in december 2011. i hope to hear from you very soon.
thank you in advance.
Welcome to my 7 Step System. I will send you your password and username information very soon so you can get started.
Welcome to my 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT! I am creating your username and password right now.
hi michael i join your subscribe today and i need reading 21,listning 18,speaking 26 and writing 24 .its so difficult for me so please help for that i took test so many times but i alwayhs get good in listning and 18-20 in reading.while 22 in speaking and only 20 in writing so i join yr subscribe with great hope and please help me out
Dear Mr.Micheal Buckhoff,
I subscribed to your training program.
I had the toefl once and I got 70 (Reading:16, listening:14, speaking:22, writing:18)
I didn’t prepare for the test, so I believe I can get better score.
I have one exam after a month and I’m preparing by some books, just to see my actual level.
Finally, I found this site and I want someone to guide me to pass it and get over 90(not necessarily the test after a month), I still have 8-9 months before I apply to join the universities in US.
Thank you
Hi Mr.Buckhoff
I subscribed for to your TOEFL training ( my girlfriend paid it with her credit card – Deborah R. Selby) and I will be the user .. my name is Francisco Daniel Flores Murga and my Email is danielfloresmurga@gmail.com
I need your help in writting , speaking . I feel those ones are my weakest points . I need to get a score not below than 79 to get into the college . I really need your help .
Thank you very much
Daniel Flores
Hi Michael,
I have an acceptance to BYU that will be automatically canceled if I cannot meet the university requirement on the TOEFL test until Septembet 12, 2011. I took my TOEFL test on July 23rd and got 92. My scores in all sections except speaking one, which is 20 instead of 22, are higher than the university requirements for them. My scores on reading, listening, speaking, and writting are 25, 25, 20, 22, respectively. My speaking score is 2 scores below the university requirement on this section. My last chance to be admitted to BYU is taking the test on August 27th with high score.
My scores on reading, listening, speaking, and writting are 25, 25, 20, 22, respectively. I greatly appreciate your help on speaking section.
Hi Michael,
I am one of your student in YSD. I did my TOEFL-IBT on May.14th,2011.
But I got a pretty low scores—38.
My goal is to get a score of 80 in Aug.27th,2011 TOEFL-IBT test.
Although I know it is pretty difficult to improve in this short days,I will try my best to follow your guiding step by step.
Thank you!
Dear Buckhoff,
I subscribed for to your TOEFL training, and I have TOEFL test after 10 days, I have took TOEFL test 2 times, firs time I scored 53, reading7 listing 13 speaking22 writing 11 total 53. second time I scored 52,Reading12, listing11, speaking15, writing14.
as you see I was not as good as before in speaking and listing, but I improved my writing and reading, I need your help PLEASE!
I did a TOFEL test but my score is 69 and i need 80 my reading was 10 listeninig 22 speaking 23 writing 14 So I need youe advice as soon as because I need to be ready before september or i ll need to wait for the next january .
Dear Prof. Buckhoff,
I subscribed to your TOEFL training program on behalf of my niece, Madhavi Ravella, who is in India. Madhavi took TOEFL in April 2011 and her score was 55.
Reading – 12
Listening – 7
Speaking – 18
Writing – 18
She got admission to Ph.D. program in computer science. She needs a score of 80 to get
her I-20 or at least 65 to get conditional I-20 (she would have to take an English course in her first semester).
Please help her.
Her email addresss: madhavi.ravella@yahoo.com
Madhavi will contact you. She will be in your training program for 2 or 3 months.
Please do not publish this email in your web site forum.
Ramesh Ravella