Get TOEFL speaking feedback

Maybe you want to get TOEFL speaking feedback on your independent or integrated speaking practice tests.  Perhaps, you need a speaking score of 26+ because you are seeking to get a professional license in pharmacy or some other healthcare job.  Am I right?

Get TOEFL Speaking Feedback:  Why you need it

Students who score 26 on the speaking section rank in the top 10% of all test-takers. That means 90% of all test-takers in 2017 did not reach this standard. In other words, you have a 90% chance of never reaching this score.  Therefore, statistically speaking, you need to get TOEFL feedback so you can increase your chances of scoring higher than 26 on the speaking section.

Students who want to score 26 on the speaking section need to speak almost near-native English. However, because English is their second language, most TOEFLers cannot diagnose their own problems. For example, here are some possible problems that you may have with your delivery, language use, and topic development.

Delivery Problems

Get TOEFL Speaking Feedback
Get TOEFL Speaking Feedback

Topic Development Problems

In addition to having delivery problems, you could be having language-use problems with vocabulary and grammar:

TOEFL language-use issues
TOEFL language-use issues

Topic Development Issues

Having delivery and language-use problems may not be the only reason you are not reaching 26. You may have some topic development issues:

Get TOEFL speaking feedback
TOEFL topic development issues

Get TOEFL Speaking Feedback: How you get it

Now you know why it may be important for you to get TOEFL speaking feedback.  There are more than thirty-four categories. When you are doing your speaking practice, it will be hard for you to know which of these delivery, language-use, and topic development issues are preventing you from reach your dream subtotal speaking score.  There are two ways that you can get TOEFL speaking feedback: 1) Complete a free TOEFL speaking practice test. 2) Join a TOEFL Speaking Boot Camp Course.

Get TOEFL Speaking Feedback: Take a free TOEFL speaking practice

free TOEFL speaking practice test
free TOEFL speaking practice test

My name is Michael Buckhoff, the founder, owner, and the materials writer for STEALTH, an online TOEFL course I created 8 years ago.  I also have been teaching TOEFL preparation courses since 1994. Offline and online, I have graded more than 15,000 TOEFL speaking practice tests. I have helped more than 1,000 students score higher than 26/30 points on the TOEFL iBT exam. I can also help you become one of the top 10% of all TOEFL test-takers who reach this high standard.  Click on the following link, follow the instructions, and send me an audio file of a speaking practice test. Then I will provide 6-8 minutes of delivery, language-use, and topic development feedback. I will also give you a estimated score from 0-30 points.

Complete a free TOEFL  speaking practice test!

Get TOEFL Speaking Feedback: Join a TOEFL Speaking Boot Camp course

TOEFL speaking practice
TOEFL speaking practice

I have a 30-day course for those students who are stuck at 22+ points on the speaking section. After joining this course, you will be able to send me speaking practice tests daily from my web site. You can also send me speaking practice tests from You Tube or from anywhere in the Internet. After each practice test, I will give you 3-6 minutes of audio feedback. This feedback will help you understand why you scored the way you did. In addition, I will recommend specific lessons to help you improve your weak points. I have more than 700 vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking. If you have a problem with your delivery, language-use, or topic development, I most certainly have a specific lesson to address that problem.  You can study that lesson and then complete another speaking practice test to monitor your progress. You will repeat this process until you are consistently scoring 26+ on your practice tests. As that point, you should register to take the TOEFL iBT.

Take me to your TOEFL Speaking Boot Camp Course!

Join my course, finish the TOEFL, and move on with your life.

Michael Buckhoff,




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