1) Get a tailored TOEFL Study Guide to help you finish the TOEFL so you can move on with your life. 2) For free, talk to Michael Buckhoff, who has more than 35 years of teaching experience. 3) Connect with Michael at Zoom during his regularly scheduled office hours: Mon-TH 11:30 to 12:50 p.m in California (GMT-7)

Rodrigo and Sarah use an Online TOEFL Course to reach their goals.

With no luck scoring as intended, Rodrigo and Sarah achieved their goals with Michael’s system. Rodrigo was in a situation where he had no luck scoring a decent speaking score, while Sarah was only three points away from meeting her TOEFL goal. Stuck in the middle, both of these students sought the help of Michael’s Online TOEFL Course: “The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT.” With seven individualized sections or a combination of all, Michael’s own: vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking section’ helps to guide foreign exchange students to optimize their English capabilities and perform optimally during the actual TOEFL iBT; with individualized lessons, practice tests, exercises.

Because of this, students like Rodrigo and Sarah succeeded in meeting their required goals! But most of all, they moved on with English skills that last a lifetime.

Here were Rodrigo’s opening comments to Michael:

“Hi Michael,
I just joined the TOEFL online course few minutes ago. This will be my 2nd attempt to take the TOEFL. I took the first one last April 13th and had no preparation at all and these were the score I received: R: 17 L: 18 S: 21 W: 25 = 81.

They require an 84 score. They also emphasized the speaking score should be 26. The speaking section has given me nothing but unfinished speech and I never had a decent conclusion. I would like to improve in especially the speaking part.
Hopefully I will be able to pull it off on June 30th – my next TOEFL test.


Because of Rodrigo’s situation, he took advantage of Michael’s pronunciation and speaking section to improve his score. With the pronunciation section, Rodrigo had 2 diagnostic pre-tests and 1 post-test plus 1000′s of pronunciation drills and practice tests to learn an extensive practice with vowel and consonants sounds and instruction in stress, intonation, and pausing. With the speaking section, Rodrigo had 300 independent and 20 integrated practice tests plus 100′s of skill-building exercises to have an organized approach to speaking such as learning speaking skills like: decoding the speaking task, organizing a coherent response including a topic statement, delivering rich details in the body of the speech, and ending with a conclusion. In the end because of this, Rodrigo achieved a speaking score of 26 with: R: 18, L: 19, S: 26, and W: 25 = 87.

As for Sarah, these were her original comments to Michael:

“Dear Michael,

There are 3 kinds of the 30-day study guides, which one do you recommend for me? For reference, my last TOEFL score was 92 and I need above 95.
Should I use the guide focused on all skills incl. vocabularies, etc to foster these skills?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,


In Sarah’s situation, she needed to improve her score by a minimal of three points to meet her goal. With credit to Michael’s 30-Day Study Guide focusing on each of his 7 sections, Sarah developed her English competencies such that she really optimized performance before her next exam. Michael’s 30-Day Study Guide contained clickable links directing Sarah to different: vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking parts of the course, all of which are designed to help students like Sarah perform optimally during the reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections of the actual TOEFL iBT. And as mentioned, she did! Sarah scored 98 with: R: 25, L: 23, S: 24, W: 26 = 98.

All in all, it was impressive to see both Rodrigo and Sarah improve so well in their given time. Like them, are you having difficulties meeting your required goal? Then join Michael’s 7 Step System and begin your access in order to meet your goal.


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