More often than not, when a new TOEFLer subscribes to my 7-Step System to Pass The TOEFL Test and when they tell me that they have scored 23-24 pts. on the speaking section of the TOEFL iBT, I can predict that they will have problems with pronunciation, including word stress, intonation, and pausing. And such was the case with Praneetha, who began using my TOEFL lessons last month. And, after taking my Speak Clearly pre-test, I was able to diagnose that she was having problems with a few vowel and consonant sounds, sentence rhythm, intonation, and thought groups and blending. Nonetheless, she was able to overcome these problems with practice and finally re-took the TOEFL iBT and scored 27/30 on the speaking section of the TOEFL iBT.
A TOEFL teacher is only as good as his students, right? Wow, what a great student she was! Praneetha, I am delighted that you were able to reach your TOEFL goals so now you can become a practicing pharmacist in the United States. Good luck with everything!
Interested in becoming one of Michael’s STEALTH students of the One and Only 7-Step System to Pass The TOEFL Test?
Click on the link to become one Michael’s students. The sooner you click, the faster you will achieve 26 and 24 points on the speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT: