Beatrice’s story is that after failed expectations, she stumbled upon Michael’s Online TOEFL Course: “The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT” via internet. Beatrice’s university gave her the result that her latest score did not meet the universities requirements and gave her a failing admission. Not happy; Beatrice was a former student in Michael’s course and believed his material was deep enough for her to be able to fight the exam again and meet her goal. Yearning for a TOEFL score above 85, Beatrice requested Michael’s teaching to improve her listening and speaking apprehension. Having approximately 1 month, Beatrice decided to follow through Michael’s course to the fullest extent in regards to her listening and speaking abilities.
After Beatrice joined, it was noted that she had trouble with her listening and speaking abilities. For instance, Beatrice did not present the main ideas and points in listening passages coherently enough when giving oral summaries during listening comprehension questions. In addition, Beatrice lacked sufficiency delivering rich details in the body of the speech when answering questions from independent and integrated speaking tasks. To help her improve, she followed Michael’s listening and speaking sections to help her improve to the fullest extent.
With lesson plans going back-to-back within Michael’s course, Beatrice’s listening and speaking proficiencies were improved effectively enough to allow her to build a more knowledgeable listening and speaking intelligibility and understanding during approximately one month.
With Michael’s listening section, Beatrice had access to: 40+ academic listening practice tests, 16 different listening lessons, 240 total listening questions, and 15 instructional hours of teaching by video, pdf files, and or web pages. As a result, Beatrice learned how to take effective noting skills that would help her to answer listening comprehension questions during 40+ listening practice tests. Secondly with these notes, Beatrice would prove to be effective when writing and giving oral summaries during different sections of the TOEFL. Thirdly with 16 different listening lessons, Beatrice learned to better her ability in catching the main idea and important details of campus-related and academic listening passages; particularly by learning additional tips and tricks such as: inferencing, idioms, negative expressions, getting the main idea, and understanding transitions, which are taught during these lessons.
With Michael’s speaking section, Beatrice had access to: 300 independent and 20 integrated practice tests plus 100′s of skill-building exercises, 15 different speaking lessons, feedback provided by iBT speaking specialists, and 60 instructional hours of teaching by video, pdf files, and or web pages. As a result, Beatrice learned improve her understanding of syllable division, grammatical word endings, word stress, sentence rhythm, intonation, thought groups, and blending. In addition, with multiple independent and integrated speaking practice tests plus 100′s of skill-building exercises, Beatrice was able develop competent speaking skills such as: decoding the speaking task, organizing a coherent response including a topic statement, delivering rich details in the body of the speech, and ending with a conclusion.
In the end, with comprehensive listening and speaking lesson plans like these, STEALTH students like Beatrice continue to improve their English listening and speaking competencies on a regular basis. Beatrice ultimately scored: R-21, L-24, S-24, and W-22; 91 overall! Interested in improving your English proficiency? Join Michael’s TOEFL system and pass the TOEFL iBT with notable changes within your English.