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Step 3 – Evaluate Your Grammar Competencies

Step 3 – Evaluate Your Grammar Competencies
Step 3 – Evaluate Your Grammar Competencies

Step 3 – Evaluate Your Grammar Competencies

The third step to successfully pass the TOEFL iBT Exam is learning basic and advanced sentence structures, verb tenses, word forms, word choice, parallel structures, and so on. Think about the importance of grammar. A car can not run without its engine, right? Most certainly, a language can not exist without its grammar. Without having a knowledge of grammar, you will be limited in your reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills.

“What do I get in this 20 minute video lesson?”

In addition to having good sentence variety and knowing how to create more advanced sentence structures, which were important teaching points in TOEFL Grammar Lesson 1, you will also need to be  concise.  The purpose of TOEFL Grammar Lesson 2 is to teach you four techniques that, if applied correctly, will help you to use as few words as possible.  Toward this aim,you will get a checklist of wordy phrases you should never use during TOEFL iBT speaking and writing.  Then you will see more concise versions of those lengthy expressions.

“Why is it important to be concise?  Who cares if I am concise or not?”

The TOEFL iBT cares! One of the criteria that TOEFL iBT human raters will use to score your speaking and writing tasks is your word choice.  To score high, you should not use redundant expressions, you should not be repetitious, you should eliminate empty or inflated phrases, and you should reduce clauses, whenever possible, to phrases or single words.  Being able to use language in this manner will show TOEFL iBT human raters that you have near-native speaker fluency when it comes to grammar and word choice.  Ultimately, you will get higher scores on TOEFL iBT speaking and writing by being able to apply the concepts taught in TOEFL Grammar Lesson 2.  Don’t lose out on the opportunity to get this valuable instruction.

“What else do you include in this video? Will I get to practice what

you teach?”

Yes, you will get 20 practice exercises. In each exercise, you will get specific instructions regarding the specific number of words you should eliminate from the sentence.  Using a sheet of paper, you will reduce the sentence according to the instructions.  Then you will see a possible answer in the video so you can compare what you wrote to a model sentence.  If you can complete at least 10 of these exercises correctly, you can be sure that you will be able to apply this grammar to your TOEFL iBT speaking and writing.

“OK. This lesson sounds right for me. But I am still not sure if I want to

buy your lesson?”

1). Having taught more than 200 English grammar and 200 TOEFL classes since 1994 at California State University,  I have a combined total of 3,400 hours of classroom teaching.  And that doesn’t count the 1st and 3rd year composition classes I have taught at the same school since 1997!  When it comes to grammar and particularly how to use it to advance your speaking and writing proficiencies, you will NOT find anyone more qualified than I.  Buy this lesson because I am qualified to teach you the lesson, and I am genuinely interested in helping you score higher on TOEFL iBT speaking and writing.  You will not be dissapointed with my instruction.

2).  Buy this lesson because I will give you a bonus.  That’s right, you can watch a 40 minute video of a TOEFL iBT student who scored 106/120.

“Whoa!!!!!!  You are going to give me a free TOEFL iBT video of an

interview of a TOEFLer who scored 106/120?”

Yep, I am. Think of how much you can learn from someone just like you– someone who studied and worked hard to pass the TOEFL iBT. She will give you some tips that will help you 1) as you prepare for the TOEFL iBT and 2) when you take the TOEFL iBT.  Trust me, you will want to hear her story.  And with my extensive TOEFL iBT teaching experience, I ask her all the questions you have always wanted to know answers to.  Think about it for a minute.  For 40 minutes, Maika, the TOEFLer who scored 106/120, will explain to you what you should be doing now to prepare for the test, and she will explain successful test-taking strategies that you can use when you take the official TOEFL iBT.  This is valuable information that can help you in ways you never thought possible.


Hurry and buy this lesson, for Better TOEFL Scores will NOT be able to offer this free bonus video (valued at over US $50.00) for very long.  This is a LIMITED offer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


**Once you purchase this lesson, Pay Pal will redirect you to a web page in which you will get your lesson information. The entire buying process is automated.**

3 thoughts on “Step 3 – Evaluate Your Grammar Competencies”

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