With an ineffectiveness in an instruction in vowel and constant sounds, intonation, and organizing a coherent response, Suma signed up in Michael Buckhoff’s Online TOEFL Course: “The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.” Her prior scores were: R-21, L-24, S-19, and W-22; this was Suma’s third time taking the exam. Not pleased with her speaking score, Suma searched for a solution to her speaking complications, which was why Suma signed up for Michael’s system after discovering his 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT on YouTube. With only 2 months left before her next exam evaluation, Suma ambitiously began to study Michael’s pronunciation and speaking sections to boost her speaking proficiencies before her next exam.
Michael’s pronunciation section has 50 hours of instructional hours by video, pdf files, and or web pages. Additionally with feedback provided by an ESL language specialist and numerous exercises, students like Suma can learn to build competent pronunciation skills. With 2 diagnostic pre-tests and 1 post-test plus access to 1000′s of pronunciation drills and practice tests, students like Suma can have an extensive practice with many vowel and consonants sounds and instruction in the stress, intonation, and pausing of various words and phrases. Because of this, many former students have built competent pronunciation skills needed for the TOEFL Exam.
Michael’s speaking section has 60 hours of instructional hours by video, pdf files, and or web pages. Additionally with feedback provided by iBT speaking specialist and 300 independent and 20 integrated practice tests plus 100′s of skill-building exercises, students like Suma can learn to build competent speaking skills needed to address the independent and integrated tasks of the actual TOEFL iBT. For instance, students can learn competent speaking skills such as: decoding the speaking task, organizing a coherent response including a topic statement, delivering rich details in the body of the speech, and ending with a conclusion. Because of this, many former students have built the speaking skills needed to score high on the TOEFL iBT speaking section and speak English without much of a struggle.
Ultimately because of Michael’s pronunciation and speaking sections, Suma scored 26 on the exams speaking section with R-24, L-25, and W-23. By boosting her speaking proficiencies before her next exam, Suma acquired her speaking goal and even marked high during the reading, listening, and writing sections. Like Suma, consider joining Michael’s course and reach your targeted TOEFL success.