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Blending, Thought Groups, and TOEFL iBT Pronunciation

Listen to this post: blending


The TOEFL iBT looks at many facets of your English proficiency, including pronunciation. Therefore, you want to be clear and natural-sounding. Additionally, improving your pronunciation skills will make it easier for native-speakers to understand you. For example, my wife and I go to the doctor periodically, and sometimes we will have medical check-ups with barely intelligible physicians. The doctors give us valuable information about preventative care, diagnoses, and treatment plans for optimal health. But we cannot understand what they are saying! Ugggggghhh!!!!


Do not let this happen to you. Many jobs require a minimum score on TOEFL iBT or TOEIC speaking before getting hired: intelligible pronunciation = high TOEFL iBT score = admissions to a top-notch university = getting a lucrative salary at your dream job! Any questions?

There are two difficulties with which you may be having trouble, both of which will prevent you from reaching near-native speaker fluency. (1)You may not be dividing your speech into thought groups. (2)You may not be blending the words within each of your thought groups. Both of these problems could be a direct result of your unfamiliarity with vowel and consonant sounds as well as your not knowing how to identify thought groups or when to blend.

But knowing you have a problem with either thought groups or blending is not enough. You need to solve these problems before you can reach near-native speaker fluency. First, you will need to make sure that you can accurately pronounce all the vowel and consonant sounds so that you do not have to pause unnecessarily. In addition, you need to have a good familiarity with sound and spelling patterns. Third, you need to learn how to group meaningful thoughts. Finally, within those thoughts, you will need to learn which words should be blended together for a natural sounding speech that everyone around you will love.

For information, go here:

Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT Exam!” 

Watch Videos: Are You Afraid of the TOEFL iBT, Learn about S.T.E.A.L.T.H.

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2 thoughts on “Blending, Thought Groups, and TOEFL iBT Pronunciation”

  1. Mohammed Ferdouse Shikder


    I have answered your question in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7lF6H0Npdk




    Dear Sir
    I will apply for ibt again . Could you please send me tips?

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