1) Get a tailored TOEFL Study Guide to help you finish the TOEFL so you can move on with your life. 2) For free, talk to Michael Buckhoff, who has more than 35 years of teaching experience. 3) Connect with Michael at Zoom during his regularly scheduled office hours: Mon-TH 11:30 to 12:50 p.m in California (GMT-7)

iBT TOEFL Speaking Questions 1 and 2 Tips

Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT


www.notefull.com – Click to visit our speaking TOEFL class. Record your response and get feedback from me to this week’s TOEFL speaking class question by visiting this webpage www.voxopop.com Study hard, good luck, and subscribe if you find this video helpful because many more will becoming every week. These videos are meant to show you how to score higher: 26 points and more. Joseph.

For more information, go here:

Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT


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25 thoughts on “iBT TOEFL Speaking Questions 1 and 2 Tips”

  1. They guy making the question in the recorded sounds with an evil voice (1:16) XD I hope I don’t have that kind of scary voices in my TOEFL exam ha ha

  2. Thanks for the useful structural tips, the 2 reasons and conclusion part is great. Having said that, you are taking more than 45 seconds to elaborate your responses, so you may use shorter to the point examples in the future.

  3. “In my view” is not a common phrase to express your opinion.. In fact I’ve never heard it before today.

  4. Hey – your tips are indeed very helpful and accurate. Before the test I had some problems with spending time on unnecessary, long notes. Then I worked a little bit on this part with your tips and voila:

    Reading 30, Listening 25, Speaking 27, Writing 28

    A score I wouldn’t even dare to dream about 😉
    Cheers from Poland!

  5. I would like to thank you for your tips! I was able to get a score of 27 in speaking and 28 in writing. More power to you!

  6. thanks a lot man….my score R26, L26, S26, W25…could have done better in R and L…but thanks u r videos helped a lot…

  7. Thank YOU!!!
    Thanks to you, I got 27 at the speaking section, totaling the score I was hoping for, 112!!
    Keep on rocking 🙂

  8. Oh!!! I hate you! you are so
    you are so..
    you are so …. EHHHHHH
    you are so ….
    (45 seconds latter) you are so fluent!

  9. Hi Joseph
    I prepared for the speaking and writing sections of the toefl solely from your videos… to my surprise, I scored a 30 in speaking section and 28 in writing. Overall 108. lost marks in reading because of my over confidence. I just wanted to thank you for uploading such useful videos. Thanks a lot for your service and Happy new year! 🙂

  10. hi Joseph,
    i just wanted to thank you, i’ve just received my toefl score, got 108,R28 L27 S26 W27, and i totally owe you for my speaking and writhing scores, as i used your tips and your templates, and you know what, it worked and you are awesome THANK YOU:)

  11. hi joseph
    your videos are really really really really HELPFUL

    GOD BLESS U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Hi Joseph! I am taking TOEFL test this Saturday! God I’m nervous! Anyways, is speaking Q 1 and 2 the same type?

  13. hey it seems that your tips help a lot but you took 55 seconds to answer the questions…I don’t know if I have time to say all this information and examples…

  14. Thanx a ton JOSEPH!!!!! i got 28/30 in the speaking section following just the way u said it!!! thanx again!!

  15. Hi SIr, Your video is really amazing….I will be answering my TOEFL ,this November 14th ,for the first time and i require a score of at least 100. I am really nervous.I am terrible at speaking, i stammer and cant structure them properly…I really need help..any suggestions??

    Thanks a lot

  16. hey joseph…u really helped me understand and clear all my doubt about speaking in toefl…thanks to u…i scored 26 in speaking…n 106 total…in single attempt…thank u so much..:)

  17. hey joseph…u really helped me understand and clear all my doubt about speaking in toefl…thanks to u…i scored 26 in speaking…n 106 total…in single attempt…thank u so much..:)

  18. hey joseph…u really helped me understand and clear all my doubt about speaking in toefl…thanks to u…i scored 26 in speaking…n 106 total…in single attempt…thank u so much..:)

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