TOEFL iBT Pronunciation

S.T.E.A.L.T.H., Our 7-Step System TOEFL Course

Join the online TOEFL course everyone is talking about. Get your pronunciation, TPO speaking, and TPO writing practice tests evaluated…

13 years ago

“I am interested in your Speak Clearly TOEFL Subscription Service…”

Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT Exam!” "Give me a power-packed TOEFL lesson!" For more information,…

14 years ago

TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Take my Pronunciation Challenge; Improve your Pronunciation Today

Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT Exam!” "Give me a power-packed TOEFL lesson!" [kaltura-widget wid="pr79h5l7zv" width="410"…

14 years ago

TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: “Can” versus “Can’t”

Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT Exam!” "Give me a power-packed TOEFL lesson!" [flv][/flv] For more…

15 years ago

TOEFL iBT Pronuncation: Do You Have Any Trouble With Word Stress When You Speak English?

Michael Buckhoff’s “7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT Exam!” "Give me a power-packed TOEFL lesson!" [kaltura-widget wid="aqrwwcb068" width="410"…

15 years ago

TOEFL iBT Pronunciation–[e] and [ɛ] vowel sounds: Do You Know the Difference?

Listen to this post: Pronouncing Gate and Get Vowel Sounds To have clear pronunciation, you need to pronounce your vowels…

15 years ago

TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Avoiding Word Stress Shifts with Compound Nouns, Two-Noun Compounds, Reflexive Pronouns, and Ten and Teen Numbers

Listen to this post: toefl-ibt-and-word-stress-part-one In words of two or more syllables, one of the syllables is stronger than the…

15 years ago

TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Avoiding Irregular Word Stress Shifts with Compound Adverbs, Two Word Verbs, Two-Syllable Nouns and Verbs, Verbs with Prefixes, and Abbreviations and Symbols

Listen to this post: word_stress_part_two_and_toefl_ibt_prounuciation To continue to improve your pronunciation of word stress, you will need to become familiar…

15 years ago

TOEFL iBT Pronunciation: Comparing Vowel Sounds “Rook,” “Rule,” and “Rut”–[U], [u], and [ʌ]

Listen to this post: To be intelligible in English, you must be able to pronounce your vowel sounds correctly.…

15 years ago

American Idol Encore 2 and TOEFL iBT Speaking: Improve your Pronunciation and Have Fun Doing It

Today, Angela, my wife of 14 years, set up our American Idol Encore 2 Nintendo Wii game by Karaoke Revolution.…

15 years ago