Hello TOEFLer,

I am pleased to let you know that I will allow you to see one of my TOEFL iBT Newsletter videos for free. After watching the video, I am sure that you will see how important my TOEFL iBT instruction is in helping you to score high on the TOEFL iBT.
The question before us now is, “Which video do I show you?” For example, the first issue of my TOEFL iBT Newsletter has 16 videos, and the second issue of my TOEFL iBT Newsletter has a similar number. That means you will get dozens of hours of TOEFL iBT instruction for an incredibly low cost of nine dollars and ninety-nine cents!
To help you in making your decision about whether or not you will purchase my TOEFL iBT Newsletter instruction, I will allow you to see one of my newsletter videos for free.
1. Therefore, go to Better TOEFL Scores and complete a survey.
2. At the end of this week, I will analyze the survey results to see which skill area is most important.
3. Then I will upload a video (one that corresponds to the most popular skill area from the survey) to Better TOEFL Scores and password-protect it.
4. You will then be sent a link and password to get access to the TOEFL iBT Newsletter video.
Happy TOEFLing,
Michael Buckhoff, author and co-founder of Better TOEFL Scores