Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT
Exam!” “
Michael Buckhoff discusses how to take the TOEFL iBT with no fear and complete confidence. Michael Buckhoff is an ESL and English Professor at California State University, San Bernardino California and has been teaching TOEFL preparation courses since 1994. More information can be found at Michael’s TOEFL Blog at www.bettertoeflscores.com or his website at http TOEFL iBT Speaking TOEFL iBT Grammar TOEFL iBT Writing
For more information, go here:
thanks for posting this .i am bad at speaking and writing section please help me my native language’s not English i guess should start cramming 1700 vocabulary list my id’s divining_sunshine@hotmail.com send me some basic tips to memorize vocabulary
in where can I speak with americans? I mean, I need practice but with people that know exactly that.
Thanks A Lot
I’ll be Optimistic
you are not alone. for me, a 10th time test taker, speaking section is the hardest. i have no problem with the other 3. but it”s true–keeping positive and preparation do the trick
i will take the toefl test on 30th of agust
iam afraid of speaking suction
i got the exam tomorrow ,i m very nervous…
Thank you ! I’ll be positive ^^ !!
Thanks for trying to help, but…
you just made me more nervour than I already am…
thank you…
im going to take toefl this friday 23!!! so nervious about it!
thanks for the support!
thanks for boosting up the spirits of test takers!!!!!!! god bless you.