1) Get a tailored TOEFL Study Guide to help you finish the TOEFL so you can move on with your life. 2) For free, talk to Michael Buckhoff, who has more than 35 years of teaching experience. 3) Connect with Michael at Zoom during his regularly scheduled office hours: Mon-TH 11:30 to 12:50 p.m in California (GMT-7)

Deadline to Submit TOEFL iBT Questions is April 10, 2009

Michael Buckhoff says, "Learning to draw conclusions is an important TOEFL iBT listening skill."

Listen to this post:  deadline1

Hello TOEFLers,

Finally, my TOEFL iBT Newsletter is web functional.  My teaching TOEFL iBT Online has begun, and I now have a community of TOEFLers  at my TOEFL iBT Newsletter site.  Welcome everyone!  However,  a teacher is  only as good as his students, right?  So, you have to help me be a better teacher.

At the bottom of this post is a “reply” option.  Click on the link and ask a TOEFL iBT question relating to any one of  TOEFL iBT areas: vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, reading, listening, writing, and speaking.  Frame your question within the context of the TOEFL iBT either as preparation questions such as “How do I best prepare for the reading section of the TOEFL?”  or as test-taking strategy questions as “How do I answer inference questions on TOEFL iBT reading?”

Try to be a specific as possible in your questions,  so I can help you as much as I can.  The following are examples of unhelpful and helpful questions:

Unhelpful:  Can give me some writing details?

Helpful:  How do I create sharply-focused thesis statements for the independent writing task on the TOEFL iBT?

The deadline for you to post your question below  is April 10, 2009.  After that date, I will take at least 10 questions and answer them in a video.  The video will be posted at my TOEFL iBT Newsletter site within two weeks from today.  I look forward to hearing from you!


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32 thoughts on “Deadline to Submit TOEFL iBT Questions is April 10, 2009”

  1. Reem:

    The plan to score high on the TOEFL iBT is to be able to do well in all the areas listed below this message. And, guess what? Over the course of 12 months, my TOEFL iBT Newsletter at http://www.michaelbuckhoff.com/newsletter.html, in more than 1,500 pages of written instruction and hundreds of hours of videos, covers all of these TOEFL iBT skill areas in depth.

    A. Vocabulary

    1. How to Effectively Study TOEFL iBT Vocabulary
    2. How to Effectively Answer Vocabulary Questions on TOEFL iBT Reading
    3. Effective Strategies for Using Advanced Vocabulary on TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking Tasks
    4. Effective Vocabulary Strategies for TOEFL iBT Integrated Speaking Tasks
    5. Effective Vocabulary Strategies for TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Tasks
    6. Effective Vocabulary Strategies for TOEFL iBT Integrated Writing Tasks
    7. Effective Vocabulary Strategies for TOEFL iBT Listening
    8. How to Add Prefixes and Word Roots to your Vocabulary Study Plan
    9. How to Identify Useful Internet Resources for TOEFL iBT Vocabulary Study
    10. How to Spell Vocabulary Words with Unusual Sound and Spelling Patterns
    11. Having Appropriate Word Choice in TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing: Avoiding Common ESL Errors

    B. Pronunciation
    1. Sentence Rhythm
    2. Sentence Rhythm Part Two
    3. Word Stress Part One
    4. Word Stress Part Two
    5. Word Stress Three
    6. Intonation Part One
    7. Intonation Part Two
    8. Intonation Part Three.
    9. Thought Groups Part One
    10. Thought Groups Part Two
    11. Blending
    12. Syllable Division and Grammatical Word Endings

    C. Grammar
    1. Having Appropriate Sentence Variety in TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tasks
    2. Being Concise: Three Tips to Make your TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tasks Stand Out
    3. Using Appropriate Punctuation during TOEFL iBT Writing Tasks
    4. Verb Tense Accuracy and Consistency during TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tasks
    5. Avoiding Sentence Structure Errors during TOEFL iBT Writing Tasks: Comma Splices, Run-Ons, and Fragments
    6. Avoiding Word Form Errors during TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tasks
    7. Using Parallel Structures during TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tasks
    8. Avoiding Word Order Errors during TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tasks
    9. Using Count/Non-Count Nouns Correctly during TOEFL Speaking and Writing Tasks
    10. Pronoun Accuracy and Consistency during TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tasks
    11. Avoiding Redundant Expressions during TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tasks
    12. Using Articles (a, an, the) and prepositions accurately during TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Tasks

    D. Listening
    1. How to Develop and Practice and Effective Note-taking Methods for TOEFL iBT Listening
    2. How to Improve your Understanding of Natural Speech
    3. Understanding TOEFL iBT Listening Question Types
    3. Effective Strategies for Understanding Connections of TOEFL iBT Listening Passages
    4. Strategies for Understanding Topics and Transitions in TOEFL iBT Listening Passages
    5. Strategies for Understanding Details in TOEFL iBT Listening Passages
    6. Strategies for Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions about Attitudes
    7. Strategies for Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions about Purpose
    8. Strategies for Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions about the Meaning of Idiomatic Expressions
    9. Separating Major Details from Minor Details of TOEFL iBT Listening Passages
    10. Understanding Negative and Almost Negative Expressions in TOEFL iBT Listening Passages
    11.Understanding real and unreal conditional expressions, and wish statements in TOEFL iBT Listening Passages
    12. Expressions of agreement and disagreement in TOEFL iBT Listening Passages

    E. Reading
    1. How to Develop and Practice and Effective Note-taking Methods for TOEFL iBT Reading
    2. Understanding TOEFL iBT Reading Question Types
    3. How to Improve Reading Speed, Concentration, and Comprehension of TOEFL iBT Reading Passages
    4. Effective Strategies for Answering Vocabulary Questions on TOEFL iBT Reading
    5. Understanding the Connections of Ideas in TOEFL iBT Reading Passages
    6. How to Infer Rhetorical Purpose on TOEFL iBT Reading Passages
    7. Understanding Transitions and Connectors in TOEFL iBT Reading Passages
    8. Understanding How to Answer Details in TOEFL iBT Reading Passages
    9. Recognizing Paraphrases in TOEFL iBT Reading Passages
    10. Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions of TOEFL iBT Reading Passages
    11. Answering Questions Involving Charts on TOEFL iBT Reading Passages
    12. Answering Questions Involving Schematic Tables on TOEFL iBT Reading Passages

    F. Writing
    1. Effective Pre-writing Strategies for TOEFL iBT Independent Writing
    2. How to Develop a Sharply-Focused Thesis for TOEFL iBT Independent Writing
    3. How to Write an Effective Introduction for TOEFL iBT Independent Writing
    4. Writing the Developmental Paragraphs for TOEFL iBT Independent Writing
    5. Writing the Conclusion for TOEFL iBT Independent Writing
    6. Several Highly Effective Cohesive Techniques for TOEFL iBT Independent Writing
    7. Reading, Note-taking, Pre-writing, and Creating an Effective Topic Statement
    8. Listening, Note-taking, Pre-writing, and Creating an Effective Topic Statement
    9. How to Develop a Sharply-Focused Thesis for TOEFL iBT Integrated Writing
    10. Writing the Developmental Paragraphs for TOEFL iBT Integrated Writing
    11. Writing the Conclusion for TOEFL iBT Integrated Writing
    12. Four Highly Effective Cohesive Techniques for TOEFL iBT Integrated Writing

    G. Speaking
    1. Effective Pre-speaking Strategies for TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking
    2. How to Develop a Sharply-Focused Topic Statement for TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking
    3. How to Deliver an Effective Introduction for TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking
    4. Delivering the body of the speech for TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking
    5. Delivering the Conclusion for TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking
    6. Four Highly Effective Cohesive Techniques for TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking
    7. Reading, Note-taking, Pre-speaking Strategies, and Creating an Effective Topic Statement for TOEFL iBT Integrated Speaking
    8. Listening, Note-taking, Pre-speaking Strategies, and Creating an Effective Topic Statement for TOEFL iBT Integrated Speaking
    9. How to Develop a Sharply-Focused Topic Statement for TOEFL iBT Integrated Speaking
    10.Delivering the Body of the Speech for TOEFL iBT Integrated Speaking
    11. Delivering the Conclusion for TOEFL iBT Integrated Speaking
    12. Several Highly Effective Cohesive Techniques for TOEFL iBT Integrated Writing

    Good luck,


  2. Thi:

    I just went to http://www.michaelbuckhoffnewsletter.com and counted 14 videos! I broke the 2 hour and 21 minute video into six videos so that it will be easier to get access to the information.
    You need to see that speaking video ASAP, so go to the homepage and click on the hyperlinked text below the heading titled “Bonus Content.”

    Let me know if you have any other trouble viewing the videos.


  3. Hello Micheal ,

    Iam very excited to try your toefl progect. can you please suggest a plan for me to get over the seven sections you mentioned ( which totally i agree with you about). By the way tried toefl for 6 times and so far for the required scores , I got most of the time 21 R, 20 L, 20 S, 20 W, while I need to score 24, 21, 26,24 respectivly. Really i need your help. I donot have paypal account , so what is the alternative payment method. please let me know as soon as possiple.


  4. Vivian:

    In some videos I posted at my TOEFL iBT Newsletter at http://www.michaelbuckhoff.com/newsletter.html, I addressed this very question. Moreover, the speaking video I posted at
    http://www.michaelbuckhoff.com/newsletter.html covers this topic in a little of over 30 minutes of instruction. To answer this question briefly, I will say one word: practice!

    You need to practice speaking and regularly recording your voice as you complete independent speaking tasks. Soon enough, you will be able to give an organized speech with adequate supporting details in about 45 seconds. It is possible, and I teach many TOEFLers who score above 26/30 on the speaking section. You too can be one of them.

    Now subscribe to my TOEFL iBT Newsletter so you can learn an effective study plan to help you score high on the speaking: http://www.michaelbuckhoff.com/newsletter.html

    Happy TOEFLing!


  5. Truong Giang NGUYEN

    I met problems with listening, especially note-taking while listening. With your supports, I hope that my skills would develop.

  6. Reem:

    I teach my classes through my TOEFL iBT Newsletter, at which I post between 50-100 pages of new content each month. Try it out for a month ($9.99) and see for yourself. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how many videos and written information my TOEFL iBT Newsletter contains. Go to michaelbuckhoffnewsletter.com to subscribe (the first month is only $.99!)

    Happy TOEFLing!


  7. Ravijit:

    I teach my classes through my TOEFL iBT Newsletter, at which I post between 50-100 pages of new content each month. I am not offering a group test at this point (there is no way I can charge $9.99 a month if I do that!), but you can discuss the TOEFL iBT with other newsletter subscribers. A video I am working on right now for the newsletter (the one that will answer the questions posted by the deadline April 10, 2009) will contain more than two hours of instruction. During the video, you will see a practice test that ETS uses to prepare students for the official TOEFL iBT.

    Happy TOEFLing!


  8. Dear Sir,
    Please let me know how can I start taking your class online? Is there any group test and discussion that we can do in order to evaluate ourselves?

  9. First: I have problem with reading section when i come across with complicated vocabulary.
    2nd: I do have problem with speaking section, sometime my mind is blank when i am answering 4th and 6th topic of the speaking task, sometime in independent task also.
    Finally: How to get good score in Integrated writing task. Should i write all the speaking part of the Integrated writing task?

  10. Katerina:

    Your question is too broad. Additionally, it is a vague question, so there is no way I can answer this question with any degree of success. Try to rephrase your question to something more specific.


  11. Dear Michael:

    Congratulations on a superb website for TOFELers. As I understand practice makes difference, it may take too much time for me to acquire real vocabulary skills for understanding and using English in integrated four skills of listening, speaking, writing, reading. How could I be more productive for vocabulary with motivation?
    I would appreciate it if you would help me.
    Thank you in advance.

  12. Vrushali:

    Wow! You have three very good questions, and I will answer all three at my TOEFL iBT Newsletter site by April 17th, 2009. I will create some outlines and sample speaking responses to help you with speaking tasks 4 and 6. There are a lot of TOEFLers who need 26/30 on the speaking, and they may not be getting that score because of speaking tasks 4 and 6.

    You will hear from me soon!


  13. How should I answer 4th and 6th question of speaking section?
    In the independent speaking questions what should I do if I get blank or couldn’t remember any points.

  14. Shawn:

    Your question will be answered at my TOEFL iBT Newsletter site by April 17th, 2009. There are many other TOEFLers who will also want to hear the answer to your question.

    Warm regards,


  15. Ziad:

    Your question will be answered at my TOEFL iBT Newsletter site by April 17th, 2009. There are many other TOEFLers who will also want to hear the answer to your question.

    Warm regards,


  16. Linhankhoa:

    Your question will be answered at my TOEFL iBT Newsletter site by April 17th, 2009. There are many other TOEFLers who will also want to hear the answer to your question.

    Warm regards,


  17. Dilek:

    Your question will be answered at my TOEFL iBT Newsletter site by April 17th, 2009. There are many other TOEFLers who will also want to hear the answer to your question.

    Warm regards,


  18. Lam:

    Your question will be answered at my TOEFL iBT Newsletter site by April 17th, 2009. There are many other TOEFLers who will also want to hear the answer to your question.

    Warm regards,


  19. Your site is very useful. How can I best prepare the integrated sections in the TOEFL iBT Writing and Speaking?
    Thank you so much!

  20. I have a problem with dependant writing questions. Can you give me some information about how to take notes in this section? I usually can’t catch the main points.

    Thank you very much

  21. hi,
    i attended toeflibt 3 times but i didn’t get enough score.I have to get reading 24,listening 18,speaking 26 and writing 24.i would like to join toefl class.i need your help to get my score

  22. Can you suggest the best preparation to the toefl test book for me, to get a high score such as: BArron, Offical Guide….etc.
    Please answer me If you can help.
    Contact with me through my email: anhkhoa1609@gmail.com
    Thanks for all.

    And Your Site is very helpful and easy to use.That’s impressed me very well.
    Go ahead with your best.
    Student who get toefl test will need for your help.

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