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Mariana from Brazil uses an Online TOEFL Course to improve her reading and writing proficiencies.

Mariana, whose former country is Brazil, is planning on taking the TOEFL exam in November. Not having a lot of experience on writing essays and only scoring 21-22 out of 30 on the reading section through the scores indicated in an official TOEFL guide book by ETS writers, Mariana joined Michael’s Online TOEFL Course: “The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” to improve her English mastery.

Having commented that her scores needed to be at least 70 for her to be accepted into a college in the USA, Mariana asked for Michael to help her somehow. Like all students wishing to improve their English, Mariana’s situation was examined and was recommended that she review Michael’s 60-Day Lesson Plan focusing on vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking; with a concentration in reading and writing.

First of all, with Michael’s reading section, Mariana has over twenty lessons and seventy speed reading tests. These lessons and tests really are designed to help you to improve your reading proficiencies and your academic reading speed from 100 to 350 words per minute. And after regularly completing lessons and words per minute assignments, students like Mariana will learn to be more of a proficient reader with abilities to concentrate well and address the reading task.

How you may ask? Because one learns to build effective reading habits such as: discerning main ideas and details, understanding vocabulary from context, understanding the organization of reading passages including transitions, and having the ability to make inferences. With this in mind, students like Mariana have timelessly improved her reading abilities and scores in the past.

Second of all, with Michael’s grammar section, Mariana has lesson plans, exercises, and practice tests where students will have academic writing lesson plans teaching them: basic and advanced sentence structures, verb tenses, word forms, word choice, parallel structures, and so on. These lesson plans, exercises, and practice tests really are designed to help you improve your grammar proficiencies and your academic writing mechanics and punctuation.

How you may ask? Well students can learn the grammatical arrangement of words in sentences with lessons like in Lesson 1, which teaches sentence variety. Or Lesson 2, which teaches about being more concise.  In addition, in Grammar Lessons 1-3, students improve their skills in sentence variety, being more concise, and punctuation. Furthermore, with Lesson 7, students have “Grammar Exercises” which teaches sentence style, word choice, grammatical sentences, ESL challenges, punctuation, and mechanics. With this in mind, students like Mariana have timelessly improved her grammar abilities and scores in the past.

Third of all, with Michael’s grammar section, Mariana has 40 independent and 43 integrated practice tests plus 100′s of skill-building exercises to gain competence in independent and integrated writing skills like: decoding the writing task, organizing a coherent response, writing detailed developmental paragraphs, and ending the essay with a conclusion. These 40 independent and 43 integrated practice tests plus 100′s of skill-building exercises really are designed to help you improve your writing proficiencies and your writing organization.

How you may ask? Well students learn how to develop high level cognitive skills; including memory and the ability to group and retrieve related ideas in order to write organized, coherent responses and detailed developmental paragraphs when addressing writing tasks. But how do you organize coherent responses and write detailed developmental paragraphs? Well in Michael’s writing section, students have lessons like Lesson 5: Writing Effective Body Paragraphs, Lesson 5.1: Writing Effective Topic Sentences, Lesson 5.2: Using Transition Words to Connect Ideas, and Lesson 5.3: Writing Details to Support Generalizations. With this in mind, students like Mariana have timelessly improved her writing abilities and scores in the past.

Upon completion of these reading, writing, and grammar exercises, students like Mariana will not only understand what they are being taught, but in learning this content they will better acquaint themselves with the rigors of academic reading and writing and it’ll better prepare them for the reading and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT. Best of luck to Mariana in her studies and you as well; join Michael’s TOEFL system today and reach the TOEFL score you’ve been looking for.


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