Being quite familiar with TOEFL pattern, Adrian last scored 94 with: R-24, L-24, S-21, and W-25. Wanting to strengthen his speaking ability and with his time slot narrowing down, Adrian made the choice to improve his speaking proficiency by enrolling in Michael’s Online TOEFL Course: “The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT;” before his next exam on October 1st, 2013.
These were Adrian’s comments to Michael before enrollment:
“I am not working in Delhi Hospital anymore and wish to focus in TOEFL. I have huge hopes with Mr. Buckhoff, your guidance help me in achieving speaking improvement in 1 month time. The price is 38 USD. Am I correct? How can I make the payment if I don’t have the PayPal account? With Respect, Adrian”
During 1 month with Michael’s pronunciation section, Adrian had 4 weeks to challenge and refine his English pronunciation. So with 50 hours of pronunciation instruction, 2 diagnostic pre-tests and 1 post-test plus access to 1000′s of pronunciation drills and practice tests; Adrian exercised and tested his ability to build an extensive practice with many vowel and consonants sounds and instruction in: syllable division, grammatical word endings, word stress, sentence rhythm, intonation, thought groups, and the blending of various words and phrases. Through this, Adrian was able to target and improve his pronunciation weaknesses and learn effective pronunciation skills needed for the TOEFL exam.
During 1 month with Michael’s speaking section, Adrian improved his prior trouble of having a disorganized approach when addressing independent and integrated main points. With 100′s of skill-building exercises and feedback provided by iBT speaking specialists in the Exclusive Voxopop Discussion Group, Adrian eventually was able to build competent speaking skills such as: decoding the speaking task, organizing a coherent response including a topic statement, delivering rich details in the body of the speech, and ending with a conclusion. With this in mind, Adrian developed organizational skills that transferred to his speaking proficiencies. Overall, this has proven to help students like Adrian in the end with the reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT.
Because of this and after 1 month, Adrian scored 100 on the TOEFL iBT with: R-26, L-24, S-25, and W-25. Like Adrian, do you lack proficiency when speaking in English? Then consider joining Michael’s TOEFL course to get exclusive feedback, lessons, and exercises to better your speaking proficiencies in academic English and familiarize yourself with TOEFL speaking formats!