1) Get a tailored TOEFL Study Guide to help you finish the TOEFL so you can move on with your life. 2) For free, talk to Michael Buckhoff, who has more than 35 years of teaching experience. 3) Connect with Michael at Zoom during his regularly scheduled office hours: Mon-TH 11:30 to 12:50 p.m in California (GMT-7)

Step 1 – Super-Size Your TOEFL Vocabulary

Lesson 2

Step 1 –Super-Size your Vocabulary

The first step to successfully pass the TOEFL7 iBT Exam is building vocabulary proficiency. Let’s face it.  How can you understand college level vocabulary without having basic vocabulary?  Moreover, how can you perform optimally when reading and listening to TOEFL7 iBT passages without a good vocabulary foundation?  Finally, how can you support your generalizations on the speaking and writing sections with details without having practiced vocabulary beforehand?  For example, if you are asked to summarize a lecture about mountain ranges in the United States, will you have sufficient vocabulary to accurately and intelligently complete the speaking or writing task?

“How much instruction do I get in this lesson?”

In TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 2, you will get 1 hour and 22 minutes of  TOEFL iBT  video instruction.   The information in this lesson greatly expands on the eight vocabulary strategies you learned in TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 1.

I demonstrate how to answer unfamiliar vocabulary in eight TOEFL reading passages. Step by step I show you how to apply the eight strategies you learned in lesson 1 t to these academic reading passages.

“Is there any bonus (free) material I get with this lesson?”

Yes!!!! You also get some bonus material at the end of the video, including how to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words through affixes (word parts).  You will get an extensive list of  prefixes, roots, and suffixes with meanings and example words to help you understand  these word parts.

“How much will TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 2 cost?”

The product is valued at just under US $99 because I get paid an hourly rate of US $75 dollars an hour to teach  TOEFL and composition classes at a university in California.  You get almost 1.5 hours of instruction in this power-packed lesson.  However, I want you to benefit by learning this information, so I am lowering the costs to a level that most TOEFLers can afford. Heck, you cannot afford to not learn this information because it will help you improve your TOEFL iBT vocabulary skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections.  Of course, that means you will improve your TOEFL iBT score quickly.

“Really!  How much will this lesson cost?”

OK…OK…I will stop beating around the bush. Like I said before, the cost for this product will be reduced to a price just right for you: $US 4.99.

Hurry, though.  I can not keep this product at this low price for very long. Better TOEFL Scores will increase the cost of this lesson soon, so get your lesson now.

“What do I do after I purchase TOEFL iBT Vocabulary Lesson 2?”

**Once you purchase this lesson, Pay Pal will redirect you to a web page at which you will get your lesson information. The entire buying process is automated. How easy is that?**

9 thoughts on “Step 1 – Super-Size Your TOEFL Vocabulary”

  1. Pingback: Purchase Individual TOEFL iBT Lessons for $4.99 - Better TOEFL Scores Blog

  2. Mandi,

    I just E-mailed you the URL and password information for TOEFL Vocabulary Lesson 2.

    The URL and the password have been updated and should now work for you.

    E-mail me if you have more questions.

    Michael (michael@csusb.edu)

  3. HI Michael
    I’m still couldn’t make it, the password is not working anymore. do you have any idea ?

  4. Hi Michael,
    I have the password of this link because I bought it, but I can’t go through with it.
    Is it any possibility for password expiration?

  5. Gean:

    No problem, I will give you all of those lessons for a big discount.

    In other words, w/o the discount, you would pay $191.23 for these lessons. However, Better TOEFL Scores is in a good mood right now, so you can get all the lessons for $29.99.

    Go to http://www.bettertoeflscores.com/toefl-ibt-reading-speaking-and-writing-a-case-study-of-a-student-from-better-toefl-scores/3590 and make a donation.

    Then send me an E-mail:

    Hi Michael,

    I just bought all your speaking, writing, vocabulary, reading, and listening lessons at a discount. Please send me the lesson information ASAP.



    P.S. Anyone else who is reading this comment can also take advantage of the same special offer.

  6. Pingback: Better TOEFL® Scores » Blog Archive » S. T. E. A. L. T. H. – 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT

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